My Autobiography (70 page)

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Authors: Charles Chaplin

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The very best wishes to all of you.

Respectfully yours, Henry.

All those who worked for me in California were still on salary, but I could not afford to continue paying them now that I was domiciled in Switzerland. So I arranged for their severance pay, giving them each a bonus, which total amounted to eighty thousand dollars. Edna Purviance, besides receiving her bonus, remained in my employment up to the day she died.

During the casting of
Monsieur Verdoux
, I had thought of Edna for the important part of Madame Grosnay. I had not seen her for twenty years, for she never came to the studio because her weekly cheque was mailed to her by the office. She confessed afterwards that when she received a call from the studio she was more shocked than thrilled.

When Edna arrived, Rolly, the cameraman, came into my dressing-room. He, too, had not seen her in twenty years. ‘she’s here,’ he said, his eyes glistening. ‘Of course, she’s not the same – but she looks great!’ He told me that she was waiting on the lawn, outside her dressing-room.

I wanted no emotional reunion scene, so I assumed a matter-of-fact manner as if it had been only a few weeks since I last saw her. ‘Well! Well! We’ve eventually got round to you,’ I said cheerily.

In the sunlight I noticed that her lip trembled as she smiled, then I plunged into the reason why I had called her, and told her enthusiastically about the film. ‘It sounds wonderful,’ she said – Edna was always an enthusiast.

She read for the part and was not bad; but all the while her presence affected me with a depressing nostalgia, for she was associated with my early successes – those days when everything was the future!

Edna threw herself into the role, but it was fruitless – the part required European sophistication, which Edna never had – and after working with her three or four days I was forced to admit that she was unsuitable. Edna herself was more relieved
than disappointed. I did not see or hear from her again until she wrote to me in Switzerland to acknowledge her severance pay:

Dear Charlie,

For the first time I am able to write my thanks for your friendship down the years, and for all you have done for me. In early life we do not seem to have so many troubles and I know you have had your share. I trust your cup of happiness is full with a charming wife and family.…

[Here she described her illness and the terrific expense of doctors and nurses, but she finished as she always did with a joke:]

Just a story I heard. A chap was sealed in a rocket ship and shot upwards to see how high he could go – was told to keep track of the altitude. So he kept counting 25,000 – 30,000 – 100,000 – 500,000… When he got this far he said ‘Jesus Christ I’ to himself, and a very silent soft voice answered back: ‘Yessss –?’

Please, please, Charlie, let me hear something from you in the near future. And please come back, you belong here.

Sincerely your truest and best admirer,

Love, Edna.

Through all the years I had never written a letter to Edna; I always communicated with her through the studio. Her last letter was an acknowledgement of the news that she was still on the payroll:

November 13th, 1956.

Dear Charlie,

Here I am again with a heart full of thanks, and back in hospital (Cedars of Lebanon), taking cobalt X-ray treatment on my neck. There cannot be a hell hereafter! It all comes while one can wriggle even a little finger. However, it is the best known treatment for what ails me. Hope to be going home at the end of the week, then can be an outside patient (how wonderful!). Am thankful my innards are O.K., this is purely and simply local, so they say – all of which reminds me of the fellow standing on the corner of Seventh and Broadway tearing up little bits of paper, throwing them to the four winds. A cop comes along and asks him, what was the big idea. He answers: ‘Just keeping elephants away.’ The cop says: ‘there aren’t any elephants in this district.’ The fellow answers: ‘Well, it works, doesn’t it?’ This is my silly for the day, so forgive me.

Hope you and the family are well and enjoying everything you have worked for.

Love always, Edna.

Shortly after I received this letter she died. And so the world grows young. And youth takes over. And we who have lived a little longer become a little more estranged as we journey on our way.

So now I shall end this Odyssey of mine. I realize that time and circumstances have favoured me. I have been cosseted in the world’s affections, loved and hated. Yes, the world has given me its best and little of its worst. Whatever were my ill vicissitudes, I believe that fortune and ill-fortune drift upon one haphazardly as clouds. Knowing this, I am never too shocked at the bad things that happen and am agreeably surprised at the good. I have no design for living, no philosophy – whether sage or fool, we must all struggle with life. I vacillate with inconsistencies; at times small things will annoy me and catastrophes will leave me indifferent.

Nevertheless, my life is more thrilling today than it ever was. I am in good health and still creative and have plans to produce more pictures – perhaps not with myself, but to write and direct them for members of my family – some of whom have quite an aptitude for the theatre. I am still very ambitious; I could never retire. There are many things I want to do; besides having a few unfinished cinema scripts, I should like to write a play and an opera – if time will allow.

Schopenhauer said happiness is a negative state – but I disagree. For the last twenty years I have known what happiness means. I have the good fortune to be married to a wonderful wife. I wish I could write more about this, but it involves love, and perfect love is the most beautiful of all frustrations because it is more than one can express. As I live with Oona, the depth and beauty of her character are a continual revelation to me. Even as she walks ahead of me along the narrow sidewalks of Vevey with simple dignity, her neat little figure straight, her dark hair smoothed back showing a few silver threads, a sudden wave of love and admiration comes over me for all that she is – and a lump comes into my throat.

With such happiness, I sometimes sit out on our terrace at sunset and look over a vast green lawn to the lake in the distance, and beyond the lake to the reassuring mountains, and in this mood think of nothing but enjoy their magnificent serenity.





Making a Living (1 reel)


Kid Auto Races at Venice (split reel)


Mabel’s Strange Predicament (1 reel)


Between Showers (1 reel)


A Film Johnnie (1 reel)


Tango Tangles (1 reel)


His Favourite Pastime (1 reel)


Cruel, Cruel Love (1 reel)


The Star Boarder (1 reel)


Mabel at the Wheel (2 reels)


Twenty Minutes of Love (1 reel)


Caught in a Cabaret (2 reels)


Caught in the Rain (1 reel)


A Busy Day (split reel)


The Fatal Mallet (1 reel)


Her Friend the Bandit (1 reel)


The Knockout (2 reels)


Mabel’s Busy Day (1 reel)


Mabel’s Married Life (1 reel)


Laughing Gas (1 reel)


The Property Man (2 reels)


The Face on the Bar-room Floor (1 reel)


Recreation (split reel)


The Masquerader (1 reel)


His New Profession (1 reel)


The Rounders (1 reel)


The New Janitor (1 reel)


Those Love Pangs (1 reel)


Dough and Dynamite (2 reels)


Gentlemen of Nerve (1 reel)


His Musical Career (1 reel)


His Trysting Place (2 reels)


Tillie’s Punctured Romance (6 reels)


Getting Acquainted (1 reel)


His Prehistoric Past (2 reels)




His New Job (2 reels)


A Night Out (2 reels)


The Champion (2 reels)


In the Park (1 reel)


The Jitney Elopement (2 reels)


The Tramp (2 reels)


By the Sea (1 reel)


Work (2 reels)


A Woman (2 reels)


The Bank (2 reels)


Shanghaied (2 reels)


A Night in the Show (2 reels)


1916 Carmen (4 reels)


Police (2 reels)


1918 Triple Trouble (2 reels)




The Floorwalker (2 reels)


The Fireman (2 reels)


The Vagabond (2 reels)


One a.m. (2 reels)


The Count (2 reels)


The Pawnshop (2 reels)


Behind the Screen (2 reels)


The Rink (2 reels)


1917 Easy Street (2 reels)


The Cure (2 reels)


The Immigrant (2 reels)


The Advenurer (2 reels)




A Dog’s Life (3 reels)


The Bond (split reel)


Shoulder Arms (3 reels)


Sunnyside (3 reels)


A Day’s Pleasure (2 reels)


The Kid (6 reels)


The Idle Class (2 reels)


Pay Day (2 reels)


The Pilgrim (4 reels)


(all full-length)


A Woman of Paris


The Gold Rush


The Circus


City Lights


Modern Times


The Great Dictator


Monsieur Verdoux




The King in New York

1. Charles Chaplin

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