My Alphas: The Complete Series (7 page)

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Authors: Emily Cantore

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Vara had been right - she needed time - and now Edon was sure she would choose him rather than Rey.

Rey. Finding him lurking in Cass’ room with her crying and bleeding on the floor - what had he been up to? Edon suspected some intimidation game but also knew Rey was as enthralled as he was.

Despite it being his turn to lead the hunt, Edon had lingered with his scouts, discussing the situation longer than it warranted, his mind only half present. He didn’t want to lead the hunt tonight but knew if he didn’t the pack wouldn’t return with much food. Without an Alpha present, they would hunt and eat and then go hunting for fun only, killing animals for no purpose other than sport. Not only did it reduce the overall food supply but the scraps they brought back would hardly feed anyone.

He’d finally pushed himself to go, his mood turning even more sour when he passed by Cass’ room and found she’d already gone to the hot spring with Nia. He’d given permission for her to take Cass but found himself disappointed she wasn’t there. He’d shifted and then walked through the main cavern, giving Rey a look bordering on an outright threat: don’t scare the human for fun and don’t do anything stupid.

Rey, of course, hadn’t responded and so Edon left, the hunting pack following him, his mood as dark as the falling night.


It was an actual towel. It was faded red and had a rip along the bottom and when wrapped around her would leave very little to the imagination but it was clean and so dry it almost crunched. Cass pressed it against her face and breathed in. It was slice of civilization.

Nia had swiftly returned them to the den, Cass pressing her naked and somewhat still damp body against her fur in an attempt to keep warm. She must have understood walking a naked Cass through the den wasn’t what she would want so she entered by a second hidden entrance and took her to her room, all without meeting a single other werewolf.

“I will return later,” Nia said and left the room before Cass could thank her.

There was another plate of roasted boar sitting next to the door, still steaming. Cass dried her hair, feeling some tangles that would take time to get out and then wrapped the towel around her before picking up the plate.

She ate a few pieces with her fingers, touching them to the salt and enjoying the smoky flavor. Night had fallen but the werewolves had left two lit tea-candles in her room and in the dim light, the meat glistened. Meat and fat and salt and clean and dry towel and warm room and candlelight… it was bliss.

The day felt crazy. This morning she’d awoken stiff and cold next to a dying campfire and now she was wearing a towel standing in a werewolf den eating roasted boar. Cass focused on the taste of the meat, the warmth around her, the feel of the towel - they anchored her and pushed away the other side of it: Alpha’s fighting over her. Nia telling her Rey wouldn’t let her leave. The possibility of pack warfare. They were tomorrow’s problems.

Cass put the plate down and walked over to her bag. It still smelt of mud and gunk but hopefully there would be some dry clothes somewhere in there. The clerk at Wyatt’s camping store had made much of its waterproof capabilities. At the time she could only wonder how many of their customers were foolish people counting down to a lonely death in the wilderness and wondering if she’d be one of them.

She bent over, the towel riding up her body and opened the zip, trying to avoid getting any mud on her. She was glad she was alone. She could imagine Nia asking a question about the size of her butt, eyes wide and curious like a child.

The bag wasn’t waterproof. Her clothes were saturated and the entire inside of the bag stunk of mud. Cass looked through it, trying to find a dry piece of clothing but it was useless. Everything was wet. She finally stood up and threw it down in frustration, the sudden movement pulling her towel free. She bent over to pick it up and heard a growl behind her.


Edon was away leading the hunt and it was time for the human to die.

Rey never had a problem with killing. He could defend his territory without a second thought. If a wolf from another pack entered, they were dead, simple as that.

He’d killed humans before. Men with guns who’d come into the territory to hunt werewolves. Although their bodies were weak and pale, he considered them having guns made it a fair fight. He still had a scar on his arm where one had nicked him with a bullet before he’d taken the man’s head off with a swipe of his mighty claws.

But killing an unarmed human was a different thing entirely. Although Rey knew it was the right thing to do, there was little honor in it. An unarmed human was like a bug. He wouldn’t step on a bug deliberately.

So he’d been working himself up to killing the human, telling himself it was for the good of the pack, that Edon would come around to understanding and such things, all the while trying hard to ignore her scent.

Even out in the main cavern amongst the pack, boar roasting for the human, wood burning and a breeze easing through, he could still smell her and it was driving him mad. Seeing his cock harden, some of his favorites had pranced around him, presenting themselves but instead of rutting with them he felt his mood growing darker by the moment. He’d never had a single moment of indecision over killing and now here he was flip-flopping like a fish hauled up out of the water to gasp on the bank.

It was entirely frustrating.

Seeing another rear presented to him was the final straw. Rey leapt up, growled at the females gathered around him and then left the cavern. He moved down the corridor toward her room, not bothering to sneak. He was Alpha and could do as he liked. He did not need to hide his motions.

As he came closer to her room, her scent intensified. It had already been tickling away annoyingly at his nose and now it suffused him. He felt his cock grow hard once more and then looked down at the traitorous body part in disbelief. This madness had to come to an end.

He stalked into her room, moving on silent paws and then stopped still. The human was bending over, rifling through a backpack, her generous rear end sticking out. He saw the light pink lips of her sex and had the sudden urge to leap forward to lick between her legs. She moved her feet, reaching down into the bag and the gap widened, presenting more of her.

Rey breathed in. An Alpha had no need to brag about their capabilities. It was a simple fact he’d the finest nose and ears in the pack. A simple fact he repeated to Edon often.

The scent in his nose was flooding through him, grabbing a hold of his mind, pulling at his body. He moved on the spot, his cock throbbing painfully and then the human stood up and flung the backpack to the floor. It took the towel with it. She was naked and he felt the madness he’d been fighting all day rise up.

He growled and shifted.


Cass nearly screamed as she turned around to find Rey in wolf form behind her, the towel forgotten on the ground. The air left her lungs and she gave a gasp but that was it. She was frozen with fear, the warmth and comfort of the room fleeing.

The werewolf took one step and shifted with liquid grace. The dark fur became shoulder-length black hair, wild and free. His body compacted down from his wolf form, bones cracking and muscles bunching. It was done in an instant and she couldn’t help but look down.

Down his chest, hard lines and faint scars.

Down to his waist.


She felt a pulse between her legs, a clench beyond fear, or perhaps because of it. Rey was a giant of a man, looming above her and all of him was proportionate to his size.

She pulled her gaze away, looking up into his eyes. He was wearing the same feral look she’d seen today, his blue eyes seeming to glow in the candlelight. She saw his pupils dilate and felt fear ripple through her. He looked furious and under that she sensed a hunger that made her body tense. She knew she could never escape from him but her dumb body was preparing to anyway.

He moved nearer to her, growling deep in his chest and Cass felt her skin flush. The pulse below grew insistent and she realized her body was preparing for something else entirely.

Rey stepped closer, ducking his head to sniff at her neck.

“Wait,” she said.


Rey had seen plenty of naked females but none held his attention like the one in front of him now. She was nude and soft and the scent of her fear and arousal beat against him like waves. He followed the line of her collarbone down to her full breasts. Unlike the women of his kind, she was far curvier. Her breasts were rounder, her figure fuller.

He sniffed her neck, feeling his own pulse pounding in his chest.

“Wait,” she said and moved away from him, walking backwards to the low bed.

He followed her, stalking her like prey in the forest and saw her pupils dilate, saw the fear of him rise.

Arousal and fear. It was a maddening scent. He could smell the wet folds between her legs, practically taste her skin.

At that thought he lunged forward and grabbed her, bringing his teeth down to her neck, breathing her in, running his sharp teeth over her skin. She sighed and went limp in his arms, tipping her head to the side to allow him greater access. The act of submission pleased him.

She seemed entranced as he moved her on to the bed and resumed his path down her neck. Her breasts, so full and heavy, absorbed him. He sucked one nipple into his mouth while he held the other in his hand. He drifted across to the other and tasted it with his tongue. Her flesh was hot and she gasped as he touched her.

Running his fingers down her body, he found himself delighting in the softness of her. Werewolf females were hard, rigid muscle and sharp edges. This human was soft and pliable, her skin yielding to his touch. He stroked his fingers down her stomach and watched her muscles constrict, out of her control. Then he slipped them between her legs and into the burning wet heat he could smell there.

He could hold on no longer. His cock was throbbing in pain, sticking up hard and demanding. He pulled his finger from inside her and licked it, tasting her and then he felt himself slipping away. Grabbing her by the hips, he turned her over.


As Rey turned her over on to her hands and knees. Cass tried to regroup, to think, to take a moment but her body had other ideas. She felt her hips tilting, felt how wet she was. To stop would be to die.

Cass felt Rey move into position behind her and then it wasn’t his fingers touching her but his cock. He rubbed it up and down, wetting it and sending little shivers of pleasure through her. She moaned and put her head down, trying to push herself back onto it but Rey held her in place with his strong hand.

“Wait,” he commanded, his voice guttural.

Cass definitely followed the maxim of “I don’t like being told what to do unless it’s in bed” but even so, she felt a wild disobedience inside her. He was the Alpha, totally in control and he’d made her submit almost without a word but there was some small part of her still defiant.

She pressed back and wriggled her hips.

Rey gave a low growl that froze her in place. It wasn’t the cheeky banter of the bedroom where someone is going to get a smacked bottom if they weren’t careful. It felt like a threat and it stilled her.

“Good,” Rey said, seeing her obey him and then thrust himself into her.

Cass let out a cry of pleasure mixed with pain. She’d seen how large the Alpha was but thought foolishly no matter how big, their bits were designed to fit together. Even though she was wetter than she’d ever been, the size of him stretching her out blanked her mind even as he filled her up.

The Alpha moved slowly, pulling back and then thrusting into her again and she realized he’d been holding back. With each thrust he went deeper into her, the edge of pain creeping up and tangling together with pleasure. As he pulled out she felt the aching emptiness only he could fill. Then he would thrust into her again…

Rey sped up, establishing an insistent rhythm that forced her body to conform to it. She felt herself throbbing in time with it, her breathing locked into pattern. Even the bursts of heat and pleasure coming from the core of her were in time with his thrusts.

“Oh more,” she groaned, losing herself in the feeling of his cock inside her. It must have surprised him to have her speak, to demand more, because his rhythm faltered before coming back twice as strong. He gave a guttural growl and hammered himself into her and it tipped Cass over the edge.

She let out a cry that stretched out forever as she came. Every part of her seemed to intensify in sensation. Her hands clenched in the furs on the bed, her skin shimmering and tightening. She felt herself clenching around him as she came, the feeling of his thrusts almost unbearable. He sped up again, pounding into her and then let out a roar as he filled her. She felt his cock jolting as it spasmed, felt his fingers on her hips as he emptied himself.

Cass fell forward, unable to support herself any longer, her bones turned to jelly. Rey moved with her, pushing her down on the bed and bringing her legs together. He stayed inside her as she lay on her belly, his cock resting against her g-spot.

Although she was exhausted, she couldn’t help but to respond as he gently moved within her. She was encased in a warm prison of flesh, his arms around her, pinned beneath him and yet not crushed under his weight. He was rocking, his cock rubbing inside her, sending little shooting waves of heat and pleasure through her. She felt his hot breath on her neck and then sighed as his teeth closed upon her flesh.

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