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Authors: Paul Sperry

BOOK: Muslim Mafia
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rescued POW Private Jessica Lynch in Iraq in 2003. While serving there at the time, I had the opportunity—and honor—to rescue several members of Mohammed’s family, including his sister-in-law, father, brothers, nieces, and nephews. The Rehaief family and I spent several months together in Iraq. This family had suffered tragedy, yet they relied on their Prophet to help them live day by day during the war.

The brothers and I had the opportunity to conduct several missions. Their professionalism saved my life and while in Iraq, they were my family.

The Rehaiefs were the family I had left behind in America—my beautiful wife, son, daughter, brother, and sister. I missed my father more than I can describe. He was my hero. He had always been there for me as a youngster. Though he worked twelve to eighteen hours a day, he always had time to play baseball with me. My dear mother had passed away earlier.

Working counterterrorism in Iraq was dangerous, but the battles I have had since returning in 2003 have been tougher by a factor of ten.

After many years in undercover operations, I trusted few, and our lives were in each other’s hands. Members of the Al-Rehaief family are the examples of Islam and the Muslim people. I saw the nieces of Mohammed cry each night for several months. Our team rescued them and got them into a safe zone, but the living conditions were not meant for men or women, and certainly not three- and four-year-old girls.

They were all living in one of Saddam Hussein’s bombed-out bunkers. There was filthy trash everywhere, and scorpions and dangerous snakes were often seen crawling under the beds of the children. They cried. I cried.

This was the turning point in my life. I dedicated my life to trying to ensure no child ever has to suffer living under a brutal dictator, or suffer from Islamic terrorist attacks. I promised my daughter this as well. I would no longer have a badge and credentials, or the safety of having political red tape to cover for me if I made mistakes during my private research.

I was now on my own investigating Islamic terror groups and their supporters in America. The more I exposed their criminal activities, the more threats I got. I received some offers of help, but in reality, I knew the people who would be there for me were my family, which included the Al-Rehaief family.

They are Muslim, and my family and I are Christian. But we have worked together for several years to identify Islamic terrorist groups and their supporters in America. We have dedicated our lives to this cause, because we know U.S. law enforcement does not have the required training to protect our country. And politicians, for the most part, care only about their next election.

Readers should keep the name Chris Gaubatz in their memories. My son is as bright as they come, and possesses the most important trait in the intelligence field: commom sense. He is my number one asset.

In addition, I want to recognize other valuable members of my counterterrorism research team, including Charety Zhe and Stefanie Creswell, as well as Daniel, Wendy, Maryann, and Camille. They are among the many professionals who assisted in this research. And of course, special thanks to my outstanding co-author Paul Sperry, as well as WND Books’s Ami Naramor and Eric Jackson.

Personally, I owe my investigative skills and training to ret. Brigadier General Francis X. Taylor, former commander of the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland.

General Taylor led by example, and taught me that intelligence collected for collection purposes alone is useless. The intelligence obtained serves our country only if it is utilized, shared, and not buried in political red tape.

This is the goal of our book: To share with the American people the intelligence we have gathered. Our enemy has deceit and treachery on its side. We, on our side, have the facts. And the Truth will always win.



—P. David Gaubatz


deserve thanks for bringing this book to fruition, I am most indebted to Chris Gaubatz for the courage and composure he showed while operating undercover in the belly of the beast for as many months as he did. By all accounts, he was the consummate professional.

And the trove of sensitive materials he obtained from inside the dark lair of CAIR constitutes more than a bill of indictment against this terror-supporting Muslim Brotherhood front group. It provides a road map to the entire leftist, anti-American movement and its radical underground agenda.

These documents expose the larger conspiracy’s tentacles reaching into not only dozens of Islamic NGOs and hundreds of Islamic centers across the country but also their many allies on the left—from the ACLU to the DNC to the broader anti-Israel lobby to the academic establishment, and on and on. Here, for the first time, we have a clear picture of the internal workings of the America-haters and -bashers who feverishly work to undermine corporate America, the military, law enforcement, and the bedrock Judeo-Christian values upon which Western civilization was founded.

Former federal agent P. David Gaubatz and the rest of his intrepid team of undercover researchers also deserve my thanks and admiration.

Personally, this was an exceptionally difficult book to report and write due to the voluminous information and relatively quick turnaround time from manuscript to launch. The deadlines at times seemed insurmountable. But I thank my editor Ami Naramor for her patience and calm while shepherding through the detailed and fact-packed manuscript. I also thank my family for their loving support and forbearance while I was down in my book “bunker.”

Special thanks to Eric Jackson for bringing the Gaubatzes and me together on this ambitious project. I was honored they sought me out, and there was immediate synergy as I already had been investigating CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood since the publication of my book,
Infiltration: How Muslim Spies And Subversives Have Penetrated Washington.
This was a natural sequel—a reverse infiltration by American patriots turning the tables on the bad guys trying to infiltrate and “destroy” this great country “from within.”

My New York agent Andrew Stuart was instrumental in making this book a reality, and was a constant source of encouragement through all the heavy lifting.

I also want to acknowledge U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, one of the few politicians in Washington who have shown the courage to confront the growing Islamofascist threat inside America. Myrick co-founded the Congressional Anti-Terrorism/Jihad Caucus to educate fellow members of Congress and the public at large about the threat from these stealth jihadists.

I’d also like to extend special thanks to the dozens of former and active law enforcement officers—in the field and on the front lines in the war on terror—who were gracious enough to share their time, experience (including internal documents), and insights with me. These FBI case agents and detectives assigned to the JTTF in Washington—unlike their timid bosses who are still slaves to political correctness and promotions—are the gutsy public servants to whom all Americans owe a debt of gratitude. Trust me when I say they care more about your safety and security than most of the politicians and political appointees in Washington. Some of these agents are mentioned by name in the book, while others spoke to me on the condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to publicly discuss their investigations of CAIR, ISNA, and other Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

These dedicated and no-nonsense field agents give me hope that one day we will finally dismantle the terror-support network in America and reliably protect the public from violent jihadists.



—Paul Sperry


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