Murder in Aruba: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 5)

BOOK: Murder in Aruba: An Anna Winters Cozy Mystery (Murder in Paradise Book 5)
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Murder in Aruba


Penelope Sotheby



Kindle Edition



Copyright © 2015 Penelope Sotheby


First published in 2015 by Jonmac Limited.


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Other Books By The Author



Murder in Bermuda
(Book 1 in the "Murder in Paradise" series)

Murder in the Bahamas
(Book 2 in the "Murder in Paradise" series)

Murder in Jamaica
(Book 3 in the "Murder in Paradise" series)

Murder in Barbados 
(Book 4 in the "Murder in Paradise" series)

Murder at the Inn


Chapter 1



"One more murder and you're fired, Anna!" Antonio Puccio shouted. "The board of the Grand Palatial Hotel Group have had the good sense to promote me to be their chairman. I will not let your or anyone else ruin what I have done to get there!"

Anna Winters left the office with tears streaming from her blue eyes. Her career was being placed in the hands of the unknown. Reaching up to her red hair, she tugged on it nervously.

"He's a jerk." Pauline Baker gently rubbed Anna's back.

Anna looked at Pauline. Her once short-cropped blonde hair was now shoulder length. With her smoky green eyes, she was looking good and men were noticing her. Anna felt distracted for a moment and realized she needed to vent.

"Who does he think he is?" Anna snapped. "He's acting like it is my fault that people are dying."

"It sort of is your fault,” Cassandra smirked.

Anna turned to look at Cassandra Wilson. The young woman was pale from her lack of time in the sun. Her long black hair pulled back in a hasty ponytail. Her eyes were soulless and sinister.

"How is it my fault?" Anna demanded. "I haven't done anything to deserve being reprimanded. But Mr. Puccio thinks that I am trying to ruin the reputation of the Grand Palatial."

"Are you?" Cassandra asked. "Your investigations have garnered media attention. People around the world know you as the woman who solves murders. Granted, you mostly stumble across the solution by pure luck. But you do solve them. Right?"

"What do you want, Cassandra?" Anna demanded.

"We have a reception dinner that needs to be served," Cassandra replied coldly. "Maybe, if you can stop playing, we could do that? I mean, we do have a job to do. Right?"

"We do," Anna nodded. "We also will need to sit down in London when we get back."

"We will," Cassandra smiled. "I can sense big changes for us over the next couple of days."

"They will be life changing,” Pauline smirked.

"Stop it, Pauline,” Anna whispered. "Now, we are in Aruba. Can we try having a little fun before we head back to the city?"

"I like that idea," Cassandra agreed. "There's no reason we can't just let loose and enjoy our final days together."

"Our final days together," Pauline echoed. "I like the sound of that."

Anna looked at the two of them and shook her head and motioned for the two women to follow her. On the way to the kitchen, a thousand thoughts ran through her mind. Anna was nervous about the event taking place soon. She wasn't sure everything would go off without a hitch and she wondered what Mr. Puccio would do.

Entering the kitchen, Anna was hit with the smell of warm Greek flatbread. The couple had opted for the flatbread topped with gyro meat, some dandelion and feta cheese, warmed and full of flavor as their main course.

"Are you ready to serve?" Pierre asked.

"I am ready as I'll ever be,” Anna sighed.

As the servers filed into the room, Anna watched carefully as the plates were whisked out.

"Which set of plates do you want me to handle?" Cassandra asked.

"How about the bride and her parents?" Anna offered.

Pauline gave Anna a curious look.

"Sounds good," Cassandra nodded.

Taking the plates, Cassandra whisked the plates out of the room.

"Pauline," Anna began. "Take the plate for the groom and his parents."

Pauline nodded and left the room.

"Has anyone touched the dishes for the bride or groom?" Anna asked turning to Pierre.

Stepping out of the shadows, he gave her a toothy grin. "Hey, Anna. No, none of the plates for anyone were touched. There is no way any of the dishes were poisoned."

"Let's hope no one dies," Anna whispered. "Otherwise, we have the killer in front of us."

"Do you really think it could be one of them?" Pierre asked. "It seems strange to think we've been working so closely with a killer."

"I don't know what to think anymore," Anna offered. "Right now, we are at the mercy of fate. I hope I'm wrong. I really do. But it seems that everything is falling apart around our group. One of us is a killer."

"Why don't you suspect me?" Pierre asked. "I could be behind all of it."

"You're not the brightest guy,” Anna sighed. "I don't mean to be rude. But the killer has to be able to divert attention. Cassandra and Pauline have been at each other's throats. The killer could be either one of them. But I am not sure who."

"I guess I should be happy you are least trusting me." Pierre laughed. "So, let's talk about the possibility of a relationship."

"I'm seeing Will Jensen now," Anna whispered. "You're a sweet guy. But he wants to explore a relationship. He isn't an indecisive boy like you are. We want different things, Pierre. You need to understand that."

"So the door is closed?" Pierre demanded.

"At this point in time, yes it is," Anna nodded.

"Oh." Pierre forced a toothy grin. "You know, as long as you are happy. That is all that matters to me."

Anna looked at Pierre. She could tell that he wasn't okay like he was claiming he was. At the same time, she didn't want to press the issue. It was for the best if she let this relationship fade. She was still crazy about Detective Jensen right now. After checking on everything in London, she planned to go back and spend some time in Barbados with him. He was a sweet man and very understanding about her traditional views. He also believed in her and there was a connection that seemed deeper than any she'd ever had with anyone else.

Looking at the staff in the kitchen, Anna was getting ready to congratulate them on the first successful meal in months. Suddenly, a piercing scream erupted. Anna could feel her heart sink. Walking into the dining room, she looked at the bride and groom who were looking out in horror. A young man was sprawled out on the floor. Foam surrounded his mouth and he was dead like the others before him.

Anna looked back to where Pauline and Cassandra were standing. Neither of them had been near the man.

"Someone call the cops," Anna demanded and walked over to the body. Crouching over it, she could tell he was young. He looked like he could be in his 20s. Looking up, she saw the panic on the groom's face as he stood up, walked a few steps and then fell dead.

Shock crossed Anna's face. The two weren't even anywhere near each other. Then a scream from behind her caused her to turn. A woman lay dead on the floor. Another victim of the poisoning. Anna could feel her breathing tense.

"Don't eat another bite," Anna screamed. "Spit out anything in your mouth. If you've eaten anything, let the paramedics know when they are here."

Another scream from behind her and another young man was lying dead on the floor. Anna tried to choke back the tears. Cassandra had been around her and Pauline the entire time. Pierre had been asked to watch the dishes and make sure no one touched the plates of food. Still, somehow people were dying and it didn't make sense.

As the police rushed in, paramedics lined people up. Another young woman grasped her chest and fell to the floor. Once again, the telltale sign of poisoning spilling from her mouth. Anna thought that when Mr. Puccio heard about this, she would be dismissed from her position.

It would seem like the killer had just raised the stakes more than they ever had before. While Anna wished there was a clear and obvious killer so she could address the situation, there was something different here. She knew that Pauline would be breathing down her neck to have Cassandra arrested. But the point is that they still needed to prove she was guilty in this crime.

Looking around, Anna saw Anstice Angelis, the new bride and unfortunate widow, sobbing in the corner. Walking up to her, the woman accepted a warm hug from her. Anna looked at the woman. Her skin was brown with rich dark brown hair and eyes to match.

"Anstice." Anna spoke solemnly. "I know this is going to seem like an odd time to ask questions. But I need to solve your groom's murder."

"You will solve them." Anstice forced a smile. "You are Anna Winters. You are a legend. I've heard so much about you, I just don't know why so many of my loved ones are dying. Adonis, my husband, his nephew Jason, my niece Debra and a close friend Thomas."

"Can you think of anyone who would want all four dead?" Anna asked. "I really hate to ask."

"It's fine." Anstice sighed. "I can't think of anyone who would want all of them dead. My father is a good man and he wasn't fond of Adonis. He really didn't want us married. But I don't think he would kill him, let alone three other people."

"I don't understand the deaths," Anna replied. "There is always something close enough to connect them you can build a foundation for motive. The victims are random. One of them isn't even related to the others. I don't see any connections."

"But you will," Anstice pressed. "You are Anna Winters. Keep reminding yourself of that. You can handle anything that comes your way. You've found four killers. I am sure you can bring a fifth to justice."

"That's the problem," Anna whispered. "I think there are two people in on the murders."

"What do you mean?" Anstice demanded. "Is that why there are more bodies?"

"I think someone in the wedding party wanted someone dead,” Anna began. "But I also think someone is being hired to kill people. That is my speculation at this point."

"But do you have leads?" Anstice pleased. "Please, tell me you might know who could be responsible for this."

"I do," Anna nodded. "But I need to prove it. For that, I need to figure out who would have hired the killer."

"You have my family fortune available to you," Anstice offered. "No matter the cost, make sure the killer doesn't go free."

Anna shook her head. "I don't accept payment for my services."

"Nonsense," Anstice insisted. "You will get $100,000 from me personally. I won't take no for an answer. Now, find the killer and help me bring them to justice. The money you earn can be my investment in your future."

"I am happy with catering," Anna laughed. "But that is very generous."

"Don't waste your skills on being a caterer," Anstice sighed. "You need to help people. You are a fine detective and have a knack for solving mysteries. It would be a waste of your God given talents to ignore that, Anna."

"Then I think I need to solve the murders," Anna said, deep in thought. "Let me prove to myself that I can do this. Hopefully, without looking down the barrel of a gun this time."

"What do you mean?" Anstice asked.

"It seems as though I have a knack for having a gun pulled on me on a regular basis," Anna joked. "One of these days, I am not going to be so lucky with the end result."

"That is a very dark, disturbing thought," Anstice replied disapprovingly.

"Sorry," Anna nodded. "I need to get going."

Anna thought about the conversation she had just had with Anstice. While she was flattered that the woman had so much faith in her, there were still reservations. She wasn't sure she had the skills needed to run her own detective agency. Still, the thought of being able to take off and work anywhere in the world was a welcome one.

For now, she knew she needed to figure out how Cassandra was involved in this murder and who had hired her to kill the guests.

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