Murder Came Second (36 page)

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Authors: Jessica Thomas

BOOK: Murder Came Second
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He came through the door, blessing us with the full wattage of the Peres smile.

“Good morrow, gracious people! My, what an interesting scene.”

And in ten seconds he was in charge.

“Ms. Edgewood, you are under arrest for the murder of Terese Segal. Mendes, cuff Ms. Edgewood to yourself by her right arm to your left and show her your dramatic ability in reciting the Miranda warning. Have Sgt. Mitchell drop you both at the clinic. That left arm is bleeding slightly, and we want no mistreatment.”

Elaine saw a slight opening and leaped at it. “Police brutality. I shall sue you for police brutality.”

“The cat knocked you off balance, and Fargo got tangled in your gown as you fell. Alex held you to the floor. None of them are police officers. There was no police brutality. You, on the other hand, were waving a gun around and yelling threats. And you’ve already killed one person. Now run along.

“Martha perhaps if you could coax Lexus down, Fargo would quit hurtling himself against your antique armoire and stop barking. Wouldn’t that be loverly?”

“Indeed it would.” Martha kissed Sonny’s cheek and finally laughed. She got the cat down. I got Fargo’s collar. Peace reigned.

“Sonny,” Martha said, “Are you supposed to be out and around yet?”

“No. Have you ever seen a hospital breakfast?”

“Ah. I understand. That gives me a thought. Why don’t I make a big luscious breakfast for the two heroes? I’ll just bet they’ve worked up a gigantic appetite by now.”

Sonny and I tried to look modest and hungry, and succeeded at least in the latter.

We all went down the back stairs into the kitchen. Martha said with some embarrassment, “Would it be okay to stay out here to eat? We’ll have guests coming into the dining room any minute. Poor Bill.”

“Of course, the kitchen is fine. But why poor Bill?” I asked.

“He’ll be out there trying to pretend nothing happened. He’s convinced De Nile is a river in Egypt. Now, you two just sit here at the table and excuse me while I go to work.” She set glasses of fresh, cold juice and mugs of hot, wonderful smelling coffee in front of us, and moved to the business end of the kitchen.

As we addressed our juice and coffee, Sonny said, “Let me update you, my little sleuth. You were the first one of us to get it right. Sometimes you amaze me. You get into unbelievable mix-ups, and you do everything ass-backward, but somehow you turn up with the right person in the end.”

“Aw, shucks.”

“Yeah, well, first things first, strictly personal. Remember Harmon’s problem with Terese saying his brother was a coward?”

“Sure.” I laughed. “Has he taken action yet?”

“Yes, he called the President.”

“Of what?”

“Of the United States. He figured he was commander in chief and ought to know if Rob deserved those medals or not.” He leaned back in his chair and then came forward quickly as he forgot and put weight on his wounded leg. I smothered a smile. It served him right.

“He really talked to the President? I can’t believe it.” I took a sip of coffee. It tasted like heaven after my sleep deprived night.

“No, he got shuffled around to about six people. Finally, some colonel said she would look into it and get back to him. She actually did. Surprise, surprise! It seems all Rob’s medals are in order. He was indeed a hero. Confirming letter follows, and Harmon is dancing on air. He is also drunk.”

Sounded good to me. “Can you blame him? That’s splendid! The President, who would think to call the President?”

“Harmon would. He said it was an army matter, so he called the commander of the army. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? If you’re Harmon.”

“I guess it does. What else is new?”

“Marvin found the hat from the plastic raincoat set, pushed down in the corner of the dumpster. No blood on it, but lots of prints, including Elaine’s. Also, two of Elaine’s hairs.” He sniffed, and closed his eyes in rapture. “Smell that, Alex? That’s sautéed kippers. Oh, gracious Fate!”

I wasn’t crazy about kippers, but somewhere in the olio of delicious aromas floating around, I caught a whiff of a broiling breakfast steak, doubtless reaching a perfect medium rare just for me. I decided against a cigarette, breakfast obviously being near. “Anything on Terese’s computer?”

“No. We figure that when Elaine got back from her tour around town, she deleted everything on the hard drive. I’m sure any of the cast would have been happy to do it, but she’d be about the only one who had opportunity. We took charge of it pretty quickly.”

“What about the plastic rain coat?” I asked.

“Nothing yet. Hatcher is talking to the Voyager kitchen staff. Maybe they’ll help.

“And one of Elaine’s prints is on a piece of silver. She must have taken it out to admire it and forgot to put her gloves on.”

“Yeah.” I wasn’t happy. “You think the DA will go for murder? Everything is circumstantial.”

Sonny polished off his orange juice to the sound of beaten eggs being poured into a hot iron skillet. “Maybe. Plenty of cases are won on circumstantial evidence. And at least we have her nailed on obstructing justice and abetting a crime.”

“Yes, at least we have that,” I said. “I just hate to see poor Bobby’s last sentence come true. I think he was trying to say, ‘It’s funny. Now she’ll get away with it, and everyone will think I killed Terese.’ That’s an injustice in itself.”

“I know one thing, Alex, Elaine may not be convicted of murder, but nobody’s going to think she’s innocent.” He straightened in his chair and looked down the kitchen, smiling broadly. “Here it comes!”

Martha approached us, carrying two bowls. “For my heroes, my two brave heroes! Come here, my darlings!”

She walked right past us and set the smaller bowl on the kitchen counter, where Lexus immediately jumped up and began eating his kippers and scrambled eggs, delicately, but quickly.

She set the larger bowl on the floor, where Fargo already waited. “Your steak and eggs, big boy.” Delicacy wasn’t in Fargo’s vocabulary, but speed was. He was demolishing that food even faster than I think I could have.

Martha stroked one and then the other. “Aren’t they sweet?
Bon appetit!
Dig in, my heroes.”

Sonny and I smiled at each other sourly and managed a weak duet.

“Bon appetit!”


In the wee hours of the Thursday after Labor Day, a throbbing molar ended Betty Atwood’s sleep for the night. Finally, after feeling it with a finger and pushing at it with her tongue for a while, she could lie still no longer, and got out of bed so as not to disturb her husband. When he arose at seven, she was at the kitchen table, on her second cup of steaming hot coffee and deep into the Tylenol bottle, anxiously awaiting the time when she could call her dentist’s office in Orleans.

Betty dialed her dentist promptly at eight and was told they could “fit her in at eleven.” Her husband, Alan, called his office to say he would not be in until after lunch. Then he called Billy Madeiros, a fourteen-year-old boy who often babysat for them, and was a favorite of their eighteen-month-old daughter, Tina. Could Billy oblige them from ten this morning to around one o’clock in the afternoon? Billy could.

Betty bathed and dressed Tina for the day. While Alan straightened the house, she set out some junior foods and other tidbits Billy might feed Tina for lunch, and left him a note telling him to help himself to whatever was in the fridge. Finally, it was time to go. Alan brought their car out of the garage just as Billy’s mother dropped him at the end of the rather long driveway, which curved prettily up the small hill from a brackish pond across the road.

Tina was fussing about her parents’ departure, and Billy took her for a little toddle around the yard, pointing out different flowers and letting her pick one for herself. The sun was hot, so at the end of their walk, he placed her in her shaded outdoor playpen, and went into the house to get them both something cool to drink and to check what Mrs. Atwood had left for Tina’s lunch.

He poured some juice and a little water into a bottle for Tina and popped a soda for himself. Then he glanced out the kitchen window onto a scene so horrifying he knew it could not be true, even as he realized that it was.

A large alligator was waddling up the driveway toward the playpen where Tina awaited her bottle.

Whom could he call? Where could he run to get help? All of a sudden, Billy grasped the truth that it all came down to him. There was no time for explanatory phone calls or running to the neighbors and convincing them to grab some sort of weapon and run back with him. So he did a most courageous thing.

He scooped up everything in the kitchen he could carry. A couple of pans, a skillet, the toaster, the coffee carafe, surprisingly heavy jars of baby food, a bowl, two plates, the blender jar. He took them all in his arms and burst through the back screen door, yelling and running down the driveway toward the ever-nearing alligator.

Billy had a pretty good throwing arm. Most of his homegrown artillery shells were landing on or quite near the alligator, and they were making a lot of noise. They crashed, they shattered, they rattled and rolled. They weren’t doing the gator any serious injury, but they distracted him. The hefty
of the blender jar on his nose stopped him for a moment to reassess his approach. And that gave Billy just enough time to grab Tina and sprint for the house.

They made it inside and he dropped the baby unceremoniously to the floor, howling. He ran around the house, closing and locking all the doors and windows. Then he shut himself and Tina in the bathroom and dialed 911 on the walk-around phone he had snatched from the hall.

He was terribly frightened and shocked and winded, and by then almost totally incoherent. The 911 operator couldn’t be sure just who he was and who, or what, was about to kill the baby she could hear screaming in the background, but she managed to get the name Atwood and the address out of him. In seconds, patrol cars were on their way, followed by a fire truck and an ambulance, just in case.

Either the bop on the nose or the approaching sirens sent the reptile back to the temporary safety of the pond, for there was no sign of him when police finally coaxed a white and shaking Billy and a red-faced, hiccupping toddler from the bathroom. But the cops didn’t doubt his story. They didn’t think anyone could have made this up. There was stuff thrown all over the driveway, and the boy was a wreck. And, they soon recalled, there had been that naked lady up in that tree, and Harmon’s rabbits, and the old tomcat . . .

The Atwoods arrived home to this nerve-shattering scene and were told what had happened, and what would doubtless have happened except for a very brave fourteen-year-old. They found themselves crying and laughing and trying to hug Tina, and each other and Billy, all at once.

And Provincetown had a new hero.

By afternoon the media had arrived. The Atwoods were cooperative at first, posing with the pretty little girl, telling and retelling the event, praising Billy’s courage. But by a little after four, with Betty’s tooth beating like a drum, they got the police to give them an escort out of town and went down to Betty’s mother’s place in Sandwich for a few days.

The Madeiros family soon found their yard surrounded by a myriad of TV and newspaper cameras and reporters, calling out a battery of questions. Billy had a hard time of it, still shaken, losing his composure, trying not to cry. Finally, his father had enough and ordered everyone off his property. He then latched the gate and let out the family Rottweiler, an aging and docile old lady who snuffled and grumbled all around the fence line, in ever-fading hopes someone would offer a treat. But the media didn’t know that, retired, and left the Madeiroses to a peaceful evening.

The alligator was also getting considerable attention. Provincetown Police sent out a call for help with their voracious visitor, and people eventually arrived from the Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut and, less helpfully, the state’s Department of Environmental Protection, on hand to guard the alligator’s rights. The local Coast Guard station sent over some hefty young men and women who were good-humored and willing and quite adept with ropes. Well-meaning volunteers and not so well-meaning rifle toting hunters were restrained with difficulty.

The pond was baited with large chunks of raw, slightly smelly meat, and the alligator’s would-be captors retired a fair distance back from the pond, where they waited silently. Around midnight, the gator finally came forth to dine and was, after a great scramble, many misses with various nooses and many suggestions by the DEP, successfully roped onto, of all things, a surfboard. He was then placed in a temperature and humidity-controlled box truck for his ride to Mystic, where he would be carefully tended until a Florida home was found for him.

Unofficially, he measured five feet, four inches in length. Mrs. Withers’s guess hadn’t been so far off, after all.

The person or persons who brought the reptile to Provincetown, their reasons for doing so and how they accomplished the feat, have never been discovered.

Unless, of course, Harmon was right.

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