Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter (37 page)

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Authors: Liz Wiseman,Greg McKeown

Tags: #Business & Economics, #Management

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Diminisher approach to, 87–89

dominating space in, 87–88

intense or tense, 87

Liberators, 72, 90, 95

of Multiplier, 21–22

risk-taking, 84–86, 89, 90

space dominating in, 87–88

of Tyrant, 95

World Environment Day, 120

EPROM memory chip, 170

Ericsson, Anders, 216

expectations, 22–23, 76

complete work, 177–79, 193

delegating and, 188

expert, 100–102

exploration process, 111

The Extraordinary Leader
(Zenger and Folkman), 203


fear, 68–69

feedback, 73

insisting on, 85–86

filling in blanks, 117–18, 130

firing, Diminisher, 238

Fisher, Irene, 108, 128, 247

F-I-X, 178–79, 190–91, 193

fixed mindset, 19

Flextronics, 174, 177, 234, 247

Folkman, Joe, 203–4, 206


decision, 144–45, 158

issue, 142–45, 158 (
See also
reframing problems)

functional silos, 81


The Game Changer
(Lafley), 246

(commanding officer), 4

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 165

Gap, 235

Gardner, Howard, 44

Garrison, William Lloyd, 93–94

GE, 128

Gelwix, Larry, 27, 48, 82–83, 161–63, 246

gene pool engineering, 53

General Motors, 81, 246

genius, 220–22

appreciating, 44–45

deceptive, 62

makers, 10, 31, 220–22

native, 46–49, 64

opportunity connecting to, 49–51

problem with, 5

questioning, 4–8

utilizing, 45

watcher, 60–62, 64, 46, 246

giving back, 176–77, 193, 207

Gladstone, William Ewart, 1, 222

Gladwell, Malcolm, 137, 216

Global Hosted Operating System, 46

GM Daewoo Auto and Technology (GMDAT), 81–82, 234

GM International Operations, 82

Goldman Sachs, 148

Goleman, Daniel, 44

Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 137

Google, 45, 197, 231

The Gotcha question, 101

Green Belt movement, 120, 235, 247

Groundhog Day
, 7


through challenges, 107

headcount, 14

of intelligence, 12, 107

leadership in times of, 6

mindset, 19

Talent Magnet encouraging, 62–63

Gujarat Mahila Housing SEWA Cooperative Foundation, 166

Gujarat Mahila Housing SEWA Trust, 166

Gymboree, 111–14, 116, 235, 247


Hagan, Mike, 172

Hamel, Gary, 15

Hancock, Marguerite, 51–52, 58–59, 246

handing back pen, 191, 193

hard edge style, 24

hard opinions, 92

hard questions, 116–17, 130, 156–57, 158

Harvard Business Review
, 110

Harvard University, 34, 44, 73, 213

headcount growth, 14

helicoptering down, 118–19, 130

Henley, Jeff, 105

Hershkovitz, Barak, 98–99, 126

Hewlett Packard, 235

Hexal AG, 41–43, 234, 245, 246

hierarchical structure, 66–67

high-cost diminisher, 15–16

Highland High School Rugby, 27, 48, 82–83, 161, 163, 235, 246

Homenet South Asia, 166

Horizon Ventures, 245

Hugo, Victor, xiii

humor, 25

Humphrey, Hubert H., 157

Huston, Larry, 110

hybrid climate, 76–77


idea generation, 72, 74, 216

IDEO, 142, 247

idle cycles, 124, 125

increased market value, 38

independence, 161, 192

inertia, 220

(Patterson), 178

Infosys Technologies, 26, 186, 235, 248

innovation, 110

insufficient resources, x

Intel, 8–10, 170, 231, 235, 245

Intellectual curiosity, 126–27

See also
Binet, Alfred

accessed and revitalizing, 4

amplifier, 6

challenges increasing, 104

defined, 230–31

Diminisher shutting down, 122–23

Diminisher view, 18, 31

emotional, 44

encouraged, 125

engaging, 9

extending, 12–14

extracting, 11–12, 31

growth of, 12, 107

increasing, 216–17

leadership increasing, xi–xii

logic of multiplication leaders on, 17

multiple, theory, 44

multiplying and extracting, x–xii

one way, 5

releasing, 94

as static, 19

in Technicolor, 19

theory of multiple, 44

trial and error developing, 189

types of, 4

Tyrant influence on, 69

intense leader, 70–72, 95

tense v., 72–73

intensity, 21–22

Interact Performance Systems, 247

international research, 240–41

intimidation, 68–69

Intuit, 44–45, 84, 195, 197, 235, 248


leveraging, 185–88

renewable energy, 213–14

resource, 168, 173–75, 193

ROI, 16

Investor, 22–23, 31, 159–93, 250.
See also
Serial Multiplier

accountability of people, 175–81, 193

backup provided by, 193

becoming, 188–91, 193

Diminisher assumption, 210

expectations and delegating, 188

F-I-X request, 178–79, 190–91, 193

giving back, 176–77, 193, 207

handing back pen, 191, 193

investment leveraging, 185–88

legacy left by, 181

Micromanagers v., 161–65, 193

Multiplier as, 22–23, 31

Multiplier assumption, 210

nature as powerful teacher, 188–90, 193

ownership, 22–23, 118, 168–73, 193

practices of, 167–81

resource investment, 173–75, 193

IQ, 44, 123

in children, 12–13

in students, 13

Iraq war, 137

Israel, 1–4, 46, 234


framing, 142–45, 158

raising, 152

Johnson, Lyndon B., 157

Joubert, Joseph, 133

judgment, 87, 88–89

Junior Great Books Foundation, 155, 254n7


Keese, Greg, 174–75

Kelly, Patrick, 75–76, 220, 246

Kimball, John, 163

Kissinger, Henry, 82

Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, 53–54, 78, 235, 246

Know-It-All, 121, 123, 124

Challenger v., 102–4, 130

Diminisher as, 22, 23, 102–3

directives given by, 124

Question Challenge, 127–28

Kodak, 195



native genius, 48–49, 64

opinion, 92, 95

talent, 210–11

Lafley, Alan G., 86, 110, 246

Lands End, 213, 235

Lane, Ray, 78, 104–7, 111, 119, 126, 172–73, 246

Lange, Deb, 24

Lange, Deborah, 245

Lao Tzu, 195

latent talent, 26

lazy way strategies, 202–3

leaders, 97

logic of multiplication, on capability, 16–17

resource leverage logic of multiplication, 17

underutilization logic of multiplication, 16

leadership, 203, 221.
See also
intense leader; Talent Magnet; tense leader

aligning, 105

assumptions of, 20–21, 103–4

clarifying roles in, 169

Covey on, ix

as critical force, x

Drucker on, xi

enlightened, 240

growth and, 6

helping others lead, 165–67

as intelligence amplifier, 6

intelligence increased by, xi–xii

as intelligence Multiplier, 5

lazy way to, 202–3

one way intelligence, 5

ownership naming, 169, 193

restraint of Liberators, 91

leading questions, 127–28, 130

learning cycles, 84–86, 88, 95

least resistance, path of, 66, 90, 95, 199

Lebanon, 1

leveling playing field, 80–82, 95

See also
resource leverage

Debate making and, 154–55

investment, 185–88

talent, 58–59

Liberator, 22, 23, 31, 65–95, 249–50

becoming, 90–93, 95

best work, distinguished from outcomes, 83–84, 95

best work demanded by, 82–84, 95

collaborative working, 72

commitment of, 90–93

creating space, 78–82, 95

defense of standard, 82–83, 95

difficult tasks of, 72

Diminisher assumption, 210

distinguishing best work from outcomes, 83–84, 95

duality of, 76–77

environment of, 72

giving voluntarily to, 89

hybrid climate, 76–77

idea generation of, 72, 74, 216

intense environment of, 90, 95

as intense leader, 72, 95

leadership restraint, 91

learning and adaptation in environment of, 72

leveling playing field, 80–82, 95

listening of, 79

listening-to-talking ratio, 79, 95

mistake sharing of, 92–93, 95

Multiplier assumption, 210

operating consistently, 80, 95

opinion labeling of, 92, 95

poker chip example, 91, 95

practices of, 77–87

rapid learning cycles generated by, 84–86, 95

releasing others by restraining self, 78–79, 95

resource leverage of, 89–90

teachers, 75–76

Tyrants v., 68–72, 95

The Liberator
, 93

limelight, hogging, 58

Lincoln, Abraham, 137

Lior (officer), 3, 4, 245

listening, 135–36, 196

spike, 50

to talking ratio, 79, 95, 196

logic of addition, 14–16

logic of multiplication, 16–18

Lokesh, liberating, 211–12


Maathai, Wangari, 120, 221, 247

Macwan, Jyoti, 166

management, hard edge, 24

Mandela, Nelson, 221

Man on Wire
(documentary), 120

market value, increased, 38

Maxwell, Chip, 122

McCauley, Matt, 111–14, 116, 247

McKeown, Greg, ix, xii, 7, 12, 13, 30, 214, 218, 229

McKinsey & Company, 159, 173, 177, 235, 247

Mohr Davidow Ventures

meeting format, two-circle, 152

Mendy, Sean, 114–16, 247

Mensa, 123

M Factor
, 252

Micromanager, 23, 185–86

calling every play, 163–64

cost of, 184–85

Diminisher as, 22–23

Investor v., 161–65, 193

jumping in and out, 183–84

ownership maintained by, 182–83

running onto field, 164–65

taking back, 184–85

Microsoft, 139–41, 144, 235

Microsoft Learning, 27, 84–85, 139, 155, 231, 247


capability and, 44

fixed, 19

growth, 19

Mission Impossible, 112–13, 116

mistakes, 66

admitting and sharing, 84–85

learning from, 85–86, 95

sharing, 92–93, 95

MIT, 213

Modiin, Israel, 46

Mohr Davidow Ventures (MDV), 26, 247

Moore, Dennis, 6

Mosh, Eleanor Schaffner, 171

multiple intelligences theory, 44

multiplication, logic of, 16–18

Multiplier, 240.
See also
Challenger; Debate Maker; Diminisher-Multiplier model continuum; Investor; Liberator; Talent Magnet

accelerators to becoming, 203–14

Accidental Diminisher and, 25–26, 199

accountability demands of, 168–69

assumptions of, 18–20, 209–10, 210

becoming, 195–223, 250–51

building, 197–98

challenges created tension, 111

community building of, 217–18

decisions of, 22, 136, 141–42

defined, 230

Diminishers v., 31

dormant talent use of, 26

extracting potential, 11–12

extreme development plan of, 206

five disciplines of, 21–23, 31

global influence of, 218–19

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