Much Ado About Mavericks (38 page)

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Authors: Jacquie Rogers

BOOK: Much Ado About Mavericks
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“We got a couple of the rustlers,” he said as he dismounted, “but there’s more out there.”

“Did you get their boss?”

“You already got him.”  He loosened his gloves one finger at a time.  “It’s your buddy, Fred.  Said Patience sent him to disrupt the roundup so’s Ben would go back to
and marry up with her.  Says she’s gonna, uh,” his gaze lowered, “well, she’s gonna have his baby.”

Jake’s knees nearly buckled.  She felt light-headed and her heart broke into hollow bits.  But she sure as hell wouldn’t let Crazy Jim, or anyone else, know it.  She swallowed hard and tensed her jaw.  Looking him right in the eye, she asked, “Does Ben know this?”

Shrugging, he said, “Don’t know.  Ask him.”

“It’s none of my business.”  But she knew what she had to do for the good of the Bar EL and the good of her heart—get rid of them both.  “Have someone ride up to
and fetch a preacher.  Then you ride out to the herd and take over for Ben.  Send him to me.”

Crazy Jim shook his head.  “Damn, I thought better of him than that.”

Jake sighed.  “So did I, but he’s got to do the right thing, and we’ll make damn good and sure he does.”


Chapter 19

Jake sat on the log, staring into the fire.  Her arm hurt and her heart ached.  Crazy Jim had been gone nearly half an hour, but Ben hadn’t returned yet.  She honestly didn’t know what the hell to say to him when he did. 

Pouring herself yet another cup of coffee, she chided herself for being such a ninny and falling for him in the first place.  She tried to harden her heart against him, although doubtful she could do it.  Ben had wiggled his way in there, and he’d be a part of her forever.  He’d be nothing but a dream.  A sweet dream.  Now, her only recourse was to go on living like she had been—work hard, do a good job, raise the strays to be honest and as hard working as herself.

Two months ago that had been enough and she’d been happy.  But two months ago she hadn’t known Ben.  Life would never be as good without him, but she damned well wasn’t going to let any man keep her from living a good life.  She had the strays, and they were good kids.

Reginald came over and sat by her.  She tried to ignore him, but he wasn’t very ignorable.

“Feeling poorly?” he asked, helping himself to the coffee.

“I hurt some.”  Even if she had a hankering to tell someone about Ben, Reginald was the last one she’d talk to.  Or next to the last.  His sister was the last.  Jake knew a trap when she smelled one, and she reckoned Ben should have been smart enough not to get caught.

“That dragging you took last night would have gotten the best of me.  How’s your arm?”


“I have a question to ask.”  He fumbled with a stick, turning it over and studying it.


“Where can I find a preacher?  Suzanne and I want to be married.”

“So you’re taking Suzanne back to
, too,” she said, resigned to the fact that she’d lost Ben, and now Suzanne, too.

“No, I’m not.  She won’t go.  Besides, I like the cattle business.  I’ve learned to rope and Crazy Jim’s taught me quite a few things.  Frankly, I love ranch work.  But as far as Suzanne and me, well, I’d like to work at the Bar EL for a year, if you’ll hire me on, then buy a ranch of my own.”

“You got money?  It takes a lot of money to buy the land, build a bunkhouse and a barn—all the corrals and whatnot, and you got to buy a herd on top of that.”

He nodded.  “I have a good sum in trust that I’ll get when I turn twenty-five.  That’ll be next fall.”

Jake watched him a minute, skeptical of his plans.  “Why the hell do you want to live here when you got money and women in

He stared at the ground and groaned, then took a sip of coffee.  “
’s a good place—a fine city—but, hell, I never was worth much there.  Can’t stand sitting behind a desk all day.  My father doesn’t think I’m worth a damn—that’s why he wants to promote Ben to senior partner.  Father’s getting up in the years and he wants Ben to take over his firm.”

“So your father and sister set out to ambush him, then?”

“That’s about the size of it.  Poor fellow.”

“Well, don’t worry about that preacher.  I got a cowhand on the way to Silver, fetching one right now to marry Ben up with your sister.  He might as well marry you and Suzanne, too—if Mabel gives you the nod, that is.  I ain’t sure she will.”

He raised his eyebrow.  “I didn’t know Ben and Patience were getting married, especially since he’d rather be with you.”

Jake bit her lower lip.  Truth is, she’d give her right arm to be with him, too.  “Yeah, well, be that as it may, he’s made his decision.”

“Too bad.  I was hoping he’d stay here.  Maybe I can talk him out of it.”

“I doubt it.”  Because he’d have to whip sixty or better cowhands in order to do it.  No, Ben got Patience with child, and now he had to do the right thing.

*   *   *   *   *

Ben hurried back to the camp.  Crazy Jim wouldn’t tell him what Jake wanted, but with his downhearted expression, Ben wondered if maybe she’d taken a fever.

As he rode in, he saw Jake and Reginald sitting on a log by the fire, chatting away like old friends.  While he hadn’t noticed any animosity between the two of them, neither had he seen much cordiality.  And if Reginald was trying to butter her up for seduction, Ben would beat the living hell out of him.

Dismounting, he groundtied the paint, hoping the gelding would stay.  Ben unbuckled his chaps on the way to Jake. 

“You feeling all right?” he asked as he poured a cup of hot coffee.  Her color was good, but she had a stern look on her face.


If there was one thing he knew about women, it was that when they said ‘fine’ they absolutely did not mean it.  “What’s wrong?”

“I sent for the preacher.  You’ll be married up with your sweetheart by nightfall, if all goes well.”

“Jake, that’s great!  Although I thought you’d want to have the wedding back at the Bar EL.”

“It ain’t me,
.  You’re hitching up with Patience.”

He stilled, his cup an inch from his mouth, and stared at her.  “I’m not marrying her, Jake.  I’m marrying you.”

Reginald stood and clapped Ben on the shoulder.  “Good luck, brother-in-law,” he said as he walked away.

Confused, Ben sat down beside Jake.  She scooted away from him.  He glared at her.  “What the hell’s going on here?” he bit out.

“You knock a girl up—you marry her.”  Jake shrugged.  “Simple.”

“I didn’t kno—”  He threw his cup down, splashing coffee all over.  “Dammit, Jake, she can’t be with child.  At least, not by me.”

“Go tell her that.”  She got up and walked off, not even looking back.

Ben sighed and suddenly he felt bone weary.  He wasn’t about to let them orchestrate a shotgun wedding to the wrong woman, but for once, he didn’t quite know what to do.  He did know for a fact that the cowhands would take the word of a lady over his.  That would be an uphill battle.

He stood, not knowing where to go or what to do.  He just knew that he wouldn’t allow Patience or Creighton Morris to ruin his life—or Jake’s.  He wouldn’t take that senior partnership now if he offered a wagonload of gold to go along with it. 

And he also knew that Jake loved him as much as he loved her, even if she was madder than a fried lizard at the moment.  He looked around, and saw Whip in front of the chuckwagon stirring a kettle of beans.  He made his way to him.

“Whip, I have a problem.”

“You sure as hell do,” he said, still stirring and not looking up.

“I want to marry Jake.”

Whip stirred his beans, frowning.  “You can’t be married to two women at a time.”

“If Patience is with child, it’s not mine.”

“That’s what they all say, son.”  He put down the ladle and looked up.  “I’m gonna tell you a story.  Sit down and pour yourself a cup of coffee.  It’s fresh—only four hours old.”

Ben sat on the tongue of the chuckwagon and waited for Whip to continue.

“Once, when I was a young whippersnapper like you, I was real taken with this pretty little gal. 
, it was.”  He stared at the clouds for a while then took another sip.  “Looks like a storm working up over there.”

“And?  What’s this girl got to do with me?”

“Ah, the pretty little girl.  Had dark hair and brown eyes.  Smartest gal in her school, too.”  He smiled.  “She taught me my letters.”

“So she was older than you?”

“Naw, she was fifteen and I was nineteen.  Anyway, we got along real good, her and me.”  He gazed at Ben.  “Real good, if you know what I mean.”

Ben nodded, urging the old man to get to the point.

“We was gonna get married, but I didn’t want to marry her when I didn’t have a pot to piss in.  She deserved better.”

“I can understand that.”

Rubbing his chin, Whip went on, “Well, one day, this here trail boss asked me to ride with him.  Good money, he offered.  I needed that money to build us a place, and, as much as I hated to leave that girl, well, I took the job.”

“Sounds like a good decision.”

“Yeah, except when I come back, she was all married up with a local rancher.  That winter, she had a little baby boy.”  A tear came to his eye.  “My boy.”

“So you left then?”

“Yeah, I left
, but so did she and her husband.  I been keeping an eye on her, just to make sure she’s all right.”

“And that’s why you never married, then.”

“She’s my woman, Ben.  Ain’t no other woman for me.” 

“I don’t understand what this has to do with me.”

Whip went over and stirred the beans.  Ben waited, but Whip didn’t say anything.

“Whip, why did you tell me about what happened to you?  I’m really sorry about what happened—you must have been heartbroken.  But my situation isn’t like this at all.”

Looking up, the old man asked, “Isn’t it?”  He clapped Ben on the shoulder.  “Son, I think you’re a lot like me—a one-woman man.  You better marry the woman you love while you can, because you may never get another chance.”

Ben left, wandering outside of camp, feeling more confused than before Whip started talking.  He knew very well who he wanted to marry—Jake.  He’d have her or no woman.  Trouble is, as long as she thought he had gotten Patience with child, she’d be as cold as Christmas morning.

He heard voices—Reginald and Suzanne!  That last thing his sister needed was a high-roller for a husband, especially a Morris.  He took after them, finding them wrapped in each other’s arms behind a thicket of junipers.  He grabbed Reginald by the shirt collar and punched him in the gut.  “Stay away from my sister!”

Suzanne started beating his side with her fists.  “Stop it, Ben, stop it right now!”

Ben pushed Reginald away.  “About that damned duel—let’s do it now.”

Putting his hand out for a shake, Reginald said, “Now, Ben, I’m happy to have a match with you, but I think you’d better cool down a little.”

“I’m cool enough!” Ben roared.  “You and your damned sister and your scheming father.  I’ve had enough of your whole conniving family to last me ten lifetimes.  And you are
bedding my sister.”

Reginald stared at him as if he’d gone mad.  “I’m marrying your sister and working as a cowhand on the Bar EL.  I’d rather you give us your blessing, but if I have to duel you over her, then I will.”


Shaking his head, Reginald countered, “In an hour.”

“Then the herd crew will be in.”  Ben paused, then said, “Ah, I see.  You want an audience, as usual.  Why not?”

“Might as well.”  Reginald took Suzanne’s hand and told her, “Stay in the tent.”

Ben grabbed her arm.  “You’re coming with me.”  To Reginald, he yelled, “Bring your spare epee.” 

*   *   *   *   *

Jake never heard of such a stupid thing—two grown men going at one another with long, skinny toothpicks.  A six-shooter would settle the score a whole lot faster.  She sat with her arm around Teddy, watching Ben and Reginald mark out a long rectangle on the bare dirt, all the while giving each other the evil eye.

Then they each stretched and swiped their blades in the air.  Quite a show, but Jake still wasn’t impressed.  Patience, though, seemed delighted with the whole affair.  She would.

The cowhands were laying bets, and occasionally hooting and hollering.  As far as they knew, this was a fine noon entertainment.

“What’s this all about?” Whip asked.

“Damned if I know.”

“Helluva way to get started, what with Reginald marrying our Suzanne and Ben hitching up with that female skunk.”

“Yeah, well, from what I can tell, they all deserve each other.  Even Suzanne.”  She snorted and dug her heel in the dirt, then added, “Hell, I thought she was smarter than that.  Maybe they’ll all go back to
and leave us the hell alone.”

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