Much Ado About Highlanders (The Scottish Relic Trilogy) (25 page)

BOOK: Much Ado About Highlanders (The Scottish Relic Trilogy)
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As he’d expected, the moment she tore free to catch her breath, she spotted the huge tub filled with steaming water. She smiled up into his face.

“You’re taking a bath.”

are taking a bath. Robert had it delivered here for the two of us.”

“But your mother expects me to return to my room.”

“Of course, she does. But we do what we want,” he said, bolting the door.

A soft blush immediately spread across her flawless cheeks. “But we can’t. It’s daylight. Everyone in the castle would know what we’re doing. And I have no clean clothes to put on after.” She shook her head. “If anyone were to see me, it would be a scandal.”

Alexander wanted to laugh out loud at her innocence, but he wouldn’t hurt her feelings for the world. Where did she think they’d be sleeping after the banquet tonight?

“As you wish. You wanted a place where we can talk. Here we are. Just the two of us. I’ll sit in the bath while we speak. I have enough road dirt on me to fill the moat. Tell me about the conversation with your father.”

She moved into the spacious room, talking as she looked at everything.

“My father knows about the stone. My mother told him. He says she inherited it from her mother. He knows nothing of its origins or how my grandmother came to have it.”

He watched her as her fingers trailed along the bedclothes, as she looked out the window, tested the chairs, all the while telling him everything that was discussed with her father. She told him that Magnus wanted Sine to give up the stone so her life could be saved.

“If it were the two of us, I would have forced you,” he asserted. “I would have pulled down the sky and torn the earth asunder to save you.”

She paused. “You say this now because we have no children. Imagine the responsibility we would be putting on a child. Perhaps it would be too much for her to bear.”

He didn’t want to think of it. He wouldn’t want to be in that position. He wanted Kenna with him forever. That’s all he knew.

“You matter above all things,” he said quietly. “My love for you will rule any decision that I make, from now till the end of time. I’m telling you now that I will fight for you—and I will not fight fair.”

She came across the room and embraced him, pressing her face against his chest. “I love you, Alexander. And today, right now, I will not fight you over choices that I hope we never have to make.”

He pulled her hair back until her face turned up to his. This woman was the very air in his lungs. “You love me.”

“I love you.”

And his lips met hers.

“I have other things to tell you,” he said, unfastening his brooch and yanking his shirt over his head.

She stared at his chest.

He sat on the edge of the tub and pulled off his boots. “I’ve learned that all of that business in the west—the ship, the kidnapping, leaving us in the wilderness—it was all arranged. The whole thing was just to get you and me back together.”

“I heard the same thing earlier today.”

“To be honest, I’ve known it since we boarded my ship at the Hermit’s Rock. Diarmad told me.”

“And you made no mention of it.”

He stood and pulled his hair free of the thong holding it back.

“Nay, I didn’t. I think I was too grateful at the moment to James for being so cunning . . . and happy that our clans wanted it so badly.” He smiled. “Also, my thoughts were too intent on ravishing you in my cabin. I didn’t want you to be distracted.”

“I also learned today that you never requested an annulment.”

He gazed at her for a long moment.

“Aye, lass. That’s true.”

He unfastened his belt, and the dark wool of his kilt pooled at his feet.


Her eyes drifted over his chest, stomach, and lower.

Alexander turned away. He was starting to enjoy this.

She aroused him with a mere look. He stepped into the tub, sitting down.

“By the devil!” he cursed, lifting up and then slowly settling back into the water. “That bastard Robert just scalded my scallops!”

She laughed and then grew serious again. “Why didn’t you go to the bishop for the annulment?”

“Because I knew this would be the way between us. And if James hadn’t acted as he did, in another month I would have kidnapped you myself from those nuns at Loch Eil.”

“You wouldn’t have,” she said. “I know you now. You would never have forced yourself or the marriage on me.”

“Perhaps.” He leaned back. “But I might have spirited you away and kept you locked in a tower somewhere and forced you to watch me bathe.”

“And you think that would have won me over, I suppose.”

“No doubt. How is it working now?”

She reached up and slowly pulled at the laces that secured the front of her dress.

“You’re not the only one who can be tempting by sitting naked in that tub. Two can play that game.”

His eyes followed the movement of her hands. “You have on far too many clothes. I’m not tempted at all.”

She pulled at the neckline of the dress and started pushing the garment over one shoulder, holding on to the strap of her shift. “How about now?”

Alexander fought the urge to jump out and drag her back in the tub with him. “Not even close, woman.”

Kenna pushed the dress over her other shoulder and down over her hips. The garment fell to the floor.

“And now?”

His gaze traveled down her body. Although he had a thorough knowledge of what lay beneath her thin shift, that knowledge did nothing to diminish the desire he felt now.

“I’ll be honest. You’re getting close.” He smiled faintly and nodded. “But you’re still wearing more than what
have on. Not the same level of temptation, I shouldn’t think.”

She approached the tub. “Well, that’s all you’ll be tempted with today. As I said, I don’t plan on getting wet. The only reason why I removed the dress was to wash your back.”

He shifted in the tub and her eyes widened at the sight of his wet and fully aroused manhood.

“As you can see, I may not have been completely honest. You are a wee bit of a tease, Kenna.”

“Am I?” she replied coyly.

He studied the rich brown hue of her long gleaming hair, the violet-blue eyes that he fell asleep thinking of, the dark nipples pushing through the shift, the long legs extending from beneath the thin fabric.

“Tease or no, you can’t touch me,” she ordered. “I’m only washing your back.”

He held up a wet cloth.

“My gratitude knows no bounds, to be sure. Here you are, lass,” he said. But as she reached for it, his other hand darted out, and she was on his lap in the water before she could even cry out.

“Ah! Now this is so much better,” he growled. “I love it when I get my way. I think I’ll wash you first, my sweet.”

With her feet still dangling on the outside of the tub, and her arm around his shoulder, she looked up and met his gaze.

“Why do you have to be such a temptation? I can’t believe I just walked into your trap.”

“It’s a gift. The water’s not too hot for you?”

She shook her head slowly.

Alexander poured bowls of warm water over her breasts, soaking the thin garment until it was transparent.

“But how am I going to face everyone when I leave here? They’ll all know what we did.”

“Aye. It’s safe to assume they all know.” He pressed his lips to the bare skin of her neck. “Robert had his folk deliver the tub and this water to this room. And drying cloths enough for two.”

Kenna went limp for a moment in his arms. Then, turning and placing both hands on his shoulders, she looked into his face. “And he won’t hold his tongue?”

“I could threaten him with torture at the hands of Torquemada himself—the man couldn’t hold his tongue.”

“So who knows we’re here together?”

“The entire household. My parents,” he lied. “They’re probably all gathered in the hallway outside at this very moment, waiting to celebrate your moans and cries of marital fulfillment.”

She laughed. “You are the devil, Alexander Macpherson.”

He pulled her against him, and she shivered as his hand caressed her breast. He placed soft kisses on her face.

“I’m glad we’ve settled that. Now, let’s work on those moans and cries.”

His hand dropped into the water, and his fingers slid up along the skin of her thigh. Kenna held her breath and curled into him.

“If you insist.”

Chapter 28

Use it for my love some other way than swearing by it.

Kenna looked at herself in the mirror.

This was as fine a gown as the one she had worn on her wedding day. The dress of pale yellow laced with threads of gold clung to her body and then flared to a long, full skirt below her hips. The tight sleeves hugged her arms, and velvet cuffs extended over her fingers.

This had been one of Fiona’s dresses. And the seamstress had worked her magic in letting out just enough material to make the gown fit her body like a second skin. Kenna eyed the neckline. It was far too revealing.

For six months now, she’d been wearing the pouch with the healing stone around her neck. Now, she was wearing the stone at her belt. Understanding the power of the relic, she was constantly alert as to where it was. She would not lose it.

Looking in the mirror again, Kenna gathered her long brown hair and pulled it over one shoulder, trying to hide some of the exposed skin. She didn’t want another exhibition. This afternoon, after they’d made love, Alexander had brought her back up here using secret hallways and hidden stairwells. Still, quick exchanges of looks and the averted eyes of the maids and dressmakers waiting for her left no doubt that they knew what the two had been doing.

Before leaving, Alexander had kissed her soundly on the lips and reminded her that this bedchamber belonged to both of them.

Kenna needed to get used to this. She was married. And it was absolutely acceptable for her husband to parade his affection in public. And deep down, she was thrilled each time by the feeling it gave her.

The rest of the afternoon had been a mad dash of preparations. Another scrubbing, but without the luxury of the tub. Women measuring arms and legs and waist and hips and bosom before trying out different colors and textures of cloth against her skin and hair.

Twice, Tess had poked her head in, making certain that everything was under control and that Kenna wasn’t being overwhelmed by the cadre of workers buzzing about her.

In the span of a few short hours, Kenna was amazed at the array of dresses, gowns, and accessories that were delivered to her room.

In an odd moment alone, she picked up a fine silk nightgown left on her pillow. She marveled at the soft suppleness of the material and the finely stitched handiwork. Running it over her hand, she noticed the delicate feel of the fabric and how it molded to her outstretched fingers beneath. She trembled with excitement imagining Alexander’s reaction to it when she would put it on.

This afternoon in his chamber, he’d torn the shift from her body. The two of them made love in the tub and then again on the bed while they were still wet with the bath water. It seemed that he could not get enough of her, and she felt exactly the same way. He played her body like an instrument. She sang, she soared, and she came back again and again for more.

A knock on the bedchamber door broke into her reverie. She opened it to find the man she’d been thinking about on the threshold.

“May I come in?”

Kenna took his hand and pulled him in, closing the door behind him. He looked around, surprised to find her alone. Rising to her toes, she took hold of his neck and kissed him on the mouth, before pulling back quickly and sliding out of his grasp.

“I can see you’ve missed me as much as I’ve missed you.”

She smiled and nodded. He was no longer the roguish Highlander who terrorized the western shores and the captains of Spanish treasure ships. At this moment, he was impeccably dressed in exquisitely fitted clothes. His face was clean-shaven and his dark blond hair tied back. Looking at him now, she felt the heat descend into her belly.

“My parents forced a promise from me that I would escort you directly downstairs.” His eyes took in the swells of flesh that beckoned from the neckline of the dress. “I can see now that was a mistake.”

Alexander lifted her in his arms and his mouth settled on hers, crushing her lips in a kiss.

“They were afraid I’ll do what I did this afternoon,” he whispered in her ear, his mouth grazing the skin of her earlobe, her neck. He kissed the hollow of her neck.

“What was that?” Her hands moved over his chest. She could feel his heart beating hard and fast.

“I may have mentioned to a few people that you and I made love four or five times. Or six.”


“But that was only because Robert complained that we splashed so much water out of the tub that the hallways and the chambers below were flooded.”

“Now I know you’re lying.”

His hand gently caressed her breast as he placed a kiss on the exposed skin.

“Nay, lass. There was water everywhere.”

“Really? And was there a great deal of damage?” she whispered vaguely, watching as he slowly tugged at the neckline of her dress. Slowly, ever so slowly, he was exposing more of her skin.

“Aye. Nearly a disaster. They may need to renovate this entire wing again.” His fingers grazed over the line where silk met skin.

“Is that . . . is that so?”

“But my father says it’s all for a good cause.”

“I’m glad.”

“But my mother insists that we wait to wreak that kind of destruction again until after the banquet tonight.” He tasted her freshly bared skin.

“Of course, your mother is right.”

“I am more inclined to side with my father on this.” He pulled the material even lower until one breast popped free.

She took a sharp breath and ran her fingers into his hair as he slid his hand beneath her breast, lifting it. She gasped as his mouth took possession of the nipple.

“We can’t make love whenever we wish it,” she said hoarsely, the sweet torment overtaking her senses. Her fingers raked his shoulders and moved again through his hair. “We should stop. I need to make a good impression before your family.”

“Aye, that’s true, my love.” He pulled back, smiling. “But it might be too late. From what I understand, everyone in the Great Hall heard your cries this afternoon.”

“Don’t tease me like that. I’m nervous enough as it is,” she growled, pushing at his chest. She pulled her dress back up, covering herself. “Time to go.”

“Nay, I’ll not have those lusty fellows in my clan down there eyeing you in this condition. Your skin carries a mark of every place I kissed you.”

She freed herself of him and looked in horror at the mirror. He was right. Red marks stood out on her fair skin.

Grinning, Alexander went off searching among the pile of garments brought in this afternoon and returned a moment later with a shawl of Macpherson colors. She watched as he arranged the cloth around her shoulders.

He stood back in open admiration. “Aye, that should do it.”

A few moments later, Kenna smiled brightly as they slipped into the festive hall. A huge fire at the end of the hall lit the festivities, and the smell of roasting meat and breads filled the air. Pipers played and children danced. On every side, laughter and merriment enveloped them, so that amidst the revelry, almost no one noticed their entrance.

Kenna spotted her father sitting beside Alec Macpherson and for the second time today, her heart warmed knowing he would be part of her life. Now she understood him. His silence. His pain and grief. There was still much more they needed to talk about. They both had emotional wounds that still bled. But they now had a chance to heal. At that moment, Magnus MacKay spotted her, and he immediately came to his feet.

An immediate hush fell over the entire hall. The musicians ceased playing, and all eyes turned to her. Alexander took her arm and stopped her from taking a step back.

The laird and Lady Fiona got to their feet. One by one, others followed.

“What’s happening?” she asked in a whisper.

“They’re your family, my love,” he answered reassuringly. “They’ve been waiting for you, and none too patiently, for six months now.”

“Why are they so quiet?” she murmured back to him. “I told you this would happen.”

“Nay. You’ve rendered them spellbound, from the looks of things. But how can you blame them?” Alexander said. “You’re a vision. You’re far more stunning than they ever expected.” He brought their joined hands to his lip and kissed hers. “I am proud to stand beside you.”

Magnus MacKay crossed the floor and bowed to them. Her head high, her back straight, her eyes met her father’s for a moment. The words they’d spoken this afternoon were her salvation. The confidence she felt now came from the realization that she’d never lost her father. She curtsied.

“Daughter,” he whispered, taking her into his arms.

Kenna felt his affection run through her limbs and reach her heart.

“I pray and I hope I’ve done well by you here,” he whispered in her ear.

She was misty-eyed pulling away. “You have, Father.” Magnus took Alexander into his arms.

Alec Macpherson was not going to be denied this time. With a booming welcome, he crossed the floor with Fiona at his side.

“At last!” he thundered. “At last I get to welcome my daughter to Benmore Castle.”

The final vestige of Kenna’s nervousness vanished, and a smile spread across her face.

“At last,” she responded with a low curtsy. “I’m honored to be here—a daughter, a wife, and a member of this generous and dignified clan.”

The room suddenly erupted with cheers, and the old laird beamed with delight.

Alec Macpherson opened his arms, and Kenna placed a kiss on the chieftain’s cheek, only to find herself crushed in a bear hug as his powerful arms wrapped around her.

“And now it’s my turn, Alec,” Fiona put in, warmly welcoming her with a hearty embrace.

The pipers began to play again, and Kenna found herself surrounded by crowding faces of well-wishers.

Tess was right there; so was Colin.

“You do know that with this declaration tonight, you are now fair game. I can play any trick I wish, and you can no longer run away.”

“I won’t need to run, brother,” she replied. “Because you might not be able to crawl.”

They laughed as Alexander moved beside her. “Colin, you pathetic whelp. I nearly succeeded in drowning you once but Tess saved you. Next time, little brother, I’ll make sure the water is colder, the distance to shore farther, and there is no one around for miles to save you.”

Colin wasn’t deterred. “You do anything to me, and you’ll have to answer to my wife.” He wedged himself between Alexander and Kenna again. “Has this brute told you anything of the lunacy in our family?”

“Move along, lad,” Alexander growled. “The only lunacy in our family, my love, is in the third son.”

Kenna and Tess exchanged a look. This was exactly what she’d warned her about before. She expected a brawl to break out at any moment.

“As I was saying—” Colin continued, holding on to her hand.

“Tess, would you be kind enough to control your husband?” Alexander asked, pulling Kenna away.

“Aye, that I can do.” Tess brushed a kiss on her husband’s cheek, and suddenly Colin’s attention was only on his wife.

Kenna glanced about her. She hadn’t seen James.

The warmth she was feeling—the welcome, the cheerful banter, the loving feel of Alexander’s hand on hers—all had been made possible because James had accepted the challenge of bringing them back together.

She saw him across the room. Their gazes locked. He slowly pushed his way through the crowd, and when he reached her, he kissed her gently on both cheeks.

“Welcome to the family.”

Something was wrong with him. She saw that instantly. The troubled look that Fiona sent her confirmed that she guessed the same thing.

“Thank you, James,” she told him. “Thank you for stealing a ship, for kidnapping me, for stranding us. Thank you for any other trickery you played on us that I don’t even know about.”

He nodded, but a mask hid his emotions. “My brother is a good man. You two will do well.” With a curt bow, he turned and walked away.

“You see,” Colin put in. “Lunacy has taken hold of that one’s brain.”

She looked up at Alexander. “What’s wrong?”

“A matter of the heart.” He shook his head and looked off in the direction of his departing brother. “He’s left a piece of it elsewhere, I’m thinking.”

Sir Ralph Evers sat on his charger, ignoring the cold rain running down his face.

A dozen villagers dangled from nooses in the oak tree behind him.

His soldier half dragged the woman through the mud, yanking her by the hair. She was dressed only in a filthy wet shift, her white flesh visible through the tears. The man forced her to her knees and pulled her head up for Evers to see. She was bruised and bloody, her bottom lip gray and swollen to the size of a fat mouse.

She was almost past caring what happened to her now, Evers thought, but perhaps not quite.

“They say you’re a witch, woman.”

She mumbled something, shaking her head from side to side.

The soldier slapped her hard. “Speak up when his lordship asks, bitch.”

“Nay,” she whispered.

“You don’t understand. I’m looking for a witch, one with great power. They told me that you come from a long line of them.”

She stared up at him, confusion evident in her face. Then her eyes narrowed with suspicion.

“I’m not trying to trick you. This is why I came here to this godforsaken hole. They say that you can read a man’s past by touching his hand or his face. Is that true, woman?”

She said nothing for a moment and then cowered as the soldier raised a fist to strike her.

“Aye,” she murmured, glancing furtively from her tormentor to the mounted leader. “A man’s skin, m’lord. It speaks to me.”

“Approach,” Evers commanded. “Touch my hand and tell me my past.”

As the woman struggled to her feet, Evers tugged off his gauntlet. She moved toward the warhorse, keeping an eye on the soldier. Reaching out hesitantly, she placed her fingers on the back of Evers’s hand.

She closed her eyes and a moment later began to sway back and forth.

“Did she have a stone?” Evers asked his man.

BOOK: Much Ado About Highlanders (The Scottish Relic Trilogy)
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