Mrs. Shepherds Dolls - A Christmas Story (3 page)

Read Mrs. Shepherds Dolls - A Christmas Story Online

Authors: Nancy C. Wilson

Tags: #christmas, #dolls, #friends and neighbors, #friends at christmas, #friends and bullying

BOOK: Mrs. Shepherds Dolls - A Christmas Story
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“Oh honey, I have favorites too, and I don’t
think you’re ever too old for anything that makes you happy or
makes you smile.”


Thanksgiving had passed and everyone was
getting ready for Christmas. The town was starting to take on a new
look with Christmas wreaths on all the light poles and plastic
snowmen and Santa’s were dragged out of garages. People with
ladders were out hanging lights on roofs and windows.

Ruth was happily baking gingerbread cookies
and people were in and out of her house to see the doll room in
it’s Christmas magic. With one click of a switch, tiny white lights
came on above the dolls and festive greens and reds were tucked in
between each one. They each wore Christmas dresses which Misty and
Amy were more than happy to assist Ruth in dressing each doll.
Megan wore a lovely green satin dress with a pretty wreath adorning
her hair; she wore black patent leather shoes with white socks
trimmed in lace. She looked like she was ready for a party.

Ruth said goodbye to Amy and Misty with a
gingerbread man and a peppermint candy cane. She thanked them for
helping her and after she closed the door she went back to the doll
room to turn off all of the lights. That’s when she saw one light
that had burned out above the door. She got out her small ladder
and replaced the burned out bulb with a new one. After doing this,
she went to step down from the ladder and missed a step; down she
went collapsing on the floor with a sharp pain surging through her

“Oooh….” Ruth moaned and passed out from the

“Mrs. Shepherd?” Amy yelled as she came back
into the house with Misty. “I forgot to tell you that mom wants you
to meet her tomorrow.”

No answer.

“Mrs. Shepherd?” Amy called out again.

The girls noticed the doll room door was
still open so they walked down the hallway and saw Ruth lying on
the floor.

“Oh Mrs. Shepherd!” Amy knelt down and saw
she was passed out.

Misty ran to the phone and called an

Brenda hurried to Ruth’s house once Amy
called her and explained what happened. The ambulance came and took
an unconscious Ruth to the hospital.

Everyone in town was concerned, especially a
very good friend of Ruth’s that worked at the fire station. He was
first on the scene when the call came in. Taylor Duncan was a very
old friend and looked after Ruth when her husband died. She visited
him almost everyday with cookies or a hot cup of coffee, they would
sit and chat and then she’d visit some of the shops in town. It was
her daily routine.

Brenda stayed at the hospital until Ruth was
out of danger. Taylor stayed also, and the two got to know each

“I always wondered where Ruth went everyday.”
Brenda smiled.

“Oh we’ve been friends for more years than I
can count.” Taylor laughed. “I’m too old now to be a fireman, so I
just sort of take care of the place. We have potlucks, and roasts
and party’s there all year round. Ruth has always been a part of

“What about bingo? Do you have bingo games
there too?” Brenda asked.

“Oh, don’t get me started on that. I never
did like that game.” Taylor laughed. “Somebody else takes care of
that. And yes, we do have bingo every Tues night.”

All of the women from Bible study were in the
waiting room as well as quite a few others from town were sitting
and waiting to hear how Ruth was doing.

The doctor came out and was surprised to see
so many people there.

“Are there any relatives here I could speak
to regarding Mrs. Shepherd?” The doctor asked.

“No, her sisters live out of town and I don’t
think anyone has contacted them yet.” Taylor replied. “So how is
our Mrs. Shepherd?”

“Well, she’s bruised her hip, but it’s not
broken, however it’s going to take a while to mend. Otherwise she
seems to be in good spirits.” The doctor replied.

“What can we do to help?” One of the ladies

“She will need a live-in nurse to begin
with.” The doctor said.

“Well, we can all take turns going to her
house each day and sitting with her.” Brenda replied.

All of a sudden a loud boisterous voice
stopped the chatter of the people in the waiting room.

“I can take care of my aunt!” A tall thin
older woman announced to the crowd.

“Oh my word.” Taylor said. “It’s Eunice
Frankel, Ruth’s niece. She’s the last person Ruth should have
looking after her.”

Eunice Frankel was a tall thin woman with a
long sharp nose and small beady eyes. She had long dark hair that
was separated into two plaits then wrapped in large buns around her
ears. She wore too much blue eye shadow and way too much blush and
a gash of red lipstick streaked across her rather large mouth. She
was a sight and in some cases had the tendency to scare small

“Outside of her frightful appearance, why?”
Brenda asked.

“Because she’s a mean, selfish woman, that’s
why.” The pastor’s wife spoke up.

“Yes, that’s true. Another woman said. Not to
mention she looks mean. She reminds me of Ichobod Crane, you know?
The cartoon from Sleepy Hollow?”

“I know; I just hope she doesn’t decide to
visit any of the shops, she’s really got a mean disposition and
she’s always complaining about something.” The baker’s wife

“Are you her niece?” The doctor asked
approaching her.

“I am, my name is Eunice Frankel and Ruth
Shepherd is my aunt.”

“Well, your aunt had a fall and she’s bruised
her hip and needs to stay off of it.” The doctor said.

“Well now I’m here and I’m gong to take care
of my aunt as a niece should.” Eunice said.

“Who on earth called you, Eunice?” Taylor
asked getting up from his seat.

“None of your business old man, I’m here to
do my duty, never fear.” Eunice said, putting her hands on her hips
and glaring at everyone.

Quietly everyone got up and walked out of the
waiting room.

Brenda stayed behind and approached

“Well, it’s nice to meet you Eunice. I’m
Brenda Sheaffer and a very good friend of your aunts.”

“Yeah, okay. But once I get my aunt home,
don’t think you can come visit her any old time. She’s not going to
want any company for a while.” Eunice quipped.

“I’m sure you’re wrong, she loves company and
will need it even more now that she’s disabled. I hope you
reconsider having her friends and neighbors come around to visit
her.” Brenda said trying to put a point across.

“Let me put this another way.
want her friends and neighbors coming around, especially you. I
don’t really like people, however, my duty to my aunt, over shadows
any personal wishes I might have. Now I hope that makes things
clear to you.” With that Eunice turned and walked down the hallway
to find her aunts room.

“Wow, what do you say to that?” Brenda said
out loud.

“Not a darn thing.” Taylor said walking past

“But Taylor, what’s wrong with that woman?”
Brenda asked.

“What’s wrong with her? She’s a mean, spoiled
despicable woman. Her mother and father spoiled her with anything
and everything she wanted. Enough to practically bankrupt them.
She’s a self-centered, horrible woman and I sure do feel sorry for
Ruth.” With that Taylor angrily walked out of the hospital.

“Well, she’s got another think coming if she
thinks she’s going to keep me away from my friend.” Brenda seethed
walking out of the hospital.


Eunice got a cab to the hospital the day her
aunt was released. The nurse wheeled Ruth down the walkway to the
waiting cab.

“I’ll take over now. We don’t need you
anymore.” Eunice said to the nurse.

“Don’t you need help getting your aunt into
the cab?” The nurse asked.

“Hey, you, driver, help get my aunt into the
cab. Now!”

The driver reluctantly got out of the cab and
with the help of the nurse got poor Ruth settled in the cab.

Eunice gave him the address and settled into
the back seat with her arm awkwardly around her aunt.

“Eunice dear, once you get me into the house,
you can leave. You can go back to your family. I’ll be just fine.”
Ruth almost pleaded.

“Nope, aunty dear, I’m here to stay. Wild
horses couldn’t drag me away from your painful little hip.”


Taylor was waiting at Ruth’s house when the
cab arrived. He’d called the hospital to find out when she would be
released and the nurse told him her niece had picked her up in a

The cab pulled along side the curb and Eunice
got out. She was furious that Taylor was waiting on Ruth’s

“What are you doing here?” She steamed.

“I’m here to help your aunt into the house.”
He said coming down the steps.

“I don’t need you.” Eunice hissed.

“Well, I do.” Ruth said.

Taylor proceeded to help Ruth out of the cab.
He picked her up and carried her up the steps of the porch and into
the house, leaving an angry Eunice to pay for the cab.

He started to carry her into her bedroom when
Eunice stopped him.

“NO, that’s my room now. She needs to go
upstairs to the other bedroom.”

“Eunice, that’s not a good idea. Ruth should
be on the first floor where she’s close to everything. You won’t
have to carry trays upstairs to her if she’s in her own room.”

“I don’t mind carrying trays upstairs to my
dear aunt. I know my duty, and like I said, the downstairs bedroom
is mine now, although I’ll need to redecorate it. It’s certainly
not my style.” Eunice said. “So, stop wasting time and take her

“No. I want to go to my own bedroom Eunice,
and you are not going to redecorate any room in this house. Is that
clear? If you don’t agree, then please leave, now.” Ruth said.

Taylor had never heard this side of Ruth
before, but he was glad she spoke up and told her niece how things

Taylor continued on into Ruth’s beautiful
bedroom and sat her down on the bed.

“Thank you so much Taylor, I don’t know what
I’d do without you.” Ruth said.

“Well Ruth, I hope you heal quickly. You
need to.” Taylor quipped.

“I know.” Ruth said sadly.

Taylor started to leave and noticed some very
tacky crazy suitcases in Ruth’s room.

“Would you like me to take these out?” He

“Yes, please.” She said.

He took the suitcases out into the hallway
and put them down in front of Eunice.

“Are you staying?” He asked Eunice.

“Of course I’m staying. I know my duty.” She
snapped at him.

“Would you like me to take your suitcases
upstairs to the other bedroom?” He asked.

“No, I can handle them by myself. Now, please
leave.” Eunice said pointing to the door.

“Look, you treat her right Eunice. You’re not
known for your kindness so I better not hear anything bad about
you.” Taylor said narrowing his eyes at her.

“I am the kindest and most considerate person
I have ever met. How dare you say that to me? Now, get out.”

Taylor shook his head and walked out the
front door.

Eunice went and stood in the doorway of her
aunt’s bedroom.

“Well, are you comfortable?” Eunice asked her

“Very.” Ruth replied.

“I must say, I’ve never seen this side of you
Aunt Ruth, I never thought you’d be selfish and self-centered.”
Eunice said.

“How is wanting to recuperate in my own
bedroom selfish and self-centered?”

“I dropped everything to come and take care
of you. I left my home and family thinking only of you and this is
how you treat me?” Eunice said wiping an invisible tear from her


“Oh Eunice, you forget dear, I know you so
very well. I’m grateful that you’ve come to help me, however, I
would have been fine if you hadn’t. I have lots of friends and
neighbors who would be more than happy to help me.” Ruth

“Really? Then why is it there was no one in
the waiting room when the doctor came out to tell your
and neighbors,
how you were doing? There was
just me.” Eunice said with a snide smile.

“And, my friend Taylor, I know he was there.”
Ruth corrected her.

“Well yes, he was there, he’s a nuisance and
I hope he leaves us alone.” Eunice replied.

“And my friend Brenda Sheaffer, she was also
there, she was at my house when the ambulance took me away. What
are you trying to pull here Eunice?”

“Fine, she was there, but once she discovered
I came to take care of you, she couldn’t leave fast enough.”

“So, just Taylor and Brenda? Well, they are
wonderful friends and I’m glad they were there.” Ruth said in a
soft voice.

“So, that’s it aunty, now there’s just little
old selfish me.” Eunice said.

“Well, I don’t know what to say. I thought I
had so many friends. I’m sorry Eunice; I guess I was wrong. At
least I have my friend Taylor and Brenda, I know they’ll be by to
see me.”

“Oh please, he couldn’t get out of here fast
enough. I certainly wouldn’t count on him for anything. And that
Brenda person. I wouldn’t count on her; I doubt that she’ll be by.
No, I’m all you’ve got Aunt Ruth. And now, I’ll have to trudge up
and down those stairs all day and all night just to take care of
you.” Eunice sighed.

“Well, maybe with your help, I could make it
upstairs after all. I do have a dumbwaiter in that bedroom, that
would help a lot.” Ruth said sadly.

“Now that’s the Aunt Ruth I remembered. Yes,
of course I’ll help you, I’m very strong and you won’t be sorry.”
Eunice said with a smile on her face.


Brenda called everyday to see how Ruth was

Everyone who came to see Ruth was turned
away. Eunice always told everyone that her aunt was asleep and not
up to receiving company.

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