Read Mr. Darcy's Proposal Online

Authors: Susan Mason-Milks

Tags: #Romance, #darcy, #austen whatif, #Regency, #pride and prejudice, #elizabeth bennet, #austen

Mr. Darcy's Proposal (46 page)

BOOK: Mr. Darcy's Proposal
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Elizabeth grinned and shrugged her shoulders. Then she took him by the hand and led him to their room.


Sixty One

Elizabeth awoke slightly disoriented but then quickly remembered where she was—the big bed in Darcy’s room. The past few days—and nights—had been perfection. Their first night together, their afternoon nap, dinner by candlelight, and then more nights of new experiences and revelations—this kind of intimacy in a relationship was so much more than she had ever dreamed of. At last, she was truly his wife and although her face reddened at the thought of what transpired between them, her body tingled and her heart rejoiced.

As she lay quietly taking time to enjoy becoming more fully awake, she sensed she was alone in the big bed. It seemed strange to her that Darcy could have arisen without waking her, and she began to wonder how late she had slept. The clock told her it was only eight in the morning, not so late as she had first thought. Reaching her arms above her head, she stretched out fully and thought about her plans for the day.

Just as she started to sit up, she realized she was missing something very important—her nightdress. In the rush to be together last night, Darcy had pulled it off and tossed it into the air. It must have landed somewhere on the floor near the bed. Scanning the room, she saw it was now neatly draped across a chair along with her dressing gown. She groaned. Two things came to her mind—how did it get there and more importantly, how was she going to retrieve it.

It was a long way from the big bed to the chair. Reclaiming her nightclothes would necessitate walking eight to ten feet across the room completely naked. She would die of embarrassment if one of the servants should choose that exact moment to come into the room! Or what if Darcy returned? It was one thing to be with him under the covers, but it would be something different altogether to be caught out in the open. Just thinking about it made her face warm.

Finally, acknowledging she might be forced to wait for a long time if she did not brave the walk, she took a deep breath and made a dash for the chair. She had just slipped the gown over her head and was starting to reach for the robe when there was a knock on the door. Startled into action, she dashed back to the bed and leaped in pulling the covers up around her.

The door swung open, and Darcy entered carrying a tray with coffee and scones. “I have brought your breakfast, Mrs. Darcy. Ah, I see you have been up already,” he said, nodding toward the chair.

“Did you…” she trailed off, waving her hand anxiously in that direction.

“No, your things were there when I awoke.”

“So someone came in while we were asleep and…” her voice trailed off again. Elizabeth groaned and pulled the covers over her head. Darcy laughed as he set the tray down on the bed. Gently, he uncovered her face and kissed her forehead.

“Most likely, it was Margaret since your dressing gown was on the chair as well,” he said as he began pouring coffee into the delicate china cups.

“I do not think I shall ever become accustomed to having servants around me all the time. Does it never disturb you? Sometimes, I feel as if I am never alone.”

Darcy shrugged. “I do not think about it. Their presence is just a fact of life. Of course, there are times when I wish to be alone. Everyone knows not to come into my study without knocking, and usually no one enters my bedchamber in the morning until I ring. Perhaps, you might tell Margaret the same.”

“I am not sure if I shall ever be completely comfortable. They must know everything we do.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Well, not
, but I suspect Margaret and Burke were well pleased to know you were here again this morning.”

Darcy added milk and sugar to the cup before handing it to her. Reaching up, he fingered a stray lock of her hair and watched her intently. She blushed under his gaze.

“My love, if you are going to turn red every time I look at you…” he began as he stroked her cheek with his thumb. She leaned her head against his hand.

“I cannot control it. It just happens,” she told him.

He gave a short laugh. “Strange, isn’t it that this is the one sort of situation in which you are the one who is shy and instead of me.”

“Do not tease.” She set her coffee aside. “Now I feel very much in need of hearing again that you love me.” At that, he smiled.

“You must know you are my whole world. I do not think I truly lived until I met you.” Starting just below her ear and working his way down to her shoulder, he placed light kisses on her sensitive skin.

She shivered. Tipping her head back slightly, she closed her eyes, lost in the sensations.

When he reached the obstacle of the strap of her nightdress, he gently slid it off her shoulder. “Lizzy?”

“Hmm?” Dreamily she opened her eyes and found him watching her.

“I love you,” he said softly.

Putting her arms around his neck, she pulled him down onto the bed with her. Slowly, taking his time, he made sure his lips communicated exactly the extent of his regard.


When the last of the water was poured into the tub, Margaret shooed the maids from the room and then followed them out. Elizabeth slipped into the warm water with a sigh of pleasure. This was just one of many details that continued to amaze her about living at Pemberley. The bath water was always just the right temperature; the food arrived at the table warm and delicious; and fires were lit in precisely the rooms she wished to use. Everything was always perfectly arranged to meet the needs of the Darcy family. In spite of her involvement with the household management, Elizabeth continued to wonder at the thoroughness and efficiency of Mrs. Reynolds and the staff. Nothing was missed. Many times she had wondered if the housekeeper could read her mind. It seemed as if all she had to do was wish for something and it appeared.

Letting the warm water relax her, she began to daydream. As she turned over the events of the past few days in her mind, her thoughts turned again to her husband. He had been so gentle with her, and yet she could feel the strength of his passion that burned beneath the surface. More than anything, she had been very surprised at her own behavior. There was something thrilling about the adventure of trusting in him and simply allowing herself to do whatever felt good. It seemed her body knew what it wanted. Thinking too much simply got in the way.

And when he had casually left the bed to pour her a glass of water, he had been completely unselfconscious as he walked around naked. Although she blushed to think of it, she had barely been able to take her eyes off his perfect body. He had broad shoulders and was muscular in a sleek, cat-like kind of way. She guessed it was from riding and fencing and also the physical work he did on the farms. In spite of the fact she had tried to hide her interest, he had caught her watching him. Instead of being embarrassed he had grinned at her in the most devilish way. There was so much to discover about this man.

Closing her eyes and thinking back to last night, she could almost feel his touch. As she put a hand to her neck and throat, she relived the experience. Her face flushed from just the thought of it. Of course, Margaret chose that exact moment to knock at the door. Elizabeth prayed the young woman would assume her high color was from the hot water.

“I am not ready yet, Margaret,” she called.

“Yes, ma’am, but Mr. Darcy has sent a note for you. May I bring it in now or would you like to read it when I dress your hair?”

“Please bring it to me now,” she said. Wondering what could be so urgent that he would send a note, she dried her hands and took the folded paper from Margaret.

“Please return in five minutes, and I will be ready to dress.” As she opened the letter, she noted the Darcy family seal impressed in the wax. She smiled. My family seal now, she thought.

My dearest, loveliest Elizabeth,

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
Hamlet II.ii.116
With all my heart,

Elizabeth was astonished at the depths of feeling that lay behind Darcy’s quiet ways. Although he was becoming more open in telling her about his feelings, there would always be things he could never say in words. Here he had let the quotation speak for him.

Sixty Two

After dinner one evening, Darcy, Elizabeth, and Georgiana retired to the music room so Georgiana could play her newest piece for them. “She has improved so much,” Darcy leaned close to whisper.

Elizabeth smiled as she felt the softness of his breath against her ear. Giving herself over to the enjoyment of the music, her mind turned back to the perfect afternoon they had spent together. Unfortunately, the weather had been too inclement for walking so they had retired to their sitting room to spend time together reading in front of the fire. In truth, they had only been alone for a matter of minutes before Elizabeth had moved to Darcy’s lap, and one thing had led to another. Her cheeks warmed with pleasure as she recalled the softness of her husband’s touch, the feel of his lips upon hers, and the passion they had shared. Suddenly, Elizabeth was brought back to reality as Georgiana’s piece ended. She joined Darcy in appreciative applause,

“What a wonderful performance! You seem to be improving every time I hear you play,” Darcy told her.

Georgiana flushed at the praise. “You are too kind.”

“You yourself told me that your brother never exaggerates nor gives praise where it is not deserved,” Elizabeth reminded her. Both Georgiana and Darcy smiled at her, and for a moment, she thought she saw a hint of family resemblance.

“There is something I would like to discuss with both of you,” said Georgiana suddenly serious.

“What is on your mind, my dear?” Darcy inquired.

“You know how very important music is to me. Playing brings me such great joy, but I would like to do more.”

“More?” Darcy gave her a questioning look.

“I have begun to compose music,” she said shyly. “The piece I played this evening is one I wrote myself.”

“You wrote that yourself!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “It was lovely!”

“Georgiana, it was truly beautiful! I knew that you were very gifted, but I had no idea,” her brother told her.

“Thank you. I have been working on it for quite some time.” She smiled. “This brings me to what I would like to discuss. I would like to have a special music tutor to teach me more about music theory and composition. All of the best music masters are in London.” She hesitated and then added quickly, “Of course, I am not anxious to leave Pemberley. I do so love being at home with you both.”

Darcy frowned. “I am not sure about…” he let his voice trail off for a moment and then he began again. “Georgiana, dear, I applaud your eagerness to learn. Elizabeth and I would like to discuss this between us before we make a decision.”

“Of course, I understand,” Georgiana replied, looking from one of them to the other.

Elizabeth smoothed over the awkward moment by suggesting that Darcy might enjoy hearing the duet they had been practicing.


Later that evening when they snuggled down under the covers of the big bed, he pulled her close. She lay in the crook of his arm with her head on his shoulder. “Elizabeth, what do you think about Georgiana’s request?” he asked.

“I believe she should have the opportunity to explore her natural talents.”

“I am concerned it might be too much for her right now. After all, she will be coming out in the next year or two, and there is still much she must do to prepare.”

“This seems very important to her,” she replied.

“Hmm,” he murmured thoughtfully, kissing her on the top of the head.

Elizabeth burrowed closer against him. “Is there any reason why she should not further her music studies?” she asked.

“No, of course not. She has a marvelous talent and should develop it if she wishes.”

“The piece she played this evening was lovely. I think she may truly have talent.”

“I agree,” he acknowledged.

“Perhaps you are hesitant because these studies could take her away from us,” Elizabeth suggested.

“Being here at Pemberley with the two women I love most in the world is very special to me. I am reluctant for this idyllic time to end,” he said.

“She is a young woman and, as you have pointed out, will be coming out soon and eventually getting married. This is what you want, is it not, or do you plan to keep her here at Pemberley forever?”

“I want her to be as happy as we are,” he said, kissing her cheek.

BOOK: Mr. Darcy's Proposal
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