Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle (95 page)

BOOK: Mr. Darcy's Forbidden Love-kindle
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“In fact, I heard from the gentleman in charge just last week. It seems Catherine tried to force several of the other incarcerated women to address her using her title. All she got for her trouble was a black eye.”

“I thought Aunt Catherine had separate quarters,” William said, his voice sad with concern.

“But she shares the courtyard with everyone,” Richard interjected. “If she is to get any sunshine or fresh air, she has to do so with all the occupants of her building.”

“I regret that she is reduced to such circumstances,” William began, only to be interrupted by his uncle.

“She put herself in those circumstances! I have no sympathy for someone so eager to see you and Georgiana destroyed and to have a man killed. While I see to it that she has clean clothes, bedding and decent food, even a maid on occasion to wash her hair, my sister will never again live like a queen.”

“I, for one, am glad that she is not free to harm anyone,” Richard declared.



The Music Room


For a long time, the women listened silently as Georgiana, who had been prompted, exhibited on the pianoforte. Finally Jane leaned over to speak privately to her sister. Since they occupied the settee nearest the door their conversation would not be a disruption nor could they easily be overheard.

“I have some wonderful news to share with you, but I do not wish for anyone else to know as yet.” Elizabeth’s eyes grew large as she waited for Jane to continue. Seeing that she had her sister’s full attention, Jane whispered excitedly, “I believe that I am with child!”

Elizabeth wanted to shout, but instead, she quickly glanced about the room to find no one paying any attention to them. Squeezing Jane’s hand, she whispered in reply, “I am so pleased I want to do a jig.”

“If you do, you will give away my secret. I have not even told Charles as yet because I understand that only the quickening is a sure indication. I do not want to raise his expectations, only to be disappointed.”

“I understand your reluctance. I was resolved to wait until the quickening as well, but my secret was revealed straightaway when I nearly fainted. Now I am pleased that it was. It was so sweet sharing the entire experience with Fitzwilliam right from the beginning. I well remember the night we were lying in bed and felt the baby move. It is a sweet memory that I shall always cherish.”

Jane looked thoughtful. “Perhaps I shall tell Charles sooner.”

“Do what seems best for you, Jane.”

Just then Georgiana ended a song and stood to address the room. “I would love to hear someone else. Would you consent to exhibit, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth laughed. “I am willing to sing if someone is willing to accompany me.”

“I will,” Colleen volunteered, “if we can find something we both are familiar with, of course.”

Thus, when the men joined the ladies in the music room, Elizabeth’s lilting soprano greeted them, accompanied by Colleen’s wonderful skills on the pianoforte. She was as proficient as Georgiana, and seeing her at the instrument made Richard’s heart swell with pride.

“Your wife is an accomplished musician, Richard,” William offered. “Does she sing as well?”

“No. She allows that she cannot carry a tune, though I am not convinced of that. However, I am content to enjoy her playing.”

“Just as I am content to hear Elizabeth sing!”

“We are both blessed,” Richard added, patting his cousin on the back.

“That we are, Cousin. That we are.”



Later that night


Now attired for bed, Audrey Landingham decided to join her husband on the balcony. Marshall looked very handsome in his dark blue robe, his grey hair shining in the moonlight as he admired the canopy of stars in the clear, night sky.

“A penny for your thoughts.”

At her voice, he turned to pull her into his arms, burying his face in her soft dark hair. For a long time he did not speak, content to hold her. Then he pulled back to look into her eyes.

“I was thinking of how perfect my life is now. I have a wonderful woman to love.” He leaned down to kiss the tip of her nose. “And I have my beautiful daughter in my life, not to mention Fitzwilliam, who is like my own son. I thought that I could not want for anything more, but somehow Alexander’s birth has made me even more content.”

“I know what you mean. It is as though he is my own grandchild.”

“And the fact that Fitzwilliam has chosen to have his heir carry my name is not only a complete surprise, it is very humbling. I thought he would name the boy after George.”

“My nephew cherishes the time you spent with him, giving him guidance. That was far more than George Darcy provided.”

Marshall nodded absently. “I did not do anything significant. I only meant to be available to him if he needed a friend, a mentor. But I have learned that things done with the right attitude do not go unrewarded.”

“I have learned that as well.”

“When that little boy peers at me with that solemn expression—you know the one.”

“The one where he looks just like his father?”

“Yes, that is it, he looks like Fitzwilliam. When he looks at me with that expression, I find myself willing to go to the ends of the earth to protect him. I did not expect to feel so close to a child again—at least not after Georgiana was taken from me.”

“If one’s heart is open, there is no end to the number of people who will fit inside.”

Marshall pulled Audrey tighter in his embrace, kissing the top of her head. “You are a very wise woman, Audrey Landingham, and I love you dearly. If not for you, I would still be lost.”

“And I would not be fully alive again after all these years. In your arms, I find the will to love and be loved.”

“Then suppose we take advantage of that feeling, darling, for I wish to love you again.”

Instantly she was in his arms and he was carrying her back into the bedroom. Without bothering to stop, he kicked the door shut as he went through the door from the balcony. It made sufficient noise to awaken Richard and Colleen in the next bedroom, and would have, had they not been engaged in amorous activities of their own.



The Darcy’s Bedroom


All of the guests retired early since they had travelled for some part of the day—with the exception of Mr. Bennet. William and Elizabeth’s father talked for a short while after everyone else had excused themselves, and though he did not believe he would ever be Mr. Bennet’s favourite son, William was content that they now respected one another. Alexander’s birth had broken down the last barrier between them, it seemed. Thus, as he wearily ascended the grand staircase, William relived their conversation.

“I must admit that I was concerned for Lizzy when she married you. I feared most that I might have erred in raising her to be inquisitive and to speak her mind. The thought constantly plagued me that no man would want her without wanting to change her personality. But I have seen firsthand that you have let her flourish, Son.  She can be who she is—no matter how outspoken and opinionated.”

Mr. Bennet laughed as William shook his head in amusement.

Then Thomas Bennet sobered, his gaze falling to his shoes. “It is important to know beforehand that you can live in harmony with the one you marry. I have learned this lesson well.” His smile returned as he looked back to William. “It gladdens my heart to see my Lizzy in a marriage where she is cherished. I owe you a heartfelt apology for anything derogatory I might have said about you.”

As he held out his hand, William reached to shake it. “No apology is necessary. It is good to know that we both hold Elizabeth’s happiness sacred.”

Mr. Bennet’s eyes became shiny and he tried to recover his composure. “Yes, well it seems my grandson has greatly added to her joy.”

They talked of Alexander until the elderly man allowed that he was tired and followed the others example by retiring to his room, thus by the time William reached the bedroom he shared with Elizabeth, he was fatigued. Fully expecting to find her already sleeping, since she had come upstairs over an hour before to feed Alexander, he was surprised to find her awake. She was lying in their bed on her side, propped up on one elbow. The baby lay beside her almost asleep.

William entered quietly, and so concentrated on their son was Elizabeth that she did not notice his entrance. For a while, he stood in the darkness drinking in the sight of the two people he loved most in the world, reminiscing of the nights he had longed for Elizabeth to be his wife. The realisation that all his dreams had come true was almost overwhelming.

Elizabeth quietly cooed words of love to her son while gently rearranging the dark tendrils on his forehead. “He is Mama’s boy.  Yes, he is… and such a good boy… he lets Mama sleep longer each night… yes, he does.”

In between her murmurings, she kissed his cherubic face. Finally, she looked up to see William watching her and smiled, motioning him forward.

“Is he not the most beautiful baby?” she whispered looking down at the child as she spoke. “Aunt Audrey and Aunt Evelyn both say he is the most beautiful baby they have ever seen, and I imagine they have seen plenty of babies in their time.”

William’s lips twitched as he tried not to smile. “Yes, he is very handsome.” He began to take off his coat and unloosen his cravat. “Now that he is asleep, do you want me to summon Mrs. Curry to take him back to the nursery?”

“No, I told her he will sleep in the cradle tonight,” she answered, motioning to the item by her side of the bed. “With our guests here, I missed seeing him today as often as I normally do.”

In only a few minutes, William had undressed and retrieved one of the night shirts that he kept in the closet. Pulling it over his head, he joined his wife in the bed, each lying on their sides facing a sleeping son.

“Do you know what I fear most?” Elizabeth offered, her face becoming solemn as she ran a finger down Alex’s soft arm.

William reached for her hand and kissed it. “Tell me.”

“Being so busy living that I fail to take the time to enjoy my family—you and Alexander. My home was not the safe haven I want for our children and from what little you have said, I fear yours was not either.”

“No. Though I felt my mother’s love, our home was in turmoil most of the time.”

“Precisely. I felt my father’s love, but my home was equally chaotic. And while I know what duties are expected of me as the mistress of Pemberley, I do not wish to leave my children for others to nurture. It is my opinion that if one fails in raising their own children, anything else they may accomplish is for naught.”

William leaned over to kiss her, replying, “Though I knew that you would make a good mother, darling, I had no way of knowing how wise you were for one so young.  Your thoughts reflect my own, as I wish to enjoy our children. After all, they will be our legacy, not this estate.”

“Oh Fitzwilliam! You are exactly the man I prayed for when I asked God for a husband. He could not have formed you more perfectly.”

William could not suppress a wide smile. “We are blessed to have found one another.”

“So very blessed.”

In a few minutes, Alexander was sleeping soundly in his cradle while Elizabeth lay enclosed in her husband’s arms.

“I cannot imagine marriage being anything other than this. How do people live without love and respect?”

“They do not live, Elizabeth, they exist. It was only after I met you that I had the courage to reach for more. Thank you for showing me the way.”

Elizabeth propped upon his chest. “Thank you for loving me and giving me Alexander.”

Instantly she was drawn into a fierce kiss. “I shall love you eternally, Elizabeth Darcy. Record that in your journal just as truly as it is written upon my heart.”

And they made love as gently as two people madly in love could manage.








It was indisputable that the union of Fitzwilliam George Darcy and Elizabeth Rose Darcy was richly blessed by all standards. That was not to say that they did not have their share of heartaches and sadness over the years, but the joys always outnumbered the sorrows.

Their lives were, as one might expect, entwined with those of their relations. The Bingleys, the Landinghams and the Earl and Countess of Matlock all saw one another frequently, as they resided near one another in Derbyshire. And although Richard Fitzwilliam and his family lived at Rosings in Kent, they spent copious amounts of time visiting their relations in the north.

The number of lockets that William purchased when their first child was born proved to be prophetic, for the Darcys used the entire collection with the six children that God entrusted to their care. Their firstborn, Alexander, had been the perfect child to carry the mantel of heir. Instinctively aware of his duties and responsibility at a young age, he was also blessed with his mother’s lively personality, thus he did not fall into the melancholy that had so often plagued his father before he married.

An expert horseman like his father, Alexander’s interests lay in the study of animal husbandry. In later years, his expertise would result in the stables at Pemberley becoming renown throughout England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland for their superior stock. Even His Majesty’s stables featured stallions and mares gleaned from Pemberley, and the Darcys acquired a standing contract with the army to produce animals for their officers.

Two years after Alexander was born, they were blessed with a daughter they named Audrey Anne in honour of William’s beloved mother and aunt. The image of her mother, Anne, as she was called, was completely spoiled by her father. Very inquisitive and bright like Elizabeth, she would become quite an academic. Her interests tended towards botany and the science involved in improving the soil in order to improve the yield of the crops. The vast knowledge she acquired through studying the latest techniques of crop rotation and soil enrichment proved her a valuable ally to the tenants, who depended on the land to feed their families and to her father and older brother, who relied on her knowledge of the subjects.  

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