Movie Lovers (16 page)

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Authors: Jean Joachim

BOOK: Movie Lovers
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going to LA? When?”

know yet. In a few weeks. Not until the contract is signed, of course.”

A pain
shot through his chest. “I thought we’d have time.”

“We have
some. Don’t know how much.” Gracie finished the food on her plate.

had made up his mind. “Move in.”

about the trust thing…taking it slow and all?”

I had all the time in the world. Now that you’re leaving…we covered it all. I
want to spend every second I can with you before you go.” He swallowed the last
bite of shrimp.

me think about it.”

Gracie.” He brushed his lips against the back of her hand. “Do you love me?”

“I do.
I do love you, but I don’t want to get my heart broken again.”

promise not to break your heart. Say you will.” He kissed up her arm to her
bare shoulder, where he nibbled gently. “Please. We were so good,” he

okay. You convinced me,” she mumbled, her eyes closing.

pulled her out of her chair and waltzed her around the small apartment. Then he
hugged her tight and stroked her hair. “Your script will make an awesome

you for sending it to Max.”

did that.”

the credit, Jake. You deserve it. Thank you also for saving me from Gunther.”

held her at arm’s length. “What?”

told me.”

was supposed to keep it a secret.” He frowned.

secrets between sisters. Besides…didn’t we just say
no secrets

laughed. “Suppose we did. Couldn’t have Gunther wrecking your life any more
than he already did.”

the best.” She pulled him to her for a deep kiss as she pressed her hips
against his.

God I want her.
His libido was going
crazy as he folded her into his embrace and probed her mouth passionately.

anything under that sweater?” He breathed into her ear.


lips grazed her bare shoulder while his fingers closed over her breast.

he murmured, losing himself in her delicious lilac scent and warm softness. She
stepped closer to him and sighed.


Chapter Eleven


Grace’s head was spinning.
Moving in with Jake, screenplay sold, moving
back to L.A.

Happiness filled her heart as
excitement sent tingles up her spine. She’d be taking her own place in the
movie world as a screenwriter, and she’d have Jake by her side.
But what happens when I leave?
pushed that negative thought out of her mind.
I’ve been so depressed, just want to be happy now.
She turned her
attention to the handsome man nibbling on her shoulder and the sensations he was

She dipped her fingers underneath
his T-shirt and slid them up his smooth skin, pressing her fingertips into his
muscles. He made a small sound deep in his throat, which made her smile.
He always loved my touch.
Resting her
palm on his back, she sensed the power there and it excited her.
To have him on top of me, loving me again.

“Gracie…do you want to…”

“Yes,” she responded firmly and
quickly. Jake backed away from her and returned to the sofa, which was his
pull-out bed. In less than two minutes he had it converted to a place for
making love. He led her to it. Before lying down, he stripped her sweater off
and tossed it on a chair.

With his gaze glued to her chest,
Jake ripped his T-shirt over his head. He unbuttoned her jeans first then his
own. With one hand on each side of her, he slid the garment down, revealing her
black satin bikini panties underneath.

“Wow. Forgot about those. You
look…amazing.” His hungry eyes feasted on her body. Suddenly bashful, Grace
folded her arms across her chest.

His eyebrows rose in surprise. “Shy?

“Drop those drawers, Mister,” she
directed, pointing to his jeans. Jake shed them and his boxers quickly.

“Better,” she said, just before her
mouth went dry. She loved looking at his perfect form and simply the sight of
him naked caused her pulse to kick up. He ran his fingers up and over her breasts,
then down again before pulling her into his embrace. His lips sought hers as he
angled his head to deepen the kiss. His mouth possessed hers with an urgency
and a passion she had not seen before. His thrilling desire melted her in his arms.

Pulling her in tight, he slipped his
leg between hers, making her gasp.

“You okay?”

“Oh, God, yes, better than okay,”
she muttered, closing her eyes as he pushed against her with ever-increasing
pressure. His hands came around behind her, gliding down her back until they
reached her bottom. Jake took hold and squeezed, drawing her flush with his
rapidly growing erection. She shivered as her breasts flattened against his

He cradled her in his arms, lowering
her to the bed. He lay next to her and explored her body, starting at her
shoulders and working his way down. His mouth followed, stopping at her breasts
to feed, sucking and nipping. His voracious appetite for her took her breath
away. If she needed convincing that he loved her, his actions told her volumes.

“The most beautiful sight in the
world,” he muttered, staring at her. He parted her legs and crouched between
them, lowering himself to his knees. Gracie combed his hair off his forehead
with her fingers before cupping his face. She bent at the waist, rising to
plant her lips on his in a hungry kiss.

She wanted to consume him, to join
them completely as one. He curled his fingers around her thighs, while his
thumbs teased her core. A shudder rocketed through her. Gooseflesh broke out on
her skin as he kissed his way down her chest and over her abdomen.

Before she could say or do anything,
his head was between her legs. At the first touch of his tongue, her back
arched and she groaned. He raised his head, and their gazes locked for a
moment. Then, smiling, he returned to giving her pleasure so intense she
thought she’d pass out.

Her senses took over, driving all
rational thought from her mind. All she could do was feel the excitement he was
creating spiraling up and up…winding up her muscles like a top, spinning
dangerously close to out-of-control.

All attempts at speech failed as
Grace shut her eyes and gave in to the burning heat coursing through her veins.
Riding the tide of desire like a magic carpet, she exploded in a powerful
orgasm, fireworks going off inside her. Tiny sparks of satisfaction were blown
all the way to her fingers and toes as she finally relaxed.

“Holy Hell,” she murmured, her eyes
still closed as Jake moved away from her.


“Beyond good, beyond great, beyond
amazing.” She cracked her eyelids open to spy a big, shit-eating grin on his
face. “Proud of yourself?” she asked.

He nodded as he reached into the
nightstand drawer and withdrew a condom. Gracie curled her fingers around his
erection, which appeared bigger than ever and as hard as granite. Her eyes
widened as he made quick work of the wrapper, sat back on his haunches, and
covered himself.

“Roll over.” She arched her eyebrows
in question. “Something a little different…to start.”

She rolled onto her stomach and
allowed him to position her, raising her butt in the air. Turning her head to
the side, she was barely able to see him rise up on his knees before he gripped
her hips. Her wetness allowed him to slip inside her quickly and easily. He
pulled her up flat against him. Each groaned as they were joined.

Grace braced herself, keeping her
position steady while Jake pounded into her. “Oh, God, Gracie,” he moaned as he
plunged in faster and faster. Once again her body took flight, surprising her
with the force of her response.

After a few more hard thrusts, she
climaxed a second time, groaning into the pillow. Then, abruptly, he stopped. “Turn
over,” he commanded, and she obeyed. He raised her knees before entering her.
She hooked one leg around his waist and lifted the other one high to rest on
his shoulder.

“Oh my God,” Jake muttered, as he
penetrated deeper into her and moved in and out faster and harder. She brushed
her fingers through his chest hair before resting her hands on his shoulders.
Gracie studied his face. A sexual flush started in his chest and rose halfway
up his neck. His eyes were slits but rays of desire shot from them like sparks.
His lips were parted slightly.
God when
he’s inside me, it feels so great. He fills me completely.

She didn’t have long to watch him as
his release gripped him, making sweat break out on his forehead and a long,
passionate groan leave his lips as his hips thrust one more time before stopping.
The look of ecstasy on his face made her smile.

“Oh, Gracie,” he murmured,
collapsing on her, their sweaty chests slipping and sliding against each other.
She ran her nails over the fine layer of moisture on his back and sucked on his
skin, enjoying the taste of saltiness mingling with the flavor of Jake.

“What sweetheart?” she asked.

“You took me someplace I’ve never
been before.”

Jake slid off her and sprinted to
the bathroom. He returned quickly to nestle by her side, holding her close. She
rested her head on his shoulder.

“You’re the most amazing lover. That
was…a roller coaster to heaven.”

He laughed. “Such a writer!” He ran
his hand gently and lovingly over her chest, down to her hip, where it rested
while the forefinger of his other hand lazily drew circles around her breasts.

“You are the most beautiful woman
I’ve ever made love to.”

“Really? And the number of women

Jake blushed. “Oops. Shut up, Jake,”
he said.

“No, really. You’ve opened up this
topic again. How many?”

“I lost track…” He blushed deeper,
“I mean, I didn’t keep count.”

“How many, approximately?”

“Plenty. Enough to let you know how
extraordinary you are.”

“Since you’re so shy, how did you
get all these women?”

“Women love shy guys. Don’t see us
coming then…wham! They’re naked.” He chuckled. “Seriously? Women are attracted
to shy guys. Being in road companies for regional theater…easy to meet new
like a kid in a candy store.”

“Oh?” She cocked an eyebrow at him.

“You’re the best ever. I got to be
pretty good…all that practice.”

“Good? You think you’re good?” His
face fell. “You’re not good, you’re spectacular!” She kissed his lips then
cuddled into him. “But no more sleeping around, okay?”

“Oh, I stopped, long ago.”

“You grew up?” She ran her finger
down his chest.

“Might say that. Too many girls with
gorilla big brothers.” He kissed her shoulder.

“Find it hard to see you as a

“Even after the way I came on to

“Well, maybe.”

“I wasn’t a seducer. Just cashed in
on being an actor. But it got boring.”

“You expect me to believe that?” She
rested her palm on his chest.

“Now the only woman I want in my bed
is you.” He leaned over and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.
Music to my ears.
“I’ll try to make you
happy, happy enough so you don’t need anyone else,” he said.

love this guy.
“That’s beautiful.”

“You make me happier than I thought
possible, honey. Stay with me always.” He kissed her hair.

She stroked his cheek. “I’ll stay as
long as I can.”

They lingered until nine o’clock,
when Jake accompanied her to Cara’s place to gather her things. He chatted with
Cara and Grant while Grace packed up. As she was packing, Grace realized this
was no ordinary moving out. This would be permanent.

First, she’d be living with Jake,
then she’d return to Los Angeles and take up residence in the house she had shared
with Cara. Cara would be staying in New York to continue her Broadway run and
marry Grant. Who knew when she’d return to the West Coast? By then, Grace would
probably have her own place.

Even if she stayed at Cara’s, life
for them would not be the same. Grace realized it was time to cut her ties from
her sibling, or at least loosen them. Feeling stronger than ever, Gracie knew
she was ready, but she wasn’t sure about her sister. “Cara, can I talk to you
in the kitchen?”

The actress pushed to her feet. Her
face grim, she shot a look at Grant, before joining Gracie.

“You know Max Webster was interested
in my screenplay.”

“Did he make you an offer?”

She nodded. “He’s sending over a

“I’ll have Gordon Lesser look it

“Thanks, I’d appreciate it.”

“Or maybe someone in Grant’s firm.
Gee, now that we’re together, I might have to go there for a good entertainment
lawyer.” She chewed her lip.

“I’m moving out, Cara.”

“I know,
To live with Jake.”

“Longer than that. Max said in a
couple of weeks, script conferences will start, and I’ll have to be in Los

“Okay. You do that for a few weeks
then come back to New York, right?”

Grace shook her head. “I don’t plan
to come back. Not for a long time.”

“So you’re saying…?”

“It’s time for us to separate, Carol
Anne.” The intimate conversation made using her sister’s real name, not her
stage name, more appropriate. Cara looked down at her fingernails. Grace could
see her eyelashes working fast and knew she was upset. “This had to come sooner
or later.”

“Doesn’t make it any easier.”

Grace stepped closer, running her hand
up and down Cara’s arm. “You have your own family now. This is what you’ve always
wanted…to be with Grant and Sarah.”

“But no one replaces you.”

“No one will replace you, either.
It’s time for me to stand on my own. I’ve made a ton of mistakes this year. I
need to get myself together. This may be my one chance. I have to take it.”

“I’d never stand in your way,
. You’ve been such an important part of my life for
so long…I…”

“And you, mine. I know you wouldn’t.
Time for me to sink or swim. You can’t always bail me out…like with Gunther

“That lowlife, creep. I’ve withdrawn
from his picture.”

“Cara! Don’t do that on account of

“How can I look him in the eye every
day when I know what he’s done to you?”

“You shouldn’t have done that. That picture
was a good opportunity for you.”

“Grant’s thrilled. Means I’m staying
in the show longer, will be in New York.”

“It’s your career. I don’t want to

“You’re not. It was my decision.”

“I’ll be at the house for a while.
Is that okay?”

“Of course! It’s your home, too. You
won’t be my secretary anymore?”

Grace patted her sister’s arm. “I’m
not leaving you in the lurch. I’ll still take care of the house, your finances,
and stuff. Maybe you need to look for someone here to help you out.”

“You won’t be here to help me plan
my wedding!” A look of panic crossed Cara’s face. “Will you be here when I get

“Of course! I wouldn’t miss that!
I’m hoping to be a bridesmaid. I’ll help you plan as much as I can from L.A.”

“A bridesmaid, yes. Maid of Honor. I’m
having it at Limoges…”

“I can work with Jean Marc over the

“Thank you,
Cara hugged her sister. A few tears broke through Cara’s defenses. Grace wiped
them with her thumb.

“I love you, Cara. You’re the best.
Thank you for everything.”

“Good luck,
I’m here if you need me.”

The women hugged again, and Carol
Anne let out a brief sob. When she recovered, they left the kitchen, strolling

“Are you ready?” Jake stood up.
Grace nodded. Grant stepped forward to hug Grace and wish her good luck. Jake
kissed Cara’s cheek and shook hands with Grant. With Jake toting the suitcases,
the young lovers returned to his apartment and a new beginning.

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