Moves Like Jagger (Wolf Mates Book 4) (11 page)

BOOK: Moves Like Jagger (Wolf Mates Book 4)
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Jagger laughed, digging into his back pocket and throwing his wallet on the nightstand with perfect aim. Then he pointed to his lips. “Here. Your mouth on mine. Now.”

“But I’m sick.”

“You’re worth a runny nose.”

“You say the most romantic things.”

He pointed to his lips again. “Here. Now.”

Viv went willingly to him, planting her lips on his, luxuriating in his hot tongue rasping against hers.

Clothes came off at the speed of light, Jagger tugging at her T-shirt until she was free of the cotton restraint, his fingers gliding along her rib cage, his wide hands wrapping around her waist.

She sighed when he hooked his thumbs into her sweats and slid them along her thighs, grazing the heat between her legs.

Jagger rose from the bed, hoisting Scar up in his strong arms and setting him on a pile of pillows in the corner of the room, ordering him to stay.

Catching her gaze from across the bed, he inched his way out of his jeans and boxer-briefs, making her heart thud in her chest when she finally got a good look at his cock—rigid, thick, set between heavily muscled thighs.

And then he was next to her, every part of their bodies touching from head to toe. Their groans were simultaneous as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he slid his under her waist, pulling her tight to him.

His cock rested at the apex of her thighs, the friction against the aching nub of her clit sending waves of delight through her, her skin riddled with delicious goose bumps.

His lips touched hers, pushing them open, delving his tongue deep within her mouth, exploring her thoroughly while they lay flush to one another, absorbing one another’s heat.

Jagger tore his mouth from hers, kissing his way along her jaw, her collarbone, down toward her nipples.

Viv fought a whimper when his mouth captured one, his tongue swiping the tight bud until heat pooled deep between her legs and she bucked against him.

He wasted little time slipping down along her body, his tongue trailing a hot path over her skin until he settled between her legs.

Spreading her flesh, he dragged his tongue over her clit, flattening it, circling it, slipping a finger inside her slick passage.

Fighting back the sting of tears in her eyes, the pleasure so exquisite, Viv drove her hands into his hair, pulling him closer, rolling her hips against his tongue until she saw stars.

Her road to orgasm was swift as her muscles clenched and her thighs shook. It had been a long time since she’d made love, longer still since she’d felt this kind of lust for a man.

Jagger was relentless, slashing at her wet flesh with his hot, delicious tongue until she rocked against him and almost begged him to stop. Sharp and sweet, her climax tore into her, leaving her pulse racing and her breathing ragged.

Tugging weakly on his shoulders, Viv pulled him upward, anxious to touch ever plane, every rigid muscle on his strong body. She curled her fingers into his chest hair, nipping at his neck, letting the taste of his skin linger on her tongue as she, in turn, slid along his body.

As her breasts scraped over his hot flesh, as her hands wrapped around his cock, thick and hard, she sighed. Every inch of Jagger was perfection, from his ripped abs to the sharp, contoured lines of his hips, he was far more than even she had expected.

Stroking him with confidant hands, Viv skimmed along his belly and placed her lips at the head of his cock, letting her tongue flit outward before enveloping him between her lips.

Jagger bucked upward, a hiss of approval escaping his lips when she drew her tongue over him, long and slow. His fingers dug into her shoulders, clenching fistfuls of her hair until he was dragging her upward with a ragged gasp of air. “Later. Later we’ll linger. I need inside you.

She shivered at the demand, her body on fire, her mind focused on only one thing.

Jagger dug the condom from his wallet, tearing the foil and sliding it on before rolling her to her back and parting her thighs.

She gasped out loud when he pressed her into the bed, the heavy weight of his body against her much smaller frame heavenly.

Poised at her entrance, Jagger captured her lips the same moment he thrust inside her, driving upward until he was balls deep.

Viv moaned into his mouth, arching into him, encouraging him to plunge deeper, slick with desire and agonizing need.

He filled her, stretched her, thrusting, forcing her legs around his waist in order to increase her pleasure.

Her nails dug into his back when their bodies tightened, the crisp hair of his chest scraping her breasts, the thickness of him pulsing within her almost too much.

Instinctually, they were in tune with one another. There were no awkward moments, no question as to what came next.

It just happened—organically—perfectly, and as she came again, Viv couldn’t help but be blown away by the sync of their bodies.

Jagger’s neck arched as he gathered her in his arms and stiffened within her, against her, the release of air from his lips raw and gravelly as he, too, came.

They melted into one another, their arms wrapped around each other’s bodies, and Viv couldn’t stop her eyes from sliding closed.

Burying her face in his thickly corded neck, she sighed and drifted to sleep once more.

* * * *

“Are you texting your next conquest already?” Jagger asked as they finished up their morning coffee and cleared the kitchen table of their breakfast—a breakfast Jagger had made for her after they’d showered together.

There was something to be said for morning’s like this one.

She was feeling much better on this new day—especially after an incredible night like last night and a perfectly perfect early morning.

It was too soon in the game, but this man, this kind, attentive, insanely attractive man, just might be the one.

Viv giggled, holding up her phone. “I like Tiffany, but I probably wouldn’t date her.”

Jagger scooped her up, dropping a kiss on her lips. “Who’s Tiffany?”

“A really nice, incredibly gorgeous lady who’s here in Cedar Glen for the holidays. We met at JC’s salon, and had coffee yesterday before I felt like death. She wants to have lunch tomorrow.”

“Huh. Maybe I should date Tiffany?”

“Ohhh! A threesome? I didn’t know you had it in you,” she teased.

He cleared his throat and gazed down at her, the gloomy morning light from the living room windows casting shadows on his face. “Okay, let’s get serious here.”


“About last night.”

“Did I snore? Drool?”

Jagger chuckled, the flash of his white teeth showing before he forced his face to go serious. “About last night—let’s talk
about last night.”

She shook off her giggles and allowed him to hoist her up around his waist, walking backward until he was seated on the couch. “Shoot.”

“Cards on the table. Last night was pretty spectacular. I like you. I like you a lot. I’d like to see this go somewhere.”

She couldn’t resist. “I hope somewhere is Paris.”

He pinched her butt and pressed his nose to hers. “Behave, woman. Express yourself.”

Her smile was warm and full of hope. “Okay, serious. Last night was indeed spectacular. I like you a lot, too. We work. I never thought I’d say that about a man, but that’s our truth. I’d like to see this go somewhere, too.”

“Are you sure your ‘somewhere’ is Paris? Mine’s Italy.”

She grinned. “I’ve been to both. I’m good with either.”

He cupped her jaw, nipping her earlobe in the way that made her warm all over. “So monogamous relationship, or do we invite the gorgeous Tiffany to join us?”

“Not on your life. I don’t want her to cry when she has to go head-to-head with me naked.”

Slipping his tongue between her lips briefly, he muttered, “Damn I like you.”

She squirmed closer to him, rolling her hips against his lap and melting into his chest, her fingers curling in his hair.

Jagger grabbed her wrists and pulled away. “Oh no, Temptress. I’ll never get the hell out of here like that. Also, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. Speaking of world traveling, for someone who was once rich, you’ve adjusted well to working for a living. You don’t seem bitter at all.”

“How do you know I was

Jagger winced. “Don’t be mad, but JC slipped. She was extolling your virtues and telling me all manner of awesome things about you and it just came out. She said she was going to call and confess this morning, but I told her I’d bring it up in the interest of honesty.”

Viv half-smiled. “It’s fine. It’s not like it’s a secret anyway. It was all over the news.”

“So, have you given thought to hunting down this bastard who took your parents’ money and your trust fund?”

This was the one area she felt uncomfortable talking about openly, but she was going to try to tough it out. Losing everything had left her feeling like a moron who wasn’t aware of her fiscal situation, and she hated that.

“I have, and I’ve come up dry every time. Finding him is going to take money. Money I don’t have right now. My parents are safe with my aunt in Florida, and that’s all I care about. I don’t need shoes and clothes and fancy cars as long as I can keep rescuing animals. I can still do that in part because of you. Did I thank you for that properly?”

He swept her up in another heart-pounding kiss, bringing them both to a standing position. “You don’t have to thank me. Well, wait. How about you thank me tonight after work. Then maybe we’ll decorate that Christmas tree finally? I’ll cook…”

A happy sigh escaped her lips. “Sold.”

“Okay. I have a meeting with Max this morning so we can coordinate a patrol, but I’ll pick you up in an hour or so? Bowden Latrell has a horse with a limp I have to tend to and I could use some help because he’s so skittish.”

On tiptoe, she rose and gave him a kiss. “Deal. See you in an hour.”

“Mind if I leave Scar here?”

Viv winced. “I don’t mind at all. But maybe you should ask

Poor Scar. The cats were taunting him as he tried to sleep, flexing his paw occasionally to ward off one of the six with a grunt.

Jagger laughed, running his hand over Scar’s head. “I think he’ll be okay for an hour. Now give me one more kiss before I go to tide me over until I see you.”

Oh, this man. This big, luscious, brawny, incredible man.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly, anxious for him to go and get his meeting with Max over with so he’d be back that much sooner.

And as he sauntered out the door, the scent of him freshly showered still in her nose, she decided she could get used to a morning routine like this.

Chapter 10

ey, you!” Viv waved and smiled at Tiffany, who was scrolling her text messages just outside the diner, pretty as a picture as per usual. “How are you?”

“The question is, how are
? You looked like you felt awful yesterday.”

“Oh, I’m much better now. Much. Just a twenty-four hour thing, I guess. Sorry I had to bail on you.”

“Glad to hear it. It would suck to spend the holidays sick.”


“So what’s this glow about, young lady?” She used a finger to circle Viv’s face.

Viv smiled, fighting a smug snicker. “What glow?”

“The one all over your face. I suspect this has to do with that hunky vet of yours, um…”

“Jagger,” Viv filled in for her. She held up two fingers and smushed them together. “And maybe just a little.”

Tiffany sighed, her shoulders rising and falling beneath her chic red trench coat. “That’s so wonderful. There’s nothing better than a holiday romance.”

Viv tightened her scarf around her neck and grinned, finding herself gushing. “He’s been incredible. He took care of me last night while I was sick. He made me soup and took care of my cats. It was…” She shut up. She didn’t know this woman well enough to share details that intimate just yet.

But Tiffany had this way of evoking trust, and, as happy as she was this morning, it was hard not to share it with someone. JC was tied up this morning with a meeting at her new salon, her date with Martine to learn how to shift with better ease had been postponed until tomorrow, but she was bursting at the seams.

She had to tell someone how fabulous last night was.

Tiffany’s eyes sparkled. “No need to explain. I get it completely.”

That prompted Viv to ask, “Anyone significant in your life?”

She swept her bangs from her face and shook her head. “No. Not anymore. We broke up months ago.”

Viv wrinkled her nose. “But the memory lingers?”

Tiffany’s lips pursed. “Sort of. I guess. He was a great guy. It just didn’t…Oh, forget it. Let’s focus on your awesome new romance instead.”

“We could do that while we have coffee. Let’s go inside and—”

Tiffany’s finger shot up in the air, cutting her off. “Hang on. Text from my aunt Ruby. No one ignores Aunt R.” She scrolled her phone, her beautiful face turning worried as she used her white teeth to nibble at her glossy, red lower lip.

“Everything okay?”

“It’s my aunt Ruby’s dog, Perseus. She says something’s wrong with him. She loves this dog probably more than she loves her own children. She’s older and you know how that goes. Perseus is everything to her since my uncle died.”

“Does she say whether it’s serious?”

“She said he’s vomiting. Do you think we could call your hunky beau and have him come out to my aunt’s house? Maybe give him a checkup?”

“Tell you what, why don’t we go to your aunt’s and I’ll take a peek. I’m not vet, but I’ve learned a thing or two and if nothing else, I can keep Perseus comfortable until Jagger’s available. Jagger’s in a meeting now, but he can meet us there. How’s that?”

Tiffany squeezed her arm, her eyes inviting and warm. “Would you? Oh, I’d love you forever, and so would my aunt Ruby. C’mon, we can take my car.” She pointed to a pristine white Mercedes, parked along the opposite side of the street.

“Let’s do it.”

BOOK: Moves Like Jagger (Wolf Mates Book 4)
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