Read Move Me Online

Authors: Emma Holly

Tags: #romance erotic romance paranormal romance faeries fae hidden series erotica

Move Me (15 page)

BOOK: Move Me
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“Shoes might help,” Danny suggested,
beginning to look amused. “You can’t run through the snow in bare

Her boots were on the rag rug down by the
front entry. Rather than run there immediately, she used the last
of her concentration to focus on Danny.

Thank you
,” she said, bending to kiss
his cheek. “I’ll be back! I’m so happy you made it here!”

“I won’t wait up,” Danny murmured as she
pelted out the door.



Chapter Eight

wasn’t accustomed to the sort
of nervousness that had taken hold of him. Lights off, heater on,
he sat in the dark blue car at the foot of the long driveway. The
sky was a blanket of darkening gray, the steadily falling snow a
reminder of seconds ticking by. He’d parked on the verge of the
drive, the wheels edged into a plowed bank under a drooping pine.
He was pretty sure he could get the car free again, though part of
him wanted to jump out and shovel. Every muscle he had seemed to be
overloading with energy.

Calm down
, he thought.
What’s going
to happen is going to happen

Even as he told his breathing to slow, he
noticed his fingers tapping restlessly on the wheel.

“Fuck,” he muttered beneath his breath. He
was a prince. He shouldn’t be required to exercise self control. Or
maybe if he’d practiced more of it when he was younger, he wouldn’t
be having trouble now. It chafed that his happiness hung on the
acceptance of a mere human.

That was pure faerie arrogance, of course, a
trait that wouldn’t earn him points with his beloved. Belle was no
mere anything. She had her pride the same as him. Her brother was
the one who’d learned humility, and he wasn’t “mere” either. Duvall
liked the young man. They’d gotten to know one another in the
course of their escape from anarchic lands. Danny was brave and
loyal and a levelheaded swordsman to fight beside. With his sense
of humor, he possessed a charm that was almost faerie-like. All in
all, given how bitter he had reason to be against the fae, Duvall
was proud to have earned his friendship.

Thanks to that friendship, Danny had warned
him to brace for Belle tearing multiple strips from his faerie
hide. She had a temper, he said, and didn’t like to be lied to.
Duvall would have to man up and weather the storm.

Duvall thought he could handle that. He
simply hoped she’d forgive him once all was said and done. Being
apart from her these last few months had deepened his conviction
that she was the only woman he wanted to be with.

He swore when he saw his ungloved hands were
drumming the wheel again. He gripped it tighter to make them stop.
What was Danny doing up at the house? True, he hadn’t seen his
sister in twenty years, but he knew Duvall was waiting. Maybe Belle
had already decided she didn’t want to talk to him. Maybe Danny was
too kindhearted to break the news.

Duvall hadn’t said so, but Danny had figured
out he was in love with her.

I can win her back
, he thought.
a faerie. I have
. All I need is ten
minutes alone with her.

Duvall groaned. At the thought of being alone
her, his cock had stiffened in one long surge. He’d missed her
passion so horribly: the sound of her moans when he pleasured her,
the heat of her sweet wet sex, the wrap of her arms around him when
they were close. Her prickly kindness had won his heart, but her
passion had won his body. He couldn’t imagine never knowing that

If he’d been sure his words wouldn’t come to
pass, he’d have cursed Danny for making him swear a solemn oath
against using magic to woo her.

, he repeated, realizing his hands
were nearly snapping the wheel in two. Mundane world or no, he was
stronger than humans. He glanced at the dashboard clock. Barely
half an hour had passed since Danny left the car. Danny might need
more time than that for his explanations. Duvall wondered if he
should have let Belle’s brother return to Kingaken on his own. He
could have prepared the ground. Given Belle a chance to cool down.
Duvall’s cousins had wanted him to spend the holidays in
Resurrection. Though supportive, like his parents they didn’t
really get that every molecule of his being was tugging him

, he prayed.
Please don’t
harden your heart to me

heart jumped into his throat as he
spied a shape approaching quickly down the snow-whitened drive.

He was out of the car in seconds, running up
the rutted slope. Belle was in a long red coat, the color of the
wool so vibrant it burned against the snow even in twilight. She
hadn’t stopped to button the front. The edges flapped around her
willow-wand figure, exposing what seemed to be the same
crazy-making black silk dress she’d had on the night he arrived.
Her boots came nearly to her knees, but her thighs were completely

Duvall didn’t have words for how sexy this
was to him.

“Duvall!” she cried.

He sped ahead and caught her.

She was freezing, shivering in his arms as he
pulled her inside the open edges of his puffed-up down coat. He was
glad then that his cousins had bullied him into buying it. He’d
wear a thousand silly garments to warm his love. A stab of
strangely joyous pain drove upward from his groin. He was holding
her, his Belle, his beautiful other half.

Just in case her cry hadn’t been a welcome,
he crashed his mouth on hers. If this was his last chance to kiss
her, he didn’t want to miss out.

He guessed it wasn’t his last chance. She
drove her arms underneath his jacket and attacked his tongue with

Duvall didn’t know how to be polite. He had
to touch her. Without preamble or permission, he shoved his hand
between her trembling legs, under the short silk dress. She made a
sound: a groan, a plea - he wasn’t about to release her mouth to
discover which. He shifted his hand instead, sliding two fingers
under her panties and into her. The rest of her might be chilled,
but inside her was a pool of incredible liquid heat. Duvall moaned,
an agony of lust spiking at the feel of it. If she didn’t come in
the next ten seconds,
was going to scream.

“Mmm,” she groaned into his kiss as he worked
the hard caress in and out. Her sheath began to flutter, her neck
starting to arch back.

Before he could send her over, she wrenched
her mouth free of his. “I want
, Duvall. I want your cock
where your fingers are.”

Her words stalled his brain. She fought to
open his jeans’ tight zipper, his erection pushing against the
teeth too hard to easily drag them down. It didn’t help that every
drop of his former nervous energy had converted to desire.

“Okay,” he gasped, pulling wet fingers free
of her. “I’ll get it.”

The rasp of the zipper was music to both
their ears. Belle grabbed his collar and kissed him, pulling him
with her, over her, as she dropped onto snowy ground. The breath
out of him when they hit.

“The car -”

“No,” she said, sucking the lobe of his ear
so that the hair on his scalp prickled.

“But it’s warm. I had the heater on.”

“No.” She drove her hand down into his
briefs, her fingers fiery on the sensitive engorged pole. His body
responded helplessly, a gush of pre-ejaculate slicking up her
wrist. Belle smoothed it up and down him with far too much
enthusiasm for his unraveling self-control.

“I’m warm,” she cooed, stroking him all over
as his brains melted with pleasure. “I’m warmer than anything.”

To prove it, her legs split around him, the
flimsy dress riding up, the firmness of her thighs hugging him. Too
breathless to curse, Duvall shoved his jeans down his hips with
half-crazed eagerness.

The needs of his libido were shorting out his
good sense. Here was fine. Here was great. Her crimson coat was
plenty of protection between them and the cold ground. Hardly
caring if this was true, he ripped her panties violently free of
her, shifting his hips toward hers almost before the scraps of lace
were gone. Her thumb and forefinger ringed his shaft, pulling him
more precisely into place. There could be no doubt where she wanted
him. His crest kissed her sultry heat, the knob gliding perfectly
to the opening that awaited it.

An emotion too primitive for a name gripped
him. Nothing could stop him from claiming her.

,” he said and drove inward in one
fell stroke.

The world momentarily stopped turning. Their
lips had come together again, as if - instinctively - they wanted
to be joined everywhere. Belle’s mouth curved in a smile under his.
Duvall let out a purring sound. His cock throbbed inside her -
hard, hot, fully engulfed in its favorite home. Belle’s palms made
a soothing pass over the back of his shirt. Her touch felt so good,
he had to try to wriggle deeper into her.

“Better?” he murmured, unable to keep his own
smile inside.

“Yes,” she said, opening dreamy eyes. “You
could fuck me now. Really hard, if you don’t mind.”

He rubbed their noses together, thinking her
suggestion sounded a bit too good. “You wouldn’t rather we made

“Later,” she said, never guessing how this
one word made his soul thrum with joy. “Anyway, it’s always making
love with you.”

He’d wanted to take his time, or at least not
savage her like Priapus. His long-denied hormones had their own
agenda. The slow stroke he meant to savor somehow turned into two
desperate thrusts, then four, then a dozen and then they were
slamming each other as if neither had a lick of judgment in their

“God,” he growled, gripping her hips so he
could yank her up him harder.

“More,” she said, her head thrashing in the

Her boot heels dug into his rear when she
climaxed that first time.

“Ah,” he cried, his head jerking back as she
clamped on him. His own orgasm rose from his tailbone. He wanted to
hold on, but he just couldn’t. She was going so hard. And moaning.
And creaming all over him. The ball of fire in him exploded,
rushing up his cock in a great hot rush.

He came like he was emptying out his soul,
the glow of relief so strong it was a turn on.

Belle’s dark green eyes were even dreamier
then. Her nails scratched lightly along his back underneath his
shirt. She was touching his bare skin, which he’d been dreaming of
her doing ever since he left. Duvall’s balls tried to quiver with

“Again?” she asked.

He was still moving inside her. Not as hard,
because he knew he’d really gone at her, but truthfully he couldn’t
stop. He’d only softened a bit, and the sleek wet friction of her
pussy was a drug to his cock, one he’d been missing terribly.

He cleared his throat before he answered.
“Are you asking because you’ve had enough, or because you’re
wondering if I’m capable?”

“Oh I can tell you’re capable,” she laughed
throatily. “That
was meant to be a request.”

“Oh,” he said, the skin of his cock abruptly
tight as a drum again.

Belle rocked her pelvis up him, twisting it
in an extremely interesting fashion. Rockets of sensation shot up
his sexual nerves.

,” she teased, without the
question mark.

She shouldn’t have got to him the way she
did, not when he’d just come like a dam bursting.

“I love you,” he said, wanting her to hear
that before he got caught up again.

“I love you too,” she said back.

He lost control, utterly and completely, as
if one expression of care from her held the power of the entire fae

“God,” he said, plunging back into her full

Her hands gripped his butt, and they were off
again. This bout was no more elegant than the first, though they
did get their rhythms better coordinated. They both enjoyed that,
groaning out their pleasure as the hard long thrusts increased
speed in synchrony. It was as if their bodies shared a single
intelligence, and their minds couldn’t interfere. Duvall suspected
there were monsters who couldn’t hump this hard. His cock was
practically singing an aria to ecstasy.

Belle improved matters further by digging her
boot heels into the ground.

“Fuck, I missed this,” he panted as her
fingernails pricked his back muscles. When her pussy tightened, he
couldn’t help grunting in approval.

He was going to go any second, and God help
her, so was she.

“Don’t ... make me scream,” she gasped.

He immediately churned his hips twice as

She did scream, at least for a few seconds.
Duvall might have shouted a bit himself. Gratified to his bones, he
slung in deep and poured himself into her. Lord, it felt good: his
cock, her pussy, all that wetness and heat surrounding him as he
came and came. As his second killer ejaculation tapered, a
delicious slow motion tingle rolled up his spine.

That had been a release for the record

“Idiot,” she said, smacking his shoulder
without much anger. “I have people up at the house.”

Duvall panted a couple times. “I doubt they
heard. Besides which, didn’t I offer to take you in the car?”

“Take me there now,” she said.

Duvall rose on his elbows, his energy
recovering magically. His eyes were warm enough that they must have
been close to glowing.

“Please?” she added, smiling coyly. “I’d
really like to get more clothes off you.”

“Whatever my beloved wishes,” was all he
could think to say.


Now that her most urgent hungers were
satisfied, Belle wasn’t letting either of them off with another
quickie. They groaned at having to move, but the car
warm, and Duvall was too pretty a present not to unwrap a bit. With
that in mind, she pushed him ahead of her into the back seat.

BOOK: Move Me
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