Mountain Menage Part 1: Prologue (2 page)

BOOK: Mountain Menage Part 1: Prologue
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He pushed back the hat and Heather
saw the man hadn’t shaved for a few days.  The stubble looked good on him in a
rugged way, and she licked her lips to ask him for the key.  Then she met his
eyes and froze beneath his gaze.  The stranger had hard eyes, and they pinned
her in place. 

He flicked his cigarette away and
took a step closer to her.  Then another.  Heather took a step back and realized
she had backed into the dumpster.  The smell turned her stomach, and the man
had advanced until he was right in front of her, uncomfortably close.

“Well ain’t you a tasty morsel,” he
drawled.  “Mind if I sample the goods?”

He didn’t wait for an answer.  Quick
as a cobra his lips covered her mouth and his hips ground against hers. 
Heather pushed at his chest and struggled to get away from him, but it had all
happened so fast and he was built like an iron rod.  She could feel his
erection against her abdomen.  Definitely an iron rod.  She squirmed against
him, her breasts pressed firmly against his chest and he bit her lower lip and
held it, staring a challenge into her eyes.

Heather’s eyes glared back into his
and she took a breath to scream, but he already sensed what she was going to
do.  He clapped a rough hand over her mouth and leaned down to whisper in her
ear, “I like a girl with some fight in her.”

Even though she knew she’d be scared
later, right now Heather was pissed.  How dare he?  At that moment he pulled
away slightly to get a hand under her shirt and she brought her knee up hard
into his crotch with all the force of her anger.  Without missing a beat she
then stamped down on his instep with the heel of her boot.

“You little bitch!” he cursed, as
she slipped out of his grasp and ran for the front of the store.  She got back
in the car as Charlie was tightening the gas cap.  Heather couldn’t believe the
whole thing had happened so fast.  She sat gasping for breath in the front
seat, watching the corner of the store for the lean stranger.  She
instinctively knew which car in the lot belonged to him.  Not the Camry or the
old Chevy truck.  It had to be the big black Ford pick-up with the naked woman
silhouetted on the mudflaps.  She wanted to get out of there, now.

Charlie was humming under his breath
when he got back into the car.  “Do you want a snack or anything?”

Heather shook her head, not trusting
her voice, and Charlie pulled smoothly out of the lot.  She used the passenger
mirror to watch behind them but there was no sign of the stranger or his
truck.  She looked silently out the window as they drove, and jumped when
Charlie put a hand on her thigh.

“You okay?  You’ve been real quiet
since the Maverick.”

“I’m fine,” she said, thinking about
what had almost happened to her.  Charlie’s hand was warm on her leg through
her jeans and somehow it made her feel better.  “Just anxious to get to the


Chapter 3


“Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
Charlie shouted at her.  They’d been at Pine Bend for less than an hour and
Heather couldn’t keep the secret any longer.  She told herself the scene at the
gas station hadn’t been a big deal, but she couldn’t get it out of her mind and
was jumping at every little sound. 

She decided she’d better tell Charlie
so he could help her keep a watch out for the black pick-up.  Heather hadn’t
even gotten to the part about what kind of car the guy drove though.  As soon
as the words were out of her mouth Charlie had lost his temper.

“I’m going to find the asshole that
put his hands on you and I’m gonna beat his fuckin’ brains in.”  Charlie headed
for his Mazda.

Heather grabbed him by the wrist but
he shook her off.  She couldn’t let him go back to the Maverick.  Heather knew
Charlie was strong, but he wasn’t mean, and she knew without a doubt that the
stranger would fight dirty.

She changed tactics.  “Charlie,
please don’t leave me alone here,” she said, with a break in her voice.

He froze, hands clenched at his
sides.  “I can’t let him just get away with it.  You should have told me back
at the station so I could have…”  Charlie turned to face her, and she was
startled to see the depths of fury in his eyes.

“You’re right.  I should have told
you.  I’m so sorry.”

“You’re not the one that should be
sorry.  I never should have let you go back there alone.”

“Listen to me, Charlie.  We’ve been
getting gas at that Maverick our whole lives and nothing has ever happened. 
There’s no way you could have known.”

“Damn it, Heather.  Stop making
excuses and let me go look for that guy.”

“Just come in, Charlie.  He won’t
still be there and I don’t want to be alone.”


Heather needed to wash the feel of
the man’s hands off her body.  She got in the shower and turned the water on
high.  Hot water pelted down on her, and steam filled the air.  She knew
Charlie was just down the hall and the water felt good, but she kept thinking
of the shower scene in Psycho and finally gave up on a relaxing shower.

She dried off and brushed her long
brown hair before putting it in a loose bun on top of her head.  Next she put
on a pair of lace panties and a matching bra and used her towel to wipe the
steam off the mirror so she could see herself. 
Not bad,
she thought. 
She’d bought the underwear for the trip, telling herself it would come in handy
when she went back to college in the fall.  Now she sighed because she knew who
she’d really bought it for, and she didn’t think she had the nerve to show it
to him.  Heather wrapped herself in a fluffy terry robe.  Cool air whirled into
the bathroom as she opened the door and went out. 

Charlie had lit the lantern in the
living room and was sitting in an armchair, watching through the big plate
glass window as the moon slowly rose over the lake.  The moon was full and
bright, and Heather sat on the arm of his chair to watch.  They sat quietly for
a few minutes and then Charlie reached for her.

“Come here, sis.  I can feel you
shaking from here.”  He pulled her onto his lap and put his arms around her. 
“I’ve got you now.”

Heather felt safe for the first time
in hours and leaned back against Charlie’s chest with her head nestled against
his neck.  She felt a warm rush of emotion fill her center and ripple out through
her whole being.  It felt so good and right to be close to Charlie.  Nothing
like what she’d felt with any of the guys she’d dated in high school or college. 
Charlie was a man and she was a woman and they were alone for practically the
first time in years.  Today’s episode in the parking lot had been unpleasant
but it had made one thing very clear to her:  She wanted to be even closer to

She had no idea how to tell him, and
she sat frozen with indecision.  Finally, tentatively, she began tracing shapes
on his chest with one finger.  When he didn’t say anything she grew bolder and used
a finger to outline one of his small nipples.  She rubbed it back and forth
through his flannel shirt until she felt it tighten under her touch.

“Um, Heather?” said Charlie,
clearing his throat.  His voice was husky and she moved her hand up to his
neck, feeling his evening whiskers.

“You didn’t used to be so hairy.”
she whispered, her hand dropping to where his chest hair curled above the
collar of his shirt.  She could feel his erection starting against her ass, and
she welcomed the feel of him.

Charlie lifted her off his lap and
put her down next to him.  “Listen, I know you were scared, but I’m not sure
what’s going on here.”

“Heather studied her feet for a
minute, trying to find the right words.  Then she raised her eyes to meet his
and said simply, “I’ve been waiting to be alone with you ever since that day on
the lake.”

She watched as his adam’s apple
bobbed up and down, swallowing.  Swallowed again.  His tongue came out and
moistened his lips but he didn’t say anything and the silence stretched out
between them.

Finally she couldn’t stand it anymore
and whispered, “Say something.”

“That’s a long time to wait.”

Heather stared at him.  Was that all
he was going to say?  She knew he had feelings for her.  Her cards were on the
table and she was all in.  What did she have to lose now?

“I think you’ve been waiting for me
too.  For this.”  And with that, Heather untied the belt of her robe and opened
it.  Her breasts strained at the white lace bra that covered them.  They were
fuller now than they’d been when Charlie had seen them on the lake.

Next she stood and let the robe fall
slowly to the floor.  Charlie was frozen on the chair, his breathing shallow
and his eyes fully dilated as he took her in.  The only light in the room came
from the small lantern and the moon shining in through the window as it lit a
path across the lake.

She straddled Charlie’s lap on the
couch, facing him, and put her hands on each side of his face.  “No more
waiting,” she said, and leaned down to kiss his mouth.

Charlie’s mouth was softer and
sweeter than she ever imagined.  She kissed him gingerly at first, and he sat
there, still frozen.  Even so, kissing him was a dream, and when she sucked
softly at his lower lip she felt him tremble and melt beneath her touch. 
Charlie groaned deep in his throat and then grabbed the back of her neck and
plunged his tongue into her open mouth.

Their lips met in a hungry, greedy
kiss while their hands touched and explored.  Heather unbuttoned his shirt and
pressed herself against the hard muscles of his chest.  His hands were on her
back, trying to undo her bra, but he fumbled with the hooks.  Heather laughed,
“Don’t tell me you’ve never done this before.”

“I’ve never done it with you
before,” came his reply as he finally figured out the trick of it.  Her breasts
sprang free of their confinement and Charlie’s mouth was on them immediately,
kissing his way down her curves to a nipple, which he took in his mouth and
suckled.  Heather was up on her knees, her back arched as Charlie’s tongue
flicked one nipple and his hand massaged the other.

“You have no idea how long I’ve
wanted to touch you like this,” he said, looking up at her.

She stroked the hair back from his
forehead.  “I do know, and we’ve got all night.”

Suddenly Charlie put his hands on
her waist and lifted her to her feet.  His hands yanked her panties down and
pushed her legs apart. 

“All night isn’t nearly long enough
for everything I want to do to you.”  He growled and bit the inside of her
thigh; his rough whiskers against her tender skin.  For one minute she thought
of the stranger’s whiskers scratching her face as he pressed his lips on hers,
but all thoughts of him fled as Charlie’s mouth pressed against her throbbing,
hot sex.

He ate her like she was his last meal. 
He sucked and nipped and rubbed his face in her pussy.  Heather’s pleasure
coiled up inside of her like an over-wound clock.  She hovered at the edge and
then felt Charlie’s finger enter her slick, wet opening.  With a gasp she tightened
her hands in Charlie’s hair and pulled him closer.  He kept stimulating her
clit with his tongue while his finger reached deep inside and found the center
of her pleasure.  Heather felt everything inside her tighten for one long
moment and then she was swept away by sweet release.

Charlie continued to lick her
steadily as her shudders slowed.  When she finally went limp, he stood to take
off his own jeans.  Heather’s breath caught when he freed himself from his
shorts and she saw his hard cock.  His erection was long and thick, the head of
his shaft shiny in the moonlight. 

She wanted to suck him until he
came, but he stopped her.  “If I even think about your lips on me I’m going to
cum, and I want the first time to be inside of you.”

He picked her up and laid her down
on the couch.  Then he stretched out along her side, one hand supporting his
head and the other flicking and teasing her nipples.  He leaned down and licked
one and then blew on it.  The nipple pinched into a tight nub at the cool
sensation and he laughed and warmed it with his tongue.

“I can’t believe I’m touching you
like this.  You are so fucking perfect.”

Heather reached down and held his
cock in one hand, marveling at its heat and hardness.  “Speaking of fucking,”
she began, and intentionally trailed off, with a firm squeeze for good measure.

Charlie’s chuckle rumbled deep in
his chest and he gave her nipple an extra hard tweak.  “So that’s how it’s
going to be, then?”

“And hopefully soon,” she quipped
back at him.

With one easy move he knelt between
her legs and laid himself over her.  He kissed her lips and cheeks and even the
tip of her nose while he rubbed his cock against her soaking wet pussy. 
Heather wanted him so badly she lifted her hips into his, but he pulled back so
his cock just teased at her entrance. 

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