Read Mosby's 2014 Nursing Drug Reference Online
Authors: Linda Skidmore-Roth
Canada only Side effects:
= common;
= life-threatening Nurse Alert
Func. class.:
Antimigraine agent
Chem. class.:
receptor agonist
Do not confuse:
Binds selectively to the vascular 5-HT
B/D receptor subtype, exerts antimigraine effect; causes vasoconstriction in cranial arteries
Acute treatment of migraine with/without aura
Hypersensitivity, angina pectoris, history of MI, documented silent ischemia, ischemic heart disease, concurrent ergotamine-containing preparations, uncontrolled hypertension, CV syndromes, hemiplegic or basilar migraines, severe renal disease (CCr <15 ml/min); severe hepatic disease (Child-Pugh grade C)
Pregnancy (C), breastfeeding, children, geriatric patients, postmenopausal women, men >40 yr, CAD risk, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, diabetes, impaired renal/hepatic function, peripheral vascular disease overuse
• Adult:
1 or 2.5 mg with fluids; if headache returns, repeat 1× after 4 hr; max 5 mg/24 hr
• Adult:
CCr 15-39 ml/min, or mild-moderate hepatic disease max 2.5 mg/24 hr
Available forms:
Tabs 1, 2.5 mg
With fluids as soon as symptoms appear; may take another dose after 4 hr; do not take >5 mg during any 24-hr period
Dizziness, sedation, fatigue
Increased B/P, palpitations,
tachydysrhythmias, PR, QTc prolongation, ST/T wave changes, PVCs, atrial flutter/fibrillation, coronary vasospasm
EENT infections, photophobia
Nausea, vomiting
Temperature change sensations; tightness, pressure sensations
Weakness, neck stiffness
, myalgia
Onset 2-3 hr; peak 2-3 hr; 28%-31% protein binding; half-life 6 hr; metabolized in liver (metabolite); excreted in urine, feces; may be excreted in breast milk
serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome—SSRIs (FLUoxetine, fluvoxaMINE, PARoxetine, sertraline), SNRIs, serotonin receptor agonists, sibutramine
vasospastic effects—ergot, ergot derivatives, other 5-HT
adverse reactions risk—MAOIs; do not use together
Serotonin syndrome: SAM-e, St. John’s wort
Migraine symptoms:
aura, duration, effect on lifestyle, aggravating/alleviating factors
Serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome:
increased heart rate, shivering sweating, dilated pupils, tremors, high B/P, hyperthermia, headache, confusion; if these occur, stop product, administer serotonin antagonist if needed; at least 2 wk should elapse between discontinuation of serotonergic agents and start of product
Cardiac status: ECG, increased B/P, dysrhythmias, monitor for PR, QT prolongation, ST-T wave changes, PVCs in those with cardiac disease
Stress level, activity, recreation, coping mechanisms
Neurologic status: LOC blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, tingling in extremities preceding headache
Quiet, calm environment with decreased stimulation (noise, bright light, excessive talking)
Therapeutic response: decrease in frequency, severity of headache
To report pain, tightness in chest, neck, throat, or jaw; to notify prescriber immediately if sudden, severe abdominal pain occurs
Not to use if another 5-HT
agonist or ergot preparation has been used during past 24 hr; to avoid using >2 days/wk because rebound headache may occur
To notify prescriber if pregnancy is planned or suspected; to avoid breastfeeding
Canada only Side effects:
= common;
= life-threatening Nurse Alert
Func. class.:
Biologic response modifier, immunoglobulins, monoclonal antibody
Biologic-response-modifying properties mediated through specific receptors on cells, may be secondary to blockade of the interaction of inflammatory cells with vascular endothelial cells
Ambulatory patients with relapsing/remitting MS who have not responded to other treatment; those with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease
Hypersensitivity, immunocompromised individuals (HIV, AIDS, leukemia, lymphoma, transplants), PML, murine (mouse) protein allergy
Black Box Warning:
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Pregnancy (C), breastfeeding, geriatric patients, chronic progressive MS, depression, mental disorders, diabetes, TB, active infections, hepatotoxicity
• Adult:
300 mg q4wk; give over 1 hr; observe during and for 1 hr after inf
• Adolescent and child ≥11 yr (unlabeled):
pediatric Crohn’s disease activity index (PCDAI) >30, 3 mg/kg q4wk
Available forms:
Single-use vial, 300 mg/100 ml 0.9% NaCl
Acetaminophen for fever, headache
Only after being enrolled in the TOUCH Prescribing Program
Use only clear, colorless solution, without particulates
Withdraw 15 ml from the vial using aseptic technique: inj conc into 100 ml 0.9% NaCl; do not use other diluents; mix completely; do not shake; inf immediately or refrigerate for ≤8 hr; warm to room temp before using; flush with 0.9% NaCl before, after inf; do not admix or use in same line with other agents
Withhold product at first sign of PML
Prescribers must be registered in the TOUCH prescribing program (1-800-456-2255)
Headache, fatigue
, rigors, syncope, tremors,
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), suicidal ideation,
Chest discomfort, hypo/hypertension, tachycardia
Abdominal discomfort
, abnormal LFT, gastroentritis,
severe hepatic injury
UTI, irregular menses
, vaginitis, urinary frequency
, dermatitis, pruritus,
skin melanoma,
infusion-related reactions
, myalgia
Lower respiratory tract infection
, dyspnea
Anaphylaxis, angioedema
Half-life approximately 11 days
Do not use with vaccines
infection—immunosuppressants, antineoplastics, immunomodulators, tumor necrosis factors
Black Box Warning:
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (weakness, paralysis, vision loss, impaired speech, cognitive deterioration; obtain gadolinium-enhanced MRI scan of the brain, possibly cerebrospinal fluid for JC viral DNA; signs, symptoms of PML (decreased cognition, vision; ataxia, dysphagia), incidences increase with number of doses, over 2 yr immunosuppressants and anti-JC virus antibody; consider testing for the anti-JC virus and periodically retest
report serious opportunistic infections to the manufacturer; those with Crohn’s disease and chronic oral corticosteroids may be at greater risk of infection
Blood, renal, hepatic studies: CBC, differential, platelet counts, BUN, creatinine, ALT, urinalysis, antibody testing
CNS symptoms: headache, fatigue, depression, rigors, tremors
GI status: abdominal discomfort, gastroenteritis, severe hepatic injury, abnormal LFTs
Mental status: depression, depersonalization, suicidal thoughts, insomnia
MS symptoms;
product should only be used by patients who have not responded to other treatments
SOB, hives; swelling, tightness in throat, chest pain; usually within 2 hr of inf
Storage of sol in refrigerator; do not freeze or shake; protect from light; use within 8 hr of preparation
Therapeutic response: decreased symptoms of MS, Crohn’s disease
Provide patient or family member with written, detailed information about product (med guide)
That female patients may experience irregular menses, amenorrhea, may worsen over several days; to notify prescriber if pregnancy is suspected; to avoid breastfeeding while taking this product, if pregnant, call the Tysabri Pregnancy Exposure Registry (1-800-456-2255)
To notify prescriber of possible infection: sore throat, cough, increased temp, inf site reactions
That continuing follow-up will be needed at 3, 6 months after first dose, then every 6 months
To inform all prescribers of product use