Read Mosby's 2014 Nursing Drug Reference Online
Authors: Linda Skidmore-Roth
Canada only Side effects:
= common;
= life-threatening Nurse Alert
Depo-Provera, Depo-sub Q Provera, Gen-Medroxy, Provera
Func. class.:
Antineoplastic, hormone, contraceptive
Chem. class.:
Progesterone derivative
Do not confuse:
Inhibits secretion of pituitary gonadotropins, which prevents follicular maturation and ovulation; antineoplastic action against endometrial cancer
Uterine bleeding (abnormal); secondary amenorrhea; prevention of endometrial changes associated with estrogen replacement therapy (ERT); contraceptive; inoperable, recurrent, metastatic endometrial/ renal cancer
Unlabeled uses:
Hot flashes; symptoms of menopause; paraphilia (men); hot flashes (men) with prostate cancer
Pregnancy (X), hypersensitivity, reproductive cancer, genital bleeding (abnormal, undiagnosed), missed abortion, stroke, cerebrovascular disease, cervical cancer, hepatic disease, uterine/vaginal cancer
Black Box Warning:
Breast cancer, MI, stroke, thromboembolic disease, thrombophlebitis
Breastfeeding, hypertension, asthma, blood dyscrasias, gallbladder disease, CHF, diabetes mellitus, bone disease, depression, migraine headache, seizure disorders, renal/hepatic disease, family history of cancer of breast or reproductive tract, bone mineral density loss, ocular disorders, AIDS/HIV, alcoholism, children, hyperlipidemia
Black Box Warning:
Cardiac disease, dementia, osteoporosis
• Adult:
5-10 mg/day × 5-10 days
• Adult:
5-10 mg/day × 5-10 days starting on 16th or 21st day of menstrual cycle
• Adult:
5-10 mg daily × 10-14 or more days/mo (sequential estrogen); 2.5-5 mg daily (continuous estrogen)
• Adult:
(contraceptive inj) 150 mg q12wk;
(depot SUBCUT Provera 104 inj) 104 mg q3mo
• Adult:
400 mg-1 g (using 400 mg/ml depot inj susp) weekly
• Adult (female):
20 mg/day;
150 mg monthly
• Adult (male):
Depot 150 or 400 mg
Available forms:
Tabs 2.5, 5, 10 mg; inj susp, 150, 400 mg/ml; depot-SUBCUT inj: 104 mg/0.65 ml
Give without regard to food
Visually inspect particulate matter and discoloration before use
IM only,
Instruct patient on risks and warnings associated with hormonal contraceptives (see Patient Information)
The possibility of pregnancy should be excluded before giving the first dose of medroxyprogesterone or whenever more than 14 wk has passed since the last dose
Do not dilute
Shake vigorously immediately before administration
Inject deeply into the gluteal or deltoid muscle; Aspirate before injection to avoid injection into a blood vessel
IM only,
Instruct patient on risks and warnings associated with progestin use (see Patient Information)
Shake vigorously immediately before use
When multidose vials are used, take special care to prevent contamination
Inject deeply into the gluteal or deltoid muscle; aspirate before injection
SUBCUT route
depo-subq provera 104 contraceptive injection suspension
For subcut only,
give IM or IV
Instruct patient on risks and warnings associated with hormonal contraceptives (see Patient Information)
Shake vigorously for at least 1 min before use
Inject the entire contents of the prefilled syringe subcut into the anterior thigh or abdomen, avoiding bony areas and the umbilicus; gently grasp and squeeze a large area of skin in the chosen injection area, ensuring that the skin is pulled away from the body; insert the needle at a 45-degree angle; inject until the syringe is empty; this usually requires 5-7 sec; following use, press lightly on the injection site with a clean cotton pad for a few seconds; do not rub the area
Dizziness, headache, migraines, depression, fatigue, nervousness
Hypotension, thrombophlebitis, edema,
thromboembolism, stroke, PE, MI
, vomiting, anorexia, cramps, increased weight,
cholestatic jaundice,
abdominal pain
Amenorrhea, cervical erosion, breakthrough bleeding, dysmenorrhea, vaginal candidiasis, breast changes,
gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, impotence
, endometriosis,
spontaneous abortion,
vaginitis, libido increased/decreased
Rash, urticaria, acne, hirsutism, alopecia, oily skin, seborrhea, purpura, melasma, photosensitivity, injection site reaction
Decreased bone density
Angioedema, anaphylaxis
Duration 24 hr; excreted in urine and feces; metabolized in liver
medroxyPROGESTERone action—aminoglutethimide, carBAMazepine, phenytoins, PHENobarbital, rifampin
bone mineral density—anticoagulants, corticosteroids
LFTs, HDL, triglycerides
Pelvic exam, Pap smear before treatment, periodically
Severe allergic reaction, angioedema;
have EPINEPHrine and rescusitative equipment available
Weight daily; notify prescriber of weekly weight gain >5 lb; bone mineral density
B/P at beginning of treatment and periodically
I&O ratio; be alert for decreasing urinary output, increasing edema
Hepatic studies: ALT, AST, bilirubin periodically during long-term therapy
Edema, hypertension, cardiac symptoms, jaundice
Mental status: affect, mood, behavioral changes, depression
Black Box Warning:
This product should not be given to those with breast cancer, MI, stroke, thromboembolic disorders
Bone mineral density loss:
in those taking anticoagulants, corticosteroids with Depo-Provera or Depo-sub Q Provera
Black Box Warning:
Use of product shown to increase dementia in women ≥65 yr old; use may increase osteoporosis in long-term treatment; those who smoke also at greater risk; adequate calcium and vit D should be taken
Storage in dark area
Therapeutic response: decreased abnormal uterine bleeding, absence of amenorrhea
To avoid sunlight or to use sunscreen; photosensitivity can occur
To report breast lumps, vaginal bleeding, edema, jaundice, dark urine, clay-colored stools, dyspnea, headache, blurred vision, abdominal pain, sudden change in speech/coordination, numbness or stiffness in legs, chest pain; males to report impotence, gynecomastia
To report suspected pregnancy (X); fertility returns 6-12 mo after discontinuing
Black Box Warning:
Long-term use decreases bone density; exercise, calcium supplements can help lessen osteoporosis