Mortal Temptations (9 page)

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Authors: Allyson James

BOOK: Mortal Temptations
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Andreas padded around to the ground-floor room Rebecca had been given. She was the most vulnerable of them, but she’d refused to switch rooms with Patricia.
Rebecca’s room was the smallest in the inn, its only amenity being a little private porch overhung with vines. Rebecca had argued that she wanted to stay up late and look at the inscription, and tucked in the back of the house she’d keep no one else awake.
Andreas had volunteered to watch out for her rather than have to explain exactly why they wanted her more secure. He approached the porch slowly, admonishing the cats to keep silent. They slunk about his ankles but obeyed.
Rebecca was still up. She sat at a tiny desk at right angles to the porch door, the photos spread across the desktop. She’d loosened her clothes, blouse half unbuttoned as though she were trying to be comfortable. Her hair was still pulled back, but honey blond wisps had escaped to straggle down her neck.
Rebecca would never be beautiful in the way that humans in this country in this time regarded beauty, but she had a solid earthiness that appealed to Andreas. The tilt of her head, the animation in her eyes as they flicked over the photos attracted him. A dangerous thing, this attraction.
Dangerous, too, was the way she sat in full light without closing the curtains. She likely thought nothing of it; the inn was far off the road with no other houses around it. But Dyons were creatures of darkness, at their most powerful during the night.
Andreas climbed to the porch and lay down just outside the door, the cats draping themselves around him.
If Rebecca heard the soft thump on the porch floor, she made no sign. Nor did she hear the moan that came from the window above, where Patricia and Nico were starting in. It took all Andreas’s willpower not to climb onto the porch roof, put his paws on their windowsill, and watch them.


PATRICIA’S face was in shadow, but moonlight outlined her breasts, which pushed up against the nightshirt, her nipples tight points stretching the light fabric.
Nico straddled her on his hands and knees, excited and hard. He helped her tug the nightshirt up and over her head and toss it to the floor.
She was so beautiful bare. He recalled what she’d looked like in her apartment when he’d told her to strip. Her body was slim and taut, breasts large enough for him to catch in his hands and enjoy the warm weight of them.
Thighs strong, belly tight. The tuft of hair between her legs glistened with moisture. She gave him a lazy smile, her ringlets of golden hair haloing around her face. Did she know she was driving him insane? Breaking his heart?
Probably not. She was caught up in wanting, and for now, that was fine.
He caught her under her knees and lifted her legs, opening her for him. The slit of her pussy shimmered in the moonlight, the golden hair surrounding it glistening with her dew. His penis wanted to slam inside that intriguing dark opening, to pound until he came.
That wasn’t what he was here to do. He had to pleasure her, never mind his own needs.
Patricia smiled and reached for him, and his body warmed. She still didn’t really believe in the curse, though she would in time. She didn’t understand what it was to have an all-powerful creature at her mercy, as Hera wanted him to be. Patricia just wanted Nico.
He knew what else she liked. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he let his wings break free, and she laughed as she caught feathers in her hands.
“Yes,” she whispered, clutching the black feathers tight, then she cried out as he leaned down and began to pleasure her with his tongue.


REBECCA woke with a start. She had fallen asleep at the desk, her head resting on her bent arm, the pencil still in her fingers. She sat up, rubbing the stiffness in her neck.
A snow leopard sat at her feet, watching her with unblinking blue eyes.
Rebecca went very still. The creature’s face was white with patterns of small black dots, while his legs and back bore the large, circular spots common to leopards. The fur on his chest was nearly pure white, and his eyes were like chips of blue ice.
The two cats Patricia had brought with her wove around his feet, and the inn’s cat sat on her haunches just behind him. All three cats were purring, but the leopard remained silent.
Interesting dream.
“Hello, you,” she said. “You’re pretty.”
The leopard’s eyes narrowed. Maybe a male leopard didn’t like to be called “pretty.”
“Handsome, then,” she amended. “Can I pet you?”
The leopard lowered his head toward her hand. She laid it on his fur, marveling at how sleek it was. He turned his head into her palm, and she rubbed behind his ears, enjoying how his eyes closed in pleasure.
He put his paw in her lap. She flinched at its weight, but his claws were sheathed. He hoisted himself to half rest on her thighs, his breath warm through her shirt. She continued to rub his head and scratch along the side of his face, and he let out a little whuff of contentment.
As she rubbed, he leaned forward until his large nose pressed the opening of her blouse, his breath hot on the bare skin beneath.
“Stop that,” she said, but she couldn’t help laughing.
Her laughter ended abruptly when his hot tongue lapped between her breasts, catching in the lace of her bra. She tried to push him away, but he was too heavy.
“All right, this is too weird, even for a dream.”
The leopard looked up at her, a smug look in his eyes.
You like it.
His words, tinged with a growl, rang in her brain.
“No, I don’t. I draw the line at leopards.”
You have needs, Rebecca. I feel them. You’re burning up with them.
His voice sounded so like Andreas’s, that strange white-and-black-haired man with the same blue eyes. Dear God, was she manifesting him in her dream as a leopard? Was she that desperate?
She put both hands on his chest and pushed, but it was like trying to move a brick wall. “I have rules.” She panted. “No animals.”
He rumbled in his throat.
I’m different.
He pushed her back, and Rebecca found herself falling from the chair to the soft carpet, the leopard on top of her. Her gasp was cut off when he licked her face with a broad, hot tongue.
His breath was surprisingly sweet, much better than she’d expected from a wild animal. But then, this was a dream.
His weight on her was warm and dense, and made her feel . . . protected. He licked her again, his tongue lingering on her lips.
“Really, you have to stop it.” She pressed a shaky hand to his face, and he playfully nipped her fingers, keeping his razor canines in check. “I wonder what Freudian kink makes me dream about being licked by a leopard.”
It depends on the leopard
He licked her once again, slowly, and she let him. His whiskers tickled her throat, his breath so comforting and warm.
His tongue dipped between her breasts, lapping the sweat there. The bra kept him from touching her skin, but his leopard tongue found where her nipples pointed through the fabric. The licking aroused her nipples even more, and she tried to push him away again.
“No, I
can’t do this.”
But you’re enjoying it.
His nose wrinkled like he was laughing.
“No, I’m severely horny, and Andreas is hot.”
You like Andreas, do you?
Her face heated. “No. He’s rude and domineering, and everything a strong woman hates.” She sighed. “I wish he weren’t so damn hot.”
I’ll tell him.
“You’ll do no such thing . . . What am I saying? This is a weird, kinky dream, and I still can’t believe I’m having it.”
He thinks you’re sexy.
She burst out laughing. “Now I know this is a dream. I’m a major geek. No man thinks I’m sexy.”
Andreas does,
he said softly.
Sleep now, Rebecca.
She tried to resist the command, but her eyes grew heavy, the dream drifting away. The leopard dissolved like smoke, and the next thing she knew, the sun was up. She lay on the floor with her blouse open, and Isis the cat was staring at her with curious green eyes.


PATRICIA swam to wakefulness, smelling coffee brewing and sausage frying downstairs. Delicious.
She was pleasantly tired, every muscle relaxed, her sexual play with Nico having left her contented to the deepest part of herself. She wasn’t sure what she’d liked better: his feathers warm and soft all over her nakedness, his skillful tongue and hands, or just touching his lovely large cock.
They hadn’t had full sex, not him inside her, which both surprised and delighted her. She’d never known a man and woman could have so much fun without actual intercourse.
She felt his warm weight beside her and smiled as she opened her eyes. Except the eyes that looked back at her weren’t sinful dark brown but ice blue.
PATRICIA stifled a shriek. Andreas had stretched out next to her not wearing a stitch, his gaze that of a bad-tempered leopard.
“Damn it, Andreas, this is
He rolled half onto her, his body hard and heavy. “You want me here.”
She put up her hands, but instead of pushing him away, her treacherous fingers caressed his shoulders. “No, I don’t.”
“I’ve been trying to avoid coming to you, even distracting myself watching over pretty Dr. Trimble. But you’re thinking it, Patricia. You’re thinking,
What would it be like with both of them?

Her face heated, but she couldn’t deny the forbidden fantasies dancing around in her brain. “I don’t want to hurt Nico. I don’t want to be like that.”
“He already knows. He told me this morning he knew it was time for you to take it to the next level.”
Anger stirred in spite of her excitement. “I’m so glad the two of you decided for me.”
His smile turned feral. “
decided, Patricia. We only watch . . . and wait.”
“I don’t want to hurt Nico,” she repeated stubbornly.
Nico’s voice came from the doorway. “You won’t.”
He walked inside, fully dressed, then shut and locked the door behind him. He looked not at all angry or dismayed that Andreas was there, though some suppressed emotion flickered across his face.
Staying dressed, Nico climbed onto the big bed and lay down on the other side of her. “What do you want him to do?”
Patricia’s limbs felt watery and cold, her body hot and shivery at the same time. Andreas’s breath warmed her face, the firm muscles of his arm heavy on her shoulder.
On her other side, Nico was all that was protective. She liked the feel of his jeans and shirt against her bare skin. Having a man on either side of her was an unfamiliar, delicious pleasure.
“Am I really doing this?” she asked in wonder.
“You are,” Andreas said.
Nico laid his hand on her abdomen, once again the smiling, sinful, seductive Nico. “Give in to what you truly need, love. What do you want us to do?”
Patricia took a deep breath. Her most buried fantasies, the ones that made her blush and wonder if she was quite normal, started knocking for her attention. Nico’s question loosened the desires that she’d wanted to fulfill for a long, long time but never imagined she’d have the chance. Now two men were at her service, their gold chains meaning she could ask them to do anything she wanted.
“I want Andreas licking my pussy,” she said rapidly, “while I suck on your cock.”
Andreas’s blue eyes sparkled. “That’s an arrangement I can take.”
Nico smiled like a wine steward pleased with a patron’s choice. Then his look turned as feral as Andreas’s, and he ripped the covers from Patricia’s body.
Patricia was still naked and damp from their play, and she’d slept hard. “Not yet,” she gasped. “I have to shower.”
Andreas rolled away from her, conceding. “We can do this
the shower.”
“If it’s a big enough shower,” Nico added.
“We can scrub her down, anyway.” Andreas sauntered into the bathroom, morning sunshine through the blinds’ slats throwing stripes across his body.
“Nico,” Patricia began.
He was on his feet, his hand at his fly. “Go,” he said, his dark eyes shuttered. He didn’t want to talk; he wanted to
Patricia scrambled out of bed and scurried into the bathroom, where Andreas had already turned on the water. The bathtub was a long whirlpool tub with a showerhead above it. It was large enough for two; a tight fit for three.
“It’s warm,” Andreas announced. “In you go.” He snatched Patricia off her feet and easily deposited her in the shower.
His big body was warm and already wet. She hadn’t liked Andreas at first, but she’d begun to warm to him. He was as trapped in all this as Nico, and his bad temper stemmed from that. Now her warmth for him was turning volcanic.
Nico walked into the bathroom, unclothed, as Andreas slid to his knees in front of Patricia. Andreas snatched a cake of soap from the holder and started to rub it over her thighs and pussy.
There was a second bar of soap on the counter in a box. Nico tore it open and dropped the little boutique soap on his large palm. He reached into the shower and smoothed the bar over Patricia’s back and shoulders.
The double massage felt wonderful. Patricia leaned her head back, letting the shower wet her hair, and Nico moved his hand to soap down her breasts.
“Every woman’s dream,” she murmured. “Two gorgeous men washing me all over.”
Andreas chuckled. “We’re just getting started.”
Patricia hummed in her throat as four hands, slick with soap, moved over her breasts, her nipples, her clit. “I don’t think the innkeeper would be too thrilled with us having a noisy threesome in her best guest room. Not to mention Rebecca. We don’t want Dr. Trimble to run away in disgust.”
“They’ll never hear us,” Andreas said.
“No? I’m sure sound carries in this old house.”
Nico laughed softly. “We do have some powers, love. The ability to mask sounds to give us some privacy is the least of them.”
Patricia shivered, despite the hot water, wondering what some of their greater powers were.
They both stopped soaping her and rinsed her off, then Andreas bent forward and started licking her nipples. She groaned, and Nico leaned forward to catch the sound on his lips.
The layout of the bathroom prevented them from enacting her scenario, so Andreas shut off the water, and the two of them dried her off and carried her back into the bedroom. There Nico sat her on a chair, and she tentatively spread her legs.
Andreas sent her a dark smile as he sat back on his heels in front of her. The shower had darkened his white black hair and dotted his shoulders with beads of water. He didn’t seem to care as he leaned down and fastened his mouth on her pussy.
“Oh, God,” Patricia moaned. While her mouth was still open, Nico bumped it with his cock.
She turned her head and seized it with her lips.
Nico made a soft noise in his throat and rocked back on his heels. His fists rested on his thighs, brown skin tight.
Patricia loved the way he tasted. She remembered what she’d told him she’d do in the car: take him into her mouth and feel every inch with her tongue, while she cupped his balls with her hands. She ran her fingers up the base of the cock to his balls, which hung tight and heavy between his legs.
Andreas proved he was the master of the tongue. He pressed her thighs open with strong hands and buried his face in her, his mouth doing all kinds of wonderful things. He was going to take her over the top in no time, and she wanted to come at the same time Nico did.
She mimicked the movement of Andreas’s tongue with her own on Nico. He moaned and jerked, and then she felt his hands in her hair. She liked him caressing her, showing her that he liked what she did.
She couldn’t believe she had two men pleasuring her. She, Patricia Lake, who felt more at home with bits and pieces of the past than with living beings of the present, was having two men at the same time. This had to be some giddy, wonderful dream.
She held on to Nico’s cock with one hand, and with the other, ran her fingers through Andreas’s hair. His hair was sleek and soft, probably like his leopard’s coat.
Andreas certainly knew how to give pleasure. He alternately suckled her clit and licked it, nibbled lightly with his teeth, and tickled with his thumbs. When she feared she’d climax too fast, he slowed down; then, just when she’d caught her breath, he’d suckle her again and have her crying out.
“Patricia, love.” Nico’s voice was throaty.
Patricia was too far gone to sort out her feelings, but she knew she wished the
to be true.
Andreas suddenly sped up his attack, licking and suckling hard and fast. The room seemed to spin, nothing certain but Andreas’s mouth on her and hers on Nico.
In a masterpiece of timing, Andreas had her hips rising with her climax just as Nico groaned and shot his seed into her mouth. Then Nico was pumping into her, stroking her hair and moaning her name while Andreas’s mouth drove her climax on and on.
When things quieted, she opened her eyes and found Nico looking straight at her, his gaze so intense with emotion that she nearly melted off the chair. He quickly masked his expression and picked up a towel to gently dab her mouth clean.
Andreas sat back, his blue eyes wicked. “There. One fantasy, come true.”
“Maybe she has another.” Nico could make her hot and bothered with just his voice. Patricia should be sated—Andreas had done such a fine job—but she found her heart speeding at his suggestion.
Andreas laughed at her. “I think she does.”
Andreas’s cock was huge, sticking out of a thatch of dark hair, nice and hard. Nico beside her was only half deflated and growing again with the thought that she might want to do something else.
What Patricia wanted she barely dared let herself think. But something about the atmosphere around Nico and Andreas, something about their auras, electrified the passions she hid in her heart.
“Don’t be afraid to tell us,” Nico said. “No inhibitions before breakfast.”
Patricia gulped. “But it’s something . . . I never understood or thought I’d really want. Until I met you two.”
Nico stroked her hair back from her face and leaned to kiss her cheek. “What is it, sweetheart?”
She drew a shaking breath. “I’d like you to suck Andreas off.” “Mmm.” Andreas’s usually cold eyes warmed. “Aren’t you the wild one?”
“Not if you don’t want to,” she said hurriedly. “I wouldn’t make you—”
Nico cut off her words with a kiss. “Hush, love. No inhibitions, remember?”
“But this is different. It’s not about me.”
“Yes, it is.” Nico kissed her again, his lips warm and silken. “It’s a different kind of need.”
Andreas sent her a lazy smile. “You’d be surprised how many women want to watch two men putting on a show for the lady.”
They weren’t dismayed. She realized, watching them, that they’d done this sort of thing before.
Why did that make her more excited still?
“Well, get on with it,” she said breathlessly. “I’m starting to want my breakfast.”
“Listen to who’s giving orders,” Andreas said, eyes sparkling. He was still laughing at her, still arrogant, still in control. So was Nico. They might be compelled by this curse, but she had the feeling they managed to do exactly what they pleased.
Nico pulled a straight-backed chair next to Patricia’s and straddled it backward. Andreas rolled nonchalantly to his feet, his penis stiff and hard and ready.
Patricia held her breath, unable to believe they would really do it. Nico slid his hands over his friend’s hips, expertly positioning him, then Andreas tucked his cock neatly inside Nico’s mouth.
Patricia sat so close she could see every lick, every suck, every bite that Nico gave him. She saw Andreas’s hands clench and his body go rigid, saw his erection press the inside of Nico’s mouth.
She gasped herself and pressed her finger to her clit as Nico had taught her. Watching Nico expertly pleasure his friend, eyes closed, sent waves of wild excitement through her. It was better than anything she’d ever imagined, raw and stark and real.
Andreas rested his hands in Nico’s hair and Patricia’s, stroking them both as Nico pleasured him. Patricia turned her head and licked the base of Andreas’s cock, tasting Nico’s lips along with the dark saltiness of Andreas’s skin.
He liked it, urging them both on. Patricia kept on licking, her tongue and Nico’s sometimes colliding. Andreas was groaning out loud, thrusting his hips at them as Patricia licked and Nico sucked.
Andreas’s moans turned to animal-like growls, then he shouted,
and roared his release inside Nico’s mouth.

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