Moreta (43 page)

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Authors: Anne McCaffrey

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Pern: third of the star Rukbat’s five planets. It has two natural satellites.

Red Star: Pern’s stepsister planet. The Red Star has an erratic orbit.

Rukbat: a yellow star in the Sagittarian Sector, Rukbat has five planets and two asteroid belts.

runnerbeast: also called “runner.” An equine adapted to Pernese conditions from fetuses brought with the colonists. Quite a few distinct variations were bred: heavy-duty cart and plow animals; comfortable, placid riding beasts; lean racing types.

sevenday: the equivalent of a week on Pern

Star Stones: Stonehenge-type stones set on the rim of every Weyr. When the Red Star can be seen at Dawn through the eye rock, a Pass is imminent.

Thread: mycorrhizoid spores from the Red Star, which descend on Pern and burrow into it, devouring all organic material they encounter.

Timor: Pern’s smaller moon

Tunnel-snakes: Tunnel-snakes are a minor danger and an annoyance on Pern. Of the myriad types of tunnel-snakes, two are the most insidious: the type that lives in tunnels, and the type that makes tunnels by burrowing in the sand on beaches. The latter has a great appetite for fire-lizard eggs.

Turn: a Pernese year

watchdragon: the dragon whose rider has pulled watch duty on the Weyr roster. A watch is generally four hours long. Essentially Weyrs are military camps. Sentries are part of that ethos. During a Pass, they watch for any chance erratic Fall of Thread, for anyone entering or leaving the Weyr.

watchwher: the ungainly, malodorous product of an attempt to breed larger, more useful animals from the genetic material of the fire-lizard, an indigenous Pernese life form. Watchwhers are nocturnal, exceedingly vicious when aroused, and highly protective of those they recognize as friends. A watchwher is conditioned to know the people of its hold, hail, or cot, and to give warning of intruders of any sort; used as a watchdog, it is generally chained to the front entrance of the hold, hail, or cot. Watchwhers can communicate with dragons, but as they tend to be very trivial and rather stupid, dragons are not fond of touching their minds.

Weyr: a home of dragons and their riders weyr: a dragon’s den

Weyrleader: generally the rider of the bronze dragon who has mated with the senior queen dragon of the Weyr during her mating flight. The Weyrleader is in charge of the fighting wings of the Weyr, responsible for their conduct during Falls, and for the training and discipline of all riders. During an Interval, he is responsible for the continuance of all Thread-fighting tactics, for keeping alive the fighting abilities of dragons and riders. His rank symbol is a dragon.

weyrling: an inexperienced dragonrider under the tutelage of the Weyrlingmaster. His rank symbol is an inverted stripe.

Weyrlingmaster. usually an aging rider with good skills and the ability to discipline and inspire the young. Responsible for the training of young riders and their dragons.

Weyrsinger the harper for the dragonriders, usually himself a dragonrider

Weyrwoman: The rider of a dragon queen and coleader, with the Weyrleader, of the Weyr. She is responsible for the conduct of the queens’ wing during Fall, under the Weyrleader’s orders; for the care of dragons, riders, and all Weyrfolk; and for the peace and tranquillity of the Weyr during a Pass and during Intervals. She appoints all subordinates, insures that all tithes are delivered or collected, and mediates all disputes except honor contests among riders. She is responsible for the training, fostering, and disposition of the Weyr’s children and nonrider personnel, overseeing with the Weyrleader the training of weyrlings under the Weyrlingmaster. As any dragon will obey a queen, even against the wishes of his or her rider, the Weyrwomen are in fact the most powerful people on Pern. Weyrwomen have autonomy in their own Weyr, but will act in concert with other Weyrwomen when necessary for the good of the Weyrs. Her rank symbol is a dragon.

Each Weyr has from two to five queens, the larger numbers occurring during a Pass. In the event of the death or voluntary retirement of a Weyrwoman, the position will be assumed by the oldest of the other queenriders in the Weyr. Although candidates for Impression generally come from nearby holds and halls, the Search for a queen candidate may extend throughout the continent.

weyrwoman: a female dragonrider. Her rank symbol is a gold star.

wherries: a type of fowl roughly resembling the domestic turkey of Earth, but about the size of an ostrich

Wingleader: the dragonrider in command of a Weyr’s fighting wing, subordinate to the Weyrleader. His rank symbol is double bars.

Wingsecond: the dragonrider second in command to the Wingleader. His rank symbol is a single bar.

withies: water plants resembling the reeds of Earth




A’dan: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon green T’grath

Alessan: Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

A’murry: rider, at Igen Weyr; dragon green Granth

Baid: cropholder, at Ruatha Hold

Balfor: Master, at Keroon Beasthold

Barly: (deceased) Healer, at High Reaches Weyr

Berchar: Masterhealer, at Fort Weyr

Bessel: a man at Beastmasterhold

Bessera: weyrwoman, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon queen Odioth

B’greal: weyrling, at Fort Weyr

B’lerion: wingleader, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon bronze Nabeth

Boranda: Healer, at Healer Hold

Bregard: Healer, at Peyton Hold

Burdion: Healer, at Igen Sea Hold

Campen: heir to Tolocamp, Lord Holder of Fort Hold

Capiam: Masterhealer, at Fort Hold

Ch’mon: rider, at Igen Weyr; dragon bronze Helith

Clargesh: Mastercraftsman, glass, at Tillek Hold

Cr’not: Weyrlingmaster, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon bronze Caith

Curmir: Harper, at Fort Weyr

C’ver: rider, at Telgar Weyr; dragon brown Hogarth

Dag: runner handler, at Ruatha Hold

Dalova: Weyrwoman, at Igen Weyr; dragon queen Perforth

Dangel: brother to Alessan, Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

Dannell: candidate for Impression from Lemos Minehall, at Benden Weyr

Declan: candidate, at Fort Weyr

Deefer: warden, at Ruatha Hold

Desdra: Journeywoman healer, at Fort Hold

Diatis: Lord Holder of Tillek Hold

Diona: weyrwoman, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon queen Kilanath

D’ltan: weyrling, at Fort Weyr

D’say: wingleader, at Ista Weyr; dragon bronze Kritith

Empie: weyrwoman, at Igen Weyr; dragon queen Dulchenth

Emun: Journeyman harper, at Ruatha Hold

Falga: Weyrwoman, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon queen Tamianth

Farelly: harper, at Ruatha Hold

F’duril: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon blue Dilenth

Feildool: Healer, at Hold Brum

Fergal: grandson to Dag, runner handler at Ruatha Hold

F’gal: Weyrleader, at Ista Weyr; dragon bronze Sanalth

Fitatric: Lord Holder of Ista Hold

F’neldril: Weyrlingmaster, at Fort Weyr; dragon brown Mnanth

Follen: Journeyman healer, at Ruatha Hold

Fortine: Master of Archives, at Fort Hold

Gale: Healer, at Big Bay Hold

Gallardy: Healer, at Healer Hall

Galnish: Healer, at Hold Gar

Genjon: Master, glassblower at Tillek Hold

Gorby: Healer, at Keroon Runnerhold

Gorta: Apprentice to Headwoman, at Fort Weyr

Gram: Lord Holder of Nerat Hold

Haura: weyrwoman, at Fort Weyr; dragon queen Werth

Helly: race rider, at Ruatha Hold

H’grave: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon green Hailath

Ind: Healer, at Ista Weyr

Jallora: Journeywoman healer, at Fort Weyr

J’tan: rider, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon bronze Sharth

Kamiana: weyrwoman, at Fort Weyr; dragon queen Pelianth

K’dall: rider, at Telgar Weyr; dragon blue Teelarth

K’dren: Weyrleader, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Kuzuth

Kilamon: Journeyman harper, at Ruatha Hold

K’lon: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon blue Rogeth

Kulan: smallholder, at Ruatha Hold

Kylos: Healer, at Sea Cliff Seahold

L’bol: Weyrleader, at Igen Weyr; dragon bronze Timenth

Leef, Lord: father of Alessan, Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

Leri: inactive Weyrwoman, at Fort Weyr; dragon queen Holth

Levalla: Weyrwoman, at Benden Weyr; dragon queen Oribeth

Lidora: weyrwoman, at Fort Weyr; dragon queen ilith

L’mal: (deceased) previous Weyrleader, at Fort Weyr; dragon bronze Clinnith

Loreana: Healer, at Bay Head Seahold

L’rayl: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon brown Sorth

L’vin: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Jith

Makfar: brother to Alessan, Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

Marl: handler of herdbeasts and runnerbeasts, at Ruatha Hold

Masdek: Journeyman harper, at Fort Hold

Maylone: candidate, at Fort Weyr

M’barak: weyrling, at Fort Weyr; dragon blue Arith

Mellor: Weyrwoman, at Telgar Weyr; dragon queen Dalgeth

Mendir: Healer, at Ground Hold

M’gent: wingleader, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Ith

Mibbut: Healer, at Keroon Beasthold

Miridan: weyrwoman, at Telgar Weyr; dragon queen Sutanith

Moreta: Weyrwoman, at Fort Weyr; dragon queen Orlith

Mostar: son of Tolocamp, Lord Holder of Fort Hold

M’ray: rider, at Ista Weyr; dragon brown Quoarth; son of Moreta by D’say

M’tani: Weyrleader, at Telgar Weyr: dragon bronze Hogarth

Namurra: weyrwoman, at Igen Weyr; dragon queen Jiffith

Nattal: old Headwoman, at High Reaches Weyr

Nerilka (Rill): daughter of Tolocamp, Lord Holder of Fort Hold

Nesso: Headwoman, at Fort Weyr

N’men: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon blue Jelth

N’mool: rider, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon bronze Bidorth

Norman: race manager, at Ruatha Hold

N’tar: rider, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon bronze Melath

Oklina: sister to Alessan, Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

Oma, Lady: mother of Alessan, Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

Pendra: Lady Holder of Fort Hold

Peterpar: herdsman, at Fort Weyr

P’leen: rider, at Igen Weyr; dragon bronze Aaith

P’nine: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon bronze Ixth

Pollan: Healer, at Big Bay Hold

Pressen: Healer, at High Reaches Weyr

Quitrin: Healer, at Southern Boll Hold

Rapal: Healer, at Campbell’s Field

Ratoshigan: Lord Holder of Southern Boll Hold

Rill: see Nerilka

R’len: rider, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon bronze Ponteth

R’limeak: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon blue Gionth

Runel: old herdsman, at Ruatha Hold

Scand: Masterhealer, at Ruatha Hold

Semment: Healer, at Great Reach Hold

S’gor: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon green Malth

Shadder: Lord Holder of Benden Hold

Sh’gall: Weyrleader, at Fort Weyr; dragon bronze Kadith

Silga: weyrwoman, at Igen Weyr; dragon queen Brixth

Sim: drudge, at Fort Hold

S’kedel: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon brown Adath

S’ligar: Weyrleader, at High Reaches; dragon bronze Gianarth

Sneel: Healer, at Greenfields Hold

Soover: smaliholder, at Southern Boll Hold

S’peren: wingleader, at Fort Weyr; dragon bronze Clioth

Sufur: Masterherdsman, at Keroon Beasthold

Suriana: deceased wife of Alessan, Lord Holder of Ruatha Hold

Talpan: Healer of Animals, at Keroon Beasthold

Tellani: woman at Fort Weyr

T’grel: wingleader, at Telgar Weyr; dragon bronze Raylinth

Theng: guardleader, at Fort Hold

Tirone: Masterharper, at Fort Hold

T’lonneg: wingleader, at Ista Weyr; dragon bronze Jalerth

T’nure: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon green Tapeth

Tolocamp: Lord Holder of Fort Hold

Tonia: Healer, at Igen Seahold

T’ragel: weyrling, at Fort Weyr; dragon blue Keranth

T’ral: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon brown Maneth

Trume: Masterherdsman, at High Reaches Hold

Tuero: Journeyman harper, at Ruatha Hold

Turvine: cropholder, at Ruatha Hold

Turving: smallholder, at Ruatha Hold

Vander: smallholder, at Ruatha Hold

Vanney: Master of the

V’mal: rider, at High Reaches Weyr; dragon brown Koth

V’mul: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon brown Tellath

Wimmia: Weyrwoman, at Ista Weyr; dragon queen Torenth

W’ter: rider, at Benden Weyr; dragon bronze Taventh

W’ven: rider, at Fort Weyr; dragon green Balgeth




Planetfall plus 8 years
First Fall    
First Pass
Second Pass
Third Pass
Fourth Pass
First Long Interval
Fifth Pass
Sixth Pass
Moreta’s Ride (The Plague)
Seventh Pass
Eighth Pass
Second Long Interval
Lessa’s Impression
Ninth Pass

Anne McCaffrey
was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She graduated cum laude from Radcliffe College, majoring in Slavonic Languages and Literatures. Before her success as a writer, she was involved in theater. She directed the American premiere of Carl Orff’s
Ludus de Nato Infante Mirificus
, in which she also played a witch. Her first novel,
, was written as a protest against the absurd and unrealistic portrayals of women in science fiction novels in the 50s and early 60s. Ms. McCaffrey is best known, however, for her handling of broader themes and the worlds of her imagination, particularly in her tales of the Talents and the fourteen novels about the Dragonriders of Pern.


McCaffrey lives in a house of her own design, Dragonhold-Underhill, in County Wicklow, Ireland. Visit the author online at


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