More With You (3 page)

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Authors: Kaylee Ryan

BOOK: More With You
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In the kitchen, I rest my elbows on the island and place my hands on my temples. I have to get a grip on my emotions. I can’t let Aiden see how he’s affecting me. Hiding how I really feel about him is harder when it’s just the two of us. There’s no one around to buffer and distract me. Once I feel a little more composed, I pop two bags of popcorn and place them in one large bowl. I grab us both a water out of the fridge and make my way back to the living room, back to Aiden.

He’s sitting on the loveseat, wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt, and holy hell, he is HOT!  As I walk closer, his eyes meet mine and he graces me with one of his sexy grins. He pats the space next to him. “I saved you a seat.”  He reaches for the waters and sets them on the end table. He then takes the bowl of popcorn out of my hands and does the same thing.

I sit down beside him and curl my legs underneath me.  Aiden pulls my favorite chenille throw from the back of the loveseat and places it over my legs. He then slides himself under as well, covering his lap. Without saying a word, he reaches for the bowl of popcorn and places it between us, resting half on his lap and half on mine.

Needing to focus on something other than the warmth of him next to me, I ask, “So what are we watching?”

“Remember, you said I could pick the movie. So…I went with a horror flick.” He smirks.

“So, when I wake you up from my nightmares, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself,” I chide him.  I no longer care what the name of the movie is; I’ll spend at least seventy-five percent of it with my head buried in a pillow. 
At least my mind will be on other things, even if it’s fear.

Aiden rests his head on my shoulder. “I’ll sleep on the couch so you’re not out here alone, or better yet, you can just sleep with me.” He lifts his head and shrugs as if the thought of us in bed together is nothing to him.  Well, that’s because it’s not.  He would shit if he knew the thoughts that I have been having about him.

“Just start the damn movie,” I pout. At least I hope that’s what I’m doing. I’m still trying to recover from the “you can just sleep with me” comment. What I really want to say is “To hell with the movie, take me to bed.” Yes, my mind went there.



What the fuck am I doing? I can’t believe that I basically just asked Hailey to sleep with me. Well, not really, but if she was in my bed, I don’t think that I could not touch her.  There have been several nights over the past year that I chose to sleep on the couch instead of my room, just to be next to her.  I know she hates scary movies, and although it may sound cruel, I want her to need to be next to me tonight.  Today was the biggest day of my life; the beginning of my future, and to end it with Hales curled up beside me, nothing can top this.

I drape my arm across her shoulder and tug her closer. “I’ll protect you, sweetheart.”  Trying not to think about how great she feels in my arms, I grab the remote, hit play, and begin to stuff my face with popcorn. 

Not fifteen minutes into the movie, Hailey has the blanket pulled up over her eyes. I place the popcorn bowl on the end table and finish off my water. I offer Hailey hers and she declines. “I’m good,” is her reply. I don’t think she even knows what I am offering her since her eyes are still closed and buried underneath the blanket. As the music on the movie changes, she chances it once again and slowly uncovers her eyes. Just as she does, there’s a loud bang that rings from the television.  Hailey jumps onto my chest and buries her face. 
This was my intention.  I get to hold her without her knowing that this, her in my arms, is the perfect end to my day. 

I wrap my arms around her and gently stroke her back, soothing her.  After several minutes, which is not nearly long enough, Hailey pulls away from me.  “Sorry, you know I don’t deal well with scary movies.” She blushes.  Damn, if that doesn’t make me hard as a rock.

“I don’t mind. I know you’re just watching this for me.”  I pull her back to my chest and kiss the top of her head.  “Thank you.” I don’t need to say anything else. Hailey releases a heavy sigh and curls up on my chest. After a few minutes, I can feel her breathing even out and I know she’s falling asleep.  I resume gently stroking her back, lulling her to sleep.  Her falling asleep allows me to hold her longer.  Why I torture myself, I don’t know.  I know what I’m doing is wrong, but I can’t resist her.

The movie ends and Hales is sound asleep. I reach for the remote and pull up the DVR. Allison made sure she recorded the draft, so I decide to see what a schmuck I look like on television. I settle in with Hales tucked in close and watch as many others, just like Liam and I, were rewarded with a future that was once just a dream.  Liam is up next and the camera pans to the embrace that he and Allison shared.  I can’t help but feel the pang of jealousy that hits me.  Those two are solid, and I want that.  I pull Hailey in a little tighter.  I want that with her.  I watch a few more minutes, and then I hear my name announced.  I focus my attention back on the television.  What I see is Hailey looking at me with that look, the one that makes me lose all train of thought and has the ability to bring me to my knees. They show me pulling her close and smashing our lips together.  I smile remembering the kiss. 
Oh shit!
  Here I thought that I got off easy with Liam being distracted.  There is no way I’m going to be able to avoid this now.  I need to warn Hailey.  I briefly debate deleting it from the DVR, but I don’t want to rob Liam and Allison of seeing their shining moment on the big screen, well sixty inch flat screen anyway.  Besides, they will air this again over the next couple of weeks. 

Hailey stirs and I realize the sun will be up soon. Even though it kills me to do it, I gently lift her and carry her over to her “make shift” bedroom. I place her on the futon and drape a quilt over the top of her.  I gently drop a kiss to her forehead.  It gets harder and harder to go to my room alone when I know that she’s out here.  So, instead of going to my room to sleep in my large pillow top bed, I lie down on the couch and face Hailey.  I watch her sleep and chastise myself for not being able to shake this want that I have for her.  I tell myself that it’s Liam.  That he’s why I fight this pull.  In reality, it’s all me.  I’m scared to fucking death I’ll lose her.  Right now, I have the security of knowing that she’ll always be in my life.  We will always be close friends.  I just need to keep reminding myself that there will never be more.  Losing her is not an option!

I wake up the next morning to the smell of coffee.  I feel like I’m being watched.  I lift my head from the couch, and I see Allison sitting in the chair with a smile on her face.  She’s holding two cups of coffee.  “Morning.” She hands me the extra cup.

I slowly sit up and take the cup from her. “Thanks,” I say as I take a sip. I realize she’s still watching me. “What?”

She darts her gaze towards Hailey. “How long are you going to keep trying to hide the fact that you have feelings for her?”

  Ash, that’s my nickname for her, has always been able to read me like a book.  We’ve been best friends since she was ten, and she’s just like my little sister.  “Of course I do; we’re all friends.  I would be a dick not to,” I say, avoiding the true meaning of her question. 

Their bedroom door opens and I hear Liam making his way towards the living room. “Keep pretending, but I’m onto you, Ace,” she whispers.

Liam comes strolling in and makes a beeline for Allison. He takes her hand and pulls her out the chair. He then plops down and gently eases her on his lap, careful not to spill her coffee, which she offers him.  He pulls her back against his chest and kisses her temple. “Morning, beautiful girl,” he says; then takes a large gulp of the coffee they are now sharing.  This has become a habit; one that I never thought I would see Liam take part in.

“Hey, man,” Liam says to me. “You look like shit.”

“Thanks, I’m so feeling the love right now,” I retort.

Liam looks at the couch and spies the blanket and pillow I was using. “You sleep on the couch again?”

  “Yeah, Hales and I ate some popcorn and watched a movie.  She fell asleep, but I stayed up to watch some television.”  I shrug.  “Just couldn’t get wound down from the rush of the day I guess.”  My eyes dart to Allison and she’s looking at me with that all knowing smirk.  Damn, Damn, Damn!  I need to be more careful of how I act around her.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I hear Liam say, and I swing my head to see that Hailey is awake.  She’s still lying on the futon all curled up with her hair a mess and sleepy eyes.  Fuck me, I love sleepy Hailey.

“Hey,” she rasps in that sexy morning voice of hers.

I can’t take it. I need to get away to clear my head.  I gulp down the rest of my coffee and burn my tongue in the process.  Small price to pay if you ask me; considering, I want nothing more than to pounce on Hailey at this exact moment.  I stand and take my cup to the kitchen where I quickly rinse and place it in the dishwasher.  I rush to my room and grab my gym bag.  I stop briefly at the living room door and announce that I’m headed to the gym.  I don’t give any of them the chance to say they will join me.  I simply dash out the door.



I wake up to the sound of voices and I lay still. I can tell I’m in my futon, but I don’t remember how I got here.  The last thing I remember is watching a movie and falling asleep in Aiden’s arms.  He must have carried me to bed.  I snuggle further into the cocoon of my covers as I remember the warmth from his body.  Memories of last night flash through my mind, and I realize that now is not the time to get worked up over Aiden while everyone is sitting in the same room.  I open my eyes and see my brother with Allison on his lap and Aiden sitting on the couch. It’s easy to see that he slept out here again. I try not to let my imagination run away with thoughts of why he does that. Liam notices I’m awake and says good morning.

Aiden turns his head and his gaze catches mine. For a brief moment, there is an unfamiliar look in his eyes. I can’t describe it, and it’s gone before I can try to decipher what it was or the meaning behind it.  Aiden jumps up and within a few minutes, he is saying that he is headed to the gym without another word.

“What are you lovebirds doing today?” I ask my brother and Allison.

Allison turns to look at Liam and smiles, he nods his head and leans in for a kiss.  “Absolutely nothing,” Liam tells me. “I am going to spend the day enjoying my beautiful fiancée.”

I roll my eyes at them, because really, can they be any more perfect. I love them both dearly, but this is my older brother and my best friend after all, I have to give them a hard time.

“Brown Chicken, Brown Cow,” I say in my sleep ridden voice.

Allison’s face goes beat red and Liam smiles smugly at me. “Do you blame me?” he says, never taking his eyes off Allison.

“Ugh!  I need to head back to the dorm to shower.  Are you all going to mom and dad’s for dinner tonight?” I inquire.

Allison nods her head yes, as Liam is shaking his no.  “Baby, we have to go. They look forward to this every week,” Allison says. With that, my brother concedes like the whipped puppy that he is.

“Hales, we can swing by the dorm and pick you up.” Liam tosses me his keys.  “Take the Pathfinder and we’ll have Aiden drive us.”

Gripping the keys tight in my fist, I drag myself out of my nest and gather my things.  Liam tells me to be ready to go at five, as I walk out the door.

The drive to the dorm is short, only ten minutes.  I haul my tired ass inside and immediately head to the shower. I stand under the hot spray, letting the heat massage my muscles. Thoughts of last night invade my head. I can still feel Aiden’s arms wrapped around me, gently stroking my back. At first, I only pretended to be asleep. I didn’t want him to stop.  Eventually, his gentle touch lulled me to sleep.  I don’t remember getting into bed, so I know Aiden had to have put me there.  I wish I could remember how it felt for him to pick me up in his arms and place me in bed. Actually, it’s a good thing I was asleep. I don’t think I could have not attacked him in that situation. I stand under the spray until the water runs cold.

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