More Than Meets the Ink (14 page)

Read More Than Meets the Ink Online

Authors: Elle Aycart

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: More Than Meets the Ink
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He caught her hand before it could reach his chest. “Forget it, princess, not part of the deal.”

“What deal? I had no idea we had a deal,” she complained.

“You’ve decided to shove me in the same box you shoved all your sister’s bad-news boyfriends. Losers only good for fucking. I’m just playing the part, sweetheart.”

“I’ve never said such a thing.”

“No talking, remember? Let’s fuck. That’s what we’re here for.”

He looked mad. She shouldn’t let him touch her while mad, much less push her on her knees, as he was doing, but her treacherous body went along. She thought he’d force his way into her mouth, but he didn’t. James stood there, waiting for her to rip the foil packet and roll the condom on him.

As soon as she was done, he pulled her up and tossed her onto the bed. Before she could complain, he grabbed her by the ankles and dragged her to the edge, her ass almost dangling in midair. Lifting her legs up and wide, he unceremoniously seated himself in one long continuous thrust inside her quivering core. His cock was much too big for her, but he’d made her come repeatedly, and her slick flesh accepted him.

“Touch your clit,” he instructed her, his splayed hands gripping the back of her thighs, keeping her wide open and totally exposed to his gaze. “I want to see how you make yourself come. How you jacked off the other day on the phone with me.”

She licked her lips, a bit uncomfortable with the situation. This level of exposure was new for her. If he’d just press against her, she could easily work herself toward release without having to masturbate in front of him. But he was clever; he didn’t let her lift her hips to him. In fact, the bastard had stopped moving altogether.

“Make yourself come.”

“Please, move.”

He shook his head. “Nuh. You start petting that beautiful clit; I’ll start moving again.”

She pursed her lips in annoyance but slid her hands down her stomach and closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes. Look at me. Watch me watch you.”

Damn obnoxious control freak! She was about to yell at him to fuck off and stop ordering her around when he suddenly moved, his cock surging deep inside her, brushing that inner hot spot that made her flesh flutter in anticipation, and finishing with a devilish grind that set her insides on fire. Gasping, she arched her back, ready for more, but the asshole pulled back and stopped moving again.

Fine, let him have it his way! Tate opened her eyes and, staring at him, cupped her breasts and caressed her nipples. Then she slid one hand down until she brushed her clit with her fingers. Yeah, it looked like she could play at this teasing game too. James growled at the sight and watched, mesmerized, his cock pulsating inside her, twitching and growing even bigger.

“That’s it, Tate; touch yourself for me, baby,” he said in a ragged breath, slowly driving into her. “Let me see how you do it.”

She delved her fingers down around her slick folds to dampen them, and then went back to pet her clit, drawing circles with the pad of her finger and grinding the piercing on it. This felt so good she was fast losing herself to it, to the pleasure. And James’s hungry stare worked as a powerful aphrodisiac. Her breasts were aching and throbbing, and her pussy was clamping. She added a bit more pressure on her bud, and her pussy walls jolted. James’s dick twitched inside her in response.

“Fuck, babe.” He gritted his teeth as he fought to regain control. Yep, pretty interactive toy, she’d say. She jumped; he jumped.

Although the show was visibly eroding his amazing control, he kept his strokes slow and soft and his eyes glued to her as she continued touching herself. She pinched her nipples, pressed her fingers over her clit, and played with the ring some more, tugging at it while he tried to stay true to his words and look as detached as possible. But she could see he was having a hard time with that. Especially every time she reached to the base of his cock and caressed him, raking her nails slightly over his thick shaft until she’d reach the spot where they were joined, and then continuing up to pleasure herself. This drove him mad. And her too. It felt very intimate.

His dick had swollen to huge proportions, the veins throbbing and distended. He was sweating and looking very tense. Keeping their hips separated and the rhythm excruciatingly slow was obviously taking a heavy toll on him. He was, as usual, power tripping and calling all the shots, but she felt empowered too, and extremely aroused.

Soon she found herself passing through the point of no return. She couldn’t torment him anymore—she was going to come.

“James, I need you to fuck me harder. Now,” she pleaded between breathless pants, rubbing herself harder. Her orgasm was already pounding at her clit, growing at the base of her spine. Her pussy was fluttering, and she badly needed him shoved deep inside her. He understood her urgency and buried himself balls-deep in her, catapulting her right away into full-blown orgasm. She watched him, fighting to keep her eyes open as her climax roared through her. His jaw was locked, his lips drawn in a thin line, his body trembling. His eyes were awestruck. Then everything went black for her.

“That was awesome,” she heard him mumble when her spasms had passed. He lifted her from her ass and moved them over so he could lie on top of her. “It was like having an iron fist squeezing me, sucking me in. I could see your pussy strangling the hell out of my dick.”

She focused her eyes on him. “Glad you liked it. I did. I’d have preferred you taking a more active part in it, though.”

“What do you mean? I was there watching you like a hawk, my dick shoved up inside you. Hard as steel. What more did you want?”

She laughed. “You slamming against me like crazy,” she said, arching her back, moving against him.

“But then I wouldn’t have been able to watch you milking my cock.”

She locked her legs around him, reaching over to his ass. “Stop watching. Start banging.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He grinned.

By the time he was done with her, she was exhausted and sweaty. And euphoric too. He’d made her dirty and licked her clean all over at least twice. She was going to miss sex like this. This wasn’t hormonal relief; this was something more. This was going to set a damn hard precedent to beat.

Chapter Six


“Do you want to tell us why you’re so sulky, man?” Cole asked. “Anything to do with you coming home ahead of time from Dad’s? You made the trip in record time…”

James was quiet for a second while he sipped his beer and considered the benefits of lying to his older brother. He decided against it. “I met a woman there.”

Cole grimaced. “Oh, Lord, please tell me she isn’t someone’s grandma. I don’t think I’m ready for that.”

His younger brother, Max, barked out a laugh, and James almost choked on the beer.

“No, you asshole. It’s the daughter of Dad’s new neighbor. Her name is Tate.”

“So after all your constant preaching against it, you finally dipped the wand into the granddaughters’ ink, uh?” Max said to him. “I hope now you’ll stop whining at me for being nice to them.”

“Nice to them? You fuck everything that moves, Max.”

He laughed. “Sooo not true. I have my standards, only cuties. And absolutely no men, no virgins, and no moms.”

Cole frowned at Max but soon gave up and turned to James. “I don’t understand; you met a woman and that’s why you ran away? Let me guess; you nailed her and then bailed as soon as she began introducing you to her elder nosy relatives.”

Ha, as if! Nothing could be further from the truth. She’d been the one running out on him. After leaving that hotel room, his smoky-hot pirate princess had turned into the Ice Queen of Evilland, barely looking at him. When it came time to say good-bye, she’d all but offered him her hand. Offered him her hand! Imagine that one.

James had found himself hurrying back to Boston a whole day ahead of schedule, and not only as a means to avoid his dad’s cracks. Instead of enjoying the trip back, as he always had before, he’d been off balance, ticked off. No stopping for sightseeing or chitchatting with locals, nothing other than fueling, eating, peeing, and sleeping. He couldn’t get back fast enough. To what, he wasn’t sure. Well, he was, he just wasn’t ready to admit it to himself.

The night with Tate had been spectacular. All the heavy-duty, hard-core imagining he’d indulged in hadn’t even come close to the reality of fucking her; Tate had blown his mind, not to mention his dick, which might never recover. It’d seemed to him so much more than sex, but as soon as he’d hinted about seeing each other back home, she’d panicked and given him the cold shoulder—the “Oh, better not, we’ll both be pretty busy” speech. Best-case scenario; hot sex away from home, no complications, and no follow-up. So why on earth was he so pissed off? After all, sex without strings was something out of his personal mantra. He should be happy at the way things had gone down. But he wasn’t. The truth of the matter was he hated she was walking away from him that easily, especially as he was having trouble doing the same.

“You’re way off.” James sighed. “She’s actually here now. Flew back to Boston before me. Do you guys know a place called Rosita’s?”

Both his brothers shook their heads.

“It’s an Italian restaurant on the outskirts of Boston. It belongs to her family. She runs it.”

“So let me get this straight; you aren’t running away from her but after her?” Max asked. “Nice turn of events. First time, I’d say.”

“I thought you said no sex in Eternal Sun,” Cole reprimanded him. “Too complicated, you said. Not worth it.”

James huffed. Lucky him, today he’d come home from his first workday in time to be dragged off for burgers and beers with his nosy brothers. The beers and the burgers were fine; the third degree sucked big-time.

He decided to play it down and, faking indifference, shrugged. “What do you want me to say, man? My dick got the better of me.” Although to him, it seemed Tate’s grip was somewhere more northern than his family jewels. Not that he was ready to admit anything to anybody yet. Hey, just the fact that he wanted to go to her, among other things to make her smile, gave him a stomachache. “The road to hell is paved with good intentions, right?”

“So you’re saying you made the trip back in record time dragged by your cock.” Cole sounded suspicious, and with good reason. It had been ages since James had let his dick drag him anywhere. “What’s so special about her?”

“Tate is… I don’t know. Different.”

“What do you mean ‘different’? Different how?”

Fuck. He really didn’t want to get into this; he had no straight answers.

Max beat him to it. “I’ll tell you how; James here has spent his vacation acting like a lovesick puppy. Drooling and smooching this Tate every chance he got. I hear she’s cute and sweet. Too young though.” At James’s glare, he just shrugged unapologetically. “Dad called.”

Max had his own place, but as he had yet to discover how the dishwasher and the washing machine worked, he pretty much still lived at home with their Aunt Maggie—in Gossiplandia.

“She’s twenty-six; that’s hardly cradle robbing.”

“How come you’re here with us and not with her?”

Good question. His silence was just making his brothers more curious, so he gave it up. “She blew me off before leaving. Apparently she doesn’t want to get involved with me.”

“She said so?” Max asked.

“Not in so many words no, but she doesn’t see me as dating material. Can you believe it? She claims she knows my type; it turns out I’m a black hole wrapped in fancy frilly paper.” Talk about being reduced to a fucking social stereotype.

“What?” Max all but yelled, eyes wide in surprise and amusement.

“Exactly my thoughts. Her sister had some bad-news, tattooed, low-life boyfriends. It seems I fit the picture. She wanted to keep it light.”

“I told you those tattoos would come back to bite you in the ass someday,” Cole said with a grunt. “So what’s the plan? Are you going to go see her at this Rosita’s?”

James looked intently at his bottle, hoping they’d miss the words
written all over his face. No such luck.

Max chuckled. “Man, you’re worm meat. You’ve already been there.”

“I just passed by, didn’t go in. She seemed too busy, and I didn’t want to get in the way. Besides, she made it clear she doesn’t want me.”

“She fucked you and dumped you,” Max stated. “And now Mr. Detached Dick has had his sensibilities offended.” Max was being ironic and crude, but yeah, he’d gotten offended. Mr. Detached Dick wanted more. More sex for sure. Maybe something else too, which made him officially insane. This juvenile infatuation had definitely gotten worse after getting laid. He was beyond pathetic now.

“What is it that
want?” Cole asked, ignoring Max. “Because let’s face it, dude, what should amaze us isn’t that she doesn’t want to get involved with you, but that you want to with her.”

Yeah, he had trouble swallowing that one too. No wonder his brother was skeptical. “I’m not sure what I want. Her father and brother died a year ago, and she’s taking care of the family restaurant, which seems to be in difficulties.” To their questioning gazes, he added, “Don’t know many of the specifics; she was too skittish about that. I presume there’s much more than she led me to believe, though. She’s going through a rough patch, and I understand her reluctance to give me the time of the day. I don’t want to mess with her, but I want to be more than a vacation fling.”

“Are you sure? It sounds as if she has her plate full. If you just want to get laid, she may not be the most appropriate choice…too much baggage.”

“I don’t just want to get laid.” It slipped out before he could stop himself. And damn if it wasn’t true, never mind the frigging sweats his body was breaking into at the realization.

Cole and Max looked at each other and grinned. “This is going to be fun to watch.”

“You need to go to that restaurant and woo this girl.”

He rubbed his face and grimaced. Wooing wasn’t really his speed. Sporadic fuck-and-run was more like it. “She may not want to talk to me. Hell, for all I know, she may throw me out.” And why that prospect knotted his stomach, he didn’t know.

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