More Than a Billionaire (18 page)

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Authors: Christina Tetreault

BOOK: More Than a Billionaire
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Kiera met his gaze, her eyes alive with passion and her lips red from his kisses. “You’re right. You do.” She took his hand and stood up. “Don’t worry, I promise to return the favor.” The smile she gave him almost brought him to his knees.




Chapter 9


Gray scanned through the morning world news. Once again, it contained nothing but bad news. Sometimes, he wondered why he bothered checking it. If the media outlets weren’t talking about another terrorist attack, they were sharing pictures of yet another natural disaster somewhere in the world. Today’s headlines once again centered on the two military officers who’d released some of the classified information they stole before fleeing the country.

The media had been focused on the story since it’d broken right before Christmas, which was the reason he’d missed the holidays with his family. He could only imagine the headaches, the President, his Uncle Warren, suffered because of the entire situation.

So far US officials hadn’t been able to locate them, although rumors ran wild about their possible location. This morning, the media claimed the government suspected the two men had made it to China. Thanks to the intel he’d picked up in Mexico, he knew the media had it wrong.

Finished with the bad news, Gray brought up his favorite sports site. Sports didn’t solve any world problems, but they did distract one from them. After checking the hockey scores, he took a peak at the baseball results. It was still early, but if spring training was any indication, both Baltimore and New York looked like the leaders in the American League East.

Gray moved down the page to the basketball scores. Boston hadn’t played last night, but they were scheduled to play tonight. Perhaps Kiera would enjoy a game. She’d been a glorified tomboy and had played both basketball and soccer.

“What are you doing down here?”

Warm hands slid over his shoulders and cotton pressed against his bare back. He kissed the hand on his right shoulder. “I woke up and couldn’t fall back to sleep.”

Kiera kissed the back of his neck and then his shoulder. “You should’ve woken me.”

She rubbed the skin behind his ear and then down his neck.

Gray closed his eyes as the gentle movement relaxed him, body and soul. “Next time, love.”

“What should we do today?”

“I could sit here all day and have you do this,” Gray said.

Kiera’s hands moved down his spine and then back up again. “That might get boring.”

Boring? Never
. “Doubt that.”

He let her hands caress his back one last time. Shifting in his seat, he pulled her onto his lap. “What do you think about a basketball game at the Garden tonight? We can head up early, and grab dinner first. Maybe spend the night in the city.”

If someone saw the smile she gave him, they would’ve thought he had given her the Hope Diamond.

“That’s a fabulous idea. I haven’t seen a game at the Garden in years. What time does it start?”

“No idea.” He rubbed her thigh, his mind and body more interested in her than the basketball game. “How about you move while I’ll still let you, and I’ll get us tickets.” He let his fingers travel under her shorts, and Kiera gave his hand a playful whack.

“Game. Tickets. Focus.” She stood up. “I’ll wait for you upstairs in bed. Be quick.”

Gray watched her walk away. Derek could keep women like Val and Miranda. None of them had anything on Kiera. He let his eyes rake across her body one last time and stood. He’d order tickets for the game later. First, he had a beautiful woman to make love too.

He grabbed Kiera’s arm before she entered her bedroom. “This has to go.” He touched her cotton shirt.

“The same goes for these.” Kiera pulled at the waistband of his shorts. “I’ll go first.” In one movement, she pulled the shirt off revealing her naked breasts.

“I could look at you like this all day.” He cupped one breast in his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“I know what you mean.” She pushed his shorts down and gave him a thorough visual inspection before touching him.

Gray watched her hand move up and down his erection, the need to claim her building inside him. He picked her up. As if they’d been in that position a thousand times before, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he slipped inside of her.





The parquet floor and championship banners inside The Garden brought back memories of his previous visits. Over the years, he’d gone to numerous basketball and hockey games there. He couldn’t recall the last time he’d been in the arena, but it looked unchanged.

“Do you want anything before we sit down?” Gray navigated them through the crowd.

“I’m still full from dinner. We have to go back to that restaurant again. It was so good, I want to try everything on the menu.”

Gray sidestepped a toddler having a meltdown. “I’ve always thought they should branch out, open other locations. Vincent, the owner, says the family is happy with just one restaurant.”

“Not everyone thinks more is better. Some people are content with the way their lives are.”

“I know. Still, I think they’d do well with more locations.” They broke free of the crowd, and he led them past rows of seats toward the floor. He’d gotten them seats right behind the Boston team bench. “This is us.”

“Are you serious? I could wipe the sweat off the players’ foreheads from here.” Kiera sat.

“What about you?”

“What do you mean?” Kiera shrugged off her jacket and draped it over her seat.

content with your life?”

“With most of it.”

He couldn’t let that answer go. “What would you change?”

Kiera looked away from the court and at him. “I like it at Mon Soleil and my apartment is great for now, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in either. Someday I’d like my own restaurant and my own house.”

Gray leaned closer, his mouth just above hers. “We’ll make sure you get both.” He had to kiss her. A week earlier he would’ve considered that they were in a public place surrounded by spectators and the media. Now, he didn’t care. Her parents knew about them, and he didn’t care who else found out.

“You know that there is media here tonight. They might get a picture of us together.” Before he kissed her, he wanted to make sure she was prepared for some photographs going public.

“I don’t care.”

That was the green light he needed. He touched his lips to hers and tasted the wine she’d had with her dinner. Although it went against what his body wanted, he kept their kiss short.

After he ended their kiss, Kiera put her forehead against his. “So what about you, Mr. Sherbrooke. Are you content?”

“I am now. I’ll be even more content when I get you back into my bed tonight, love.”

“You’re insatiable.”

He put his hand on her thigh and gave it a little squeeze. “But you love me anyway.”


Don’t look. Don’t look. Focus on the sweat on the players’ faces.
Kiera knew if she looked over she’d find Gray’s gorgeous eyes locked on her. His eyes had been on her every other time she glanced at him. Not that she needed to look to know he sat right there.

Throughout the game, he’d touched her. Sometimes, just a light hand on her knee; other times, he held her hand. Occasionally, he’d kiss her neck. If he hadn’t planted himself in her heart already, his behavior since yesterday would’ve done the job. She’d been speechless when he told her parents she meant the world to him. She’d expected her mom to pass out when he’d made the declaration. Her dad appeared more pleased than shocked.

Then there was his reply tonight about being content. She’d read between the lines. He was content now that they were together. Kiera shared his sentiment.

The buzzer went off for halftime, and she looked at him. Sure enough, he was watching her. “Have you watched any of the game?”

“I had something more enjoyable to look at.” He smiled.

“Gray, you spent a fortune on these seats, so you could see the game.”

“You’re wrong, love. I got these seats so
could watch the game. I’m only here because you are.”

He’d suggested basketball; she’d assumed that he wanted to go. “We could have done something else tonight.”

“Are you enjoying yourself?”


“So am I.” He put a whisper of a kiss on her cheek. “It just so happens that I like watching you more than basketball.” He pushed the curls that’d escaped her ponytail away from her face. “Most men would agree with me if they had you sitting next to them.”

Kiera chuckled. “Okay, now you’re laying it on a little thick, my friend. I’m not that pretty.”

“You don’t believe me? How about I ask some of these guys for their opinions?”

“Excuse me, sir.” Gray turned to the man behind them. “My girlfriend and I need your help settling a disagreement.”

Holy fudge
. He wasn’t joking. “You know what, Gray? You’re right. I believe you.” Kiera smiled at the older gentleman. “Thanks anyway.”

Next to her, Gray laughed.

“I cannot believe you were going to ask him that.” She slapped his thigh, which brought an immediate end to his laughter.

“Ouch, that hurt.” He rubbed the spot she hit.

“That wouldn’t have been funny, Gray.” She crossed her arms.

He reached for her hand. “Hey, I was joking. I wouldn’t have really asked him. I’m sorry.” He rubbed her palm with his thumb, easing away her irritation. “You know I would never embarrass you in public.” The corner of his mouth went up. “Now, in private…? That’s another story.”

“Remember: what goes around, comes around.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. Before the game starts again, do you want anything?”

“Water would be great.”

Gray let go of her hand. “Anything else?”

Kiera shook her head and started to stand.

“Stay here and relax. I’ll be right back.”

Gray kissed her before she could argue, then left. She watched him walk away and then glanced across the aisle where several other women watched him as well. They could watch him all they wanted, but he would be leaving with her.

Kiera looked back up the stairs in time to see Gray disappear into the crowd. With him no longer in view, a few of the women looked at her, their envy obvious. She didn’t blame them; Gray Sherbrooke had it all. He was a perfect gentleman, thoughtful, funny, and hotter than hell. Every woman deserved a man like that. Other women would have to find their own version, though, because he loved her and she returned the sentiment.




After the game, they went back to the hotel suite Gray had gotten them. It had two bathrooms, a kitchenette, two bedrooms, and a living room, more square footage than her apartment, and a one-night stay probably cost close to a month’s rent. She almost said as much before Gray distracted her by introducing her to the most comfortable bed she’d ever laid on. He only gave her a moment to think about how much she would like the same mattress in her bedroom before thoughts of anything but Gray’s body and the way he made her burn for him took over.

Now with her body satisfied thanks to their most recent round of love making, she watched the way the moonlight washed over Gray. He hadn’t bothered to pull a sheet up, and she was enjoying the unobstructed view of his naked body.

“What should we do tomorrow?” Gray wrapped a strand of her hair around his finger.

“I have to work.” A chill sent goose bumps up her arms, and she added the blanket to the sheet that already covered her.

Gray got under the blankets with her. “You don’t have to work until tomorrow night; that gives us all day.”

Heat from his body passed into hers, chasing away any chill. “Weren’t you supposed to work from home?”

Gray ran his fingers through her hair. “I can do that when you leave. One of the benefits of working from home is that I can set my own hours.”

“Let’s decide in the morning. I’m tired. Someone didn’t let me get much sleep last night. Or the night before.”

“I didn’t hear any complaints then.”

He kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes. “Doesn’t mean I’m not exhausted now.”

“Then, you better get some sleep. You’ll need your energy in the morning.”


Gray heard Kiera’s breathing change and knew she’d fallen asleep. He kissed her forehead again, and then stared at the ceiling. If he could spend every night like this, he would. He couldn’t imagine anything better than falling asleep and waking up next to Kiera. The love and happiness that filled him when he saw her next to him was like nothing he’d experienced before.

How many more days could he stay and continuing doing it? At some point, he’d have to leave. He had some issues that needed his attention and couldn’t be handled from Kiera’s living room. He needed to finalize the London project for Sherbrooke Enterprises so construction could begin on the new hotel. Then of course, who knew what other problem Randall would drop in his lap especially with those two traitors running around with government secrets?

Since the holidays, he’d considered leaving the CIA. Now, with Kiera in his life, the idea became even more appealing. He’d have to put some serious thought into what he wanted, but not tonight. Tonight he’d enjoy the feel of her body pressed against him, and tomorrow, he’d enjoy waking up with her once again.

The all-too-familiar ring pierced the pleasant dream of him and Kiera sitting on a warm sunny beach. He checked his watch. Six in the morning. If Randall was calling him this early, it couldn’t be good. Although, when Randall was involved, it was never good.

Gray grabbed the phone before it woke Kiera and slipped out of bed then left the bedroom.

“Hello.” Gray crossed the living room into the kitchenette.

“Gray, it is Randall. I saw you on television at the Garden last night. Quite the game wasn’t it.”

He’d never pegged Randall as a sports fan. “Yeah. It was a close one.” If Randall had seen him and Kiera on television, chances were others had. It was a good thing her parents already knew about their relationship.

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