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Authors: Sloan Parker

More (41 page)

BOOK: More
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I stopped a few feet from them. Richard's green eyes held my stare.

We didn't move. We didn't speak.

I had done what I needed to, but I wanted nothing more than to go to him, to go home with them, to make love to them.

Matthew's gaze swung between us. I couldn't look at him. Even if I couldn't read Richard's expression, it would all be visible on Matthew's face. I'd see how they had spent the last two days— if they'd spent them talking or arguing, angry or afraid. I'd see how close I was to losing them.

Richard moved fast and grabbed a hold of me before I could take one step to meet him.

He crushed me against his chest. “I'm sorry.” His breath flowed through my hair with his words. “I never should've left. I'm an ass when I don't get what I want.”

I wrapped my arms around him. “You're just figuring this out?”

Matthew laughed. He stepped closer and slipped his arms around us. His dark eyes lit up, delight shining in them again.

Richard huffed. “I didn't really figure it out.”


“Not on my own. Matthew's pretty smart. He explained a few things to me.”

I gave Matthew a kiss. “Thank you.”

“You two are the most stubborn men. If I wasn't here— ”

Richard cut him off with a kiss. “Don't even say that.” Then he planted a long, slow one on me. “Come on, Luke. Let's go home.”

I relaxed into their embrace, the fear, the anxiety, the anger washing away.

A car drove by, my mother watching us from the backseat. What was that look? Anger? Criticism? Sadness?

It didn't matter. I was where I needed to be, and Richard and Matthew had me, held between them.

Richard drove home from the FBI field office and broke every speed limit to get there. I sat in the front seat with his hand on my knee. Matthew hadn't bothered with the backseat. He'd climbed in front right after me. He kissed and petted me as Richard drove.

The FBI had kept us at their office for three hours to answer questions and give statements. And I wasn't finished yet. I'd have to return the next day for an interview with an agent from Washington. I didn't care. I was headed home with Richard and Matthew. It was more than I thought I'd have when the day started out.

When we got inside the house, Richard grabbed Matthew and me by the arms and led us upstairs to the bedroom. He pulled me tight against him. Our mouths connected in a scorching kiss. Our tongues wrestled as heat passed between us. I whimpered, the sound lost to his mouth.

“I need you,” he said. “To feel you. To love you both.”

“Oh God. Me too.” Matthew plastered himself to my back. He licked and nipped at the base of my neck. His hard cock pressed against my thigh. I rocked into his touch, my hips unable to remain still between them.

Richard tugged my shirt out of my pants and shoved it off. His strong hands stroked my chest. “Get undressed, Matthew.”

Matthew stepped away and began stripping.

Richard's lips traveled across my chest. He dipped his hand inside the front of my jeans, and his fingers moved over the tip of my cock, teasing me. I threw my head back and bucked toward his hand, wanting more, needing more. I threaded my hand through his blond hair as his mouth worked lower and lower.

Matthew's naked body returned behind me. He wound his arms around my waist. He ripped open my jeans and shoved them down past my hips. Richard dropped to his knees, and his lips replaced his hand over the head of my dick.

I gasped. “Oh God. I need this, need you both.”

“We're here for you,” Matthew whispered.

He worked my jeans off my body and kissed me, his tongue strong and constant in its affection. I shuddered, clutched, rocked into the touches. I needed them to show me I was still there with them.

Between Matthew's kisses and Richard's burning mouth, my body lost control fast. I gripped Richard's shoulders and my legs shook. I didn't want to come yet.

He stilled my hips and pulled off my cock. He kissed my balls and stood. “Get on the bed, Luke.”

I didn't want to let go, but I needed more of them. I rolled onto my back and enjoyed the vision before me. Matthew stood on his toes, leaning against Richard's naked, muscular frame. Their mouths were joined in a kiss. It was a sight I'd never tire of seeing.

When they parted, Richard spoke in Matthew's ear. Matthew closed his eyes and whispered back.

Richard took a step away, his legs a little unsteady, adoration shining in his eyes. He turned Matthew around and gave the smaller man a slight shove toward the bed. Matthew laughed and made his way to me.

“What did he tell you?” I asked when he was eye level with me, his body flat atop mine.

“He said... ” Matthew kissed me, the connection electric, intense. “I should love you forever.”

“Oh.” I lowered my gaze.

He put a hand on my chin and lifted my head. “I told him I'll love you both for the rest of my life.”

“Matthew.” I wrapped my arms around him and slid my hands down his back to the tight curve of his ass. His body drew closer. We touched at every point possible. “You saved me,” I said. “You know that? You and Richard. I'd still be lost if you hadn't picked me. When I saw you at the club that first night, the desire was strong. I wanted, needed, to be with you. I still feel that every time I see you.” He bit his bottom lip. I kissed him and swiped my tongue over the teeth marks. “Make love to me?”

“Yes.” His head dipped and he kissed my neck, his tongue laving my skin. “You were the first man at the club who let me top. Four years, and no one asked. I knew then you were special.”

I laid a hand on his cheek. “Kid, you're the one who's special. You and Richard. You let me in even when I tried to run away.”

A low chuckle rang out beside us. “I'm glad you haven't forgotten about me.”

“Like we could ever forget you.” I squeezed the back of Richard's neck and brought his mouth to mine. Full of passion and promise, the kiss solidified how much I could never forget him.

Matthew slid over Richard until he was pressing atop us both. We traded kisses and touches until I pulled away and asked Richard, “What do you want?”

“I want to feel you inside me, and I want Matthew to top us. Let him drive you into me.”

Matthew groaned and pushed his pelvis against us.

Richard leaned his forehead on mine. “I think he likes the idea.”

“It's a good idea,” I said, overcome, the ache in my chest not one of pain or loneliness but a reminder of what they meant to me.

Matthew laughed.

I stared up at him. “I don't think tops giggle.”

Richard shook his head. “No, they don't.”

Matthew laughed again. I bucked up under him. The move rubbed his balls on my thigh. He quieted his laugh and moaned, his head thrown back. Once I stilled under him, his look turned deliberate. “Get the lube, Richard.”

“Such a bossy top.” Richard gave Matthew a kiss and rolled to the nightstand.

“On your knees, Luke,” Matthew said.

“Oh God.” Hearing him take the lead in bed drove me crazy. My body shook as I scrambled onto my knees. He steadied me.

He licked my shoulder and moved lower and lower until his tongue dragged over the top of my crease.

I arched into the contact. “Please, Matthew. More. Need more of you.”

Richard settled beside me.

Matthew's tongue left my body. I whimpered, the sound desperate, on edge.

“On your knees, Richard.”

Richard didn't hesitate. He knelt beside me. “Kid, you're driving me crazy talking like that.”

Matthew moaned. Despite his playful command, he couldn't keep his reactions at bay.

I'd have had it no other way.

He spread my ass open, and he tongued my crease, finally working down and around the most sensitive skin. I cried out as he licked and nipped. He stabbed his tongue into me, and I lost all words. I lowered my head to the bed and rocked backward.

One of his hands left my ass, and I knew where it'd gone as Richard groaned.

I needed Richard's touch. I reached out and grabbed his hand. He met me in a fierce exchange of lips, tongues, and moans. I loved it best when I felt them both.

Matthew thrust his tongue into me one last time. Then slick fingers filled me. His talented digits gave his mouth a run in becoming my favorite way for him to excite me. His fingers, his mouth, his hands, his feet, his dick. Really, any part of him. My desire for them hadn't faded. It had become more personal, more profound, more knowing. We moved together in ways no strangers could have perfected. They pleasured me like no one had ever learned I needed.

“Stop kissing.”

Matthew's authoritative demand sent a shiver through my body that landed in my balls. I was loving the performance. His fingers left me in a quick tug, and he swatted our asses— more of a soft tap than a hard slap.

“Richard, on your back. Luke, straddle his legs.”

God, I was loving it.

We repositioned ourselves to his liking with Matthew guiding us into place.

He kissed each of us and smiled before steadying his expression again. “Richard, suck Luke until he's good and slick. When he pulls off, Luke, make love to him, show him you're still here.”

He knelt behind us and rubbed one hand along my back. With the other, he caressed my balls and the skin behind them. Richard scooted down and did as Matthew ordered. I was lost in the sensations of hands and mouth.

I loved watching my cock slide between Richard's lips, seeing our bodies connected, knowing he wanted me inside his mouth, knowing my dick on his tongue made him harder. He swirled the crown one last time and shimmied up the bed. He lifted his legs, opening for me in such a desperate, needy motion, it made me ache to fill him. I didn't play around. I pushed inside him in one quick thrust until his ass met my hips.

He groaned as our bodies came together. “Yes, Luke. I need to feel you. Know you're with us.”

“Yes. Still here. In you.” The grunts took control of my voice. I thrust in and out of him in a slow torment of pleasure.

I heard a sharp intake of breath behind me, and then a low sob. I forced my body to still and turned to Matthew. He swiped at his eyes.

“Are you okay?”

“Uh-huh. You're beautiful together. I thought we were going to lose this.” He sighed. A shaking hand returned to my back.

“I need you. C'mere.”

“Yeah.” He moved closer. The head of his cock nudged at my hole. “Not such a top when I cry?”

Richard reached over my shoulder and took Matthew's face in his hand. “I love who you are. Never change.” With his strong arms, Richard pulled us together, and Matthew's prick slid inside my body.

I groaned as we came together. It was right that I ended up suspended between them after everything I'd been through that day. I needed to be there. Needed to know I was still a part of them.

And as Matthew plunged in and Richard bucked up, I was reminded all my body ever needed was them. I was finished playing at the club, finished searching. I'd found the men with whom I could be myself, the men who wouldn't let anyone tell them I wasn't worth loving, and the men whom I wouldn't ever give up— for anyone.

Richard came with a loud grunt. His ass seized the orgasm out of me, and Matthew came along with us.

We collapsed onto Richard in a graceless thump. Our heavy breathing and Matthew's low, sated hums drowned out Richard's exhale.

“I guess it's a good thing Matthew's such a light top if you two are going to keep landing on me.”

Matthew laughed. He dropped beside Richard and patted the man's hip. “Sorry.”

Richard leaned over to kiss him, and I joined them. It wasn't heated or fancy. It was slow and tender and everything I needed.

I moved off Richard and wriggled to lie between them. They made room and wrapped their arms around me.

The irony of the moment wasn't lost on me. I laughed at the memory of the first night we'd stayed together in the same bed— when they had positioned me between them for a brief moment.

“What's so funny?” Matthew asked, his voice relaxed.

“Nothing. Just thinking of how far I've come since we first stayed here together.”

“We've all come a long way,” Richard said. “I'm proud of you, Luke. Proud of what you did today. Proud of the man you are— the man you've let us get to know. When I heard your father say he wanted to kill you... I about lost it.”

Matthew laughed. “You should've seen it. I had to sit on him to get him to listen to me.”

“I imagined as much.” I faced Richard. “Thank you for understanding what I had to do.”

“Had you gotten yourself killed, I'd never have forgiven you.”

“I get that. I like that you worry. Next time, trust me, huh?”

“I'll try.”

Matthew wrapped his arms around me. “We'll always support you. Forever.” He kissed my cheek and then rolled over and jumped out of the bed.

“Where are you going?”

He started dressing. “To get food. Walter said you haven't been eating.”

I finished my shower and found them seated in the dining room. Soft candles lit the room. Trays of food covered the table: cubed cheeses and meats, a sliced French baguette, fresh fruits, whipped cream, and various bite-sized cheesecakes.

I sat across from Richard and reached for my napkin. “Where's the silverware?”

Richard snorted. “Told you he'd notice.”

“Of course he's gonna notice,” Matthew said. “But he doesn't know what we're up to.”

“Can't we eat? It all looks great.”

“Uh-huh,” Matthew said. “But we aren't using forks. We're using our hands.”

“Okay.” I picked up a grape from the fruit tray and went to pop it in my mouth.

Richard reached across the table and stopped me. “No, Luke. We're using our hands, but there's one rule.” He stole the grape from me and raised it to my lips. I opened for him and licked his fingers, loving the game already. “No one can feed himself.”

“You do like your rules, don't you?”

Matthew laughed with me, the sound full of joy and life, wiping away a bit of the horrible memories. He didn't act as though being in the dining room bothered him. I hoped I'd be able to sit there one day and not see steel against his skin. Matthew instilled that sort of hope.

BOOK: More
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