More (14 page)

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Authors: Sloan Parker

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He leaned forward and kissed me again.

Yeah, this is better.

Much better.

It was exactly what I needed.

I threw my head back on Richard's shoulder and skimmed my hands over his thick thighs. His muscles twitched.

I breathed deep. He smelled clean, crisp. I wanted more of that scent, more of them.

Richard let go of me and stepped away. “Glad you're here. Both of you.”

Matthew tilted his head back to the wall. A low giggle floated out on his next breath. “I love moving day.” He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss upon my lips. I tensed. Something snapped inside me, a realization fifteen years of sleeping alone hadn't prepared me for. This wasn't just sex. I was spending the night with them.

Matthew laid a hand on my arm. “What's wrong?”

I shrugged him off. “Nothing.” I turned toward Richard. “So I take it we're waiting on the sex for later.”

Matthew laughed again, and Richard replaced his serious expression with a slow, delighted grin. He moved out of the foyer and gestured for us to follow. “Let me show you around the place. We'll start in the basement.” He threw us a coy smirk and headed into the kitchen.

When I didn't move to follow, Matthew glanced at me. “You coming?”

“He's really giving us a tour?”

“I think so.”

“I haven't lived anywhere requiring a tour.” Not since my parents’ house with its five baths and two dining rooms.

Matthew laughed. “Me neither.”

Richard popped his head around the corner. “Come on. You don't want to miss this.”

He directed us down a set of stairs just off the kitchen. The staircase opened to a large finished basement. A laundry area, weights, and a treadmill occupied one side of the space. The other half was divided off from the rest of the room with walls. Richard opened a door, and we slipped inside.

A double bed with a slatted headboard sat in the middle of the room. Chains hung from two slats. Each had leather-lined handcuffs affixed to the ends. On the small bedside table sat a jar full of condoms and lube. A few feet away from the bed was a long black bench with several rings for gripping or restraining. I knew it could be used as a spanking bench— the club had similar pieces— but there was no sign of whips, crops, or floggers.

Richard opened a cabinet door and revealed ropes and an assortment of silk ties. He pointed to several metal loops secured in the walls and floor— great locations for tying someone up.

Matthew sat on the bench. He grinned and slipped his hand into one of the upper rings.

I ran my fingers over the chains, the handcuffs, the loops. My cock filled with each touch of metal and leather.

Richard's breath struck the skin behind my ear. “You like it? I set it up special. It seems Matthew and I love to restrain you when we play.” He cupped the front of my pants. “Hold that thought. There's more of the place to see.” He backed away.

Matthew's fingers tightened on the metal loop, and he smiled at me again before following Richard out.

We moved through the house and into the living room. Spacious, tidy, and stark. The only adornment on the walls was a considerable painting hanging over the fireplace. A sea captured at night during a storm. The raging, choppy water stretched out over half the picture. A tall lighthouse filled the other half and poured a beam of light onto the dark, stormy waters. It reminded me of one of those pieces sold at the traveling art fairs advertised on TV between an infomercial selling plastic gloves that peeled potatoes and an episode of the original
Knight Rider
. Something he bought to fill the space, nothing more.

Matthew flopped onto the couch. “Comfy.”

I spotted a small bar in the corner of the room. No booze, no glasses, the shelves bare, the cabinet doors locked shut. When Matthew wasn't looking, I raised an eyebrow at Richard. He shrugged and moved through an open doorway that led to his office.

A large desk sat in the middle of the room and dominated the space. I stepped around it and stopped at the picture window behind the desk. No curtains or other window treatments hindered the impressive cityscape. The view alone had to increase the value of the house.

“I work here when I can,” Richard said, “but most days I go into the office downtown. If I'm not home, I want you both to treat the place like it's yours.”

“You're not worried about us being here without you?” Matthew asked.

“Nope, not at all.” He gave Matthew a brief pat on the ass before he led us through the living room to the stairs.

We walked the hall of the second floor and peeked in doorways. “There are two baths,” Richard said. “Three bedrooms. You can each have one of the extra rooms.”

I glanced inside the closest room. “There's no bed.”

He leaned over my shoulder and peered in. “Said I had the rooms. Just didn't think through the rest.”

“Sure you didn't.”

“You're seeing right through me, aren't you?”

Matthew laughed from where he stood across the hall.

“I always have a plan.” Richard's hand landed on my hip, and he closed the distance between us, bringing my body to him. “I want you in my bed.” He stepped away and sauntered down the hall to the master bedroom. Matthew trailed after him without hesitation.

I let a smile form and fade before following them.

“Since we can't all fit our clothes and shit in this room, you can use the others. But I'd like for us to sleep in here together. Are you okay with that?”

Matthew nodded several times. He went still and sank to the bed.

I surveyed the room. There were no clothes thrown about. No books or magazines tossed next to the bed. A lone gold watch lay on one nightstand, a clock radio on the other. The king-size bed seemed small in terms of fitting the three of us— an assessment more about me sleeping in such close proximity to two other people, something I'd never done, rather than any real measurement of the bed versus the three of us.

The silence reached me. Richard sat on the bed. A troubled stare contorted his features. Matthew's expression was just as pronounced, his head cocked to the side.

“Oh yeah,” I said. “I assumed as much when you offered your place.”

Richard's expression relaxed. “You're gonna keep surprising me, aren't you?”

“I'll try if that's what you're into.”

Matthew dropped his head as he held back yet another laugh.

I stepped into the bathroom doorway. The walk-in shower and oversize bathtub weren't a real surprise considering the rest of the house. “Nice tub.”

Richard moved to stand beside me, brushing his hand along my hip. “I do enjoy a good splurge now and then. We should all fit.”

Matthew made a small sound with his exhale from the other room.

I ran my hand up Richard's side and said, “I think he likes the idea.” We had to be done with the tour. My fingers swept over the front of his shirt. The muscles of his abdomen quivered beneath the fabric.

“I think he does.” His hand cupped my groin. I wasn't as hard as in the basement, but I was getting there. My cock knew where the night would end, and it was just waiting to get the right signal that it was time to play.

Richard kissed me, pulling me firm against him.

Yep, that was the signal.

I gripped his hips and mashed us together. He shoved me back against the doorjamb. A dull pain shot up my spine, but I didn't bother to move. His hard body on mine was enough to wipe out anything else. Anything except the intense feeling I was missing something. Someone.


I pulled away from Richard and glanced into the bedroom. “Jesus, kid.”

“Shit,” Richard said.

Matthew lay on his back, naked, his knees bent, his feet flat on the bed, his hard cock lying against his lower abdomen. One hand was cupping his balls. The other was wrapped around his prick, not tugging, but teasing the tip with his thumb.

Richard twisted his fingers in the fabric of my shirt and dragged me with him to the bed. “You are one hell of a sexy man, Matthew.”

Lust flooded Matthew's voice. “You two are incredible. I could come just watching you kiss.” He stroked his cock. “I want you.”

I removed clothes as I spoke. “You're going to get us.”

“Yes, you are,” Richard said. “What do you want tonight, kid?”

My cock stiffened more with Richard's usual question.

Matthew propped himself on his elbows and spread his legs wider. “I want the weight of both of you pressing down on me. Both of you filling me, pushing into me. I want you to fuck me harder than ever.”

I spared a quick glance at Richard. He was undressed and was eyeing Matthew like he could devour him in one move.

“Go get him, Luke. I'll get the condoms.” Richard dashed to the nightstand and fished out a handful of condoms and lube. He threw his prizes near Matthew's head.

I crawled up the bed and lowered my weight on Matthew. He looped his calves over the backs of my thighs. The fine coat of his leg hair grazed along my own. My groin pressed down, his pressed up, and his mouth met mine. His hands clutched, groped. He needed me, needed us. I moved lower and ran my tongue over his chest. I took a nipple in my mouth and his balls in my hand. Richard joined me, and we worked him together.

Words poured out in between licks and bites. “He's right, Matthew. You're so damn sexy, lying here all ready for us.”

“I want you, need you, Luke. You and Richard.”

I tugged at his nipple again.

He bucked and cried out. “Harder.”

“What? Did you say you want us to stop?” I withdrew my mouth and hand. Richard got in on the game and jerked away too. A deep chuckle spilled out of his chest.

“God, no. Please don't stop.” The distraught sound of Matthew's voice almost made me give up on the teasing. Almost.

“Oh, you want this harder?” I wrapped my hand around his dick and yanked the nipple with my teeth. Richard followed suit on Matthew's other nipple.

“God, yes. Need... ”

“Need us to what?” I asked. “Need us to go get your bags so you can unpack? Need us to make you something to eat? What do you need?”

His hips rose off the bed. “Please, Luke, fill me.”

I didn't know what possessed me to do it, but the words were out, and I didn't want to take them back. “Yeah. Well, if Richard gets his way, I'll be filling you with all of me someday. Shooting into your tight ass.” I didn't let the words bother me. My cock was leading the show, and it needed to get inside him. I'd worry on the promises I made later.

Richard moaned then, a low rumble deep in his chest. I traced up the muscles of Matthew's body with my mouth, planted a last kiss on his lips, and knelt before him. Richard handed me lube and a condom, and then he straddled Matthew's chest.

“Going to get inside you now,” I said.

“Yeah, please. God. Never wanted anyone the way I want you guys.” Matthew's words tightened my chest. It wasn't the stiffness of nerves but of something I couldn't describe.

I worked the lube into him and watched his body take my fingers in. He moved down and fucked himself deeper. I eased back. I wanted him to be dying to have my dick plunge inside him, fill him better than the tormenting fingers.

I glanced up. Richard had one knee beside Matthew's head, and his other leg stretched out straight in a straddle that wouldn't crush Matthew with those sturdy thighs. Matthew hummed as he licked and sucked Richard's dick.

I took his hips in my hands. Once my cock slid all the way in, Matthew wrapped his legs around me, begging me for more, but I didn't move. I watched Richard's ass in front of me. When he began shallow thrusts into Matthew's mouth, his ass clenching as he moved, I followed suit and relished the heat and pressure of Matthew surrounding my dick.

What would he feel like with nothing in the way? The idea of fucking bare had never been a possibility before. I never even considered what it would feel like, or whether or not I'd want it. It wasn't to be.

Damn. Now I want it. Can't stop thinking about it.

Then I couldn't think about anything other than the overwhelming sensations of my body. I pushed harder, trying my best to give Matthew the fuck he'd asked for.

I took him in my hand, loving the slide of him over my palm, the slight twitch and swell as I worked him faster. A few more pulls and a brush of the head and he came. His body tightened around me with each shiver of his pleasure, and the pressure finished me off fast.

“Matthew!” I screamed and plunged deep into him one last time.

It keeps getting better. How is that possible?

I wanted to fall forward and collapse onto him, but Richard still straddled him. I breathed deep and took in the scent of our combined release and the sound of Matthew's slick mouth working Richard's cock.

Richard gasped and his body stiffened. After a few deep breaths, he rolled off and lay on his back. “Damn.”

I ducked under Matthew's leg and dropped to the bed.

“Matthew, are you okay?” Richard asked. “Did I hurt you?”

I lifted my head. What the hell could be wrong?

“I'm fine,” Matthew said. “You didn't hurt me.”

“I try not to push in so hard. Not into someone's mouth. My dick isn't the biggest, but it isn't small.”

“Not complaining here. It's a beautiful dick.”

“Thanks. You didn't gag like most do, but I should have some self-control. You just melt me. You should teach a class or something.”

“Yep,” I said. “I believe I said he's addictive.”

“And sweet,” Richard said. “Don't forget sweet.”

I laughed through a satisfied sigh, the sound like nothing I'd ever heard from myself.

Matthew got out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. “Fuck you.” I couldn't look away from his tight ass, his lean hips.

“No, Matthew,” I called after him. “You didn't fuck anyone. We fucked you. Pretty damn good too if I do say so myself.” Richard laughed with me. The sound of running water was the only response from the bathroom.

Then the water stopped, and Matthew stepped out with a smile on his face. “Yeah, you did.”

He bounced across the room and climbed into the bed. For a moment, I found myself positioned between the two men.

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