Moonweavers (13 page)

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Authors: J.T. Savage

BOOK: Moonweavers
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Yea, I think he’s alright,” Tab says. 

This might sound unorthodox, but I say we keep him in his environment and just study him like that.  If he shows any signs of endangering anyone, then we will have some way of preventing it.  But we will have to find a way to keep a good eye on him all the time.  And Tab, I think you are a little too emotional for this mission.  It’s just a little too close to home, if you know what I mean.  But then again, I know that isn’t going to stop you from doing it anyway.”

Darn tootin’,” Tab replies.  “

That’s why I am going to have someone impartial to the meeting go with you.  A partner.  Any volunteers?”

The big Indian raises his hand. 
“I’ll go,” he replies.

The professor yells,
“Jade!  Jade, come here!”  The girl quickly pulls an ear bud out of her ear and replies, “Coming, coming,” and slowly drags her feet across the carpet floor just like a pouty teen would going to get to work on a task unwanted in an over exaggerated fashion for all to see.  She enters into the kitchen, feet still dragging, and just drops into one of the chairs and says, “Yea.”

The professor says,
“Look, we all have to work together and you have to do your part just like anyone else.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jade yells back in defense.  “If it weren’t for me, none of those wolves would even have gotten distracted and fought until they got shot to death, so don’t tell me I’m not doing my part,.”

That’s not what I mean at all,” the professor says, “and you know it.  Look, we gotta be three steps ahead of every movement these new threats to humanity might hold.  We just don’t know.  Until we do, we all have to be on guard and that means listen and making out a plan.”
“Okay, okay, I get it.  What’s the plan?”

Jade, I want you to show Scott around.  Maybe show him how things work around here and tell him how you got immune to your powers and maybe we can conjure some out of him.  Tab, you and Bear Claw go down to the ranch and check that out to see how our new visitor is doing.  I’ll do some more analyzing on the problem at hand with Scott’s brain functions while he is under his changes and I’ll get a hold of the higher council members and see what else is going on and what steps need to be done,” Links says as he slowly stands and backs out of the hole, slowly gathering height as he immerges onto the regular wooden floor.  Jade frantically yells, “Serious?  You got me dog sitting?”

I’m sure Scott don’t appreciate being called a dog.”

I mean nothing like that, I just wanted a little free time.  Can’t I just chill?”

We all have our jobs,” the Indian says.

Fine.” Jade says sarcastically.  “Come on, Fido.  I’ll figure something out.”

’s tail wags and his feet pitter patter as he follows Jade out the front door.  She walks calmly out to the swing set, a little way from the compound.  She goes and sits on the highest ringed swing the farthest to the right out of the three, all gradually getting smaller as they go left.  She sits down and starts to sway her legs forward as she swings lightly in the swing set.  Then just lets her legs drag as she slows down with the momentum from the chains and thinks out loud toward the dog, “How do you teach a new dog new tricks?”  Scott sits down in front of the girl with his tongue out, panting, staring at the girl.  Jade yells, “I got it!” and jumps out of the swing and quickly runs to a stick in the yard.  She picks up the stick and waves it in the air at the dog.  “Good doggie, good doggie,” she says.  Scott’s head shakes back and forth, staring at the stick as it waves left and right in front of him and says, “What are you doing?”  Jade quickly throws the stick high in the air.  Scott feels compelled to chase it.  He don’t know why, he just does.  Excited now and running toward the stick, faster and faster to where it fell on the grassy yard area.  He picks it up and returns back to the girl, proud of his new found toy.  She says, “Good boy,” in a high toned baby voice and pats Scott right between the ears, bends down and kisses his nose.  She takes the stick out of Scott’s mouth.  Scott says, “I’m confused.  I mean I thought you were gonna teach me something about maybe my new power, my new lazar eyes. Yea! Teach me about my new lazar eyes.”

It don’t work like that.” Jade replied.  “You just have to learn it for yourself.  All I can do is tell ya how it feels.”
“So how’s it feel then?”, Scott asks.

It’s natural.  It flows through you.  It’s a part of you.  It’s not an outer entity anymore.  It’s what you become, Scott.  It’s so natural, that you will do it and not even know it.  The first time I used mine on a human being, I was so mad at that person that I just walked up and told him what to do and he did it, like I knew it would.  It’s something in ya.  Look, its different for everybody.  Some learn quicker than others.  Maybe it’s just the werewolf part in ya.  We don’t know. Maybe the professor can figure a little more of it out after he explores your change last night.  Why don’t you try burning something with your lazar eyes, doggie boy?  Stare at that sunflower over there.  Maybe it will catch on fire.”
Scott looks to his left, toward the flower bed next to the drive.  “Here goes nothing,” he says and stares into the big green and yellow stalk hoping to snap it like a twig.  He stares and stares and nothing happens. 

However badly you want that to be your power, I don’t think that’s it, Scottie boy.  You want to try jumping off the bluff?”  Jade asks in a giggle.  “Maybe you should try something a little smaller.  How about that ditch up there by the mailbox?  Maybe you can just run off the road and into the ditch and see if you keep going.  Yea.” 

Scott says,
“It’s worth a try.”  Scott runs full throttle off the road and into the ditch.  He seems to be doing well at first.  It does look like he is flying in the air and then, all of a sudden, gravity takes force and he drops straight into the mud with a great big “slap” as he hit’s the wet liquid terrain.  Now he clumsily crawls out of the hole with his tail between his legs and his head looking down, shaking off as he gets to the top. 

That ain’t it,” replied Jade with a smirk.  “Maybe you are extra limber.  Try climbing that tree.”

Scott looks up at the big mighty oak. 
“Come on, it’d be no problem,” Jade says coaxingly.

They always say ‘No guts, no glory’.”  Scott replies, thinking that he first heard it in some war film with the duke or somebody, not really sure though.  He walks sturdily up to the tree, glances straight up the big tree.

Go on.  Go on,” Jade says encouragingly.  “Climb that sucker.”

“Okay,” and throws his front paws upon the bark.  He teeters on his back paws trying to get leverage into the dirt.  He now pulls with his front paws and pushes with his back and actually starts to climb that tree.  “I’m doing it!  I’m doing it!”  Scott exclaims.

About that time, his front left paw loses traction in the bark.  Scott slides a little and then starts to teeter back more.  He clumsily lifts the other paw, just to make a last ditch effort into grabbing into it, when he finally falls, totally backwards, lands on his back to the ground and rolls quickly over and back on his legs he stands. 

“Well, I’m guessing that’s not it either,” the girl replies.  “I know, lets try your ramming abilities.  What do ya say, Scottie?”

I don’t know.”  Scott says cautiously.

Run out into that clearing and then charge into that tree you just climbed.  You’ll knock it right over.  Just run out there as fast as you can, and back as fast as you can, hit the tree and knock it over.”  Jade says.

Scott shakes his head again in agreement and bolts out toward the end of the clearing.  He realizes he ran to the clearing quite fast and guesses this might be it.  It
’s almost like he just appeared there, he ran so fast.  It was all a blur.  He quickly runs back.  Then runs back out to the field and back again all in a matter of seconds. 

Jade says,
“Well, I think we just found it.”

I think you’re right.”  Scott runs out to the field and back one more time.  When he approaches again, he says, “I’m not even winded.  That’s incredible!  It’s like envisioning the spot I want to be in and then I’m there.”

I will have to say it was pretty quick,”  Jade says.  “Lets race!”

“With my speed of ghost power, I should be able to beat him there and back.  I could almost just materialize there myself.  So, this ought to be interesting.”

On your mark,… Get set….., Go!” Jade yells.

The wolf beats her by a mere fragment of a second. 

“Okay, let’s race back.  On your mark.., get set…, go!” 

They both appear at the exact same time, back at the tree.

“I have to say you are pretty darn quick, Scott.”
“Like ghost lightening.” Scott replies.

Okay, lets race back , okay?”  Jade asks.  “On your mark…, get set…, go!”

The ghost beats Scott by mere seconds. 
“Lets go back in and tell the others.”  Jade opens the door and runs into the kitchen.  The wolf trots behind her, wagging his tail.  He goes to the bowl and quickly finishes off what little water was left in the bottom of it.  In the far end of the living room, the professor has all his electronic equipment scattered about in the corner.  He is bent over a monitor when he turns to look at the wolf and her come to the end of the living room. 

Jade says,
“Excuse me professor, but I think we found Scott’s knack.”
“Oh, really?” the professor says as he looks up at the two.  “What might that be?”

He has the speed of a ghost.  Just like you or me.  How we can travel fast in small distances, so can he.”

And he stays solid doing it?”

Yep.  He just runs right up to ya.  Its incredibly fast.”

You see that tread mill over there, Scott?  You think you could run for me on it?”

Sure, why not”  Scott climbs onto the machine.  

Ready, Scott?  Here we go.”  The professor turns the treadmill on and says, “This is ten miles an hour.”

The wolf trots along. 
“Piece of cake,”  Scott says.

The professor cranks it up to twenty miles an hour. 
“There’s twenty.”

No problem.”

Here’s thirty,” the professor claims.

I could do this in my sleep.”  Scott replies.

Okay then,” says the professor and cranks it all the way up to fifty.  The wolf gallops along on the treadmill. 

What, it doesn’t go any faster than that?”  Scott says in a cocky tone and pretends to yawn.  “Boring.” he replies.

Alright, I’m going to slow it down,” and the professor turns the knob slowly all the way back down to zero.  Scott jumps off, not even breathing hard at all. 

Well, I guess that’s your gift then, Scott,” the professor replies.  “Congratulations.  You’re as fast as the wind.  You’ll never need public transportation again, I suppose.”

That is, unless you want to cross the ocean.”  Jade says.

Well, that just depends on just how fast he can really go.”  says the professor.  “He might be able to run right on top of the water.”
“No way!”  Scott says excitedly. 

We’ll have to go down to the river and test it out sometime, huh?” says the professor.

Yea!”  exclaims Scott.

Well, that’s not the only interesting thing about you, Scott.  After looking through all this data that we had on you last night, it turns out, in wolf form, you have exactly the same speed.  See here, look at the video.  You flew through that door by hitting it when you leaped from one end of the cooler to the other, hitting it with the velocity of 132.5 miles an hour.  All in a matter of three or four steps.  That’s quite remarkable really.  You’d have to have a strong muscle mass to hit that or else you would have been like a turd hitting a fan.  You’d have just smashed against the wall.  So I am guessing that you are pretty darn strong as well.”
“Makes sense.”  Jade says. 

The professor continues,
“I don’t think you’re quiet as strong in just your regular form.  When you become the werewolf, you become stronger.  You don’t lose your speed with your mass.  You might even be faster than you were earlier.  We won’t  know, conclusively, without more tests though.  You’re blood is an exact duplicate of wolves blood, except for this particle right here, I’m guessing that is the moons DNA.  See how it branches out and it doesn’t match the other?  But that seems normal, since you really aren’t from this planet.  I’m guessing there is something special within it that lets you see us in our form.  If you were totally in the wolves DNA sequence you would probably be unaware of us totally.  That is unless we used energy to appear before you.”

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