Moonspawn (27 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #Moonspawn

BOOK: Moonspawn
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Smearing what remained over the toe of her right stockinged foot, she removed the gloves and wrapped one of the ropes around each of her hands. Drawing in the slack she started to exert a tremendous pull. His torso rose from the bed and the wire bit painfully into his wrists, yet his suffering was made all the worse by the knowledge that this was not the torture, merely a method to make its application easier.

His rear erupted with blazing pain and he writhed in torment as she slowly began forcing her foot into his orifice, slowly stretching the opening with patient but scathingly administered rocking movements. He snorted in gasping breaths through the panties, pulling frantically, resisting more to feel his defilement than any coherent attempt to escape.

The queen chuckled malevolently and fought his desperate tugs upon the rope, keeping her hold strong 232

and shifting her bodyweight so that every manic haul he made only aided in driving her foot in.

Gradually, after long and ceaseless working, his rear began to accommodate her invading foot, and with less than gentle pressure his anus finally swallowed the width of her heel. With a smile of victory she glided in, Thanos unleashing a croaking moan of bliss and suffering as his sore sphincter shrunk to place a loose squeeze upon her ankle.

His pained muscles gripped against her intruding flesh as she drew it in and out. Using the appendage as a battering ram she continued to molest him with it, penetrating with shuffles, making his rear utterly compliant to its constant insertion and retreat.

After working to free her foot while Thanos grizzled and sobbed from the burning effects of the trespass, she renewed her attention. Now she was setting to keep the muscular ring lax so that she might withdraw her foot entirely and then as the slave strove to deny her ingress with a clenched orifice, she would plunge mercilessly back in.

The heel rode in and out, her toes popping free of his aching sphincter and granting a hope that she had finished before she started again, forcing her entry as he moaned.

Again and again she slotted her foot totally in and then took it out before returning it, sheathing herself in him repeatedly.

When she took her foot from him for the final time and released her reigns to let him lower back to the bed, he could only lie in phased torpor, unable to comprehend the mental machinations that conjured such acts. But he was glad that she was so fiendish, that her abuse was so effective for it kept him in his place, made him more 233

appreciative of the few pleasures she granted.

‘Did my slave enjoy that?’ she asked, removing the latex stockings and unfastening his gag.

‘Yes, your majesty,’ he panted, his words uneven, his rear pulsating.

‘Would you like these as a trophy, slave?’ she asked, draping the gag across his back.

‘Yes, your majesty,’ he whimpered, knowing precisely from previous experience where he would gain it.

With squeals of fortitude he bit his lip and muted his cries as the garments were put to his rear and injected with a shoving thumb. Once they were almost in she forced her fingers deep, stuffing him with the attire. His rear closed and he could feel them within him, slowly travelling deeper, losing themselves in the twists and turns.

‘Because you’ve been such a good and obedient pet and slave, I’ll give you another little treat,’ she professed, unfastening the ankle bonds and turning him over before reapplying them, his hands now trapped under his body.

‘I’ll be back for you later,’ she crooned, leaning over him, his eyes glistening as he looked across her breasts, hanging over him within their latex walls. ‘I have matters to attend to, so enjoy, my slave.’

‘Kiss,’ she offered, lowering a little, making him stretch his neck up until it smarted, and his lips brushed the subdued point of her smothered nipples.

‘Good slave,’ she said, and with the rustle of fabric and latex, she left the bed and moved from the room.

Thanos lay upon the sheets, wondering what she was planning, the image of her, the taste of latex in his mouth still strong as he ran through their session again and again.

When one act or part stood out he rolled it through his 234

memory, repeating it like a favoured scene in a film, rolling the same images and feelings through his mind’s eye, reliving the memory alone.

His examination of the recent events was even more erotic now, for the pain of application was gone, making the memory sweeter to relive. He wished his arms were not so effectively tied, for right now he was desperate to exact a little pleasure for himself.

At that moment the doors opened, and four women strolled in with seductive strides. Naked save for their golden collars, Thanos had seen them before, he had watched them pleasuring the queen in one of the longest and most stressful nights of his life. Their images were strong in his mind, for he had been bound at the foot of the bed and watched the lesbian orgy unfold for hours and hours. Aroused beyond comprehension he had been filled with frustration, and could only watch impotently, gagged and restrained.

The women were part of her royal harem, and the reasons were obvious.

Each was a tall, slender creature, her head and every inch of her body shaven to the skin, her eyes rimmed with dark, her lips painted ebony black to match her pointed finger and toenails. Each nipple and aureole was also painted a midnight hue, making them stand radically against their snow-white breasts.

Their willowy limbs and pouring feminine curves made his palms sweat with the need to brush his skin against their marble flesh. Their bodies and their faces were unnaturally beautiful, as though someone had projected the image of utter perfection and made four identical copies, so pleased had they been with the initial success.

The faint impression of chastity belts was still on their 235

skin, fading after a long companionship. The hunger in their eyes was like lightning, making their gaze flash as they looked across his supine body, like a smorgasbord of meat to devour in a rabid banquet.

The mattress sank under their weight as they climbed on. The first curled herself by his head, lowering her mouth to his and initiating a kiss. Her lips were like spun silk, and Thanos melted into them, their tongues riding out and curling against each other.

Cool hands grabbed his tumescent shaft, holding firm, squeezing but not moving. Aflame with desire Thanos lifted his hips, pushing into the grasp, creating his own masturbation.

Lips brushed his testicles and the orbs were taken into a cool mouth, a deft tongue rolling around them as she suckled and teased. The hand started to ride slowly up and down and Thanos sank into the sheets, the woman’s tongue tasting the furthest reaches of his mouth. His heart was pounding in his chest like a stampede of cattle, his mind flooding with adrenaline.

A weight straddled his chest, the wetness of her sex cold to his skin. Breasts were spread in the hands of the fourth woman, and together they worked to have his shaft enclosed and manipulated within the soft valley.

Thanos was almost insane with bliss after only a few seconds. A woman was riding his chest, her hands stroking his hips as she kissed the woman responsible for holding her breasts, cupping them to his penis and bobbing them up and down.

Another was working his testicles, devouring them like succulent fruit as her hands traced his rear, sliding a finger in and out as the other tickled his splayed inner thighs.

The first female decided to step up her motions and 236

lifted her hips, swinging them over. Thanos opened his eyes to see her loins descending, her thighs splayed across his face before he was smothered by them. His eyes peered up across the smooth white fields of her belly to her breasts, the woman caressing and massaging them in her own grasps, the black nails and nipples contrasting the whiteness of her flesh. With her head lolling back she gasped and moaned as Thanos started to lick, her pudenda like nectar.

Croaking into the smothering womb he stiffened and jolted as the underwear and stockings were snagged and slowly drawn out, rubbing against his sphincter until they were pulled free and set aside, robbing him of them.

The woman entrapping his length removed herself, instead letting her face drop down, devouring his shaft, her tongue flashing around, tickling him with the most educated of attentions.

Having had the breasts she was deploying removed from her grasp, the other woman took hold of the orally attentive female and pulled her from Thanos’ torso. With her hindquarters exposed she immediately buried her features into them, sinking her tongue into rear or sex as the mood took her, her hands reaching through the portal of her thighs to tease her hanging breasts.

With a pair of hungry maws devouring his genitals, Thanos’ tongue was alive with spry action, plunging and flitting, thrashing within the woman atop his face. He could feel the heat of his orgasm rising relentlessly along his penis, he wanted to hold on, to hold it back, to partake of this for longer, but against the four nymphets he had little hope of denying them.

Spasming wildly his seed was extracted, the vampiress gulping it down, suckling, dragging free every droplet 237

she could as though it were the source of her un-life.

Her features lifted away and the lips deserted his balls before flashing to the mouth of the sated female, plunging her tongue in, their fervid kiss allowing her to taste of her partner’s feast.

Swinging herself across, the vampiress tending the sex and rear of the other scampered in and straddled Thanos, facing his legs, guiding his length into her humid womb.

The velvet tract swallowed him up and he groaned and twitched, the feel so exquisite even after having been brought through climax a few seconds earlier.

The kissing females circled like vultures and entered the exchange again, each of them locking to one of their partner’s nipples as they bobbed with her ride upon Thanos. Tending the teats, one of their hands took and massaged one of Thanos’ testicles, while the other ferried in their own sex, teasing their clits.

The woman atop him started to flash with orgasm, clasping her own breasts, compressing them with forceful grips, punishing them for her own pleasure. She drank of his devotion for a lengthy time, relishing it. With a flushed sigh she slipped free and slumped aside, clutching her well-licked tracts, comforting them.

Leaving his mouth free she moved around and behind the other three, sitting between Thanos’ opened legs.

Her nails ran up the skin and then she arose between the breast-fixated females to start kissing the one currently atop Thanos.

Thanos strained his arms against the bonds but could do nothing save lay opened to their attention. It took longer for them to work him to orgasm this time, but their beauty, their skill, their relentless pursuit would not be denied. The vampiress on him mewled with glee, her 238

nipples being eaten by a pair of masturbating vampire maidens, her lips adorned with the lips of the last female.

Gasping, his shaft raw and tender, he let out a prolonged cry as her tracts grabbed at him and hauled free another ejection of fluid. With some twists she sank down and then pulled at him, dragging out every portion of ecstasy for herself.

The woman toppled aside, dropping into the mattress.

One of the women dropped onto her belly, nails pinning down her thighs, offering the moistened orifice to her appetite. Delving in she lapped and sucked, devouring the contents, making the woman squeak and thrash from cunnilingus applied so soon after penetration.

Inspired by this sight he felt a head emerge between his legs, hands on his thighs, stroking them as a tongue slithered in through his rear, making Thanos arch and murmur with rapture. The feel of the wet organ pouring into him so deeply had his eyes rolling back, his thighs flashing with tensed flicks.

The last female sat astride his chest, lowering down, her hands beside Thanos’ head, placing her breasts onto his face. He could not resist the sight of them, so perfect, so delicious, and controlled by his urges he started to lick and kiss, taking one nipple and then the other into his mouth, unable to decide which one to stay with.

Croaking cries began to emerge again as the woman he had filled was torn through clusters of climax by her attending partner, carried through and then deserted, her body limp, twitching occasionally.

A fist enclosed his shaft once more, the flesh wilting, sore from such prolific use. He tried to moan for them to stop, but the breasts filling his vision were effective gags and only garbled mumbles seeped through them.


The woman with the languid partner found new purpose, drawing the female from his rear, her hand leaving him. For a moment he thought he was going to be allowed rest, for he heard them kissing, their tongues rolling over each others’ bodies, exploring their partner with hunger.

Then he felt one of them take hold of his shaft once more, squeezing the flaccid organ and starting a slow shuffle, her lips reaching in, lapping at it, tasting the women who had already attended it. Thanos tried to resist, but there was a more primordial mind at work within him, and against his wishes he was growing stiff yet again under her expert caresses.

Rendered adequate for her needs she sat across him once more – hovering, pausing. The other woman replaced the hold, starting the masturbation, keeping Thanos erect as she set a squirming tongue lose in the hovering anus. With deep laps she lubricated the woman and then let her descend, steering Thanos into the puckered opening.

The tight orifice rolled down his length and settled into position, the muscular ring giving soft grips before she started to ride him towards fulfilment. Again he tried to ask her to stop, but the pleasure of her, the feel of her tight rear dancing upon his length, was an ample compensation for the discomfort.

The breasts in his face moved up, leaving him and presenting him once more with a pudenda to taste. As she settled into position Thanos attended his task with harried intensity, hoping to pleasure her enough to sate her. Had this woman already taken him? Was she back for more? He had lost track of who was who. Were these women even satiable? Would they continue to take him 240

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