Moonsong (29 page)

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Authors: Lisa Olsen

BOOK: Moonsong
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Chase’s head swam with pain, spittle flying freely as he struggled to breathe through it, choking on the dust on the ground. Shoulders sagging, he gave a single nod.

“Say it, say the words,” the claws bit into his neck.

“I yield!” Chase coughed, spitting out blood.

Cutter released him with a final shove, staggering away himself, none too steady on his own feet even as the cheers of the pack reached his ears.

Not giving a crap about protocol, Amelia raced into the circle and threw her arms around Cutter, heedless of the blood and sweat staining her white dress. Equally oblivious, Cutter wrapped his arms around her tightly, drawing in her scent like a starving man placed before a bounty.

“You did it, you won!” she cried out, somewhere between a laugh and a sob. “Come on; let’s get you a place to sit.” Amelia guided him gently to the edge of the clearing to a folding camp chair someone had brought, not really caring who it belonged to at the moment. “Can someone please get him something to drink?” she called out; gratified to see at least two people move off to fulfill her request.

There was no sign of Adele, but maybe she needed a private moment alone to come to terms with the results of the fight? Millie could care less if she saw her the rest of the night; she was too overwhelmed with relief mingled with worry for Cutter’s battered body. It was easy to spot Scarlett’s bright curls as she knelt beside her brother, and Millie was glad someone was looking out for him. She might not have wanted to spend the rest of her life with the guy, but he was still family of a sorts, and she hoped some day maybe they could even be friends. Her primary concern was Cutter and she fussed over him relentlessly, plying him with cool drinks and dabbing at his wounds, making noises of distress every time she found a new one.

Cutter winced every time she poked and prodded him with the hem of her dress, grumbling that she should leave him be, until he finally pulled her down onto his lap and trapped her arms with his, the beginnings of a smile tugging a the corner of his lips. “What am I going to do with you?” he growled with mock severity.

“Anything you want, you won me fair and square,” Amelia fluttered her eyelashes at him, her voice artificially high and sweet.

“Damned straight I did, and you are
now,” his voice rose for others to hear as he slanted his mouth over hers possessively. The crowd applauded at the display, hoots and catcalls punctuating the cheer.

“And you’re mine,” Amelia sighed happily once he let her up for breath.

“Bring on the feast!” Cutter roared, followed by a deafening cheer from the rest of the pack.



Chapter Twenty-Seven


The party started off with potluck dishes, accompanied by more than a few alcoholic beverages, followed by the stag that Chase brought down during the hunt. It didn’t seem to matter that Cutter hadn’t been officially declared as the next Alpha. His victory was clear and the rest was a matter of time in their eyes. Already he was given the deference befitting his stature and by default, the same respect was afforded to Millie.

Adele was still conspicuously absent but Chase reappeared, his knee in a brace but otherwise fairly mobile, all things considered. The crowd was equally receptive to Chase; there was no shame in having lost. A hush drew over the gathering as Chase stepped up before Cutter and Amelia and she hoped like hell he didn’t have anything unpleasant in mind.

Instead of saying anything, Chase dropped to one knee painfully; the wounded leg extended before him. He tilted his head to one side, exposing his neck in the time honored gesture of obeisance, his eyes downcast. Millie knew Cutter had the right to banish him from the pack if he chose to and she looked from one man to the other, understanding the position well enough.
Oh please, let this blow over without any more bloodshed…
she silently begged whoever might be listening.

Cutter stood before Chase for long seconds while the crowd waited in silence, before placing his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Come, join the party, brother. We saved you the heart of the stag,” he said finally, offering a hand up should the younger man choose to take it.

Chase looked up in obvious surprise. Wincing as the smile that rose to his lips pulled painfully at his split lip, Chase braced himself against the offered arm as he pulled himself awkwardly to his feet. “Are you sure about that? The heart is yours by all rights.”

“I already have the heart I’m after,” Cutter’s gaze met Amelia’s, bringing a blush to her cheeks. “Besides, you earned the honor yourself; that’s easily the biggest fucking stag I’ve ever seen,” he grinned.

“It is pretty spectacular isn’t it? Time for me to claim my own spoils,” Chase grinned, limping off towards the food tables, accepting the assistance of not one, but two pack members of the female persuasion who fussed over him.

“I love you, you know that?” Amelia sighed as Cutter retook his seat beside her, eyes all dreamy and soft after that particular romantic declaration.

“I was starting to suspect that might be the case,” he responded out of the corner of his mouth.

“When can we sneak out of here and spend some alone time together?” It had been a long week since the last time they’d had any kind of privacy, and all she wanted was the chance to get him alone to show him how much she’d missed him.

“We are the guests of honor after all; we can’t slip away on our own. It would be rude for us to take away their reason to celebrate, wouldn’t it?”

“Oh, yeah I guess you’re right.” Crestfallen, Millie looked out over the partygoers having a great time. “What if we slipped away for a little while?” her lips curved into an inviting smile.

“As tempting an offer as that is,” he smiled, pulling her into his lap again, “I think we should wait for when we have a little more time and privacy, because I’m not letting you out of my bed for a week,” he growled playfully at her ear, causing her to laugh, her cheeks high with color.

“I guess I’d better eat up then, enjoy my freedom while I can?” she grinned, squirming a little on his lap, rubbing up against him and pretending she didn’t know what it did to him.

“You’re going to pay for that later,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

“Promise?” Millie smiled sweetly.


* * *


Cutter pulled her under the shelter of his arm as they slowly walked through the woods on the way back to his cabin, but after she stumbled a few times, he scooped her up into his arms with a heavy sigh.

“You don’t have to do that; you must be dead tired yourself,” Millie protested, even as her arms encircled his shoulders, head resting against his neck.

His muscles had stiffened up over the past few hours, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t bear. “Shhh now, I’ve got you. It’ll be faster this way anyway and then we can both get some rest.”

“Mmmm,” she replied drowsily, eyes already heavy. The gentle rocking combined with his body heat soon soothed her into a light sleep, and she didn’t stir until he laid her atop the bed. “We’re home?” she murmured, stretching languorously.

Cutter watched her in his bed, fatigue warring with the desire she unconsciously stirred within him. “Yeah, we’re home, darlin’. You rest, I’m gonna get cleaned up a bit before coming to bed,” he smoothed the hair back from her forehead.

“Mmmkay,” Millie agreed, smiling up at him drowsily. Cutter left her to build up the fire to a crackling blaze, to take the chill out of the air and heat up some water for washing. Amelia padded into the living room after a few minutes. “Hey, do you need any help with anything?”

“I thought you were going to rest? You didn’t have to get up.” Cutter set a huge tub of water into the fireplace to start warming.

“I got lonely,” she grinned, coming up to lightly rub the back of his shoulders as he set the tub down. “You don’t have a real bathtub? This could get tricky.”

“I do have a bathtub out back I carry in here, but most days I make do with the smaller washtub. I can carry it in if you want a bath.” Cutter reached for her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

“I’m fine, but don’t you want one to soak in after the day you had? Your poor muscles must be all in knots.” Her hands moved over his shoulders firmly, kneading them carefully and Cutter groaned in appreciation.

“Nah, I’ll be fine,” he waved off her concern; he’d lived through worse before, much worse.

“No… I think you’d better go and get the tub,” Millie insisted stubbornly.

“Amelia…” he tried again, but gave up at seeing the look on her face, with a long suffering sigh. “Alright, alright, I’m going.” Pushing himself up to his feet with a groan, he disappeared out the door to drag the mammoth thing in. “I think I’d rather watch you take a bath instead of me,” he grinned, setting the copper tub in front of the fireplace.

“Maybe we can try that next time, but for now you’re the one who needs a hot soak. While we’re waiting for the water to heat up, is there anything that needs stitching up?” Millie moved to stand in front of him, starting to urge his shirt up to get a better look at his wounds.

“I told you I’m fine, a little worse for wear, but nothing a good night’s sleep won’t cure.” But he did nothing to dissuade her from pulling his shirt off, even helping her get it up and over his head with a groan as muscles ached tiredly. “See, nothing too bad.” A roll of the shoulders was given to work the kinks out and his head lolled from one side to the other.

“You look like you could use a massage.”
“You know of anyplace I could get one?” he gave her another grin but Millie shook her head.
“I’d be afraid I might accidentally press on a bruise or a tender spot and hurt you worse than you already are.”

“I’d be willing to take that chance,” he shrugged, but Amelia was already moving to the coffeepot that was bubbled and steamed merrily on the cookstove. Catching up a hot pad, Millie carried it over to the tub and poured it in where it barely covered the bottom. She must have set it to boil when he was out struggling to bring the tub in. “You’re gonna be all night at filling the tub at that rate,” he chuckled.

“This is only the smallest container, you know that,” she poked him in his midsection as she passed him by on the way to refilling the pot.

“Still, wouldn’t it be much better to just clean up a little and get into bed?” Cutter waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“You think you’re up for something like that?”

“If you think a few scrapes and bruises are enough to keep me from making love to my mate, you’ve gone daft, woman,” he snorted and light laughter bubbled from her lips.

“First let me take care of you and then you can have your way with me.”

“I like the sound of that,” Cutter agreed readily enough, wrapping his arms around her waist, drawing her near.

“I can’t believe it’s really over; you really won and we can be together. No more looking over our shoulders or having to answer to anyone else as to what I do and where I go.”

“Your confidence in me is overwhelming,” he muttered dryly; she sounded surprised as hell he’d come through as the victor.

“That’s not what I meant. It wasn’t that I doubted you would win; I just can’t believe it’s all over and done with. All that preparation and we’re free to do whatever we want now,” she sighed, leaning her head against his chest.

Not quite convinced it was as simple as that, Cutter held his tongue, not wanting to spoil anything for her. Time would tell if Adele harbored any ill feelings over the events of the day. “I’m glad it’s over too. Nothing is ever going to take you away from me again,” the promise was given. “Well, I mean, unless you ever decide…” A flicker of hurt flashed through his eyes as painful memories surfaced.

“That’s not gonna happen, we mate for life, remember?”
“I thought you didn’t believe in that stuff?”
“I believe in my heart we’re meant to be together,” she replied earnestly.

“I feel it too,” Cutter nodded, reaching under her chin to tilt her face up to his lips. God help him, he knew he wouldn’t survive it if she ever left him.


* * *


Chase stretched out in the hot tub with a groan, feeling like he’d been run over by a Mack truck. It hadn’t stopped him from screwing the two girls that had been glued to his side at the party all night, just to prove he could. But he was paying for it now, his body exhausted and drowsy as it diverted resources to heal itself.

“Be careful, you don’t want to fall asleep in there,” Scarlett cautioned, stepping down from the back porch to the pool area.
“Yes, mother,” Chase snorted, tilting his head back to look at her through his one good eye.
“Can I get you anything?”
“How about a morphine drip?”
“I meant more along the lines of something to drink or eat.”
“I’ll take a bottle of Jack…”
“You need to stay well hydrated; alcohol will only make you feel worse in the long run.”
“Not if I keep drinking it,” he smirked.
“Your face looks awful,” Scarlett frowned, examining the damage.
“Thanks, you really know how to kick a guy when he’s down. You want to criticize my table manners too? My driving skills?”

“Oh stop… none of it looks permanent, he didn’t knock out any teeth; you’ll just be sporting some interesting bruises for a while.”

“You should see the rest of me, more colorful than a Christmas tree.”
“But how are you really? Are you alright?”
“Is that a trick question?” he pointed to his face.
“I meant you lost everything you fought for all these years, and Amelia, did you love her?” her voice dropped sympathetically.

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