Moonslave (28 page)

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Authors: Bruce McLachlan

Tags: #Moonslave

BOOK: Moonslave
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broadcast the girl, reaching behind her to clutch at Kira’s breasts, squashing them in fists and pinching her nipples, her croaking cries lost amidst the gag of intimate flesh.

Kira wailed in dismay as her panties were drawn down, stretched taut as they were left at mid-thigh. In their place the round head of the large dildo tickled her belly, nuzzling through and seeking a home.

‘Sabrina, I’m not sure I can—’ began Susan.


‘Get it fucking in there or you’re next!’ snapped the leader.

Kira arched upward and screamed as the shaft was thrust into her, hauling her open, stealing her virginity.

The hand responsible for wielding it started to rock it back and forth, operating it from root to tip, the oversized weapon filling Kira to a degree she was sure she should not be able to accept, but the pleasure of its route in and out of her was a tenuous reward for enduring such maltreatment, and weeping freely all she could do was spasm and continue to service Sabrina.

The sight of Kira, suffering and torn by derogation between her legs had Sabrina succumbing to flares of climax in moments. The girl squirmed like an eel, spreading her juices across Kira’s features as she snagged a nipple in each hand, squeezing with monstrous strength and pulling just as savagely. As Sabrina gasped and panted, closing her eyes with rapture, Kira was squealing in duress beneath her.

The holds came away and the girl shifted forward, straightening her underwear and sitting upon Kira’s arms to keep them under control. A sheen of moisture was across Kira’s appalled features, her body still being plagued by the dildo as it was drawn out and set aside.

‘What are you doing?’ Sabrina questioned with animus.

‘We’re done, aren’t we?’ replied Susan.

‘The fuck we are! Tracy, get your arse on her face right now, it’s your turn.’

‘Sabrina, you can’t expect me to—’

‘Did I ask your opinion? I told you to do something, now do it, or I’ll fucking bury you! The school will know all your little secrets, bitch, all about your little romp in the sack with that greasy lump Scott Wallace, and let’s not forget the abortion from that either, or the time I told 234

you we were smoking weed, and you got ‘sooooo high’

from tobacco!’

The girl flinched as though slapped, and with resignation she shoved Kira’s leg to her partner to hold.

‘Fucking okay, I’ll do it,’ she grumbled, infuriated, but scared to disobey.

‘Tracy, please don’t,’ whimpered Kira as the girl stood astride the supplicant face. The girl paused, her sadism failing to readily let her do this to another female.

‘Well, fucking shut her up then,’ snorted Sabrina.

Tracy lifted her skirt and chose to fully remove her underwear, dragging it free and then settling to straddle Kira’s face.

‘Stop, don’t do this to me, plea-mmmph,’ Kira managed, the curtain of the skirt falling about her head, hiding her face as Tracy enveloped it with her pudenda.

Thighs and shins replaced Sabrina’s hold and the ringleader of this depravity took the leg Tracy had held and snatched the dildo from Susan.

‘Okay, Kira, get licking, you’re not even halfway yet,’

stated Sabrina, and started to feed the dildo back into her, making her shake and throw her tongue into the task.

Tracy shuddered, keeping Kira’s face hidden under the skirt, unwilling to see her as she worked. ‘Okay, I’ve done it, are you happy, Sabrina?’ she stated angrily.

‘No, stay on there until you come, that’s the rules.’

‘Rules, what rules?’

‘My rules, now ride that tongue you stupid bitch.’

Susan released a titter of mocking at this exchange, only to have Sabrina turn to her with venom in her voice.

‘What the fuck’s so funny? Your little pussy’s next,’ she promised.

‘Oh, come on Sabrina, enough’s enough,’ she deplored.

‘Not until I say so, and I say we all do this,’ she hissed.


‘Okay, okay,’ acquiesced the girl, giving up before Sabrina released her secrets to force her into it.

‘Are you there yet, Tracy?’ chuckled Sabrina, with virulence in her voice.

‘No,’ she snapped, demeaned by the display but heedless of the far graver humiliation on hapless Kira.

‘Damn, some people are just slow beginners, eh?’

Sabrina mocked.

Kira continued to lap and lick, trying her best to make the event pass quickly, but Tracy was not sexually aligned to this sort of play and it was difficult to bring the necessary arousal to carry her to climax. Her tongue was aching when the girl’s thighs started to flash with bursts of tension and she started to gasp and croak with orgasm.

‘There we go, that’s what we needed to see,’

commented Sabrina, as she continued to operate the trespassing staff. ‘Your turn, Susan.’

Tracy surrendered her place to the girl, who removed her underwear and then hiked up her skirt. Capturing Kira’s arms, she held them tight and settled into position.

Kira wailed into the smothering sex as the dildo –

lubricated by her treasonous loins – was pushed into her rear, the sudden violation making her sob and tremble, trying to get free of the impaling shaft.

‘Get licking, Kira, you’re almost done,’ purred Sabrina, rotating the length.

Never having experienced the like before, Susan rode Kira’s face with gusto, taking joy in cutting off her air as her smooth belly pressed to her prisoner’s nostrils.

‘That’s more like it; ride that bitch, Susan, ride her,’

derided Sabrina, enthralled to see another enjoying this attack.

Within moments Susan threw her arms up, clutching her head and caressing her pert breasts as orgasms were 236

painted in her womb by Kira’s tongue, and once she had drunk her fill she slipped aside and started to thread her underwear back on.

The dildo was pulled out, making Kira whimper and screw herself up into a ball.

‘Hold it, give me your underwear, both of you,’ ordered Sabrina, her own panties still in her hand.

‘What?’ asked Susan.

‘Just give me them,’ she stated petulantly, snatching them from Tracy and then waiting as Susan handed hers over as well.

‘Hold her,’ she instructed, and Kira wept as the two girls grabbed her arms and held her to the floor, stopping her from getting free. ‘First we have some little gifts you can treasure when they come out.’

‘Sabrina, no, haven’t you tortured me enough?’ wailed Kira.

‘Not yet, no,’ she impassively stated and began to force a set of underwear into Kira’s anus, stuffing it in until finally the accursed garment was in. ‘That was gratitude from Susan.’

Another set was jammed in, punishing her rear, making her shake and battle against the two girls holding her down, her legs kicking and scraping against the tiles as Sabrina sat on the small of her back and proceeded with the bizarre award ceremony.

‘That was gratitude from Tracy.’

Sabrina’s underwear was placed to her rear, and forced in with equal ruthlessness, thrusting it in then forcing a finger deep to ensure it was properly in place. The finger slid out, leaving Kira with the grim feeling of being stuffed and filled.

‘And that was from me. Now, as a special treat, you get to keep the dildo too. But first, stand her up.’


The two girls acted as automatons, doing as they were told, unable to question their mistress. Lifting her up, they kept reigns on her arms and as promised the large rod was again forced back into her sex.

‘Oh, and let’s not forget your little toy either,’ Sabrina teased ruthlessly, and Kira’s own vibrator was forced into her rear, acting as a ram, forcing the underwear deeper.

With Kira held in place for a moment Sabrina leant over and grabbed her bag, and tugging adhesive tape from inside she proceeded to affix it to the base of the toys. ‘Legs apart, Kira,’ she warned, and Kira obeyed with resignation, for she had been taught the cost of resistance. It was just easier to give in and get this over with; she had no more will to fight back.

Opening her legs as far as her hobbling underwear permitted, Kira let her head drop back and she regarded the bland ceiling as the tape issued its sticky ripping song.

Sabrina wound it around and around, running the cleft of her rear and across her sex, catching the base of the dildo. With rapid and numerous twirls she created a sticky tape thong for Kira, one that stopped any hope of getting the underwear or dildo out. She could not believe they were going to do this to her.

Sabrina patted her handiwork and drew up Kira’s panties before setting them in place. ‘There, that’ll ensure you wear it all with pride until you get home,’ she commented, straightening Kira’s skirt. ‘Now let’s all of us walk you to your classroom.’

As a single unit they walked in silence, Tracy and Susan holding her wrists, ensuring she did not try to run. Every step was uncomfortable, her sex and anus held open, stuffed, her abdomen encased in garrotting layers of sticky tape.


When they passed her door they let go and continued walking, the teacher having seen her, stopping her from running back to the toilet without having to offer plenty of excuses.

She entered despondently, the teacher berating her for taking so long. She took his abuse and sat down, wincing as the rods were forced deeper by settling onto the wooden seat of the chair.

As she sat in class she wanted to reach under her skirt and pick at the tape, but that would be noticed. She couldn’t get them out, she could do nothing save wait and endure for the next three hours, and then she could use the lunch break to try and get home. Once there she would try and soak the tape a little, to stop it ripping out her hairs and make the removal feat a little easier on her.

She could not even raise a decent level of hatred, all she had was misery at being picked on, the psychology of a victim, humbled and broken by her oppressors.

With the taste of three girls on her lips and tongue, she opened her exercise book and picked up where she had left off, trying desperately to concentrate.

The recollection of their crime faded from Kira’s mind, an empurpled light flashing across her gaze, the rage of her blood lighting up. The girls huddled together, defeated, frightened, at her mercy. She knew know what had happened to them after their shameful deed. The next day at school was a less vivid though no less important memory.

Walking towards the school, cradling her books, Kira felt her chafed loins with each step. Because of her tardiness she had been kept in at lunch by her teacher, leaving her to the terrible fate of enduring the intruders 239

for the entire day.

The walk home had been the most gruelling, making every step a pain to her. When she got in she delicately cut the tape so she could finally draw out the accursed instruments… but the panties had become lost to her.

Weeping freely she had pounded her fists to the floor and cried in sorrow, infuriated at her own pathetic weakness. How the three vixens would have laughed if they saw her, naked and grovelling on the floor, her fingers delving into her rear to try and ferret out their underwear.

Stamping on the dildo and vibrator until her feet were bruised she vented her fury and then soaked herself in the bath, letting the tape lose its stickiness before trying to remove it. Then, for hours she sat on the toilet, hoping to have them come out. She prayed diligently that they not be lost or entangled, for to have to attend a physician and confess the shameful truth would be more humiliating than she could ever stand. Plus there would be the informing of her parents, and they would not only be disappointed that she was failing in defending herself, but when Sabrina and her cronies were questioned they would of course betray her pseudo-lesbianism. She would be lucky to be disowned and would spend the rest of her life neck deep in shrinks trying to make her straight again.

It was only this morning, when she got up after crying herself to sleep, did she manage to excrete two of them, the material finding its way out of her rear. The third was more stubborn, forcing her to the last ditch measure of grabbing a funnel and jug from downstairs and filling the container with lukewarm water.

Lying back with her heels over her head so that her naked bottom faced up, she swallowed her embarrassment and pride and fed the stiff nozzle into 240

herself. Tears of derogation started to meander down her face, the thought of having to do this, of having been bullied and abused and now having to continue demeaning herself to erase the aftermath.

Pouring the jug in, she gave herself a makeshift enema, the strange feel of the warm waters as they sifted through her not unpleasant, but the reason for having to do it removed any hope of finding a hint of pleasure in the bizarre sensation.

Once the jug had been emptied she jogged on the spot, holding herself as long as she could, straining to keep her barricades in force, to stop the waters leaking out until she was sure she had dislodged the baleful garment.

Only once she was red in the face from fighting to hold in the struggling ocean she had been forced to inject, did she drop herself onto the toilet and release a concentrated pressured jet of soiled water. For half an hour she waited, releasing small spurts that had lost themselves within her, until finally the intimate garment of the miscreant girl finally reached her orifice and was hatefully spat out into the bowl.

She had flushed and stormed from the room, her body quaking with resentment and unbridled animus.

The gates of the school honed into view as she turned the corner. Instead of the usual groups loitering outside, stealing every possible moment of freedom before having to cross the border and enter into the rule of the school system, there was a vast gathering. It was not just students either, but teachers, parents and some news crews.

Walking over with her thoughts racing at what was going on, she reached the outer perimeter of the crowd and found the entire throng alive with stunned gossip. It was too hard to make out any details, so she worked her way timidly through to the reporters, so she could listen 241

into what they were saying. The snippet she caught both shocked and delighted her, and it took all her mental effort to stop from laughing out loud and airing a cheer of gratitude to the fates responsible.

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