Moonlight on Water (34 page)

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Authors: Jo Ann Ferguson

BOOK: Moonlight on Water
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“Be careful,” she whispered.

“We will be. Horace has been standing guard on the boat since sundown, and I need to go and give him a chance to get some sleep so he can take the watch again on the morrow.”

“But you both were here at the Centennial celebration.”

He laughed without humor. “No one, not even the zealots at River's Haven, are stupid enough to cause trouble when everyone had a good view of the river from the green.”

“I haven't told you thank you.”

“No need, honey.” His eyes began to sparkle. “I'll figure out a way later for you to show me your gratitude.”

“Good.” Rachel kissed him again, a lingering kiss that she hoped said all she wanted to say, then went with an obviously distressed Emma out the door. “Where are we going?”

“Across the street to Alice Underhill's house.”

“Miss Underhill?” Rachel halted in the middle of the street. “She won't want me there. She despises everything about River's Haven, including me. Everyone knows that.”

Emma opened the gate in front of the neat white house. “True. Everyone
know that, including the folks at River's Haven.”

“But will Miss Underhill let me stay with her?”

“Alice is a warmhearted woman. If you two had met under different circumstances, I believe you'd have been the very best of friends.”

Rachel did not want to contradict her, so she said nothing as they went to the door. When Miss Underhill answered Emma's knock, the schoolteacher's eyes grew so wide they almost bulged from her face.

“May we come in, Alice?” Emma asked.

“Yes … Yes, come in.” Miss Underhill stepped back, but continued to stare at Rachel. “Sweet heavens, is that blood on your dress, Miss Browning?”

Looking down, she saw a swath of dark red where Wyatt's arm must have been against her skirt. She met Miss Underhill's shocked gaze evenly as she replied, “Yes, it is.”

“Alice,” Emma said, “I think it'd be best if we discussed this inside where we won't be overheard.”

“Come in.” She motioned to a wooden chair just inside the parlor door. “Sit down, Miss Browning.”

Rachel did, folding her hands in her lap. This room with its overstuffed furniture, worn rugs, and books scattered about reminded her of the minister's house … and the house that had been home in Ohio. Her fingers tightened until her knuckles were white. She had left that home to be with Merrill. Now they were separated for what she feared would be the rest of their lives.

As Emma outlined the need for Rachel to have a sanctuary that would not be discovered by anyone from River's Haven, Miss Underhill dropped to the sofa covered by a crocheted blanket. The schoolteacher asked, “But why? She's one of

“Not any longer,” Rachel said, lifting her chin with what fragments of pride she had remaining. “When I refused to marry the man they insisted I wed in an effort to breed the next generation they wanted, I had no choice but to leave.”

“They did what?” Miss Underhill jumped to her feet. “That's outrageous!”

Emma nodded. “Now you understand why we and Mr. Colton wish to keep Rachel out of sight for a few days. No one will think she's with you, Alice, for you've been outspoken in your distaste for River's Haven from the moment it was established.”

“Miss Browning,” the schoolteacher said, “you must stay here. I won't hear of you going anywhere else.”

“Alice, I knew we could depend on you.” Emma gave her friend a quick hug. “And her name is Rachel.” Embracing Rachel, she said, “Don't despair. Kitty Cat is a resourceful little girl. If she could survive in New York City's worst slums, she'll be able to handle another night at River's Haven.”

Rachel whispered, “Thank you. You've been a good friend.”

“I know what it's like to worry about a child's welfare. Just believe that all will come to rights. Mr. Colton is, I have seen, a most determined man and very attached to Kitty Cat and you.” Emma went to the door. “I need to get home. Sean was complaining of a sore throat.”

“So was Kitty Cat.”

She grimaced. “I suspect by this time any sickness they might have has been shared with every child in Haven. I'd best make a big batch of my posset because Belinda and Maeve may need it as well.” She hurried out the door.

Silence filled the room; then Alice said, “Come this way, Miss—Rachel. I'll take you up to the guest room, and you can rest. You look as if you've had a truly harrowing night.”

Rachel had to agree with that estimation when she caught her reflection in the looking glass over the small table in the cozy bedroom. Her hair hung loose over her shoulders. When she had been struck, blood had glued some of her hair together. Dirt covered her face and clothes, left by the attack on them.

But she was safe now. She looked around the small room. The ceiling slanted over the far side of the iron bed, but there was still enough room on the far side of the small woodstove for the table that held an ewer and a bowl. Towels and cloths waited for her to clean her face that was almost hidden by her snarled hair. As she dressed in the borrowed nightgown, she knew she would need to buy a comb and brush in the morning. She was not sure how she would pay for it, but she guessed Emma would let her pay when she got some money.

But how would she do that? Beyond River's Haven, no one was interested in a woman with her skills. She had to hope someone in Haven would know of work she could do.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked through the window with its thin curtains that fluttered in the breeze left behind by the storm. She blew out the candle, but the room was almost as bright with the light from the full moon. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine how it would reflect on the river. Were Wyatt and Kitty Cat thinking the same? She would never know unless they were together again … which she hoped would happen before she had to say goodbye to Wyatt and
The Ohio Star


The word spread swiftly through Haven in the days following the Centennial celebration. In almost every house, someone was very sick. Sore throats, stiff necks, and high fevers, and a name of the sickness that was whispered because no one wanted to say it aloud.


Rachel spent hours each day working beside Emma Sawyer as they tended to Sean and Belinda. This morning, Noah had taken Maeve to their farm outside of the village, hoping to protect her from sickening as well. He returned within an hour with the news that the farm was no safer because it was said that the people at River's Haven were taking ill, too.

“Go. Take the store's wagon,” Emma said as Rachel listened in horror. “You know you won't be able to rest unless you have Kitty Cat back here with you.”

Rachel did not hesitate. Tying her straw bonnet under her chin, she lifted her borrowed blue skirt as she raced down the front steps and along the oddly silent street toward the river. She saw Doc Bamburger coming out of a house near the shore. The woman in the doorway had her apron to her face, weeping. The very sight spurred Rachel's feet faster.

She shouted Wyatt's name as she ran aboard
The Ohio Star
. Slowing to a stop, she called his name again. When she got no answer, she rushed up the stairs to the saloon. Either Wyatt or Horace must be here. They would not leave the boat unguarded.

“Wyatt!” she cried. She did not care who heard her desperation. “Wyatt! Where are you?”

The saloon door swung open, almost knocking her to the deck. Strong hands caught her. Not Wyatt's, but Horace's.

“Miss Rachel, what's wrong?” Horace asked. “Is it the young'un?”

“Where's Wyatt?” she panted.

“Up at the railroad station. He—”

She threw her thanks over her shoulder and raced back toward the stairs and the pier. Pain stitched in her side, but she ignored it as she scrambled on all fours up the hill and toward the building that served as both Haven's station and its telegraph office.

Flinging open the door, she cried, “Wyatt!”

He turned from where he was talking to a neatly dressed young man. “Rachel, what is it?”

“The sickness is out at River's Haven, too.” She dropped to a bench, pressing her hand to her aching side. “Will you go with me out there to find Kitty Cat and bring her here?”

Thrusting a stack of papers at the dark-haired man, he said, “Kenny,
The Ohio Star
is ready for the supplies to be loaded. Horace is on board, and he'll oversee the delivery and loading if you can send a couple of lads down with the dray.”

Rachel bit her lip. The shipment that Wyatt had been waiting for, his first shipment as a partner in the boat, must have arrived in Haven. Her stomach cramped more, but she came back to her feet and put her hand on his arm.

“Wyatt?” she asked. “Will you go with me out to River's Haven?”

“Let's go, honey.”

As they went back out onto the deserted street, she said, “Emma offered me the use of the store's wagon.”

He nodded and hurried with her to the barn between the store and the Sawyer house. While he hitched the horse to the black wagon with its white lettering that announced it was from Delancy's General Store, she went into the house. A stack of blankets waited on the kitchen table, and she gathered them up, knowing that Emma had left them there for her.

Wyatt threw the blankets in the back of the wagon. Then he handed her onto the high seat. She had barely enough time to draw in her skirt before he leaped up next to her and slapped the reins on the horse.

“About the shipment,” he began.

“Not now.” She blinked to keep her frightened tears in her eyes. “Let me think only about taking care of Kitty Cat just now.”

“You know they aren't going to let us walk in the door and see how she's faring.”

“I know.”

“When I tried to sneak in there the day after the Centennial celebration, it was so well guarded I couldn't get to the children's rooms.”

She stared at him in amazement. “You went out to River's Haven? Why didn't you tell me?”

“Because I wasn't able to sneak K. C. out of there, and then diphtheria struck in Haven. I thought she'd be better off out there away from the sickness.” He put his hand over her fist clenched on her lap. “Honey, if she's sick, she might be better off staying there even now. Moving her if she's got diphtheria is very dangerous.”

“I know.” She gripped his hand on hers. “But, Wyatt, you don't understand about River's Haven.”

“That's the truest thing anyone has ever said.”

“They won't call in a doctor,” she continued as if he had said nothing. “No outsider will be allowed to tend to anyone who's sick.”

He swore. “How can they be so stupid? Don't bother to answer. I know you're going to say it's just their way.”

“It is.”

“Is it your way still?”

“I don't know.” She looked at the road that followed the river. “I know I don't belong there any longer, but I'm not sure where I belong now.”

“With K. C.”

Her smile returned. “
I know.”

“How are the Sawyer kids doing?”

As she began to speak about helping Emma with her sick children, he listened intently. She explained how she and Emma and Noah and the housekeeper who returned to Haven in time to help took turns heating warm cloths and baths for Sean and Belinda. Possets of catnip were given every two hours, and it was important to check in the children's mouths for the membrane that could grow across their throat, suffocating them. They tried to get the youngsters to drink thin broth, for anything else might cause vomiting and further injure the children's throats.

“How are other families handling it?” he asked, amazed.

“Everyone who isn't sick is helping those who are.”

“Why haven't you sent for me to help?”

She laughed. “Wyatt, I can't imagine you in a sickroom with the windows and draperies closed. You prefer the sunshine and fresh air.”

“I could help, if you need me.”

“Yes, you could.” She grew serious. “I just hope you don't have to.”

Rachel drew in her breath as she saw the common house appearing over the hills along the river. Less than a week ago, this had been home. Although she had questioned the rules and even the Assembly of Elders, she had been proud of the part she played in the River's Haven Community.

When Wyatt drove the wagon into the common area, she was surprised when nobody halted them. Emma often brought supplies out from the village, but she was not allowed to come this close to the center of the Community. He drew in the reins in front of her cottage and jumped down. Coming around the wagon, he held his hands up to her.

“Before we get thrown out of here,” he murmured as he scanned the common area that was as empty as Haven's streets, “why don't you get your things?”

“Forget them. Kitty Cat—”

“Will never forgive me if I let you leave your guitar and her doll here.”

“All right, but we must be quick.”

He smiled grimly. “My thoughts exactly.”

Rachel put her hands on his shoulders as he lifted her down from the seat. His fingers brushed her cheek, and she tried to smile. Wanting to thank him, she nodded when he urged her to hurry and collect what she wanted.

The red door opened easily, and Rachel walked into the cottage. Her fear that it had been stripped of everything was eased. It looked as if she still lived there.

“What do you want me to get?” Wyatt asked, and she flinched. “Did I startle you?”

“Yes … No. I was lost in memory.” She asked him to get some of Kitty Cat's clothes and the rag doll if it was on the little girl's bed.

He set a wooden box in the middle of the parlor floor. “Put whatever you want in this. I'm sure Emma won't mind if you use it.”

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