Moonlight on the Millpond (33 page)

BOOK: Moonlight on the Millpond
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Maddie smiled. “It's quite a house,” she said, her own head turning to take in the grandiose furniture, high ceilings, and lovely trappings in every direction.

“I don't suppose you want to show me around,” Jace invited, and Maddie looked at him in surprise. “No matter what else I see in Boston,” he went on, “I won't be allowed into any more houses like this.”

Maddie couldn't stop her smile. He could certainly be charming when he wanted to be.

“If it will get you into trouble, Maddie, just forget I asked.”

“No, it's nothing like that. The family isn't even here. They're traveling in Europe.”

“That sounds fun.”

“They were looking forward to it,” Maddie said, standing at the same time and beginning the tour without further ado. She showed Jace the entire downstairs, watching his look of awe while in the library, and then took him into the servants' quarters and the kitchen. They went upstairs but confined themselves to the hallway and only peeked into rooms; that is, until she reached her own room, where she felt free to enter and show him.

Jace was more affected by this room than he let on. It was feminine in every way and smelled fresh and clean. And on top of that, Maddie's nearness worked like a drug. She was telling him about something outside the window, the curtain pulled back so she could point, and he was trying to listen but ended up watching her instead. When she finally looked at him, their eyes caught. Maddie told herself to look away, and Jace mentally begged her not to.

“Have dinner with me tonight,” Jace invited softly, working hard to hide his deep feelings. He let Maddie see his interest but not the ache he felt inside to have her love again.

“I can't,” Maddie found herself whispering, not having been prepared to see interest in his eyes.


“Well,” Maddie improvised quickly, “the man I'm seeing won't like it.”

Had Jace not counted the cost of such an action, he would have laughed. She was a terrible liar, but he didn't blame her for trying.

“Well,” Jace replied, his voice calm and deep. “Can't you tell him we're old friends? He could even join us,” he added, quite certain there was no such man.

“He's not in town right now.” The lies grew, and again Jace had to keep from laughing.

“Then you can explain to him when he gets back that you went to dinner with an old friend.”

Maddie opened her mouth and then shut it. She wanted to say yes—she wanted it more than anything—but she was scared. Terrified, to be exact.

“Come with me,” Jace invited again. He read her hesitation but just waited, his eyes dipping to her mouth in a way that used to distract her no end.

“All right,” Maddie agreed, nearly shaking her head over what had just happened.

“I'll pick you up at 6:00,” Jace said.

Maddie could only nod.

“Whoever the guy is, Maddie,” he added, reaching up to stroke her cheek with a single finger, “he's one lucky man.”

Maddie couldn't move from her spot. She turned her head to watch Jace leave the room and even heard the front door open and shut in the distance, but not until both Beth and Sherry came looking for her did she move from her spot by the window.

They wanted to know who he was and hear every detail. Maddie kept the information vague until she admitted that they were going out that evening. The two other women went into action as though they had a date of their own. They dragged Maddie down the hall, where they insisted that she bathe and wash her hair. Beth was not happy until Maddie agreed to let her style the long blonde locks, and throughout the process Maddie was in a state of shock.

Jace Randall had come to Boston today. After being four-and-a-half months apart, he'd been right here at the house and touched her cheek the way he once did. His eyes had looked at her with caring and desire. Maddie shook her head a little and was told by Beth to hold still. It didn't matter that the man she lied about might be real, Jace was as interested as he'd always been. She'd be a fool to believe anything else.

“Oh, my,” Maddie said when she came to the foyer and found Jace dressed very formally.

“Will I do?” he asked, having spent an outrageous amount of time and money on one outfit.

“Yes, Jace, you look very nice.”

“As do you,” Jace said, trying to pretend that she was someone else's girl in an effort to keep his heart in check. “Quite beautiful, and I hope it's all right to tell you.”

“Thank you,” Maddie said with a smile.

“Shall we go?”

“Yes. Let me tell Sherry that I'm leaving.”

Jace waited where he was, but from the whispers and soft laughter he heard a short time later, he thought that Sherry and at least one other woman must be very near.

Maddie came back to the foyer, the small smile on her face telling Jace that she and these other women were friends. Jace opened the door for her and stood back while she slipped outside. A small coach was parked at the street, driver and all, and Maddie couldn't help but be impressed.

They were not very talkative in the coach. Maddie was telling herself to behave like a woman in love with another man and thought that the less talking she did, the easier it might be.

She didn't plan on how much she would enjoy the restaurant in the hotel. Jace took them to the Seaside Hotel. Maddie looked around at the quiet elegance and forgot who she was supposed to be.

“Have you seen my aunt and uncle lately?” she asked as soon as they'd been served their meals.

“Just before I left. I went there to apologize to them and tell them how much I wanted to be in touch with you.”

“They gave you the address?”

“Yes. I hope you're not angry with them.”

“I'm not,” Maddie said with a small shake of her head, but she could tell that his visit was going to affect her for a long time. She still had feelings for this man. She'd be lying to say otherwise. But she also feared being hurt again, and she knew that fear would keep her from doing anything rash ever again.

“How is your meat?” Jace asked, hoping all he'd heard that day about the meals at this hotel proved to be true.

“It's very good. How is yours?”

“I'm enjoying it.”

“How is Clara?” Maddie thought to ask, but before Jace could answer, the waiter arrived with a bottle of champagne. He asked Jace whether he could pour some for the two of them. Maddie shook her head no, but the waiter didn't notice. She found herself with a glassful she knew she wouldn't touch.

“Did you ask about Clara?” Jace asked after taking a sip from his glass.


“She's doing well. She misses Woody, but then we both do.”

“It must be a little strange. I mean, you've never known the farm without him, have you?”

“No. I've been busy, but the winter months might get a little long without him.”

Jace barely managed the sentence. Maddie looked so lovely to him right now that he wanted to beg her for another chance. He took another sip of champagne, trying to calm down, and then realized how mild the flavor was.

“Did you tell me once you don't drink because you don't like the taste?”

“Yes, I never have.”

“Try that,” he pointed to her glass. “It's very mild.”

Maddie looked skeptical but still picked up her wine glass. Her nose wrinkled a bit, and Jace laughed.

“Clearly you're not going to drink it. You look like a five-year-old being forced to eat boiled spinach. Here, give it to me.”

Maddie's brows lifted over the challenge, and she put the glass to her mouth. At first she didn't like the taste, but the aftertaste was intriguing. She took another sip and then another.

“I like this,” Maddie said, taking a larger swallow before going back to her meal.

“You should always listen to me,” Jace teased.

The look Maddie gave him made him laugh. He knew he'd been forgiven but that she still had reservations. Not for several more bites of food did the memory of the picnic come flooding back to him. He watched when she reached to taste her third glass of champagne, but his hand was there to stop her. Maddie looked at him in confusion.

“I don't want this night to be cloudy in your mind, and the champagne might do that.”

“Oh, all right,” Maddie agreed after just a moment, smiling at him in a warm way. “Jace,” she suddenly leaned a little across the table as she spoke. “I've missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Jace said, his heart pounding with emotions.

“I'm so glad you came.”

“Maddie, I need to ask you something,” Jace made himself voice the question.

“What is it?”

“Are you seeing a man right now?”

“No,” she admitted sheepishly.

“Oh, Maddie,” Jace said. He still loved her, and nothing in the world would convince him that he wasn't loved in return.

They finished their meals with pleasure, knowing their love couldn't be disguised any longer.

“Did you need anything, sir?”

“Maddie?” Jace asked her.

“No, I'm fine,” she said, her eyes clinging to his face.

“We'll be going,” Jace told the waiter, and waited only until they were back in the coach to kiss her. Indeed, they kissed and made plans all the way back to the Nunley's house. When they arrived, Sherry and Beth were waiting in the small sitting room off the kitchen, the one that belonged to the staff come evening time.

“Well, you two have had a good time,” Sherry said, seeing Jace's and Maddie's dreamy faces.

Maddie grinned at her and asked, “How would you like to go to a wedding?”

The other women took no time to catch her meaning. They came to their feet in a rush, hugging Maddie, and both talking at once. When order was restored, the two ran about in a flurry of excitement and gaiety to get the reverend to do Maddie's bidding.

Maddie's whole body felt weighted, especially her head. There was light coming in the window, she was almost certain, but she didn't want to open her eyes to find out. She rubbed her face in the pillow and told herself she had to wake up.

Just then she heard the door open and what sounded like Jace's voice in the hall. Maddie froze, not sure what to think, before peeking out to see him slipping inside her room.

“Jace?” Maddie muttered in confusion.

“Right here,” he said, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “Sherry made you some coffee. It's here on the table.”

“What time is it?” she asked as she rolled over, her brain still not working.

“Almost 8:00.”

“Jace,” Maddie finally managed. “You can't be in here.”

“What was that?” Jace asked, not sure he'd heard her.

He waited a moment, but Maddie said nothing and only stared at him. Jace wanted to pay attention to what she might say, but the covers had slipped down her chest a bit. Jace's gaze went that way.

When Maddie realized it, she tugged them up in a hurry. Gathering all blankets and sheets around her, she scooted against the headboard and frowned a little.

“Jace,” Maddie whispered. “Did something happen last night?”

“A lot of things happened last night. Why are you whispering?”

“Jace, do Sherry and Beth know you're in here?”

“Of course.”

“You have to get out,” she wanted to tell him urgently, but her head ached.

“It's all right, Maddie.” He smiled a little and reminded her, “They were at the wedding.”

“What wedding?”

Jace stared at her, waiting for her to smile back or throw a pillow his way, but she did neither. Jace was starting to feel as confused as she.

Maddie looked back at him, certain she had misunderstood, her mind still on the other women. She knew that having Jace in here at this time of the morning meant that Sherry and Beth would assume the worst. She had to clear her head and figure out how to explain to them.

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