Moonlight Kiss (18 page)

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Authors: Luann McLane

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Moonlight Kiss
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“Do you miss it?”

Reid glanced at her. “Sometimes. I really liked going to college there. I have my favorite restaurants.” He grinned. “The Tolly-Ho is open twenty-four/seven and has some of the best burgers on the planet. And you haven’t lived until you’ve had the cheesy tots with bacon and chili.”

“That sounds like it could kill you.”

Reid laughed. “No, it’s what you do before you go to The Ho at four in the morning that could kill you. Of course, on the other side of the ledger is Malone’s, consistently voted one of the best steakhouses in the country. And while the Derby in Louisville is sweet, my favorite is going to the races at Keeneland. Don’t even get me started about Kentucky basketball.”

“No, I think it’s really cool to be proud of and love where you come from. I still think of Chicago as home. I know I sure miss deep-dish pizza from Giordano’s and I’ll forever be a Cubs fan. While I don’t have anything against chains, I think it’s more fun to eat at local haunts. I stopped at a lot of fun diners while I drove across the country. I know it’s difficult for mom-and-pops to compete financially so I always support them.”

“I agree one hundred percent.” Reid nodded as he turned the truck off the main road onto little more than a dirt path. “Cricket Creek struggled for a long time. If it wasn’t for the baseball stadium this town might have all but dried up.”

“That’s what Mia told me. So, your cabin is back here?”

“It’s part of our property, but I’m taking you the back way. My dad used it as a fishing hideaway but I’ve been improving it little by little. Braden helped me add the lower back deck last summer.”

“Oh look! There are three deer!” She pointed out the window. “Oh, and a baby.”

“They’re all over. Be careful that you don’t hit one. They like to cross the road to get to the cornfields. You know that deer-in-the-headlights saying?”


“That’s what they do.”

“Thanks—I’ll remember that.” Now that they were almost to his cabin Addison felt a flutter of nervous excitement. When the A-frame cabin came into view Addison turned to him. “You were being modest. It’s gorgeous.”

“Thanks.” Reid shrugged. “I’ve got a ways to go but it’s getting there.” He came around and opened the door of the truck, offering his hand to help her down. “It’s open. Just take your purse and I’ll grab the rest.”

Brick pavers led to matching steps and a wide wraparound porch. “Oh, the outdoor furniture is really cool.” She turned to Reid. “Is it from repurposed wood?”

Reid nodded. “Yeah, we were doing that before it became the in thing to do. Last spring Jeff, Braden, and I built the bench to match the chairs Dad built years ago. The wood came from an old shed we tore down.”

“I love it.” Addison ran her hand over the smooth surface of the wood. “Wow. You do nice work.”

“After crunching numbers behind a desk, working with my hands is like therapy for me. Braden and I extended the upper back deck for Mom and Dad’s anniversary a few years ago. I added the hot tub when Dad started having health issues. He needed to relax. I took a week’s vacation, but Braden had to actually do the finish work.”

“I think it’s commendable that you took vacation time to do something nice for your parents.” Actually, it was also kind of sexy.

“I should have come home more often but I buried myself in work.”

“If you don’t stop beating yourself up I’m seriously going to smack you.”

Reid grinned and he passed through the door she was holding open for him. “After fixing the place up for my parents, I showed up and moved in.” He flicked on a light. “Go figure.”

“Reid, I’m sure they don’t mind at all.”

Reid chuckled. “My mom might. This is where Dad would come to escape, especially after Sara got engaged and all they talked about was the wedding.”

“Ohmigosh, this is so pretty.” She looked up to view the open, beamed ceiling. The walls were constructed of knotty pine paneling. Floor-to-ceiling windows flanked a fireplace. “Wow. Does the fireplace see through to the back deck?”

“Sure does. My dad built this cabin over thirty years ago. It’s a basic A-frame design but he added some pretty cool details. We added another tier to the deck for grilling just last summer.” He walked over to a galley kitchen to the left and put the canvas bag down on a breakfast bar. After putting two bottles of the champagne into the fridge he turned to her. “I’ll put some chicken in the oven to warm up. I’ve got some of Mom’s potato salad and some fresh-cut strawberries. Sound good?”

“Perfect. In fact, don’t bother warming up the chicken. Cold is fine with me. I’m starving and anxious to get out there on the back deck and watch the sunset.”

“Head on out there. I’ll bring the food.”

“No, let me help!” Addison insisted, and gave him a playful shove when he tried to block the entrance to the kitchen.

“If you insist.” He grabbed her around the waist, lifted her up, and plunked her down onto the counter.

“Now, how is this helping?”

Reid handed her a bottle of wine and a corkscrew. “You can uncork this. The champagne needs to chill.”

After doing her small task Reid poured the wine. She sipped the pinot grigio. “Oh, this is nice.”

“Light melon and pear with a smoky finish.”

She arched an eyebrow. “I’m impressed.”

“Don’t be. That’s what it said on the back of the label. I’m mostly a beer or bourbon kind of guy but I’ll enjoy an occasional glass of wine.” He grinned. “Or champagne, if the occasion warrants.”

Addison raised her glass. “So, you bought this just for me?”

“Yep, sure did,” Reid said in a breezy tone, but the look he gave her was anything but casual. When it appeared as if he were going to elaborate he turned back to the fridge and opened the door. He pulled out a plate of chicken, followed by a plastic tub of potato salad. After opening the lid he dipped a fork in and offered her a bite. Addison leaned her face forward and accepted.

“Oh, mmm, good stuff.” She pointed to the tub. “Another bite, please, and I want a piece of the hard-boiled egg.”

Grinning, he fed her. “My favorite part too. I always have to fight Jeff for the eggs.” He unwrapped the plastic wrap from the chicken. “Sure you don’t want it heated up?”

“No, I can’t wait.”

“I know the feeling.” He flicked Addison a glance that made her blush and then reached inside the cabinet for plates. The food might be cold, the conversation might be casual, but the air between them sizzled.

Addison picked up a plump strawberry and took a bite. “I love strawberries. And they’re so good for you.”

Reid turned and looked at her. “Oh, I forgot something,” he said, and then pulled a little glass dish out of the fridge. He popped it into the microwave.

“What is it?” She sniffed the air. “Wait. Do I smell chocolate?”

“Dip for the strawberries.” After the beep he pulled the dish from the microwave and dunked a berry.

“Hey, aren’t you going to share?”

“Of course.” Holding the strawberry, he closed the distance between them. “Open up,” he requested in a husky voice.

Addison complied, moaning when the silky, warm chocolate rolled onto her tongue. She bit into the cold, sweet strawberry, giggling when Reid swiped a bit of dip onto her bottom lip.

“Let me get that for you.” He leaned in and licked her bottom lip back and forth, nibbling, teasing, until Addison reached up and pushed his head closer. She kissed him back deeply, savoring the feel of him, the
of him, loving his mouth even more than the decadent dip. She spread her thighs so he could get closer and then wrapped her legs around his waist. With a low moan, he cupped her ass, scooting her forward without breaking the kiss.

Pulling her head back, he found her neck with his mouth, kissing, nuzzling, sending a warm, delicious tingle of desire coursing through her veins. When he leaned back and tugged at her shirt Addison helped by pulling it over her head. She tossed it to the floor.

“Lean back and brace yourself with your hands.”

Nodding, she did as he requested.

“God . . . Addison.” Reid stood without touching her, looking at her as if drinking in the sight of her in her deep pink demi-bra.

While he looked at her with such longing and male admiration, emotion washed over her. Having lived in a society hell-bent on unattainable physical perfection, she’d felt below the LA standard. But Reid made her feel beautiful . . . sexy, desirable in a way she’d never experienced before. Here, in this town full of hardworking, wonderful people, she felt a sense of belonging.

And it felt amazing.

Shyness left the building, replaced by a feeling of feminine power. While Reid watched hungrily, Addison unhooked the front clasp of her bra, allowing her breasts to tumble free. She shrugged out of the straps and let him look his fill. She longed for his touch, his mouth, and as if reading her thoughts, he dipped his head and captured an eager nipple in his warm mouth. She gasped at the hot jolt of pleasure, leaning back farther, giving him full access.

And Reid took it.

Placing his hands on either side of her, he licked, sucked, and then added a light nibble for good measure. Addison closed her eyes, enjoying every little sensation, sighing at the soft brush of Reid’s hair against her cheek and the light tickle of his stubble against her skin. The subtle, masculine scent of his cologne filled her head, teased her senses. Opening her eyes, she longed to see his body, to touch his skin . . . and to taste him everywhere.

But Reid had other ideas.

He deftly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and then tugged. Addison lifted her hips to help while he pulled the denim off and onto the floor, leaving her in nothing but a pink thong. “Wow . . .” he said.

“Somehow I think you’re overdressed for the occasion.” Addison reached up and pulled the snaps open on his shirt, revealing his chest.

“You’re getting better at that.”

“Practice . . . I need lots and lots of practice.”
Oh my . . .
his tan was darker, his physique even more ripped. “And snaps instead of buttons. Snaps are awesome.”

“I have tons of these shirts. I’ll wear them all the time for you.”

With a low chuckle she reached out and ran her hands over him, loving the feel of warm skin over firm muscle. He sucked in a breath and then dipped his head and kissed her with an eager hunger. When Reid slid his hands beneath her ass Addison wrapped her legs around him.

“I want you in my bed.”

“Good. I’m ready for another wild ride.”

He laughed as he picked her up, carrying her as if she weighed nothing, making her feel girly and sexy at the same time. “Then I’ll give you one you won’t soon forget.”

Ever forget,
she thought with a sigh. She buried her face in his neck. “You smell so good.” She sucked his earlobe. “Taste even better.”

“Why does this bedroom suddenly seem a million miles away?”

“A million?” she teased from his earlier comment to her.

“Maybe two,” he grumbled, but a moment later they were in the master bedroom. A shaft of light sliced through the darkness, illuminating a rustic log-shaped frame and matching headboard. After lowering her gently to the bed Reid tugged a chain on a small lamp perched on a nightstand, casting a soft glow in the room. While he shrugged out of his shirt Addison reached for the snap on his jeans. Her heart thudded when her hand brushed over the hard bulge, letting her know how much he really did want to make love to her. She shoved the denim over his hips, taking the boxers with it. He sucked in a breath when she stroked him lightly, rubbing a fingertip over the head of his penis. When the pearly drop appeared he groaned. “Baby, slow down. You’ve got me too worked up and I want to last for you.”

“I’ll try.” She withdrew her hand and watched as he removed his boots and kicked his jeans to the side.

“I need protection. I’ll be right back.”

Addison carefully pulled back a beautiful patchwork quilt and folded it at the end of the bed. She wondered who had made it, and, unable to turn off her business side, couldn’t help thinking that wedding quilts would sell well in the shop. She made a mental note to ask Reid. Later.

She slid beneath the cool sheets, loving the sensual feeling of her skin against the smooth cotton. Her body ached with need. She’d never wanted a man more than she wanted Reid, and when he emerged from the bathroom she watched him walk across the hardwood floor with hungry eyes. When he pulled back the sheet and covered her body with his, she gasped with the sheer pleasure of having his nude body sliding against her flushed skin.

He kissed her deeply, thoroughly, with long strokes of his tongue and moved lower, kissing her breasts, her torso before spreading her thighs. He played with the thong, tracing the lace with his fingertips, driving her mad with desire. “Take it off,” she pleaded, arching her hips to help, but he slipped his palms beneath her ass and lifted her, letting his tongue replace his fingertips.

“Reid!” Her throaty plea had him chuckling. He kissed her through the silk and she wiggled, somehow thinking with her sex-addled brain that her little shimmy would make the thong fall off. He finally slid it down her legs with one long swipe and tossed it over his head.

Reid came up to his knees, gazing down at her. “Let your hair down for me, baby. I want to bury my face in it.”

She tugged the band from her ponytail and spread her dark curls over the white pillowcase. “You are so gorgeous.” After looking at her for a long, heated moment Reid lay down beside her. He trailed his hands lightly over her skin, making her desire grow hotter, brighter. When he grazed her mound with his palm she sucked in a breath. She could feel the steely hard length of his erection against her thigh, hot and ready. Just when she considered shoving him onto his back and riding him, he rolled over and covered her body with his.

And then he kissed her . . . a long, hot, bone-melting, toe-curling, all-consuming kiss.

When she wrapped her legs around his waist he entered her, moving slowly but deeply. Addison wrapped herself around him breast to chest, skin to skin. The aching pleasure intensified with each stroke. He nuzzled her neck, murmured her name, and she arched her hips, wanting more of him . . . all of him. He made love to her slow and easy, as if savoring every stroke, each caress bringing her closer and closer to climax. She ran her hands up his strong arms, down his back. Muscles bunched, rippled. Her nipples, sensitive, hard, slid against the silky hair on Reid’s chest and drove her wild with desire. She arched her back and slid her hands to his ass, pressing, urging him to go faster, take her harder.

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