Moonlight Kin 4: Tristan (16 page)

Read Moonlight Kin 4: Tristan Online

Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #new orleans, #paranormal romance, #wolves, #supernatural, #werewolves, #law enforcement, #contemporary fantasy, #fairytales, #legends myths, #legends and folklore

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With infinite care, Tristan released the
swollen bud then sucked the other one into his mouth.

Izzy clutched his head. She pulled his hair
when the sensations got too much, but he didn’t seem to notice or
to mind. Every time Tristan swirled his tongue, she felt an
answering flick between her thighs. Moisture trickled between her
legs, soaking her thong. It wasn’t enough. She needed more.

“Tristan,” she gasped and tried to yank his
head back.

He growled and kept feasting.

The pressure continued to build inside her.
The steady throb left Izzy teetering on the edge of oblivion.
“That’s it,” she said. “Just like that.”

Right before she toppled over, he

Izzy growled in frustration.

Tristan’s silvery gaze met hers, then he
licked his lips. “You taste delicious. I can’t wait to taste the
rest of you.” He slid his hands under her body until he got a hold
of her dress, then tugged. The material slid out from under her,
leaving Izzy in her thong.

“That’s better,” he said, scooting her closer
to the edge of the bed. “Just one more thing.” Tristan threaded his
fingers into her thong and snapped the material in half. He pulled
it aside and threw it onto the floor next to his jeans.

Izzy couldn’t remember how to speak or to
think. The look in Tristan’s eyes left her breathless. She’d never
had a man look at her the way he was right now. His gaze held so
much hunger, so much passion—so much need.

“What now?” she croaked.

His lips tilted. For a second she saw a flash
of extended canines poking out the side of his mouth. She should be
frightened, but fear was the last thing on her mind.

“Now I savor,” he said and slowly lowered his
head between her thighs.

The first swipe of Tristan’s rough tongue
sent Izzy spiraling over the edge. Her fingers sank into his
shoulders as she tried to ride out her orgasm.

It had been so long since she’d allowed any
man close enough to touch her, much less make love to her. Izzy
forgot how wonderful it could be.

Tristan lapped up her juices then dove in
with gusto. His tongue swirled and teased, flicking her swollen
flesh until it filled with blood once more.

“I can’t,” she gasped.

Izzy’s thighs trembled and she tried to shut
her legs, but Tristan wedged his shoulders between them to stop

“We’re not done yet,” he said, his chin moist
from her release. “Not by a long shot.” He licked his lips.

Tristan drove his tongue inside Isabel’s
tight channel. He’d never tasted anything so delicious, and it
scared him that he might never again. He ate her, nibbling her
flesh, until she writhed on the bed once more.

He sucked the bundle of nerves into his mouth
and worried it with his sharp teeth, then plunged two fingers
inside her. Her body clamped down on him. Isabel let out a harsh
cry, then flew apart in his arms.

Tristan licked her, not wanting to miss an
ounce of her juices, as her second release rippled through her.
When the fluttering in her channel lessened, he slowly pulled his
fingers out. Tristan waited until he had her attention, then he
stuck them in his mouth and sucked them clean.

Isabel shuddered again, and her eyes

He rose to his feet. “You are everything I
imagined and more,” Tristan said. His shaft was so hard and
engorged that it curved under the weight. Tristan wrapped his fist
around his erection and stroked.

Isabel’s gaze followed the movement, and she
licked her lips.

Tristan traced her mouth with his finger. “I
can’t wait to feel you taking me here.” He tapped her lower lip.
“But first, I have to take the edge off.” Tristan grabbed onto her
waist and pulled Isabel fully onto the bed, so he could join

He dropped onto the bed. “Open for me,” he
said, his voice so gruff that he barely understood the words.

Isabel’s legs dropped open. Moisture covered
her swollen sex. He couldn’t get over how responsive she was or how
delicious she tasted.

Tristan settled between her thighs, letting
her get used to his weight. Their gazes met and locked. He couldn’t
turn away if he wanted to. Tristan kissed her tenderly then
positioned himself at her entrance.

As much as he wanted to thrust hard and bury
himself inside her, Tristan didn’t. Instead, he took it slow,
giving Isabel’s body time to adjust to his large size.

She was so tight, so blissfully snug that he
wondered when she’d last been with a man. Just the thought of her
being with another male, brought his beast surging to the surface.
Tristan clamped down onto it, but it continued to stare out through
his eyes.

If Isabel noticed, she didn’t say anything.
She also didn’t look away. The move goaded his beast, challenging
its dominance. He growled deep in his chest. Isabel ignored the
threat and stroked his jaw. Tristan’s control shattered and his
hips rocked, sending him deeper inside of her.

Isabel gasped, and her body tightened.

“Sorry,” he said.

“It’s okay,” she murmured. “It’s just been a
while for me.”

Tristan gritted his teeth. “Me too.”

She blinked in surprise.

“Is that so hard to believe?” he asked,
trying to keep still when everything inside of him wanted to

Her brow furrowed. “I guess not.” Isabel’s
body relaxed, allowing him to sink even deeper.

Between the warmth, the moisture, and the
growing pressure, Tristan was in heaven—and hell. The scariest part
of all was that he didn’t want to leave.


* * * * *


Izzy felt stretched beyond her limits.
Tristan was even bigger than he’d appeared, which was saying
something. He rocked his hips, and pleasure shot from her core
through her entire body.

“Do that again,” she said.

“And again,” he responded, then thrust

Izzy moaned and wrapped her legs around his
waist. Tristan must’ve taken it as encouragement because he began
to move steadily in and out of her. The delicious motion spread
through her entire body, leaving her aching for more.

Tristan stroked her jaw and kissed her. The
ice in his mercury-colored eyes was gone. Now they shimmered with
undisguised heat.

His hand slid down, then he hooked his arms
under her knees. The move lifted Izzy’s legs even higher and spread
them at the same time. From this angle, Tristan bored straight into
her soul.

Izzy mewed. Each thrust merged them together,
taking him directly over the hidden bundle of nerves. He ground
himself into her as he impaled her again and again. Tristan drove
her body harder and harder until pleasure blinded her. She cried
out from the overload and tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

Tristan’s hands locked onto her shoulders,
and Izzy saw his eyes shift to wolf. A growl rumbled from his
throat right before his teeth locked onto her shoulder.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she murmured, but
she wasn’t sure Tristan heard her.

His thrusts became more primal. His hips
bucked, and he pounded into her.

Izzy thrashed as the pressure built inside of
her. She couldn’t stop the moans from escaping or the nonsensical
pleas for release. Tristan licked her shoulder and let her go.

“Don’t hold back,” he snarled. “I want to
hear you scream my name. Want to see your body flushed with
passion. What to feel you embrace every inch of me.” His speed

Izzy unraveled in his arms. The pleasure was
unlike anything she’d ever experienced. When she came, it was like
a detonator went off inside her head. Everything exploded. Colors
burst behind her eyes, and Izzy screamed Tristan’s name. The world
faded as the blast sent her tumbling over the edge.

Isabel’s scream rang in his ears, and her
tight sheath gripped him like a vise until Tristan could barely
move. When had sex ever been like this?

, a little voice whispered.

He gazed upon her. She was perfect. Tristan
felt his body tighten as her core continued to pulse. He didn’t
want the moment to end. This might be the only time they slept
together. He rocked his hips to draw out her orgasm. Once the
spasms eased, Tristan sought his own release.

He surged inside of her and felt his sac
rise. Tristan built up a steady rhythm. He wouldn’t last long. A
ripple of pleasure struck, taking his breath away. He’d had sex
plenty of times and never experienced anything like it.

Tristan stoked faster, reaching for
completion. The pleasure inside him increased to the point of pain.
Something was wrong, but he couldn’t seem to stop. His movements
became frenzied, and Tristan began to swell.

What were those stories he’d heard about
Damon and Aidan, when they’d found their mates?

Realization dawned. It couldn’t be.
Horrified, Tristan tried to pull out of Isabel, but he couldn’t.
His shaft was too big. He rocked his hips back, but only managed to
move an inch.

No! No! No! He wouldn’t allow this to happen.
Tristan tugged harder, but he didn’t budge.

Isabel moaned and raked her nails down his
back, oblivious to the physical changes taking place in him.

Tristan hissed at the mixture of pain and
pleasure, then felt his canines lengthen. She was human. This
couldn’t happen to him. He was stronger, more focused than the
others. Determined to outsmart fate, Tristan jerked his head to the
side and bit his own arm.

Blood filled his mouth, but he didn’t care.
As long as he didn’t bite her, he could get through this. All he
had to do was achieve release.

Tristan locked a hand onto Isabel’s hip and
thrust harder. Pleasure erupted inside of him, and he swelled even
more. Fire raced down Tristan’s spine, leaving him gasping for

The flames spread, and he bellowed. The first
white-hot wave struck, and Tristan’s body convulsed. His release
went on forever and ever. Every time he thought his beast had
finished, he’d spurt again and groan in blissful agony. Tristan had
never experienced this level of blinding pleasure in his life.

Was this what sex would be like every time
with Isabel? If so, he’d never survive.

, the word echoed in his

Tristan shook his head in denial. She
couldn’t be. He waited for the swelling to ease then quickly pulled
out. Isabel’s eyes were closed, but she had a smile on her face. He
didn’t want to ruin the moment, but Tristan was too shaken by what
had occurred to stay in bed.

“I need to use the bathroom.” He practically
leapt off her.

Isabel cracked an eye open. “You must have to
go bad.”

He caught a glimpse of the hickey on her neck
and stopped short. Had he broken the skin? Please goddess no.
Tristan ran his tongue over his teeth, but didn’t taste anyone’s
blood but his own.

“How’s your shoulder?” he asked, hoping he
hadn’t hurt her.

“It’s a little tender, but I’ll live,” she

“Don’t worry, I didn’t break the skin,” he

“I wasn’t worried. It kind of felt good.”
Isabel’s lashes fluttered open all the way. Her smile slowly faded
as she caught sight of him. “Are you okay? Your arm is

Tristan put on his social mask. He wore it
anytime he needed to avoid emotional entanglement. “It’s nothing,”
he snapped and shoved his arm behind his back.

“Doesn’t look like nothing to me, Frosty.”
She rolled onto her side to get a better look.

Tristan gritted his teeth. “I said it’s
nothing. Leave it alone.”

Isabel’s brow rose, but she didn’t say
anything else.

Tristan rushed into the bathroom.

He felt like an ass. He never rushed out of a
woman’s bed, but tonight he’d had no choice. Tristan stared at his
reflection in the mirror. His wolf stared back.

“What were you thinking?” he muttered.

The wolf snarled and bared its teeth.

Tristan turned the water on and splashed it
over his face. The cool liquid wasn’t enough to diffuse the panic.
He reached for the shower nozzle instead. Once he had the shower
set to cold, Tristan took off the lodestone necklace and set it on
the side of the sink, then stepped beneath the spray.

The water took his breath away but did little
to ease the tension inside of him. He’d read the reports about
Damon Laroche and Aidan Fortier. He’d even gone to check on them in

He’d been so certain that choosing humans for
mates was due to their bloodline that he’d dismissed the cases as
anomalies. But there’d been no mistaking what had happened with

From all the reports Tristan had read and the
wolves he’d interviewed, he knew that the only time a wolf locked
inside a woman was when it found its mate. He liked Isabel. How
could he not? But she was human. And humans weren’t meant to mate
with the Moonlight Kin. It was a fact his wolf would have to


* * * * *


Izzy hadn’t expected flowers or for Tristan
to fix her dinner, but she’d thought he’d at least be polite enough
to stick around for a few minutes after they’d had sex.

She pulled the blanket around her, feeling
chilled despite the heat. Izzy didn’t feel used. She’d entered into
this with her eyes wide open. But she did feel cheap. Tristan
must’ve thought the same. He’d barely been able to look at her.
When he had met her gaze, he’d appeared positively

It was obvious he had more than a few regrets
about what they’d done.

The worst part was Izzy didn’t. The sex was
beyond a doubt the best she’d ever had. She’d tried to hold part of
herself back, while keeping lust at the forefront, but it hadn’t

Despite her best efforts, feelings had worked
their way into the equation. Unwelcome feelings. Feelings that
would only end up hurting her, when it was time to walk away.

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