Read Moonlight and Margaritas Online

Authors: Cindy Stark

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

Moonlight and Margaritas (10 page)

BOOK: Moonlight and Margaritas
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She kept an eye on Joe as he climbed aboard and removed his air tank, hoping he'd join her for lunch.  The excitement of the dive still pulsed in her veins, and more than anything, she wanted to sit with him and talk about what she'd encountered.

He didn't even glance her way as he took his lunch and headed into the wheelhouse.  Despite what seemed like a reconciliation in the ocean below, it appeared she and Joe were back to being strangers on deck.

Instead, Thomas slid onto the bench next to her, bumping her with his leg.

"Incredible, wasn't it?"  His blue eyes sparkled with adventure.

She smiled.  "That's an understatement.  The size of that whale shark was unbelievable, yet it wasn't threatening at all like I thought it might be.  I can't help it, but whenever I hear the word 'shark', I think Great White and Jaws."

"I think most people do."  His gaze flicked down her body and back, making her uncomfortable.  "Even though it's not aggressive, you still shouldn't underestimate its power."

She shifted on the bench, putting a little distance between the two of them.  "No, I won't."  He'd seemed mildly attractive at first, but where Joe's flirtations came across as sexy, Thomas's seemed a bit creepy.  "Joe's a good guide.  I'm sure he'll warn us of any dangers."  She was completely comfortable putting her trust in him.

Thomas shrugged.  "Yeah, he's okay, but not that experienced of a diver, if you ask me." 

Elena remained silent, unwilling to argue Joe's virtues with him.

"So, are you a single lady like your friend, Mercedes?"  He tried again to engage her.  Obviously, subtly wasn't one of Thomas's strong suits. 

She glanced at Mercedes who was ensconced between two of the other divers, a third not far away.  Elena hesitated before answering.  "Yes."  She really didn't want to relay that information to him, but what else could she say?  Mercedes had probably already told him she was.

"Down for a little R & R, huh?"  He gave her a knowing smile, and she resisted the urge to say something rude that would wipe the smile from his face. 

"I guess you could say that."  She forced herself to remain cordial, ignoring the underlying sexual vibes he hurled her way. 

He dropped his gaze to her breasts for a pointed look before he looked at her face again.  "You think maybe you want to hook up back at the hotel?  We could grab some dinner and see what happens."  He chuckled.  "A little 'what happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico'?"

The thought repulsed her.  "Uh, no thanks."  She gathered her lunch and stood.  From the corner of her eye, she saw Joe come out from the wheelhouse.  She focused on him at the same moment he spied her talking to Thomas.  His expression hardened before he walked over to the empty air tanks and started stowing them in a locker with more force than was necessary. 

She couldn't win.

What was up with this guy—make that all guys, she thought when she realized Thomas still leered at her as though he hoped she'd change her mind.  Dealing with them was just too much.  Without another word to Thomas, she headed for the railing nearest Mercedes, tossing her remaining lunch in a trash can.

"You don't know what you're missing," Thomas called out behind her, loud enough for her and—she was sure—Joe to hear.


*      *      *

For Elena, the next few hours passed without incident.  Thomas still watched her which made her completely uncomfortable, but he didn't approach her again.  Joe had adopted the same attitude, although she liked it when their gazes collided, which happened frequently when they were above water.  He constantly had a frown on his face, but he did look her way.  Obviously, he hadn't been able to ignore her like she was sure he'd wanted to.  Good.  The tension between them still had a heartbeat.  She could feel it every time their eyes met, and that gave her enough hope to keep her wondering.

Watching the way he'd moved with ease about the deck tortured her.  Every time his biceps flexed, she fantasized about having him back in her arms.  He was a great guy.  Smart, sexy, and he had a certain way about him that people tended to gravitate to, including her.  Only she couldn't.  Or at least, she didn't dare.

As they drew closer to their last dive spot, Mercedes joined her at the railing.  Together, they watched the trail of white, foamy water the boat left in its wake.  Elena hated for their expedition to be almost over.  As long as they were still diving or traveling to a new dive spot, there was the possibility that she could rekindle the spark between her and Joe.  Once she stepped foot on the dock, she might not ever see him again.

And she wanted to.  She wanted to spend more time in his company before she headed back to the real world where all of her stresses waited for her.  She just wished he'd give her the slightest hint of an invitation.

"Are you going to say something to him before we leave?" Mercedes raised her voice over the roar of the engine.

She shrugged.  "I don't know.  It’s probably pointless.  Plus, you and I need to spend some time together tonight.  We need to talk."

Mercedes raised her brows as she turned her back to the water and leaned against the rails, tilting her face upward to catch the sun's rays.  "That might be a problem."

Elena frowned.  "Why is that?"

A sly grin tilted Mercedes's lips.  "I've made other plans."

Why wasn't she surprised?  "You're kidding."  She scanned the faces of her fellow divers and found the guy with bright red hair, watching them with more than a casual interest.  "With who?  Liam?"

"Don't you
that name?" she purred.  "Liam…"

She rolled her eyes at Mercedes.  "I suppose.  Are you going with him just for his name?"

"I've never dated a Liam."  She ran her tongue across her top lip.  "Plus, he's promised me oysters and lobster.  We'll see if oysters really are an aphrodisiac."

Annoyance spiked in Elena.  Maybe it was the tension from being in Joe's presence all day, but not being able to flirt with him.  Or creepy Thomas constantly watching her.  Or maybe it was Mercedes butting in where she didn't belong or indulging in more self-destructive behavior, but enough was enough.  Their trip wasn't supposed to be an orgy of men and alcohol.  Plus, there were some strong undercurrents going on with her friend that she'd really like to have time to discuss, but her friend had a one-track mind.  "Good God, Mercedes.  Is it ever
about sex?"

Mercedes shrugged and laughed.  "You know me…"

"Are you going to sleep with him, too?"  Her friend's casualness fueled Elena's irritation.  "Seriously, how many men have you had since your last divorce?  And while you're at it, tell me this—do you plan on having a different man every night that you're here?"

The color drained from Mercedes's face, and for a second, she looked like a lost little girl.  With her next breath, her fire returned.  "I thought you were my friend."

Regret wiped out her annoyance.  "I
your friend, Mercedes.  It's just I worry about you."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big girl, Elena.  Who and how many men I sleep with is none of your concern.  You're acting just like that bitch Carmen who works for you.  I thought
came here to free yourself from
inhibitions, not lecture me about the lack of mine."

"That doesn't mean having sex with a bunch of different guys."  Her friend couldn't really believe that, could she?  It was one thing to indulge in a steamy one-night affair.  Quite a different thing to do that with a different man every night.

Mercedes gave her a shrug ripe with attitude.  "Sounds like a personal problem for you.  Perhaps you should take a lesson from me, chica, and then you wouldn't find yourself moping because a guy's avoiding you." 

Mercedes stalked away and planted herself on Liam's lap.  Her friend wrapped her arms around Liam's neck and tugged his head toward hers, giving him a long, smoldering kiss.  Several of the other divers, including Thomas watched with fascination.  When their kiss ended, Thomas and the older, gray-haired man both turned their gazes to Elena, as though they were sizing up whether or not she was the same kind of woman as her friend.

Elena exhaled her frustration and turned back toward the open water.  She wasn't overly inhibited.  People needed limits, which was a concept Mercedes couldn't seem to grasp.  When she'd cooled down, she'd forgive Mercedes for her remark.  Her friend had obviously fired back because Elena had struck a nerve, which she really hadn't meant to, but this trip had thrown her a little off kilter as well. 

What really concerned her was Mercedes's extreme behavior.  Whatever her friend's problem was, it was bigger than Elena had first thought.  It seemed the longer they were in paradise, the more things escalated.

The bright sun had passed the midday point by the time they reached their last dive, and Elena could feel the sting of it on her face, even with the high-octane sunscreen she'd slathered on her skin.  She made up her mind about Joe as she donned her air tank for the final time.  She knew she'd regret it if she didn't say something to him before she disembarked, so she'd wait until they reached the dock, and then she'd find a way to talk to him in private.



Joe had all he could take for one afternoon.  He powered down his boat, grateful they'd reached their last dive spot.  If he had to watch that asshole Thomas hit on his—on Elena one more time, he was going to punch him.  The man needed to learn his place.  When a woman said no, she meant no.

Unfortunately, Elena had also said no to him when she'd walked out that morning.  He knew firsthand exactly how bad that sucked. 

He should be thanking the gods in heaven that she'd left with no further demands on his time.  When did a woman
do that?  They always wanted something.  Snuggling all night, breakfast, a promise that he'd call. 

Elena had been the perfect one-night stand.

Just his luck, she was the one woman he would have been happy to accommodate if she'd wanted more.  Unless it was for something permanent.  That he wouldn't do.  He'd spent far too much of his life trying to make others happy.  It was his turn to play, and he would have been happy to play with her.

But no.  She had to go and leave him high and dry, and that pissed him off.  Shouldn't…but it did.

He ignored the happy smiles of his guests as he went to the back of the boat to help Paul check the amount of air left in their tanks.  The worst part was knowing that he cared enough to be pissed off.  He'd finally gained freedom from his family and all their expectations.  This worrying about her was bullshit.

Then, to top it off, every time he'd looked at her, he'd found her watching him with those bewitching green eyes.  Whether she meant to or not, her gaze tempted him and teased him until he didn't know if he was coming or going.  All he knew was he'd rather be coming.

He would laugh at the irony of his last thought, but he wanted her so bad, it wasn't close to being funny.

When everyone was outfitted and assembled, his tiresome group dropped one by one into the ocean until only Elena remained.  She looked at him expectantly, as though she had something to say, but he couldn't listen to her at the moment.  Being with her and being jealous of the other men's attention to her had weakened him to the point of no return.  If he didn't watch himself, he'd be begging for another night, and then another and another, and that didn't fit into his current plans at all.

"See you down under," he said to her and turned away.  He didn't look back until he heard her splash.  Then he inserted his breathing apparatus, adjusted his goggles and followed the group.

This would be a shallow dive to end their day.  A shipwreck located just over forty feet down.  Usually a favorite among his clients.  The sunken fishing vessel provided a place for the marine habitat to congregate, which made it an interesting area to explore.

A school of jacks swished past him as he descended toward his group.  Wielding absolutely no control over his desire to ignore Elena, he searched for her black and purple wetsuit and found her amongst the crowd.  He forced his gaze away.  He needed to stop looking at her, stop thinking about her, and most of all, stop wanting her.

The first thing he'd do after this excursion would be to take an ice cold shower, and the second would be to go to Mojitos and find another sweet-looking woman to erase Elena's fingerprints from his body.

He had no doubt he'd be able to accomplish this task.  He just had to survive until then.

The group had split into two, with Mercedes and three guys dropping down to the ocean floor next to the wreck, while Elena's group swam on a little farther around the side of the vessel.  He opted for the closest party, avoiding temptation.

After letting his group explore the area surrounding the wreck, he pointed out a small opening on the side of the ship that had probably cracked open as the fishing boat hit the ocean floor.  The small group gathered around with interest.  He removed the dive light he kept attached to his belt and turned it on, shining the beam into the interior of the decrepit vessel.  Mercedes squeezed in next to him, peering inside the hole.  Just as she was about to fully stick her head inside the opening, a school of black and white moorish idols cruised out.  Mercedes stumbled backward, obviously surprised.  She glanced at him and nodded with delight.

BOOK: Moonlight and Margaritas
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