MoonLife (15 page)

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Authors: Sherri Ann Smith

BOOK: MoonLife
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“Don’t you understand Lars
? S
he is not yours
! “Red-faced now, Sebastian begins to shout at Lars, “
ll this is for naught! She will never be yours, she has never been yours. She was born to be mine
. I
t was designated by the Gods themselves.”

“That is not so. The Queen told me that she was marked for a Mandurago but that she chose the Dracco.” 

“You have unusually colorful ideas
but the Queen never wished her to be a Dracco. What
other would? You use your mates, you don’t cherish them.”

“She marked me” said Lars and he motion
to pull back the corner of his shirt. Sebastian
still holding him down, used his loose hand to pull back Lars’ collar. To the left of his neck was the royal mark of the Queen, the mark that is only given when you have been hand-chosen to be a mate of a royal. “You see blood sucker
? S
he marked me for her Daughter…not you.” Sebastian, in disbelief, let go of Lars and stumbled back.

“It can’t be, she wouldn’t of….she hated you and the Draccos.” He said, unable to believe what he has just seen.

Lars took this moment to make his move. Moving his hand, he grabbed for the sword that was lying
near him, next
to a dead Dracco and snatched it up. Leaping to his feet, he ran at Sebastian, “No
you’re right
she didn’t, but it won’t matter anymore because you will be dead and the Kali Princess will be mine!” As Sebastian turned, Lars reached out and start
to stab at Sebastian fatally. Sebastian
realizing his grave mistake, turns to look at Sadie one final time, knowing this is the end.


Lying on the floor, I awakened to the feeling of my head pounding out a beat of pain. As I regained consciousness, I begin to feel the emotion of sheer terror going through my body. I knew that feeling, the closeness, it was Sebastian
but never have I felt this kind of overpowering feeling of loss and terror. I looked around and remembered where I was, the fight was still going on. I
Sebastian across the room and everything start
moving in slow-motion. I realized then that the emotions I am feeling are from his knowledge that he is about to die, and leave me here alone forever with Lars. Still in slow motion, as if watching a movie in half speed,  Lars takes the long sword he is holding and points it towards Sebastian’s chest.

Knowing he cannot die now, and knowing that I do not want to live without him, I climb to my feet while my head is still reeling from Lars’ hard
. Feeling very unsettled as a whirlwind of emotions start swirling through my body and mind, I gather up all my feelings, all my love, and all the power that I can muster and I lift up my arms to the ceiling.  Closing my eyes, I scream at the top of my lungs, “NO!” Releasing every bit of power I had out through my hands at them, at the room, hell… at the situation. I was done, this was done…I was not having it anymore. I wanted it to be over.  I opened my eyes and realized I
gotten my wish. Time… movement…the world…everything had stopped.

I breathed easy for a moment, seeing a shimmering around the room, and I instantly knew my royal powers were making this possible. My scream had stopped time
. I walked over to where Sebastian and Lars were fighting, now held in a terrifying stance of Sebastian’s
death. I pulled Sebastian down out of the way of his impending demise from Lars’ sword. He was safe now, in my arms, and that is where I wanted him to be. I held him for a moment,
cherishing his closeness, knowing what I must do and fearing what may happen. I gently sat him down on the floor, letting his back rest against the wall. I stood again and closed my eyes. I took a moment to think about what I truly wanted, about what it all meant and how I really felt about it. I sensed a shimmer around me and knew instantly that my mother was with me
hough I couldn’t see her, I felt that she was with my energy and would help guide me from here on out. I imagined what I wanted to do and played the scene out in my mind’s eye, feeling my Royal
owers moving and working through me. I let my energy out into the room and counted to three, reopening my eyes I saw that time had restarted, and everyone around me was moving again.

Slowly walking to the middle of the chaos I raised my arms up to release the power I could feel flowing through me. Everyone had slowed now, fighting had ended, and they were just standing there watching me, as if I was an enigma. They could feel the power I was putting out into the room, filling it with my emotions.  They watched as my body began to glow, radiating with the powers passed down from my mother, the Queen and her descendants. I almost felt possessed by them, by their grace, their strength, and their intelligence. The room was now fully silent, as if they were waiting for something
I realize
then that they were waiting for me to speak.

In a voice sounding like many women speaking at once, I began, “I will not have this. I will not have more fighting. It is done. We are to be united not torn asunder. Lars
I am sorry, but I will not and do not love you. My love is for Sebastian. I do not care if he is Mandurago or human or Dracco, he has won my heart. As for you Lars, I wish you and your people no ill will; I just will not be your
ueen. I know that your true
ueen is out there looking for you. If you drop this dream of me, you will find her and be very happy
this I promise. If you continue down the path you have chosen, I am afraid it will not have a good outcome for you
this I promise as well. I hope you choose wisely.”

I am aware again of the whirlpool of energy and light around me, and I use it to my advantage
as I
slowly lower my arms. As they lower, all the weapons in the room drop to the floor. I move to Sebastian and offer him my hand and say, “Shall we go
Sebastian? We have a very important night ahead of us.” Sebastian takes my hand and climbs to his feet, and he gallantly leads us out through the crowd. The group of Manduragos and Draccos part and let us

Lars, not happy that I am leaving and not happy that he has been told he cannot have me, growls loudly from behind us. Pressing his words out with a snarl,
he says,
“I am not done with you yet
dear Princess. Your
other promised you to me, and if I can’t have you… no one will.”

He rushes at me as I turn slowly. As if time has slowed again, I close my eyes and call on my powers, lifting a sword up off the floor and into my waiting hand. I open them once again and say to Lars, “As I promised, I told you no good would come of this. You have chosen. Goodbye
.” And as
he lunges at me, I raised the sword and he impales himself upon it. Lars looks at me and Sebastian in disbelief, as the life goes out of his eyes.

I have slain the dragon



When we were safely out of the room and out of the
reach, Sebastian stopped and held me tight. “Are you okay
ove? That was remarkable in there
I take it you have mastered some more of your Royal Powers?” He hugged me tighter waiting for my reply.

“Yes, I’m okay. My face hurts a little from that hit, but the rest…I can’t explain it all, it was surreal.” I looked up into Sebastian’s eyes
unable to express in words to him all that had just happened. I was so glad to be with him and not someone’s prisoner, and finally to have an end to the Lars problem. His embrace felt so warm, so right. I let down my mental metal ski cap, letting all my feelings out to him. I sent a flood of my thoughts and emotions to him.  All the things that had happened when he was away from me and all the things that just happened jumbled all together. I showed him how I knew my
other was with me now, how it didn’t feel like I was doing the talking back there yet I knew it was. I knew I definitely was saying the words, but I felt like I was being directed somehow. I also showed him how when I used my Royal
lood power it was as if I was connected to all the past Royals, and their powers are being channeled into me. It was all so confusing. I held Sebastian tight while all my emotions flooded into him. 

He held me motionless while taking everything in and sending some of his love and concern back. I could feel his response to the thought of losing me, I could sense his horror when Lars came after me with the sword, but mostly I could feel his loss for me when he thought Lars was going to kill him. He thought he was going to lose me forever at that moment. He held me tighter with my realization of that.

“You saved me
Sadie. You and your
oyal blood powers pulled me out of the path of his sword. I would be dead now if you hadn’t
upon your powers. Thank you.” He leaned down and kissed me. The most gentle, slowest, sensual kiss he’d ever given me. I felt the spark of electricity flow through me from his lips. It warmed me inside, touched me and let me know I had done the right thing all around.

I pulled slowly away from him and we began walking back to the rooms. The people around us parted as we came through. We had broken
tradition of not seeing each other before the ceremony, but the people around us didn’t seem to mind. They seemed thrilled to see us, bowing and chanting towards us as we went by. When we finally got to the room
I collapsed on the bed, Sebastian following after.

We laid there in each other’s arms for the longest time, not saying a word to one another. Just holding each other and exchanging our emotions back and forth. I wasn’t entirely sure of everything we had just experienced, and I knew there would be much more of those types of experiences in the future. I just wish I had more answers to my Royal
lood powers.

“You know
one good thing did happen…I saw my
other.” I smiled to myself as I said it.

“What?” he asked, lifting himself up on one arm and turning on his side to face me. “I thought you said you felt her…not actually saw her.”

“When Talia kidnapped me, they had me tied up on the bed, and she came to me. She told me that I had all the powers inside of me and that I just had to believe.”

“So she showed you how to call your powers?”

not actually
. S
he told me if I could believe it in my mind
then it could be true. I tried
but I couldn’t get them to work. Then when I got scared and knew I was truly in trouble
I was able to focus and get them to work.”

“It was astonishing to watch you use them today. Your power was so
it was literally surging through everyone in the room. Your powers are very young yet, it was quite
that you were able to do that so soon.” He reached down and pushed a lost lock of my hair behind my ear, “I am so extremely thankful that you were able to find your center today
and draw on your powers. The Queen must have known you would need them to survive, for all of us to survive.”

I closed my eyes and thought about it. She saved us, really it was her. She helped me when I needed her.

“She said the path was going to be very hard.” I paused, thinking about her image. “She was
she glowed with little lights.”

Rubbing my cheek with
hand he said, “She was very beautiful, you look just like her.” He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “You were glowing today too. Just like when I have seen
he Queen
on her powers in the past.”

“It was weird
Sebastian. It was like I was saying it all and doing it, yet I was somehow being directed… no that’s not the right word, guided. Oh, I don’t know
.  I
t’s hard to explain.”

“It’s not unusual
Sadie. You are the Kali Princess. Your Royal
lood powers are passed down from generation to generation. When you call on your powers, you are calling on all the past Queens to come and help you. I have heard it’s like being filled with spirit
that is why you glow. You are being touched by the goddess, or directed as you say.”

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