Moon Tortured (Sky Brooks Series Book 1) (51 page)

BOOK: Moon Tortured (Sky Brooks Series Book 1)
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“Do the reasons really matter?”

“I guess not,” I stated trying to sound just as aloof as I stood up to leave.

He reached out to grasp my hand, but I quickly withdrew before he could touch me. “Skylar, it’s not that I dislike you. Quite the contrary, I actually find you quite tolerable. You are a chaotic mess, and it’s … endearing.”

Seriously, was that supposed to be a compliment? “And you’re an ass. We’re quite the pair aren’t we?” I snapped back.

He held a look of casual indifference, the insult rolling off him, “I will always want what is best for my pack, and you aren’t good for us,” he continued.

“Message received.” I responded in a curt voice as I stood to leave. “Thanks for the run and dinner,” I asserted half-heartedly as I headed back to the room and as far from Ethan as I could possibly get.

“You’re quite welcome.”

He was a smug one. Before I could close the door, Ethan called to me from the bottom of the stairs. I didn’t answer initially, but when I heard him coming up, I poked my head out. I figured if I kept him downstairs, he would just leave me alone.

“It has been quite
knowing you.” There was such finality to his words that I was sure I wasn’t going to see him again, if he had anything to do with it.

“Same here,” I declared through tightly clenched teeth, wishing I possessed the skill to make my words come off as cold and stringent as he did. I closed the door firmly behind me.



Steven waited patiently as I gathered the remainder of my things. During the drive home, he promised to visit me in a week, to see how things were going. I hoped he would, though I found it highly unlikely. Between school and pack obligation, Steven was a very busy person. Life was going to get in the way, and I doubted he would have time to visit or stay in touch with the “enigmatic mess” of a werewolf.

“Do you think the vampires will retaliate?” I asked once he pulled up in front of the house.

He shook his head. “Once they realize you are alive—which they will, they will assume you are still under our protection. A war between the were-animals and the vampires would leave them with too great of a loss. Demetrius isn’t willing to accept that with nothing more to gain than revenge or to make an idle point. He’s aware there is power in numbers and he has already lost several powerful members to this. For now, you are safe from vampire attacks.”

I let out a sigh of relief. He smiled modestly. “However, don’t be complacent. You have enemies now. Michaela won’t soon forget how amusing she found you. Gabriella will begrudge your existence because of what you did to Chase. It would be wise if you were careful,” he cautioned. He looked out the window for a long time; when he spoke, his voice was weighted with concern. “The things you can do with magic,” he said as he turned to face me, “keep it to yourself. Gavin’s not the only one who hates abnormalities. The Creed really doesn’t like it. They’re not like Josh; he’s kind. Things like that don’t bother him,” he stated. I wasn’t sure if he could elaborate, but the look on his face was enough of a warning to keep my mouth shut.

I nodded. Before getting out the car, I hugged him. “Be careful, Sky.”

When I walked into the house, I dropped my bags inside, next to the front door. I stayed at the window until he drove away. I had a lot to think about regarding my life, including joining the pack. My life had definitely changed. My existence was known. I had piqued the interest of too many people—the wrong people. I was pulled into a world that I didn’t know existed, and there wasn’t a rabbit hole in sight for me to jump out of.

There were so many questions I needed answered, and I didn’t know where to start. Who killed Maya, and why? What was it about me that made it so easy for me to be bound to something as dark as the Gem of Levage? And Claudia, who was she really? Like everything else in this world, there seem to be more to her than just being Ethan and Josh’s godmother. The odd painting that commanded my attention seemed to offer more than mere aesthetics. There was something ominous about it, and I felt like I had missed something in it, and it was haunting me at this very moment. Finally, what did it say about me that I had the ability to expunge the most powerful purveyor of dark magic?

I grabbed my bags and started toward my room when I noticed a figurine of Fantasia’s Mickey apprentice placed on the side table in the living room with a note:



Here’s to dancing brooms and shooting stars. Josh.








Thank you for choosing Moon Tortured from the many titles available to you. My goal, as the author, is to create an engaging world, compelling characters, and an interesting experience for you. I hope I have accomplished that. If you enjoyed Moon Tortured, and even if you didn’t, let other readers know your thoughts about the book by leaving a review.

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It is humbling to have such wonderful people take the time out of their schedule to not only read my manuscript, but also offer constructive criticism, invaluable feedback, and support throughout the process. I am truly thankful for my mother, Shawn Arroyo, Gregory Caughman, Tiffany Dix, April Franks, London Gibbs and Marcia Synder. This book is not solely my creation but a result of the time you all gave to improve it from the original.

I would like to offer a special thanks to Sheryl Cox and Stacy McCright. Sheryl, I can never truly express how grateful I am that you made the time between working fulltime and going to school, to read each draft, coach me and offer your skills and experience selflessly. You treated my manuscript as though it were your own, and worked tirelessly to support, and encourage me throughout the process. I can never repay you for that level of dedication. Stacy, I don’t believe you have the same twenty four hours in your day as everyone else. You didn’t hold your punches and gave freely of your compliments as well as criticism, which after developing thicker skin, I learned to appreciate. I developed a love/hate relationship with each critique you emailed me and quickly learned to accept them for what they were—a challenge to improve.

I would also like to thank Wayne Purdin, my editor and Reese Dante @
, for the cover art.

Last but definitely not least, I would like that thank my readers for giving my book a chance and choosing to follow Skylar through her journey.





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