Moon Kissed (12 page)

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Authors: Aline Hunter

BOOK: Moon Kissed
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“Have you considered ringing up Luke? That might be best.”

The Warlock knew more than Wolfe was comfortable with. “What about Luke?”

“Don’t play stupid.” Trevor
ed, licking a sliver of cheese from his lips. “You should tell him what’s going on.”

Trevor was probably right but Wolfe didn’t want to contact Luke. Adam’s younger brother had made it clear he wasn’t interested in being in charge. Not right now. That was the primary reason Adam had turned to Wolfe to take care of things in his absence. While Wolfe could ask Luke for help, he wasn’t sure if he should. The pack might take it as a sign of weakness. If they did, Wolfe would have to prove his worth and fight any male who wanted to challenge him for the position.

Like he didn’t have enough crap on his shitty plate.

“There’s another option.” Trevor reclined in his chair. “You could always step up to the plate and
take your place as Alpha. No more bullshit either. If you show the pack what you’re really capable of, there won’t be an issue.”

Son of a bitch.
The warlock knew a
more than Wolfe was comfortable with. “How long have you known?”

“That you’re a natural born Alpha?” At Wolfe’s nod, Trevor said, “I’ve been living in the Quarter for over a century. I know everything about everyone.”

“You know what happened? You’ve heard about what I’ve done?”

The thought of anyone with that knowledge ate him up inside. He’d been so stupid. So fucking naive. His weakness had made him do the unthinkable. Even with Adam’s support, the pack didn’t trust him and Wolfe didn’t blame them. That was one of many reasons he’d decided it was best to let Adam ascend.

“I know what happened,” Trevor answered slowly, nursing his pizza. “It’s not your fault a she-bitch trapped you with magic. It won’t be the first time—or the last—a female has stooped so low.”

Wolfe set the pizza on the edge of the box, his voracious appetite gone. “I killed one of my own.”

she scribed with your name killed that lycae, no’ you. You couldn’t have done anything to stop what had been set into motion. Love curses are nasty. I stay away from them for a reason.”

Wolfe’s mind drifted back, traveling to the not so distant past.

The memory of ripping out the throat of his brethren disgusted him. He had been so lost in the moment, unable to stop himself. He hadn’t understood the possessiveness, the desire and the raw need that had consumed him when he’d met, and consequently fucked, Deidre. He truly thought he’d met his mate—the one female for him. Only to learn the truth when the spell faded and the world came crashing down around him.

Deidre had been a scorned woman who ended the life of another because he’d denied her sexual advances. Her pride had only been able to take so much. To retaliate, she’d hatched the perfect plan. Wolfe became her means to the end. She’d fucked him, bespelled him and ruined his life with a fucking smile on her face.

He’d departed New Orleans and joined another pack shortly thereafter, living with friends and relatives in New York. But he couldn’t escape what he’d done. There wasn’t enough distance in the world to take the blood from his hands.

“None of that matters now.” Wolfe shook off the horrific memories and rose from his seat. “I can’t risk the pack. With Adam gone, they’re too uneasy. I’ll talk to Arden and make her understand. As soon as Adam returns and she’s safe, I’ll deal with Lucius.”

“How do you plan to deal with him?”

“By extending an olive branch. I’m going to give him my word Arden will leave him alone if he agrees to the same when it comes to her.”

Trevor tossed his pizza crust into the box. “That won’t work.”

Like hell it wouldn’t. “The vampyren king won’t risk going head-to-head with the pack. He has too much at stake. The man has enough enemies without adding lycae to the list. With Arden gone, he can breathe easy. He’d be a fool to say no.”

“Oh, I have no doubt he’ll accept your offer. He’s been dodging that mate of yours for two decades now. She’s taken out his best masters and slaves time and again.”

“Then it won’t be an issue—”

“It most certainly
be an issue,” Trevor snapped, no longer amiable or friendly. “Cricket won’t find peace until she has killed Lucius Mercoix. It’s been the one constant that has driven her all these years. She took a vow. She’s sworn she’ll do everything in her power to see it fulfilled. Nothing you say or do will stop that.”

“She avowed herself?”


The information changed everything he’d planned. Avowing yourself as an immortal meant you couldn’t turn away, even if you wanted to. It was more than a matter of honor. A vow was a living entity, something that could never be denied. Some believed that by speaking the word a spell was evoked, unbreakable until the promise had been kept. Failing to keep your word brought on enormous suffering.

“Why?” What could be so important she’d been willing to sacrifice her life?

“Mercoix killed her friend during a skirmish with the Thymeria human faction. The girl was still alive when Cricket arrived. One touch was all she needed to see the assailant’s face.”

A dark cloud descended, weighing heavy on his shoulders.

Arden was avenging the loss of a loved one.

There was nothing more honorable or important.

He wanted to curse when he reached for his cell and remembered he’d forgotten it in his rush to find Arden. “Where’s your phone?”

“Why? Who are you calling?”

“Taylor Martinson. I need to arrange a meeting with Lucius.”

“And what? Make promises you can’t keep?”

“No,” he snarled, his wolf no longer passive. If Trevor kept pushing, he’d wind up with a fist in his face. “I’m going to remove the threat to Arden once and for all, starting at the source.”

“I doona like that idea at all.” Trevor’s heavy brogue lengthened his vowels and made his voice deeper. “The vampyren king is no’ stupid. He’ll know why you’ve come tae see him. He’ll kill you before ever granting you an audience. You need tae get on the horn tae Luke and ascend tae alpha. That’s the only way tae take the son of a bitch down.”

Wolfe blew the warlock off, searching for a phone. “How long do I have until she wakes up?”

“Donna be a fool!” Trevor snarled and rose to his feet. “You’ll get yourself killed, and Cricket will avow herself a second time.”

Wolfe spun around and faced Trevor. “I don’t have time to argue with you. I’m going to see Lucius, and I’m going to do it while my mate is sleeping and unaware. It’s the only way to be sure she won’t follow. Once she wakes up, I’ll tell her what I’ve decided. It’s my job to keep her safe from harm. If I have to, I’ll kill the fucker once the dust has settled to end her vow.”

“That’s a crock, and you know it. You’ll put her in danger if you place yourself in harm’s way. She’ll come for you, Wolfe. And when she does it won’t be pretty.”

“Then I’ll have to make sure she doesn’t have a reason to come for me.”

“Utter horseshit. You’re not an army of one. Wait until she wakes up. Talk to her. There has to be some way you can come to an agreement. She’s capable of taking care of herself, you know. She’s survived for decades without you.”

“That was then.” Wolfe growled and stepped closer to Trevor, invading the warlock’s personal space. “This is now.”

“So very fucking Zen of you,” Trevor snapped. “I didn’t know you were so goddamn clever.”

Enough of this shit.
“Where. Is. The. Fucking. Phone?”

Trevor didn’t display any fear, only anger. “So be it. It’s your funeral. I can’t force you to pull your head out of your arse. But know this. I won’t let you take Arden down with you. I’ll do whatever I have to if her safety is on the line. Once you leave, you’re on your own.” He lifted a hand and pointed across the room. “The phone’s next to the sink just behind you. Go make your call. Good luck in the afterlife.”

Wolfe turned, went to the phone and yanked the cordless from the base. Trevor had the right idea, but there was one enormous problem. Wolfe couldn’t take control of the pack without their consent. Stepping into Adam’s place temporarily was one thing. Taking over completely—using all of the strength he’d been gifted with at birth—could cause some serious shit to go down. If anyone rejected his ascension, he’d be forced to fight for the position.

A pack that fought amongst itself was weak—vulnerable.

He’d promised Adam he wouldn’t let that happen.

His thoughts shifted to Arden’s safety. So long as she remained in Trevor’s care, she’d be protected. The man was more powerful than he seemed. A hum of magic surrounded him, electrifying the air. Being an alpha, Wolfe could feel the energy rolling off the former sheriff. While the pack was strong, Wolfe had no doubt Trevor McAvoy was equally capable of protecting those he cared for.

The line clicked over on the second ring. “How may I direct your call?” a soft, feminine voice inquired.

“Taylor Martinson.”

“Who can I say is calling?”

Wolfe lifted his gaze and watched Trevor snag another slice of pizza. The Warlock didn’t seem interested in him any longer, chomping on the greasy meal at his disposal. If he wanted to eliminate the danger to his female, he had to strike while the iron was hot.

“Tell him it’s Wolfe Trevlian.”

Chapter Ten

“Cricket, wake up.”

Arden tried to move away from the disturbance pulling her from sleep. Wake up? Why would she want to do that? The cocoon surrounding her was too good—
too warm
—and offered sanctuary from the world she wanted to escape. She retreated into the shadows, eager to return to the welcoming and blissful confines of sleep.

“We’re wasting time,” a deep gravelly baritone grumbled. “Hurry.”

“Give her a minute. It takes time for daylily to counter the effects of nightingale.”

“We don’t have a minute.”

“Damn it, Arden. Wake up.” A rough shake accompanied Trevor’s stern command. She felt an electric zap beneath her skin, followed by a rush of awareness as her grogginess lifted. “Wake up right now. Sleepy time is over.”

She willed her lids to crack open and struggled to focus. Black slowly became gray, the outlines of shapes flooding her vision. Despite Trevor’s magic, the weight of sleep remained, clouding her thoughts and reflexes. Her mind fought to put everything together.

What was going on? She was with Trevor and she was alive, so Wolfe had managed to get her help in time. But where were they? At Trevor’s? In a safe location? How long would it be before her enemies came knocking at the door?

“There’s my girl.” Trevor offered encouragement, urging her to sit upright. “Open those lovely blue peepers for me.”

“We’re wasting time,” a demanding male voice interrupted.

“I bloody heard you,” Trevor snapped. “I’m not deaf.”

“What’s going on?” Arden mumbled, finding her mouth parched. “What happened?”

“It’s your lycae. He—”

A large hand shoved Trevor out of the way. An enormous body took her friend’s place and loomed over the bed. She lifted her head, following the outline of denim-clad thighs. Her gaze ventured up, traveling over a T-shirt that was so snug it stretched over rock hard abs. Steeling herself, she reached the man’s face and met the livid stare of the gargantuan lycae who was bending over her.

Holy shit.

She’d met Luke Trevlian once—when he’d come to Greyson’s after a tussle with a Chimera—and that had been one time too many. The male didn’t fuck around and he didn’t mince words. Rumor had it he didn’t want to lead a pack, even if he was bound to someday. Power oozed from him, surrounding his form like an electric hum. He was slightly shorter than Wolfe, with the same dark black hair and hunter green eyes. A thick shadow covered his jaw and chin, giving him a sinister appearance.

“The warlock tells me you’ve mated my cousin. I’d be inclined to dispute that, considering what you are. You’re lucky Wolfe spoke to other members of the pack about you. Otherwise I wouldn’t have come.” Luke’s nostrils flared and he narrowed his eyes. “You don’t carry Wolfe’s scent. He hasn’t marked you. Why?”

“Trevor?” She backed away, relying on her elbows to support her weight. “Do you mind telling me what’s going on?”

“Don’t turn to him for help and don’t play stupid.” Luke pulled his upper lip back, revealing his long and lethal canines. “Answer the fucking question.”

Her cheeks went hot in embarrassment. Her sex life was not open for discussion. “I’ve only known Wolfe for twenty-four hours. You do the math.”

“He would have claimed you,” Luke growled, “even in that short span of time. We don’t leave our mates unmarked or without our scent once we’ve found them.”

“Like Adam marked Kassia?” Trevor chimed in with a smug expression. “To my knowledge, he still hasn’t managed to claim her. He can’t even
her. By all accounts she’s a free woman.”

Luke spun around and faced Trevor. “Don’t fuck with me.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Trevor didn’t back down despite the fact Luke stood several inches taller than him. “I’m just pointing out the truth.”

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