Read Montana Fire Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Medical, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers

Montana Fire (36 page)

BOOK: Montana Fire
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ax drove them to his house, saying he’d be happy to drop her back home tomorrow. He
carried the leftover food from the cabin as well as her overnight bag. Because they’d
been gone for a while, the inside of his home was rather chilly. Even with a jacket,
Jamie was cold. She rubbed her arms.

“I’ll light the fire. Before you know it, the room will be toasty. How about making
us some coffee to help warm us up?”

“Sure.” Jamie liked how at ease they were around each other.

While Max lit the fire, Jamie brewed the coffee. When she carried out both mugs, the
flames were shooting up the flume. He smiled and lifted his mug from her fingers.

“Nice fire,” she said stepping closer to absorb the warmth.

“Well, I am the fire marshal. I love all types of fires. They fascinate me, but if
I never see another house or building burn again, I’ll be happy.”

“I could sit and look at the flames for hours.” There was something romantic about
a blaze.

“Enough, my little pyromaniac. Come sit with me. I have something I want to discuss
with you.”

His tone wasn’t tinged with despair, so it must not be too bad. She sat on the sofa
next to him. “I’m listening.”

“I thought it was time to talk about us.”

Her heart nearly jumped out of her body. “Us?”

“Us.” He dragged a hand over his chin. “I never planned to fall in love again. Hell,
I worked hard to steel my heart against getting close to anyone. I had this fear that
if I loved someone and then lost her, I’d never recover. But with you, I’m willing
to take the chance. You make me so happy, Jamie Henderson. Happier than, perhaps,
I deserve, but I’m determined to do what it takes to keep you in my life.”

She couldn’t believe her ears. “You love me?”

Max cupped her face. “Yes, I love you. You couldn’t tell? You have a resiliency about
life that I admire, and you have a way at looking at things that’s so incredible.
I figure if you can put up with an old coot like me, I’d like to see where we can
take this relationship.”

Tears fell. “I love you, too,” she sobbed. It sounded anticlimactic after his proclamation,
but it was no less true. “I never thought I’d ever trust another man. To be honest,
I’m not even sure I’ve ever known real love—until I met you.”

In a flash, she was on his lap with his arms wrapped around her. He kissed the top
of her head. “You make me so happy, honey.”

She twisted around and looked up at him. “You, too.”

Jamie had a whole speech practically memorized about how he needed to give love a
chance, and how good they were together, but his words were so much more poetic.

Max hugged her. “You really mean it? You love me?”

She’d never heard any doubt come out of Max’s mouth before, but this had to be a big
step for him, too. “Yes. With my whole heart and soul.”

He grinned. “Then I say we celebrate in a way that will be mutually exciting.”

She couldn’t agree more.
Go for it. Tell him.
For years, she’d wanted this. “I want to live life to the fullest. Do something crazy
like experiment in bed.” She whispered the last three words. Benny never wanted to
do anything unusual.

Max had the audacity to lean back his head and laugh. “Are you shitting me? Care to

Maybe she’d gone too far. “Nothing too out there, but I’ve always fantasized about
being tied up.”

“Oh, yeah? I never thought you’d be such a wild child, but I like it.”

She pursed her lips. “I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman.”

“All five-foot-one of you.”

“Five-feet-two,” she corrected.

He held up a palm. “Woman. Excuse me. You are far more woman than anyone I’ve been

She detected a hint of exaggeration on his part, but she let it pass. “Good.”

Max jumped up. “Wait here.”

She knew better than to ask what he had planned. Down the hall, drawers opened and
closed. He returned waiving a handful of neckties. “Huh? You think this will work
for you?”

“I’ve never seen you wear a tie.” She hadn’t known he’d owned one.

“I can be classy when the need arises.” Max pulled her to a stand. “I want this to
be the best lovemaking experience of our lives. We’ve pledged our love. Now it’s time
to show it.”

Her heart thudded. Max couldn’t be more perfect.

*     *     *

Max was excited. Jamie was his. All his. He needed to go slow in order to bring her
the best climax she’d ever experienced. He’d been too hasty before. Now it was about
showing Jamie Henderson how much he loved and cherished her.

Max stood, clasped her hand and walked her over to the fireplace. “How about closing
your eyes?”

Her breath hitched. “Okay, but can I touch you?”

He’d never be able to last if she did. “No. And no talking either, unless it’s to
ask me a question or tell me what an amazing job I’m doing turning you on.”

Her eyes popped open. “How about if I want to ask you to take off your clothes? Does
that count? That’s a question.”

He cocked a brow, hoping she’d understand that he was in charge. “No.”

She lifted her chin. “Fine, but next time I get to decide what we do.”

He laughed. “I’d like to see you try. Now shush. Relax and enjoy.”

Max wanted to create the most sensual experience for her, to show her how amazing
it could be between them. She wore the prettiest white blouse that hugged her curves.
It made his mouth water just contemplating what was underneath. She must have wanted
him to work to get her naked because the top had a good ten buttons. That was okay.
Max could be the most patient man alive when he wanted something badly enough.

He passed the first button through the hole and eased open the lapel. Instead of moving
on to the next one, he kissed her smooth skin then dipped his head lower and lower
as he undid each button. She moaned and he had to hold in his own groan. He didn’t
want her to know how much she affected him.

Her fingers were moving as if they itched to touch him. She better not even think
about helping undress either one of them. This was all his operation.

He eased open the next two buttons, exposing the tops of her delicate breasts. Damn,
but Max had to work hard not to think about her precious nipples, and how she would
respond to each and every lick. Why did he have to promise himself to go slow?

“Let’s get you out of those boots.” They were the slip on kind, so divesting her of
them would be easy.

He held her elbow while she lifted her leg and yanked them off one by one. She was
being such a good girl to keep her eyes closed. Jamie trusted him. Even though her
shirt wasn’t completely open, he turned his attention to her jeans. With a flick of
a snap, and a quick unzip, her waistband lay wide. Then he took off her jeans.

“You warm enough?” he asked.


She drew in her bottom lip. Thank God she wasn’t looking at him, or she’d have seen
him struggle with control. He had to adjust himself every few seconds to keep from
throwing her on the sofa and making passionate love to her right then and there. But
this wasn’t about his needs. It was about Jamie’s.

Desiring more skin-to-skin contact, he undid the last two buttons on her shirt and
dragged the silky material down over her bare arms. His breath caught at the white
lace bra, which was simple in style, but highly effective in driving him crazy.

“I see you like to please a man.”

She smiled. “I don’t like to please
man.” Had she waited another second before continuing, he would have asked her to
explain. “I want to please

That brought out a grin on his face. “Then, thank you.”

He placed her blouse on the back of the sofa. With her back to the fire, the light
was haloing her blonde hair. She truly was an angel.

Jamie reached out and waved her arms, but as he returned, Max was able to step out
of the way. “What did we decide about you touching me?”

She pouted, but it was clearly for effect. “That’s not fair.”

“Do you trust me to bring you to the highest cliff in the world before we dive into
total glory together?”

“Yes.” She giggled. “You are a poet.”

“I doubt that. You inspire me.”


He stepped close. “Let me take off this frilly lingerie.” He unhooked the back and
lowered the bra straps, revealing her delicious breasts one at a time. His cock turned
to steel the moment the material cleared her pebbled tits. “So perfect.” She opened
her lips, but he was able to stay her comment with a finger. “Remember. Shh.”


He silently chuckled. Jamie was going to be a fabulous challenge. “Place your hands
on your head, honey.”

Her lips formed a “W,” as if she wanted to ask him why, but then she refrained.

What had he done to deserve such an incredible woman?

Jamie looked hot in her tiny panties. So as not to feel a burn on her back, he twisted
her around to face the fire. Max dropped to his knees in front of her and pulled down
her undies.

“I’m naked.” As soon as the words came out, Jamie clamped a hand over her mouth.

He silently laughed, pleased she seemed to be enjoying herself. Max couldn’t wait
any longer. He had to taste her. He leaned over and dragged his tongue through her
wet folds. When he opened her pussy lips, Jamie bent her knees, and her tiny mewling
sound almost broke him. How was he going to last?

“I’m glad.” He stood. “Let me get some cushions for you.” He grabbed two and placed
them on the floor. He then gently guided her down and had her get on her back.

His cock was throbbing something fierce.

She’s all mine

*     *     *

Jamie was bursting at the seams. Not opening her eyes had made Max’s touch set every
cell on fire. The whisper of his jeans sliding down his thighs added to the anticipation.

“Keep your eyes closed now.”

She did—mostly. Jamie lifted her chin, and through her lashes, watched him undress.
Max was amazing. He’d lost so much and had even been shot twice, yet he still had
a zest for life. She couldn’t love him more.

“Ja-mie.” His deep, throaty voice caused pinpricks of delight to skitter across her

“Fine.” She shut her eyes tight this time.

When soft material encircled her wrists, she nearly squealed. This was a dream come

With care, Max wrapped her hands together and tied a knot. “That okay?”

She loved how concerned he was about her comfort. “Yes.”

He lifted her hands above her head, and then fiddled with something. A moment later,
when she tugged, she had little leeway to move. She stretched out her fingers and
hit hard wood. Ah, it was the chair. Her man was clever.

Even though she was near the fire, her nipples hardened at the thought of being at
his total mercy.

“I want your pussy real bad, but I have too much to lick and touch and kiss first.”

“I’m ready.”

“Sure you’re warm enough?” Max placed his palms over her breasts.

“I am now.”

With her pussy vibrating, Max crawled on top of her, but she barely felt the pressure
of his body. His hard chest replaced his warm hands. Jamie yanked on her restraint,
needing to touch him. She couldn’t move. Damn.

His lips gently touched hers. He remained still as if he were memorizing the moment.
Jamie opened her mouth and drew him in. Their tongues touched and she melted. She
wanted to wrap her arms around his back and feel the muscles ripple so bad, but when
she’d couldn’t, it made her want him more. She was helpless, vulnerable, and very
much was enjoying this wanton need building inside her.

Jamie groaned and lifted her hips. She wanted his cock. Max broke the kiss and slid
lower. When his lips latched onto one nipple and his palm caressed the other breast,
she thought she was going to blow. Her climax was building, and she wasn’t sure she
could stop it from taking over. This was about them. About their love. She had to

His warm tongue swirled around the other nipple, causing streaks of delight to shimmy
down her belly. When he drew the tip between his teeth and tugged, she gasped for

“Please, Max. I need you.”

“Easy, honey. A little longer. I want to love each one again.” He switched to the
other side and tugged until her juices flowed hard.

“I can’t. Please.”

He must have finally believed she was on the edge. Instead of giving her his cock,
Max moved lower and licked her clean. She yelled out his name. “Untie me. Now.”

If she didn’t touch him, she would go insane. With one quick tug, she was free, able
to lower her arms. She dug her nails into his back then ran them over his muscular
shoulders, loving the sensuous hardness of his smooth skin.

“I want you.” His words came out on a gurgle.

She opened her eyes to watch Max don a condom. If she hadn’t been so out of control,
she would have begged to let her suck on him first.

BOOK: Montana Fire
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