Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody Snow - Truth and Seduction [The Callens 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Shane would be sent in to put out the fire. “Oh, God. Is he hurt?”

Chapter Seven

Jessie held her breath, praying the phone call wasn’t terrible news.

“No. I could barely hear him, though, over the roar of the fire. Are you okay with going?”

He really didn’t need to ask, despite both knowing what they’d be giving up. “Absolutely.”

Cody turned the bike around and headed back toward town. A half mile down the road, he turned right down a well-packed dirt road. Even with the full-face helmet, the sweet smell of fire reached her. When they got there, another farmhouse was ablaze, and her heart sank. The fire truck was pumping water, and a few firemen were wielding the hoses, but she couldn’t tell if Shane was inside or out.

This is news.
She put on her reporter hat and took out her iPhone. Cody got out and came to her side.

“Don’t get too close.”

“I need to see if someone can talk to me.” She waved the phone.

He pulled out his, too. “Good idea, but don’t get any closer to the fire than I do. If the building collapses, sparks can shoot out far.” He stopped and tilted up her chin. “I don’t want you hurt. Ever.”

“That goes for you, also.” This man was too sweet.

They weren’t competitors per se, but she didn’t want anyone to get the scoop before she did. As soon as Cody went in search of Shane, she quickly called Scott to see if he could come over and film it. While her iPhone did a nice job, having her cameraman around made the reporting job easier.

“I can be there in twenty,” Scott said.

That wasn’t ideal, but it was better than nothing. She gave him the directions and disconnected. Cody was speaking with a fireman, and she headed in that direction. On her way, she pointed the camera to the fire. A beam fell, sending sparks everywhere. She jerked back, fearing she might get burnt. Turning the phone toward her, she gave her usual introduction.

Without saying anything, she sidled next to Cody. The man he was talking to was about sixty. He, too, was dressed in a fireman’s suit. His face was sweaty and streaked with black soot.

Cody introduced her to Travis Carmichael, the second-in-command.

“What can you tell us about the fire?” she asked, pointing the camera at him.

“Neighbor called it in. So far, we don’t think anyone was at home. We’ve called Mr. Shepley at work. There is no Mrs. Shepley.”

She adjusted the phone higher to make sure to capture his face. “Do you know how the fire started?”

“Not yet, but Shane McKee will be investigating.” He looked over his shoulder. “In fact, there he is now.”

Shane was near the fire engine. “Thank you, Mr. Carmichael.”

She was about to go over to Shane, when Cody stopped her. “Let’s let him do his job. He’ll come over when he can.”

That made sense. In the meantime, she could film the blaze and the surrounding area. Her heart ached for these people. “I don’t remember Intrigue having so many fires.” Two fires might not constitute a lot, but two in such a short span seemed coincidental.

“We don’t, and that’s what has me worried.”

“Do you think this is connected to the Tanner fire?”

“I wish I knew, but I don’t. I’m hoping Shane can tell us.”

There was nothing they could do but watch as the firemen doused the house. Scott pulled up fifteen minutes later and raced out of the van.

“What do you need me to shoot?”

She’d probably gotten all she could. “We’re waiting for the men to finish before I can interview one of them.”

“I’m used to waiting.”

She smiled. Her best bet was to stick close to Cody. He knew everyone in town.

Cody touched her hand. “If the neighbor called it in, I want to speak to him.”

“I want to come along.”

Gone was the flirtatious man she’d practically had sex with not a half hour ago. In his place was someone worthy of running a town newspaper. She was happy he wasn’t trying to distract her. She needed to keep her focus.

Scott tagged along. Unfortunately, the neighbor saw nothing other than the smoke. Even though her stomach grumbled, she wasn’t going to ask Cody to take her some place to get a bite to eat. He’d stay here until Shane finished his preliminary arson report. That would require the fire to be doused and the boards to cool. It was going to be a long night.

Scott had waited patiently, but after they interviewed the neighbor, there was no need for him to waste his time. “You got a laptop in the van?”


“I’ll write up the story and send my phone images to you. That way you can get out of here. At least we can put this online. Hopefully, Walt will air this on the 5:00 news.” If that was to happen, she needed to write the story quickly.

After telling Cody her plan, she ducked into the van. Scott got his laptop booted up. Jessie got right to work. There wasn’t much news with the story, so she kept it short and sweet. Mr. Shepley had lost his wife last year, and now he’d lost his house. She played up the human-interest angle, but she didn’t suggest there was a connection to the Tanner case. She stuck to the facts.

She e-mailed her footage to the station, too. “You’re all set.”

Scott gave her a thumbs-up. “I’ll see that this goes live for you.”

“Thanks.” She hopped out and found Cody.

He tossed her a half smile as if the reality of the event had settled in his bones. “Hey. Everything set?”

She wasn’t quite sure what he meant. “I sent in what I had of the story.”

“Shane won’t be done for a while. You want to grab a bite to eat then come back?”

She almost kissed him right there. “That would be fabulous.” They couldn’t go toward town as the parade was still going strong. “Why not come to my place? I have some leftover pizza and can whip up some spaghetti if that suits you. I have a six-pack, too.”

His chuckle boosted her spirits. “Say pizza, spaghetti, and beer in the same sentence, and every man will be at your feet.”

“I’ll have to remember that.” As long as she didn’t lie or hide evidence, she’d be good.
Roger that

After speaking with Shane, they got on Cody’s motorcycle and headed back to her house. The pizza looked a little wilted. “How about if I whip up some spaghetti instead?”


She was hot, sweaty, and smelly. If they were going to kiss, she didn’t want to offend him. “Mind if I take a shower while the water boils?”

“Go ahead. I’ll watch the pot.”

Not wanting him to have to do anything other than keep an eye on the water, she raced to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Once she stripped, she stepped into the warmed enclosure. The water felt divine on her sticky body. She sniffed her hair. Since it smelled like smoke, she dunked her head under the water.

No sooner had she poured shampoo on her head than the bathroom door opened. The shower curtain fluttered inward. “Cody?”

“You expecting someone else?”

There was that chuckle in his voice again. She knew it had to be him, but she just hadn’t expected him to come in. “I’m naked.” He could take her comment any way he chose.

He pulled open the curtain and stepped in. Her ability to say anything disappeared. Before her was the most magnificent human specimen she’d ever seen. To her surprise, he had what looked like a tattoo of barbed wire around his bicep. She dared her gaze to go lower.
. Not only were his abs as wonderful as they felt, but his cock was divinely long and thick. Did she mention it was standing at attention?

“You can touch it if you want.” His voice caught, as if he, too, were enjoying the view.

“Oooh. I’d like that.”

By now, he’d gotten an eyeful of her naked body. There was no need to cover herself. He’d touched and suckled her breasts and knew her pussy was waxed bare.

He clasped her waist and spun her to the opposite end of the shower. “My turn.”

That wasn’t fair. He said she could touch him. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and stood under the streaming water. She couldn’t take her gaze away from his magnificence. The watery rivulets cascaded down his muscles, accentuating each cut and plane of his luscious body. His slim hips rippled with power. She loved how his thighs flexed with every shift in his weight. And then there was his cock.

He leaned his head forward. “You ready to rinse?”

She was so involved in enjoying the view that it took her a moment for the words to register. “Yes.”

Should she touch him now or wait until the soap wasn’t stinging her eyes?

“What’s wrong? You never shower with a guy before?”

Had she been staring that much? “That’s none of your business.” She straightened her shoulders, but she had to wipe the soap that dripped onto her forehead.

He smiled. “Here. Let me help.” He removed the handheld showerhead from the wall. “Bend over.”

She wasn’t so sure about this, but the shampoo was close to getting in her eyes. She dropped her head and realized her mistake. His cock was inches from her mouth. She let him hold the water over her head, but when his fingers rubbed her scalp, her heart nearly jumped out of her body.

Needing to take the upper hand in this seduction, she grabbed his cock. It twitched, and she nearly let go. Cody wrapped a hand around her wrist and moved her hand up and down.

“Nice and easy. That’s it.”

She didn’t need a damned tutorial, but in truth, her body had frozen from the hard-core lust racing through her. Had the water not been running over her head, she would have lifted up and told him she wasn’t a virgin, nor was she inexperienced at giving a hand job.

A bit pissed he’d assumed she didn’t date much, she cupped his sac with her other hand and lowered her mouth over his cock. Even over the running water, she heard him gasp. That’s right. Mr. Cody Callen actually gasped when her tongue touched his throbbing member.
Take that.
Lightly dragging her teeth over the head of his cock, she continued to pump him up and down. He tasted divine, and she loved how the head of his cock flexed under her pressure.

The water moved to the side, and his hand left hers. He lifted her chin. “While we may be in the shower where I won’t make a mess, I want to explore you before I go off like a firecracker.”

“Do you have trouble controlling yourself?” She loved throwing back a retort at him.

He laughed. “Only with you.”

Her heart stopped again. His sincerity shook her to the core. Surely he was just saying that, but for the moment, she chose to believe him.

He moved closer. “I think I need to get you clean.”

Once more, the sexual haze descended on her. For a moment, she pictured having his hands roam all over her body. Her pussy gushed before he’d even touched her. She reached behind him, picked up the liquid soap, and handed it to him. “Go for it.”

She almost shivered thinking about what was to come. He dripped the liquid onto his palm then dragged his fingers over one nipple then the other. The tips puckered, and sparks of lust filled her. Her breaths increased as he rubbed her swollen crests with both hands. Cody stepped closer and dragged his hands down her belly.

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