Monroe, Melody S. - Verdict (Siren Publishing Classic) (15 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Melody S. - Verdict (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“We don’t have to worry about anyone shooting out our window.”

At first she thought he might be kidding, but from the creases in his brow, he was dead serious. “That’s horrible.” She leaned up on her elbows, the thought of sleep evaporating.

“We have to be more cautious from now on.” He paced the small room.

The floor choice made sense, but she wasn’t convinced they were out of danger even at this height. She opened her case and took out her pajamas. “Why can’t your friend, T-Squared, contact this next juror? Or have the local police stand watch at his door?”

“To address your first question, when a person moves in, they are given a cell phone. Remember, I told you only Richard has the number. Second question. In theory, Richard sent down an FBI agent to protect Gary Cho, the next living juror on the list. The bodyguard may be at the Cho’s place now, but I have no way of contacting him.”

“And you don’t want to call and ask Richard?” She held up a palm. “I know. He’d wonder why you were asking, and he’d tell you it isn’t your job to protect the other jurors.”

“You got it. If I contact the office, they’d order me to return to DC. When I don’t show up, they might send out the troops.”

That scenario seemed all too possible. “Why don’t you shower, then I’ll take mine?”


Stone gathered his toiletries.

“By the way, where is Mr. Cho staying?”

“Brevard, North Carolina.”

Another state, another drive. “And then where to?” She’d been about to say, “what happens when all the jurors are dead,” but figured he’d understand what she was asking.

“Cho’s the last one we can warn. After that we find a place to hunker down and wait for the men in blue to capture the bastard.”

Chapter Twelve

Susan stepped out of the shower feeling more refreshed and relaxed than she had in a long time. Wrapped in a robe, she stepped into the room to get her clothes. Stone was seated at the desk, his back bent, as he studied some papers.

She walked up behind him, the urge to place her hands on his shoulders strong. “What are you doing?”

He looked up and smiled. Her heated flesh turned hotter.

“I want to map out how to get a car and figure out our approach to find Gary Cho.” His gaze dragged down her body and his lids lowered. “But I think I have everything set.”

She was about to ask for details, when he pushed back his chair, stood and stepped close. Her breath left her as she focused on his gaze, intense and wanting. Dear God. He looked like a hungry animal ready for a meal.


From the strangled tone, he wanted her. Both joy and a little trepidation filled her, but when he lifted his hand and touched her face, her insides melted and all thoughts about why this wasn’t a good idea vanished. She held her breath, waiting for him to really touch her, on her breasts, on her very needy pussy.

“Yes?” She licked her lips.

She dared to lower her gaze for a moment. His cock was straining to get out. She wanted Stone and had since that night in the hotel when he told her about his tattoo. But she was on the run from a killer.

So? Life came with no guarantees.
Go for it.

Her pussy moistened and clarity came. Life was too short, too uncertain not to do what she wanted. She looked into his warm brown eyes and leaned closer, needing to feel his lips on hers.

His mouth parted and he leaned down as if to kiss her. When he sucked in a breath, she stilled his arm. “Did that hurt?”

“I don’t care. I want you.”

He did? Joy blossomed inside her, but the thrill was cut short by his pain. “Why don’t you lie on the bed and let me check out your injuries?”

Surely he wouldn’t buy that line. She just wanted an excuse to get him naked.

“Turnaround is fair play. I don’t like the fact your wound reopened.”

One stitch had burst, but the cut had already repaired itself. “I’d love for you to check out all of me.”
Did I really say that?

Thinking he might need a little more coaxing, she took hold of his hand and walked him over to the bed. Excitement coursed through her. Would she have the guts to have sex with someone as virile as Stone Watson? She’d have to give up control since she suspected a man like him would want to dominate. Wouldn’t he?

When she reached the edge of the bed, she turned around and drew her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Nothing you do can hurt me.”

She swore if she hadn’t had her arms around him, he would have beaten his fists against his chest to prove how tough he was.
. On her tiptoes she kissed him softly before stepping back. “Go on. Stretch out.”

He winked. “Can’t say no to that invitation.”

“Be a good patient and let me do everything.”
Like lick your male nipples and suck on your rock-hard cock.

As she lifted his polo over his head, his breath caught. Damn. She’d have to be more gentle. “Where does it hurt?” Purple and yellow bruises covered his ribs.

He pointed to his more than prominent erection. “You gonna kiss it and make it better?”

She swatted at his arm. “How can you joke at a time like this?”

He planted a hand on his chest. “I’m very serious. A kiss by you, or several, in fact, will help heal me.”

In one swift move, she straddled him. “I know your ribs are sore, so lie still while I

“I can tell I’m gonna like this.” He grinned.

Grabbing her hips, he lowered her until she was sitting on his very big cock, causing her clit to press against his hardness. Even though the terry cloth of her robe and the denim of his jeans prevented skin on skin contact, her juices still flowed. When she leaned forward to kiss him, her robe gapped open.

“Here, let me help with that.” He smiled, then furrowed his brow as if what he was about to do was for therapeutic purposes only.

In a flash, the robe’s tie was on the floor, and he pulled her shoulders toward him. The robe opened and exposed all of her. “Stone!”

She pretended to be shocked, but secretly she was glad he got to look at her. Ugly cuts and all.

“What? You look beautiful. Don’t worry about being all naked and delicious. Now kiss me.”

Planting her hands on the bed next to his head, she leaned over and did just that. He opened his mouth allowing her to plunge in. More divine than heaven, he tasted of mint toothpaste. He was all man, very rough and tough. The tip of her tongue tangoed with his as his hands cupped her breasts. She tensed for a second until the exquisite relief of his fingers on her tits convinced her to relax. As if he’d memorized where her injury was, he avoided the area so as not to do further harm. How sweet was that?

When he ran his thumbs across her nipples, she feared she’d come right there. Her nerves burst into flames. Not only did waves of contractions wash over her body, but the crests of her nipples radiated carnal pulses to her heart.

To catch her breath and gain a little control, she sat back. “It’s really hot in here. Wouldn’t the patient like to get out of those jeans?”
Please say yes.
She had to feel his warm skin on her palm or she’d go crazy.

“If you’ll help me.” He grinned again, and her heart raced.

Never had she been with such a delectable man. How could she ever have thought he was out to harm her?

He toed off his shoes. Without the hindrance at his feet, she dragged his jeans low over his hips, and her eyes widened at his bulging cock.

“Dear God. You’re huge.”

Stone chuckled. “You made me that way.”

“I don’t think he’ll fit.”

“He? You mean me, don’t you?”

She couldn’t deal with semantics when sparks were shooting at her body from almost every direction. “Yes.”

Lifting his hips, he dragged off his boxers. Her breath caught in her throat. She knew she was staring, but she couldn’t help it. He was magnificent.

“You’re welcome to touch me. You said you wanted to check me out, to see about my injuries. I think my cock might have hit the steering wheel when that red truck rammed us.”

With his lips turned down and his head tilted to the side, she almost laughed, but managed not to. Using her most serious face, she ran a finger along the length of him. Instantly, heat shot straight up her pussy.

Stone licked his lips. “I think you need to do more tests. The best probe, I’ve heard, is the human tongue.”

She loved his teasing. Maybe he sensed she was nervous and wanted to help calm her. She scooted back and leaned over, picking up his cock with her mouth.

His body tensed. “Sweet Jesus, Susan.”

His plea emboldened her. She sucked on him, dragging the tip of his cock to end of her mouth. She wanted to swallow him, take in all of him, but he was too huge. Throwing away caution, she cupped his balls and gently rolled them in her palm. A hint of cum tinged her mouth. Oh, how she loved his salty taste.

He stilled her hand. “I have to slow down. I want to come inside your hot pussy.”

He pulled out of her mouth, and she felt bereft. She blinked, needing to taste more of him. As she edged her way closer to his mouth to kiss him, Stone dragged her higher than expected.

“I want to taste your sweetness. I’ve been dreaming about this for days.”

The desperation in his voice caught her off guard. He poised her pussy above him, inches from his tongue. Using his thumbs, he opened her up and lust grabbed her hard. Before she could breathe, his finger found
her clit. Her arousal took her to new heights, to a place she’d never been. Dear God, is this what she’d been missing?

Still straddling him, he lifted his head and licked her already drenched pussy. He groaned, which made her want him more. Her walls contracted.

“I want your cock.” Had she really voiced those words? Damn. “I’m about to come.” She moved back, grabbed his dick and positioned herself over him. “Let me know if my movements hurt you.”

“I can take it.” His words came out in breaths.

She spread her legs wide until the head of his wet cock breached her opening. Knowing she hadn’t had sex in a long time, she took him inside inch by magnificent inch. Her walls stretched to the max. Her juices helped lubricate the way until he was seated all the way in. Intense pleasure rippled up her sides, and she lifted then drove back down. Each time his cock slammed into the back of her cervix, his balls hit her ass. Blood pounded in her brain as her climax grew to epic proportions.

Stone grabbed her arms, helping to guide her with the pacing. “I’m coming, sweetheart.”

The endearment tossed her over the edge. His cock seemed to double in size as his hot liquid shot inside her. She screamed as waves of carnal ecstasy pounded her. Her climax rocked her world.

She didn’t dare collapse on top of him for fear his broken or cracked ribs would hurt like hell if she did.

Instead, she sat there for a moment with his cock fully ensconced in her. She reveled in the power and sensation of having him. “That was amazing.”

“Amen.” He closed his eyes for a moment. “I could stay here all night, but I know I’d want you again in a little while.” He lifted her up by the hips and placed her beside him. “You need to keep up your strength.”

“Good idea.” She couldn’t wait to make love to him again.

Chapter Thirteen

Stone had slept with Susan in his arms all night long and never remembered being happier or more anxious. If anything happened to her, he’d never forgive himself. From now on, he had to put all his focus on keeping her safe, and not get side tracked by the sexy siren.

After some haggling with the same rental car company and giving them his solemn pledge he wouldn’t wreck this car, Stone got a Jeep at a big premium. Accounting was going to have a field day with the receipt. His vehicle came with four-wheel drive to handle the North Carolina mountains.

“You sure you’re okay to drive?” Susan asked for the third time.

“Aw, you care about me. I like that.” He glanced over at her and smiled. “My headache’s gone. I’m fine.” He cocked a brow. “I did okay last night, didn’t I? No memory loss, no motor control issues.” He grinned. “Okay, maybe at the end I lost control, but I think that was your fault.” He winked.

She blushed. How cute was that?

Her gaze refocused on the scenery. “I want us to be safe, that’s all.”

“That’s my concern too. We’ll get this guy. I promise.”

“Before or after he kills me?”

He’d give anything to erase the pain in her eyes. At least he’d made progress last night. She’d let loose, he bet for the first time ever, and seemed to enjoy making love to him. This morning, her fears had returned, and she was once again cautious, reserved, and anxious.

She crossed her arms over her chest, winced, apparently forgetting her injuries for a moment, before lowering her hands to her lap.

His cell rang. Keeping one eye on the road, he glanced at the display. “It’s Harrison.” He flipped closed the cell.

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