Monroe, Marla - The Carpenters' Helper [The Men of Space Station One #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Carpenters' Helper [The Men of Space Station One #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Brad’s mouth coaxed hers to open and respond to him. She hummed into his when he licked at the roof then around her teeth. When he sucked on her tongue and pulled it into his to tease and tickle, she relaxed even further into his kiss.

Finally they both came up for air and he continued on to nibble and caress her chin and jaw around to her ear. He sucked her earlobe into his mouth and tongued it. Then he nibbled at it and moved to her neck.

Kirk’s mouth was busy at her pussy. She lost herself in the sensations of his tongue lapping at her juices while his fingers pulled back her lips so he could delve deeper into her cunt. He licked and sucked all around her clit, but never touched it. She tried moving her hips to capture his tongue there, but he was ahead of her.

When he slid a finger inside her cunt, she nearly screamed at the delightful intrusion. Nothing had ever felt so good as to have him fingering her pussy and licking her juices. She knew the best was yet to come, but for now, this warmed her heart as well as her body.

“Please, please. I need more.” Was that her voice? She sounded so pitiful.

“Easy, baby. We’ll give you everything you need and then some. Just relax and enjoy it.”

He pulled his finger out and added a second one to it. She hissed out a
when he pushed them inside her again. This time, he pumped them in and out in a faster rhythm that had her pumping her hips with his thrusts. Then he rotated them and found her G-spot. He stroked over it several times as she screamed his name.

Brad was now down to her breasts. He sucked in her nipples one at a time and teased them with his tongue. When she shoved them closer to him, he chuckled and flicked a hard nipple with his thumb. He nibbled at one while he twisted and played with the other, then changed places and sucked the other one.

Carmen had trouble keeping up between them. They both vied for her attention and she so wanted to give them equal time, but it was hard. First one then the other one would snatch her attention with a well-placed kiss or lick or pinch. Then the other one would up the ante. She was so in trouble with them. They were going to send her skyrocketing into outer space for real. Her body was slowly growing tight all over in readiness for an explosion that was sure to kill her.

“Easy, baby,” Kirk whispered against her pussy.

He continued to stroke her hot spot while Brad sucked in all of her breast he could get inside his mouth.

“Please, Kirk. Please, Brad.” She didn’t think she could stand much more. She needed to come.

As if they had agreed at that exact moment to send her over the edge, they both pounced. Kirk sucked in her clit and stroked it with his tongue while rubbing her G-spot. Brad bit one nipple and twisted the other one with his fingers. The combination of their assault sent her screaming into the clouds. Her body shook all over as she rode the pure energy through the air.

After what seemed like hours, days, she came down from the unbelievable high to hear them whispering in her ears how much they loved her. She grew teary eyed at their declarations. She wrapped her arms around them and hugged them close to her.

“I love you both, too.”

“We thought we had lost you, baby.”

“You can’t get rid of me that easily. I’ll be around a long time to drive you two crazy.”

“I’m planning on it.” Kirk kissed her wet cheeks before climbing off the bed and rummaging around in the dresser for clothes for her to wear.

“Let’s get you dressed and downstairs,” Brad suggested.

She let them dress her, though she felt like she could do it herself now. The burst of the sexual dam had brought everything to a head and she felt able to take on the world now, even this new planet with all of its crazy plant and animal life.

Ten minutes later, they were all settled on the couch talking about what had happened. Carmen was appalled that she’d done something so simple as pick some flowers and nearly died from it. She hadn’t even remembered pricking her finger.

“Which reminds me,” Brad said, “I need to call up the doc and let him know how you’re doing. Then I’ll call up Greg and tell them that you’re back to normal now.”

Brad left them on the couch and hurried into the office to make the calls. Carmen snuggled up next to Kirk.

“How is my poor garden doing?”

“We’ve been keeping up with the weeding. It needs your tender loving care, though.”

“I can’t wait to get back out there tomorrow. I want to see what has changed.”

“Wait just a minute, baby. You aren’t going to rush back into anything. Just because you feel good right now doesn’t mean you’re completely well.”

“I want to work in the garden, Kirk. It makes me feel good. And when are we going to get a cow and chickens? I want to have fresh milk and eggs.”

“You sure came back to us feisty. Watch out, or you’re going to wake up Brad’s dominant side and earn yourself a spanking, babe.”

“Maybe I want a spanking.” She winked at him.

Kirk shook his head at that. “You are really pulling the tiger’s tail. You’ll get bitten.”

“Don’t you worry about me and Brad. I can handle him.”

“Handle who?” Brad walked back into the living room with a smile on his face.

Kirk tattled on her. “She thinks she’s ready to get back to work in the garden already.”

“Not on your life, baby. You’re not going to go back to work until you see the doc tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? I’m going to see the doctor tomorrow? Why?”

“He wants to draw some blood and see how you’re doing. He honestly didn’t think you would make it, baby.” Brad bent over and kissed her cheek.

“Can we shop while we’re there? I need more canning supplies than we have.”

“Leave it to a woman to turn this into a shopping trip,” Brad groused good-naturedly.

“I’m not asking to get a new pair of shoes.” She pouted.

Kirk laughed and swung her up into his lap. “Baby, you can have your canning supplies and a new pair of shoes as well.”

“You’ll spoil her, Kirk.” Brad shook his head.

“She deserves some spoiling,” Kirk insisted.

Carmen nodded her head with a wide grin. She heartily agreed with that.

* * * *

Early the next morning, the three of them climbed on board the transport, minus the trailer, and headed for the city. Drowsy at first, Carmen soon woke up enough to enjoy the sights of the strange planet Alpha. She hadn’t noticed as much on their drive to their new home. She’d been much too anxious to pay much attention to her surroundings at the time.

There were colorful trees and flowers everywhere. She noted yellow and blue trees scattered among the more normal-looking brown and green trunks. She squinted at something moving in the distance and pointed it out to Kirk, who wasn’t driving.

“What is that?” She pointed at the funny-appearing creature that seemed like something between an antelope and a zebra.

“Hell if I know. It’s weird. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Kirk shook his head and grabbed a pair of binoculars from the locker behind them.

He watched the animal then handed them to Brad to look. He had pulled over when they started talking about something strange looking.

“Hurry, Brad. I want to see.” Carmen huffed out a breath in exasperation.

“Here you go, babe. It’s sort of pretty in a crazy way.” Brad handed her the glasses to look through.

“Hey, it’s got yellow-and-brown stripes. Is that crazy or what?” She handed the binoculars back to Kirk. “Do you think it’s something good to eat?”

“Don’t know, baby. We’ll have to ask around. That’s the first one I’ve seen.” Kirk replaced the glasses in the locker and smiled down into Carmen’s eyes.

She was so happy. It seemed that now she was over her accident, things had relaxed. The men had confessed their love for her, making her the happiest woman in the world. She’d told them her love for them and they were all doing well now. She couldn’t wait for them to be intimate again, though. That meant a good report from the doctor.

Well, she was assured of that since she felt wonderful and had no residual problems from the accident. Nothing was going to get in her way of making love with her two men. She had a lot of time to make up for. And, she wanted to learn more about Brad’s dominant side. He’d been holding back on her.

They pulled into the city around ten that morning and headed straight to the doctor’s house and office. When they pulled up, the door opened and a tall man waved them inside.

“I’m Scott Tibbs, Dr. Davis’s nurse. How are you feeling, Carmen?” He held the door for them.

“I’m doing great. I just need him to pronounce me healed so I can get back to work.”

Scott chuckled and nodded toward the room ahead of them. “Right through there.”

She followed Kirk with Brad bringing up the rear. They looked around at the rather large exam room. It looked more like an emergency room than a doctor’s office. Scott crossed the large space and pulled out a gown and sheet.

“Here you go. Change for him and have a seat up on the table. You can pull the sheet up over you if you’re cold.” Scott left them alone in the large room to get the doctor.

“Need help, baby?” Kirk asked.

“Yeah. I’m nervous for some reason.” She let them help her out of her clothes, but insisted on keeping her panties on. They didn’t argue with her.

Brad picked her up and sat her on the table while Kirk covered her with the sheet. They spoke in whispers as Brad told her what he would like to do with her on the exam table. They were all laughing when Scott returned with an equally large man with dark hair and a friendly smile.

“Well, hey there, Carmen. I have to tell you that I’m surprised to see you here.”

“You didn’t have much faith in me, did you, Dr. Davis?” Carmen chastised him.

“Call me Jeff. Everyone here does. Or you can just call me Doc if you feel more comfortable with that.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

“Okay, lay back for me and let me check you over. Then we’ll draw some blood to see if there is anything residual in your bloodstream.”

Carmen endured the poking and prodding, but she was very glad to have her men there to hold her hand when they drew the blood. She hated needles with a passion. She had to close her eyes and let Kirk distract her with a kiss. Brad squeezed her hand and whispered naughty things in her ear.

“Okay, that’s it. Why don’t you help her get dressed, guys, and I’ll be back in a few minutes. I want to look at the blood while you are here so I can at least give you a preliminary report.”

“That sounds good to us, Doc,” Brad said.

As soon as the other men were gone, Carmen let the tears fall that she’d held off on while they were around. It hadn’t really hurt that bad, but she hated being stuck.

“Easy, baby. It’s all over with now,” Brad told her.

“I know I’m being a baby, but I can’t help it. I don’t like to get my blood drawn, and I really don’t like shots.”

“Good thing you didn’t know about Kirk giving you one when we found you.”

“You gave me a shot?” Carmen turned to Kirk and growled at him.

“Great going, Brad. Now she’s mad at me.”

“Naw, she’ll get over it by the time we get back home,” Brad assured him.

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Carpenters' Helper [The Men of Space Station One #5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
10.12Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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