Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - The Bikers and the Socialite [The Dirty Dozen 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Everything happens for a reason, baby.” Allen reached over and squeezed her hand.

“If you say so.”

“Come on, you need to get some rest. You obviously haven’t been resting well for a few nights.” Shane stood up and held out his hand.

She looked from his hand to his face and then took it and let him pull her out of the chair. He didn’t pull her in for a hug like she expected. She realized she was a little disappointed. Parker chastised herself for wanting something she had already told them they couldn’t have. She tried to blame it on being pregnant, but deep down she knew it wasn’t true. She wanted what they offered. She just didn’t think it was what was best for the baby. Her baby deserved the whole family thing where there was love. She wanted what her parents had. It had been magical in her eyes.

Allen and Shane were good men, but they were players. They didn’t love her. It just wouldn’t work. Eventually they would either stray, or grow to resent her and maybe even the baby. She didn’t want that for her child.

Parker followed them inside and upstairs. When they walked into the bedroom, she expected them to say good night and return to their own rooms. When they started undressing, she didn’t know what to say. She just stood there staring as bare skin began to emerge from their jeans and shirts.

Holy hell, they were easy on the eyes. She needed to snap out of it though and remind them they weren’t lovers anymore.

“I can see it in your eyes, Parker. You want to tell us to go, but part of you wants us to stay.” Allen brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “We’re staying. Nothing has to happen, but we’re going to be with you every chance we get. That includes sleeping with you in between us.”

Parker shook her head then shrugged and removed the robe. She climbed into bed with her panties on, feeling some measure of comfort by the thin scrap of lace. She realized she was more worried about her ability to keep her hands to herself than theirs.

They got in on either side of her and immediately spooned with her. She sighed, recognizing their warmth and realizing how much she had missed it all these weeks. After only one night, she had fallen for them in a big way. There was no going back now. She’d set the stage, and there would be nothing to it but to go forward.

* * * *

Shane lay awake after both Allen and Parker had drifted off to sleep. He needed to figure out a way to convince her to move in with them. From there, it was only a matter of time before she would agree to marry them. He didn’t want to think about her alone in that cold condo she lived in. He could tell she was lonely from the first time they had met her.

Hell, she’d admitted she had very few friends. That was no way to live, and especially not with a child on the way. She needed to be surrounded by people who loved her and would step in and help her when she needed it.

He and Allen would have to tread lightly, so that she didn’t get mad and close them out. She meant the world to him, but the baby was even more important than that now. He would do everything to keep them both safe.

What was she afraid of? He knew there was something. She didn’t quite trust them not to walk off eventually, he was sure. Could that be all that was standing in the way of their becoming a family? He had no idea how to prove to her that they were serious other than sticking around. He planned to do that. He would stick like glue. He knew Allen would do the same thing.

He really wasn’t worried about what the others in the gang would say. They would support him and Allen’s decision to make her their wife. He did wonder if they would want to distance themselves because of their lifestyles. It worried him that there would be no way to do that now, though. Once the media got wind of the fact that both he and Allen claimed the baby as theirs, they would speculate and draw their own conclusions.

He didn’t want to lose their presence in the gang’s lives, because he felt like the other women’s support would be essential to Parker becoming their wife. They would prove more than anything that a ménage relationship could work. It was working for them.

“What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Allen asked in a whisper.

“Everything. Trying to figure out how to convince Parker that we love her and will stick with her.”

“You think she doesn’t believe we’re in it for the duration?”

“Yeah. Think about it. We’ve been playing around for years, Shane. We haven’t had a long-term relationship since Rachel. That wasn’t even a true relationship. She sees us as players.”

“So what in the hell are we going to do to prove it?” Shane asked.

“I think it’s going to take either something major to force her into living with us, or we’re just going to have to deal with it and be there for her entire pregnancy. Maybe then we can convince her we love her and want to spend the rest of our lives with her.”

“Do you think there being two of us has anything to do with her reluctance?”

“I would think it would. She’s not going to believe that it can work. I’m hoping that by meeting some of the others and talking with the women that she’ll see that it can and does work.”

“I’m worried about that asshole, Michael. He’s liable to do something that could hurt her. We’ve got to stick close to her.”

“That’s going to be hard when we head out on another job in a few weeks.”


“Shhh, Shane, don’t wake her up.”

“I’m so frustrated, and I’m not talking sexually.”

“Me, too.”

“We best get some rest. I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”

Allen sighed and closed his eyes. This time he managed to fall asleep.

Chapter Ten

Parker woke up with the queasy feeling again. She didn’t think she was going to get sick, but figured it was better to be safe than sorry. She was lying across Shane and didn’t think he would appreciate her throwing up on him. She slowly slid off of him and the bed. Before she had made it halfway across the room, he was beside her.

“Are you sick?”

“I don’t feel real well. I thought I would hover around the bathroom just in case.”

“Come on. I’ll take my shower while you talk to me. It might take your mind off of it.”

She suddenly realized once again that he was naked. How she could have missed his huge cock standing out away from his body, she could only blame it on her feeling so badly.

“Don’t worry about it, Parker.” He had obviously noticed that she had been staring at his dick.

“Sorry.” She could feel the heat moving up her neck to her face. She cursed her fair complexion.

Shane didn’t help matters by chuckling. She scowled at him. Then she realized that she didn’t really feel all that bad anymore. Smiling, she watched Shane’s drool-worthy, muscular ass as he leaned in to turn on the water in the shower. He turned around and looked at her as if he had known she was watching his ass. Did the man have eyes in the back of his head?

When he stepped into the shower, he smiled and lifted his eyebrows.


“You could always join me.”

“And you would behave?”

“Scout’s honor.”

“Where you ever a Boy Scout?”

“No, but I was in the Army. I can behave.”

Parker laughed at his overly serious expression.

“You better get to bathing before the water turns cold.”

He grinned and quickly soaped up then rinsed off. Instead of getting out of the shower, though, he soaped his hand up and wrapped it around the base of his cock. He slowly pulled up and over his dick then back down the stalk to caress his balls before pumping his hand up again.

Parker’s breath left her in a loud
at the sight of him pleasuring himself. She couldn’t take her eyes off his hand as it squeezed its way back up his cock to spread the drop of pre-cum around the mushroom head. Slowly he began to pump his dick while rolling his balls with his other hand. His eyes remained on her. When she looked up, it was to the sight of his aroused expression, fierce with need.

She quickly dropped her eyes back to where he was thrusting up into the tight grip of his hand. She never would have held him as tightly as he was gripping himself. Faster and faster he tugged on his cock until his ass cheeks contracted and dimpled with the force of his orgasm. Long streams of cum ejected from his dick to coat his belly and his hand.

She realized she was licking her lips and bit her bottom one to stop. Looking up, she found Shane gazing at her mouth. She had little doubt he’d been imaging her lips stretched wide around his cock. Somehow the thought didn’t bother her. Hell, it aroused her. She had wanted to join him and help him jack off.

“I–I think I’m okay now. I should get dressed.”

“Why don’t you let me clean up, and I’ll run you a bath. It will help you relax. We’ll have breakfast ready for you by the time you finish.”

She looked longingly at the huge tub and dearly wanted one. Finally, she nodded. He finished rinsing and stepped out of the shower after turning it off. Then he quickly dried off.

“There should be plenty of hot water left. We put in a huge hot water heater.” He winked and started the water in the tub. “Did you happen to bring any of your bath salts with you?”

“Um, let me look.” She dug through her toiletry bag and came up with a jar.

He added them to the bath water then set them on the ledge of the tub.

“Leave them there. You’ll probably want another bath before you leave.”

Once the water was deep enough, Shane helped her step over the edge of the tub and sink down in the warm water. She sighed and leaned back.

“Enjoy. One of us will come get you in time for breakfast.”

She knew he had left by the cool air that briefly swirled around her. Her pussy was on fire with need after watching Shane jack off. He wasn’t playing fair. He knew that watching him would turn her on. Still, it had taken her mind off of feeling ill, so she should feel thankful toward him. She scowled. Now she couldn’t even be angry with him.

She quickly bathed, enjoying the warm bath and lightly scented water. Then she sank deeper into the tub and relaxed while the water soothed her troubled spirit. Only she was horny now after Shane’s little show.

Her breasts were full, with taut nipples that ached for a heated mouth or raspy tongue to soothe the need. She twisted her nipples, pinching and pulling on them. It wasn’t as good as when the guys did it. Nothing was as good as Shane and Allen’s loving. She knew this, yet she was still reluctant to do anything more permanent.
Idiot, what could be more permanent than having a baby with them?

She slipped one finger down between her legs and circled her clit. She pressed down against her pubic bone then returned to circle her clit once more. She kept one hand on her nipple, pinching and pulling on it. No matter how much she teased her clit or twisted her nipple, it wasn’t enough. She moaned in frustration.

“Baby, if you needed to come, you should have told us. We will always be more than happy to take care of you.”

Parker jerked, looking over her shoulder. Allen stood just inside the door.

“You scared me.” She couldn’t believe she hadn’t realized he’d walked in.

“Sorry. I thought you heard me. I knocked.”

“I’m ready to get out now.” She stood up, but before she could step out of the tub, he was there, holding her hand.

“Let me dry you off.” He grabbed a towel and began patting her dry all over. Then, when she was dry, he surprised her by picking her up.

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