Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

BOOK: Monroe, Marla - Her Biker Bodyguards [The Dirty Dozen 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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The Dirty Dozen 3


Her Biker Bodyguards


Briana has her hands full with a pair of biker bodyguards. Can they keep her safe despite her assurances that she doesn’t need them? When she moves to Dallas to start work, will they convince her to let them stay on the job or will she push them away?


How can she ignore them when they are the fathers of her child, and how do you fill out the paperwork at the doctor’s office when you don’t know which one is the father?


Dillon and Gavin are determined to make Briana their own. When they find out she’s pregnant with their child, they pull out all the stops to change her mind about going it alone. What will it take to convince her they want to guard her for life?


Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
49,066 words



The Dirty Dozen 3

Marla Monroe


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


Copyright © 2012 by Marla Monroe

E-book ISBN: 1-61926-242-8

First E-book Publication: February 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Her Biker Bodyguards
Marla Monroe
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The Dirty Dozen 3


Copyright © 2012

Chapter One

Briana locked up the shop at a
Saturday night. She hurried to her car, always aware of the potential for something happening in this part of town. Just as she clicked the unlock button on her key fob, someone grabbed her from behind and slammed her against the car door.

“Look what we have here. It’s the bitch from the adult fun store. Having fun? No? Well, I’ll give you a good time.”

“Let go of me, creep.” Briana struggled against him, pushing against his chest with her hands to no avail.

When he only laughed at her feeble efforts, she changed tactics and used her fists while she screamed. She knew it was probably a useless effort since no one in that neighborhood would stop to help, especially at this time of night.

Her attacker cursed when her fist landed on his cheek. He backhanded her and grabbed her wrists with his hands. Then he transferred them to one hand and reached behind him.

“You’re going to be sorry for that, bitch. I’m going to show you how a man takes care of a woman.” He pulled out a knife and held it to her throat. “You do what I say or I’ll start carving you up like a Thanksgiving turkey.” He grinned at her.

Briana gasped, straining away from the knife at her throat. She turned her face away from his grimy mouth and putrid breath. It made her gag. She swallowed, trying to breathe through her nose.

“Look, I don’t have anything. All the money goes in the safe at night.”

“Money? You think I care about money?” He laughed and pressed his other hand hard against her breast. “I’m thinking about something different from money. Can you guess what I want?”

“Fuck you!” She screamed again and slapped the man in the face.

He pressed down on the knife, and she felt a trickle of blood run down her neck. He squeezed her breast hard enough that she couldn’t stop the tears from the pain. Her vision blurred with them. Then he was pulled away, and someone pulled her into their arms and turned her away from the fight. She heard the sounds of fists hitting flesh. Something metal hit the ground, followed by the sound of pained grunts.

“Are you okay?” the man asked.

“I–I think so.” She gulped and began to shake.

“Dillon, check her. The bastard had a knife,” a second man said behind her.

“Come on over to the light, miss, and let me see.” He gently pulled her toward the light.

The second man joined them under the streetlight. Both men were dressed in leathers and were tall and big. She continued to shiver and wondered if she was in worse shape with them than with her attacker.

“Aw, hell. Your neck is bleeding.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. He held it to her neck and lightly pressed against it.

“She’s got a bruise on her cheek as well,” the second guy said. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“N–not really. Thank you for helping me. I need to go home, now,” she said with a tremor in her voice.

“I think you need to go to the hospital,” the first man said.

“No, um, I’ll be fine. I just need to go home. Please, can I go home now?”

“Shh, easy, ma’am. Let’s get you in your car, and once you’ve settled down, you can go. I’m not letting you drive as upset as you are right now.” This came from the second man.

The two of them escorted her back to her car. The first man bent down and picked up her purse and keys. He opened the door for her and handed her things back. She settled in the seat and fumbled with the keys, trying to get them in the ignition. Once she finally had them seated, she started the car.

“Thank you both so much for helping me. I’m fine now. I really need to go home now,” she said again.

“Take a deep breath,” the first guy said, squatting down next to her.

She followed his directions and immediately felt better. He smiled at her and stood up.

“We’re going to follow you home and be sure you make it safely inside,” the second man said.

“Really, that’s not necessary,” she argued, still shaking some.

“I think it is. Wait on us before you leave. We’re parked just across the street.” He stared deep into her eyes and smiled.

“Okay.” She felt like she needed to after what happened, and they had been nothing but kind to her.

The first man closed the door before they walked across the street. She turned to see what they were driving. Two motorcycles stood against the curb where they were headed. She sighed. She had attracted two guys who rode bikes.

Once they had started their bikes, Briana pulled away from the curb and drove toward home. She lived several blocks away in an area that wasn’t quite as bad as where she worked. Plus, it was close to the college where she was taking classes. She was studying to be a web designer and only had two more months of classes. Surely she could handle two more months.

Unfortunately it meant she had to attend all day classes since they didn’t offer many of hers at night. And that meant she had to have a night job. The adult store was the only thing she could find that allowed her Sundays off to study and do her projects.

When she pulled into the drive on her side of the duplex she rented, and the two bikers pulled in behind her. They immediately dismounted and walked up to the car without bothering to take off their helmets. One of them opened her door for her, and the other walked up on the porch to wait for them.

“Let’s get you inside,” the second man said.

Briana inserted her key into the lock and opened the door. She turned to thank them and found they were both standing close enough she could smell them. They both smelled of soap and male sweat. The sexy combination went straight to her head.

“You’re okay, right?” the first one asked her.

“Yes, thanks.”

“My name is Dillon, and this is Gavin. Glad we were there to help you.”

“You really don’t need to be leaving that late alone,” Gavin said.

“It’s my job. I don’t have a choice.”

“Don’t you have a boyfriend to watch for you?” Dillon asked.

“Um, no.” She was sensitive on that subject.

“Well, you need someone to watch out for you when you leave. It’s not safe,” Gavin said again.

“Look, thank you so much for helping me, but I need to get to bed.”

“What’s your name?” Dillon asked.

“Briana.” She popped her hand over her mouth.

She hadn’t meant to tell them her name. Dillon had caught her off guard.

“Good night, Briana. See about that cut on your neck.” Gavin brushed her hair from her face with one finger.

They turned and walked back to their bikes, but waited. It wasn’t until she closed and locked the door that she heard their bikes fire up and roar away.

Briana sank back against the door and ended up on the floor when her legs gave out. She started crying now. The reaction had set in. She had nearly been raped and probably would have ended up dead if those two bikers hadn’t intervened for her. The reality of it left her shaking like a leaf as she sobbed, hugging herself.

After a few minutes, she calmed down enough that she could get up and go to the bathroom to see how bad her neck was. When she looked into the mirror, she nearly started crying again. There was a two-inch cut on her neck that had crusted over with blood. It hadn’t been deep, or she knew it wouldn’t have stopped bleeding so easily. Briana winced when she pulled her T-shirt off. Even through the thin bra, she could see the bruises on her breast. It already hurt. By tomorrow it would be much worse, she was sure.

She drew in a deep breath and finished undressing. Then she turned on the shower and stepped into the pelting spray to wash off the grimy, oily feeling of the guy who had attacked her. She winced at the slight sting on her neck, but she cleaned it with soap and water to be safe. By the time she was finished scrubbing the memory of the bastard’s touch from her skin, the water had turned cold.

Briana shut off the shower as she climbed out to dry herself. She applied a generous amount of antibiotic salve to the cut. When she looked in the mirror, she almost didn’t recognize the face that stared back at her. There was a blooming bruise on her cheek, the shiny cut at her neck, and the ugly bruises in the shape of a hand on her breast.

She pulled on her sleeping shirt and panties before climbing into bed. She left the light on in the bathroom, but closed the door most of the way. When she climbed into bed, she hoped she didn’t dream about the attack. As it was, sleep was a long time coming. Instead she thought about the two men who’d helped her, Dillon and Gavin.

Dillon’s black hair appeared shaggy under the streetlight. He had gray eyes that had seemed kind to her in that moment. He stood about six foot three inches and had broad shoulders and a tight-looking abdomen, what some of the other women called a six-pack.

The other man, Gavin, looked so much like him that he could have been his twin, except that he was a few inches taller and his black hair reached his shoulders. He was larger than Dillon all over. His arms were as round as small tree limbs.

She had no doubt they could have crushed her, but they had been gentle. Both men had treated her very carefully, as if they were afraid she would break. She sighed. It was too bad she wouldn’t see them again. She might have liked to have gotten to know them. With that, Briana fell into a restless sleep.

* * * *

She shouldn’t be working at a place like that and especially not at night and alone,” Gavin said.

“I’m with you on that. I wonder what her story is. She held up surprisingly well to being attacked.” Dillon pulled off his shirt and then his boots.

“I figure she broke down after we left. She was scared enough of us to keep it together.” Gavin already had his clothes off and was heading for the shower.

“She’s hot, though. I would love to get to know her,” Dillon said.

“Yeah, but we’re only here for another three or so months,” Gavin called out over the sound of the water from the shower.

“Still.” Dillon walked to the door of the bathroom. “She’s really pretty, with all that strawberry-blonde hair and those bright blue eyes. She had the cutest freckles across her nose.”

Gavin didn’t answer him. Dillon turned on the TV and sat back on the bed. They had to be up in the morning at five to get to the job site by seven. It was only a few blocks away from the hotel where they were staying, but they had to get breakfast first.

Dillon and Gavin were part of a construction crew that traveled around for a contracting company working on buildings. They all lived close together in
and had been in the army together as well. Cole was their leader. He and Zack had just gotten married, and their wife was with them on this trip working at the local hospital as a nurse in the emergency room.

West and Kyle had married Brandy, a waitress they’d met at one of the construction gigs, and were off on their honeymoon. They would be back with the gang on their next job. Cole and Zack wanted to take only local jobs now, ones that weren’t across the country. He and Gavin agreed for the most part. They were tired of the long-ass trips to the middle of nowhere. That was why they were only a few hundred miles away from
on this gig. Round Rock,
, wasn’t a big city, but it was large enough to have its seedy district which was where they’d found the woman they had helped.

Dillon thought about her again. She was probably only five feet four or five inches with shoes on. She seemed tiny to him, but she had nice-sized breasts and a rounded body that was made for loving. Since Gavin was an ass man, he would probably say she had an ass worth fucking. He would have loved to taste her kiss, but after what she had been through, a kiss from a stranger was the last thing she needed.

Gavin wandered out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist with an obvious hard-on.

“Your turn, but I’d wait a few minutes for the water to heat back up. It was just about cold when I got out,” he said.

“I’m not the only one that thought she was hot. You’re sporting a woody yourself.”

“Not much I can do about it with her, though, and I’m tired of handling it myself.” He climbed into bed and flipped the channel on the TV.

“I’m with you, man.” Dillon pulled off his jeans and headed to the bathroom. “What do you say we check on her tomorrow night and make sure she gets home safely?”

“Already thought about it,” Gavin said.

Dillon nodded and walked into the bathroom. He and his brother were usually on the same page at the same time. Being twins had to be the reason behind their innate ability to read each other.

He turned on the shower and winced when he found it to be lukewarm at best. It would be a quick one. That was for sure.

As soon as he was out and dried off, Dillon climbed into bed and turned out the light over the nightstand. Gavin had already turned off the TV and was snoring. Dillon fell asleep thinking about Briana, so it was no wonder that he dreamed about her.

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