Money’s on the Dresser: Escorting, Porn and Promiscuity in Las Vegas

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Authors: Christopher Daniels

Tags: #Juvenile Nonfiction/Social Issues/Dating & Sex/Homosexuality

BOOK: Money’s on the Dresser: Escorting, Porn and Promiscuity in Las Vegas
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Money’s On The Dresser

Escorting, Porn and Promiscuity in Las Vegas

Christopher Daniels


Copyright © 2013 Christopher Daniels

All rights reserved.

Cover Photo Credit Jacob Harris

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

Available through Ingram Press, and available for order through

Ingram Press Catalogues

ISBN 978-1-62517-055-2



This book is dedicated to clients and sex workers everywhere. Sex makes the world go ‘round, so basically we are to thank for everything.

You’re welcome!



I think the best place to start is thanking all the men I have met as an escort. You are more than “clients” but I guess that’s what I’ll call you. Thank you for sharing your lives, your stories, a few days, an evening or just an hour with me. You’ve opened my eyes, you’ve shocked me, humbled me, pissed me off and helped shape me into the man I am today. I’m not quite sure if I fulfilled every fantasy you were looking for, but I am grateful to have met you all.

Now here’s the list, in no particular order:

Thank you to Tom Bird for helping me bring my stories together and really figuring out what my book would be about.

Thank you to Rama for your help and answering my emails and questions.

Thank you to Derek and John Vairo Jr. for your help with the book cover and Mitchell Ivers for your encouragement, support and professional guidance.

Thank you to Mama Bear Scott for always opening your home to me and supporting me with my writing.

Thank you to SF Geek. Time with you is always enjoyable and I am thankful to have been with you during a new stage of your life after your partner passed away.

Thank you to OkieHomo. You’re old, broke, peculiar and picky, but our times together were always a blast.

Thank you to Arpad Miklos. Not quite sure what I’m thanking you for, but I think of you often. I don’t know what made you decide to do what you did, but I want you to know you are loved and missed. I looked up to you as an escort and performer and you truly are a legend.

Thank you to all my escort buddies. Going into this I thought you’d all be sketched out tweakers with an agenda to make money at any cost. Instead you became friends and brothers. I don’t know if anyone can understand the bond we all share but I am grateful for it and for having all of you in my life. AJ (the original AJ), AJ Irons, David SF, Tristan Baldwin, Brayden, Ace, Christopher F, Vito and the list goes on. I am always here for you and I love you all.

I am happy to have had my book looked over by so many great people, one of whom is Mike Diamond. You always make me laugh and you constantly encourage me. Thank you for helping me figure out a name for this book. It literally took me a year to come up with hardly anything, but you came in with your dry wit and sarcasm and figured it out. You rock. I really do look up to you and can’t wait until you are truly recognized for all of your talents. Unfortunately, you may need to die first because people really don’t understand true talent until it’s gone. I’M KIDDING! Come stay with me in Vegas. I’ll pamper you and listen to you tell stories of the ballroom.

Thank you to Pokercomedy for going through my work and always taking the time to crack a few jokes (usually at my expense) and making me laugh.

Big thank you to Andrew Rosen. I appreciate your advice and for suggesting ways of being a better writer.

Thank you to Jesse in Las Vegas for your help. It was greatly appreciated and needed.

Thank you to Bj. You are a man of many words, which is why I love you, and you drive me crazy at times. You really did do me a huge service by going over my work and constantly encouraging me. You have opened your home to me and whenever we are together I have a great time. I loved shivering with you in your New York City apartment as we watched Raquel Welch and Bea Arthur variety specials. I love you buddy!

Thank you to CR for your help, encouragement and wonderful dinners. Sometimes you lectured me like a father figure and other times you listened. Either way, it meant a lot and I am glad to have you in my life.

Thank you to Wil for putting up with…everything. I don’t know how you do it. I exhaust myself and you never seem to leave my life. You will always be family.

Thank you to Janell. If things were different, meaning if I were straight, we’d definitely be together right now. Thank you for always being my non-sexual blonde bombshell girlfriend and arm candy. Tell KC I say hi!

Thank you to DB for reading over my book and sharing your insight. You have been my number one fan for the past year and I love you.

Thank you to Lloyd for all your help and coming up with the tagline “Hemingway of Hookers”. You always put a smile on my face.

Thank you so much to my webmaster Craig for always going above and beyond in helping me. I appreciate your work and your friendship.

Thank you to Dr Zellers. You are outstanding at your job and you have seen me through many stages of my life. Thank you for always laughing with me, listening and being supportive of me and what I do.

Thank you to Bobby. You also will always be family to me.

The list really could go on but I’ll wrap it up. Thank you for reading and I hope you find a bit of yourself in these stories and you really do hear my voice.



In 2006, everyone around me started reading and talking about the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. I decided to follow the crowd and read it myself. Within a few days I had finished the book and began making my vision board. As I brainstormed the list of things I wanted for myself, I decided one day I would write a book. I had no clue what I would write about, who would read it or how to go about publishing it, but I knew it would happen. I posted a photo of a book on my vision board and looked at it everyday.

Fast forward to 2009. My boyfriend of four years and I decided to go our separate ways. I needed money fast to get started on my own. I had heard about guys putting ads up online and working as escorts. I wasn’t naive to what they were doing and it intrigued me. It sounded like something I wanted to try. After a year of working as an escort, friends kept telling me to write a book about my experiences, and after the events of Chapter One happened, I decided it was time to start writing. The stories came pouring out of me and I couldn’t stop writing for about 8 months. I still had no clue what the book would be about, but I figured documenting the experiences I shared with some of the men in this book was a start. Here is my story.



The statements and contents of this autobiographical work are true and are my interpretation of the truth. I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. Some names, places and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals as well as their anonymity. Any time spent with another individual where any funds were exchange was simply for time spent only. Any sexual activity that is described in this autobiographical work was consensual. The author and publisher shall have no liability or responsibility to any person or entity regarding any loss or damage incurred, or alleged to have incurred, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book. My life experiences and views are my own that I am sharing with the general public. You, the reader, are responsible for your own choices, actions and results.



Chapter One

Ball Bashing and Incest

Chapter Two


Chapter Three

From Prairie Boy to Las Vegas Show Boy

Chapter Four

Money, Travel and Sex

Chapter Five

Testing My Limits

Chapter Six

The Non-Typical Virgin

Chapter Seven

One Man’s Last Sexual Experience

Chapter Eight

Change Your Shirt and Walk Around the Room.

Chapter Nine

One Week in New York

Chapter Ten

Five Porn Shoots, Three Clients, Painted, and Food Poisoning.

Chapter Eleven

Dating an Escort

Chapter Twelve

Even Escorts Get the Blues

Chapter Thirteen



Chapter One

Ball Bashing and Incest

The phone rang around eleven on Sunday morning. It was August of 2011 and it was still boiling hot in Las Vegas. I was in my new king-size bed with both of my dogs by my side and a sheet barely covering my sweaty naked body. My comforter had fallen off the bed sometime during the night. I had a ceiling fan on full blast above me but it wasn’t enough to cool me off and keep me away from the 110-degree desert heat outside. Most people would think of this as midday, but for me it was still early, especially after being out all night partying and drinking with friends. I hated keeping my phone on throughout the night, but if I didn’t, I could end up missing out on too many clients.

I immediately recognized the 818 area code as being from Los Angeles. I figured it was just another rich Hollywood Hills or Beverly Hills guy in his fifties or sixties looking for an escort on his last day in town.

“Is this Christopher?” asked the man on the other end.

“Yes, it is. Who is this?” I asked, wondering what he was looking for. Nothing shocked me anymore, so I was mainly interested in him just putting his cards on the table.

“My name is Marvin. Have we talked before?” he asked.

I searched my memory for a Marvin in California. His voice seemed familiar, but I came up with nothing.

“I’m not too sure. What’s going on, Marvin?” I asked curiously.

“I live in LA and I wanted to bring you out here for a few days of fun. Would you be interested in that?” He sounded like he had a definite plan of what this “fun” entailed, but his voice was not relaxed or inviting. Instead he sounded creepy. Right away, I began to think his request would be a little more fucked up than taking me out to dinner and seeing a show, or spending thirty to forty minutes in his room talking, a massage, and possibly more.

“Sure. How long did you want me to come out and stay with you?”

“Well, I was thinking three to five days, and I would pay you a thousand dollars a day to stay here with me in my home,” he said with confidence.

“Okay, great,” I replied.
A thousand dollars a day? Seriously?
This sounded too good to be true. I could have definitely used a few thousand dollars at that time! Generally, I don’t like to do overnights with clients I don’t know unless the money is really worth it, or if it gave me a chance to travel to a new place. I preferred sleeping in my own bed alone, so for me to do it a few days with a client in his bed had to be worth it.

“The only thing is, I have a few special requests,” said Marvin.

Special requests?
Oh God, that could mean anything from kissing, massage, or cuddling to water sports, bondage, or verbal and/or physical abuse.

“Okay... like what?” I asked, feeling less interested. Generally, “special requests” included things I was not always comfortable doing and required a lot of work and energy. I don’t particularly like to cater to high-maintenance men with specific and elaborate sexual scenarios. I prefer men with more vanilla tastes who are looking for a boyfriend experience, like drinks, dinner, a show, talking, some light foreplay, and possibly more if they didn’t cum just as the oral sex started.

“Well,” Marvin continued, “I really get off on a guy kicking me in the balls. Is that something you could do?” He was now sounding like a dirty old man on the other end of the phone. This was obviously something he’d done before, and he was probably jerking off as he told me the details of what he got into. Shortly after I began escorting, I quickly noticed some of the men who called had no interest in hiring me. Rather, they would just call me with these elaborate sexual fantasies, and clearly they got off on telling them to me and hearing my voice on the other end.

This request sounded oddly familiar, but I wasn’t sure if this was something I had been asked to do before or if this was just another odd fetish request. It was not something I had ever done, but as long as I wasn’t getting kicked in the balls, I guess it was okay.

“Ummmmmm, okay,” I responded. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with this, but the money sounded good and maybe this was a chance to test my sexual limits. In this industry, I am constantly faced with opportunities to try new things sexually. Often I don’t feel comfortable with what they want, but sometimes I like to explore new things and test my boundaries so I agree.

“How hard do you want me to kick you in the balls, and how often?” Five days of being kicked in the nuts sounded excessive, but who was I to judge?

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