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Authors: Selena Kitt,Jamie Klaire,Ambrielle Kirk,Marie Carnay,Kinsey Grey,Alexis Adaire,Alyse Zaftig,Anita Snowflake,Cynthia Dane,Eve Kaye,Holly Stone,Janessa Davenport,Lily Marie,Linnea May,Ruby Harper,Sasha Storm,Tamsin Flowers,Tori White

Money Shot (79 page)

BOOK: Money Shot
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The auction went on forever. At least, it seemed that long, especially since Marcus was the last bachelor on the list.


Mrs. Chadwick made the wait bearable, entertaining Leah with stories about each of the bachelors—some of them scandalous, most of them sweet. The woman was a treasure, and Leah was grateful for her presence.


Finally, the female auctioneer introduced Marcus, and he strode on stage, wearing only his dress shirt and trousers, sleeves rolled up to reveal his strong, tanned arms. He looked dangerous, incredibly sexy, and God help her, she wanted him.


“Welcome our final bachelor to the stage—Marcus Hawkins!” Applause broke out, and Marcus grinned, strutting for his audience.


Mrs. Chadwick leaned in, and Leah braced herself for some bad boy story. Instead, the older woman surprised her. “Marcus is a dog lover. That endeared me to him the first time we met.”


The auctioneer started speaking again before Leah could form a coherent comment. “Marcus is the youngest of the billionaire Hawkins boys, and his own startup is now making more than his family’s company. He’s quite a catch, ladies.” The woman winked, and reached over to pat Marcus’ ass. “And this is a first for our auction—we have a private bid of…” She opened the piece of paper in her hand, and gaped at it, eyes wide. “Is this right?” She looked at—Tanya. Nerves fluttered in Leah’s stomach. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have an opening bid of—one point five million dollars!”


People gasped, others applauded, and Tanya basked in the attention, her eyes on Leah as she smiled. Leah eased away from Mrs. Chadwick, in case this turned ugly, hoped Marcus really meant what he said, and moved closer to the stage.


“One point six million.” Her heart pounded so hard she barely heard herself say it.


The woman stared at her, eyes even wider than before. Leah nodded, and she raised the mic. “We have one point six million! Do I hear—?”


“Two million.” Tanya’s angry voice scraped over Leah’s skin. The woman stood just feet away, her brown eyes narrowed and focused on Leah.


Leah swallowed and turned to the stage. Behind the auctioneer, Marcus nodded, once.


“Three million,” Leah whispered.


“Five million!” Tanya shoved at the people between her and Leah, reaching for her. “You do not have enough money to beat me, you fat bitch!”


Leah stumbled back, her hip bouncing off the edge of the stage.


Eyes flashing, Mrs. Chadwick stepped between them, facing Tanya. “Showing your true colors now, aren’t you, twiggy?”


Tanya gaped at her. She obviously knew who Mrs. Chadwick was, because she didn’t immediately spew rage at her.


Strong hands circled Leah’s waist and pulled her up, out of Tanya’s reach.


“Are you all right?” Marcus’ deep voice wrapped around her, as warm as the arm pulling her back against his chest.


“I’m fine. Let me go.”


He ignored her. “Mrs. Chadwick is something. I’ve had a crush on her for years.”


She looked up at him, found him smiling. “I like her. She’s so genuine. That’s a rare quality. Marcus—let go of me. I need to finish this.”


“Slap her down.” He whispered a number in her ear. Leah felt the color drain from her face. “It’s all right, gorgeous. I can afford it.”


She stepped to the auctioneer. “I have one last bid.” The entire foyer was deadly silent, everyone watching her. She bit back a smile as Mrs. Chadwick gave her a thumbs up. She glanced over at Marcus, took a deep breath, and looked right at Tanya when she spoke again. “Fifty million dollars.”


The crowd went wild.


The auctioneer shouted in the mic, finally getting their attention. “Quiet! I need to close the bidding. Do I hear fifty five?” Everyone looked at Tanya. She was so furious she shook, but she didn’t say a word. “And, fifty going once, going twice—sold to the lovely lady in blue velvet for fifty million dollars!”


Marcus picked her up and swung her around, grinning like an idiot. Probably from relief. He set her down, and stepped to the edge of the stage, taking a bow as the crowd applauded and hooted. God, he was beautiful, and he had a good heart on top of it. All that money would go straight to the charity, and he wouldn’t even blink when he authorized the transfer.


That thought shredded the last of her anger. The real Marcus stood on that stage, smiling as he waved at the crowd. She may get her heart ripped out of her chest and shattered at her feet, but if she didn’t take a chance, step out of the shadow of her past, she’d spend the rest of her life there, nurturing hurts that she needed to let go.


She had a feeling Marcus would help her do that.


Leah shifted her gaze in time to see Tanya stalk through the foyer, hissing at anyone who got in her way. They hadn’t seen the last of her.


Marcus grabbed her hand and pulled her along the stage and down the steps, not stopping until they were in a dark corner, hidden by dusty red curtains.


“You paid for me, gorgeous.”


“No—you paid for you.”


“Semantics.” His hands curled around her waist and drew her in, until his breath brushed her lips. “One night, with me. Whatever you want.”


She could barely think with him so close. But she did remember her condition. “With—clothes on.”


“Of course, Miss Frane.” He kissed her cheek, and kept going, until he reached her ear. “Clothes will stay on.” One hand brushed the side of her breast and she gasped, heat shooting straight to her core. “It will be quite the challenge.”


God help her. She was in trouble.


Big trouble.



Monday came much faster than Leah wanted.


She had spent the weekend hiding in her apartment, her phone turned off, dreading every minute that passed, bringing her closer to her inevitable face-to-face with Marcus.


One night. She would have one night with the former bad boy. One night that would rock her world, and probably shatter her heart.


She stood outside the office building, took a deep breath, and smoothed her hand over the front of her suit. For today she chose a black double breasted jacket and the matching, calf length skirt. With black boots covering the rest of her legs, all she had showing were her hands and her face. If she could have covered them without looking like a freak, she would have.


“Just do your work, Leah, and avoid him as much as possible.” Thinking of him led to thinking of what happened between them. Heat flushed her cheeks—and everywhere else, damn him. “Ice water,” she whispered, and pushed the tall glass door open. “Lots of ice water.”


She managed to avoid Marcus most of the day, since he was in meetings with the board of The Hawkins Group. All she had to do was type this last letter and sneak out before he—


“You look hot, Leah.” She froze, the deep voice sending a wave of need through her. Before she could stop herself, she looked up at him. Those blue eyes were more intense without his glasses. “There’s no need to wear that jacket in the office. I’m not a tyrant when it comes to dress code.”


He gestured to his rumpled blue button down shirt, jeans that hugged every inch of him. Every inch. Heat flushed her cheeks when she realized she was staring at his crotch.


God help her, she had it bad.


“Mr. Hawkins. I was just finishing—”


“Please join me in my office.”


She swallowed. “Of course, Mr. Hawkins.”


After a long drink of ice water, she wiped her hands on a tissue, made sure every button was buttoned, and grabbed the biggest notepad she could find. It was the closest she had to armor against him.


He ambushed her the second she walked in.


Those graceful hands closed the door before he took the notepad away from her, caught her around the waist and pinned her to the wall.


“You didn’t return any of my calls.”


“I—I was busy this weekend.”


“Did I scare you, Leah? That was never my intention.” His full, kissable lips moved closer. “I missed you.”


God help her. “Mr. Hawkins—”


“As much as I hate that you call me that, I have to say, it turns me on.” He showed her exactly how much when his erection pressed against her belly. Even with the layers of clothing, she felt his heat, his need. “You drove me crazy in that gown on Friday night, but you all covered up like that has my imagination on overdrive.”


He tossed the notepad over his shoulder and reached for her waist, his thumbs caressing her belly. She sucked in her breath, his touch sending waves of need straight to her core. Then his hands slid down, spreading over her hips. In spite of the fear coiling through her, she wanted him—more than she did at the auction. Her body throbbed at the thought of him buried inside her—that long, thick length driving her to a shattering climax—


“Mr. Hawkins.” She barely heard her whisper. “Please let me go.”


He must have heard the fear she fought to hide, because he backed away.


“Leah—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—damn it.” He ran one hand through his hair, looking as frustrated as she felt. “I know about your former fiancé.”


Heat scorched her face, and she was so mortified she could barely speak. “How?”


“It doesn’t matter.”


“Tell me. Please.” She had to know who to protect herself from, who was spreading the story behind her back.


“I overheard two of my employees. They understood by the time we finished our discussion that no one else will know about it. Ever.”


“Oh, God.” Panic shot through her. “You threatened them, didn’t you? Marcus—”


“I would have done the same for anyone who works for me. Privacy is sacred, and our personal lives are not fodder for the gossip queens.” Those two words told Leah exactly who he overheard. “It was a pleasure to put those two in their place, and have a damn fine reason to do it. Leah.” His deep voice caressed her name, as gentle as the fingers tracing her cheek. “You deserve so much more than a former playboy, but I want you. In my life, any way I can get you. I can’t promise I won’t hurt you, but I do promise I will do everything in my power to keep you from being hurt. Give me a chance.”


She stared into his dark blue eyes, her heart pounding so hard she was sure he could hear it. After a few shaky breaths, she managed to pull herself together enough to answer.


“I want that, too,” she whispered.


Marcus took the rest of her breath away by kissing her.


His hands slid under her ass and he lifted her, groaning when his erection pressed into her heat. Leah wanted him—God, how she wanted him—but she gradually eased herself out of the kiss that was melting her brain, and fought to catch her breath.



BOOK: Money Shot
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