Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor (52 page)

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Authors: Hervé This

Tags: #Cooking, #General, #Methods, #Essays & Narratives, #Special Appliances, #Science, #Chemistry, #Physics, #Technology & Engineering, #Food Science, #Columbia University Press, #ISBN-13: 9780231133128

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by double bonds. These unsaturated compounds determine the fusion properties and

nutritive properties of foods.

vanillin: A surprising molecule that is abundantly present in vanilla. It is also formed

when alcohols are left to age in oak casks: The ethyl alcohol reacts with the lignin of the

wood, eventually producing vanillin—hence the vanilla flavor of certain old alcohols.

vege tables: Plants whose cells differ from those of animals in that they contain hard

walls, softened by cooking. These walls are remarkable structures made up of several

layers. It is important for culinary purposes to know that they contain pectin, a complex

sugar that causes preserves to set, for example.

yeasts: Very useful unicellular organisms that help us make bread, wine, beer, and many

other dishes.

350 | gloss ar y

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