Mold Me [Dungeon Masters 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) (14 page)

Read Mold Me [Dungeon Masters 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Online

Authors: Cara Adams

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

BOOK: Mold Me [Dungeon Masters 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
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Phoenix kneeled on the floor, her hands by her sides and her forehead resting on the stone just as he’d told her to do last time. He wasn’t surprised that she’d remembered, but he was a little surprised that she’d immediately taken the position without waiting for an order from him. He also wasn’t surprised that her ass was quite a few inches higher than it needed to be. So she’d chosen to disobey in a tiny manner wondering whether he’d notice. Or maybe begging for a paddle on that cheeky ass.

She’d learn he was the one who made the decisions here.

He pointed to the wooden frame in the corner of the room and held up four fingers. Callum nodded. It was one of their codes for how he wanted the sub tied up to be punished.

“Go to Callum.”

Lachlan took four ropes from the lower drawer under the counter as Callum tapped Phoenix’s hands and showed her where to hold on to the frame. Lachlan quickly bound her wrists so she could hold the rails. Callum tapped her right foot and then the bar at the side of the frame. Phoenix balanced herself on her left foot and placed her right foot on the bar. Lachlan bent to tie her ankle tightly to the bar, once again leaving her foot free to balance herself. Now would come the first surprise.

Callum tapped her left foot and indicated the highest bar on the left-hand side of the wooden box framework.

“Fucking hell. You aren’t serious. I’m not a gymnast, you know.”

Callum tapped the bar again and Lachlan flicked the rope over her ass, landing a stinging stroke on her skin.

Phoenix turned and poked her tongue out at him, but obediently placed her foot on the top rung.

Lachlan wanted to laugh at her childish response. The laughter was bubbling inside him, begging to be let out. Damn she was a treat. She never did or said what he expected, but always added her own personality to everything.

He contented himself with slapping her with the rope again, this time hitting her upper thigh, and letting the end of the rope curl inside her leg, touching the soft and sensitive skin there.

Once she was balanced Callum stepped away from the frame, moving back into the center of the dungeon where she couldn’t see him, and Lachlan tied her ankle. He would leave her in that position for five minutes, which should be enough to put tension on her muscles and make her think about what would happen next. Meanwhile he crossed to the bench opening the top drawer. Even though it was unlikely Phoenix would be able to see what he was doing, he shielded the drawer with his body as he took out lube and a butt plug, and something he’d asked for today. Bright pink BDSM tape to gag her.

Lachlan handed the butt plug and lube to Callum, pointing to the floor. Callum nodded. His best friend was incredibly perceptive and efficient. In these scenes, Lachlan could never recall Callum ever doing something he hadn’t wanted done. Almost always, his friend moved silently and efficiently, carrying out his task to perfection with no fuss and no expectation of thanks. Lachlan sincerely appreciated him.

Before the five minutes were up, Lachlan could see Phoenix trying to be still even though her muscles were apparently starting to pull from the way she was tied up. Nevertheless, he waited the remaining time out, stepping up silently behind her, having removed his boots, and spanking her ass when she wiggled her shoulders. He stood behind her and held the pink tape up at her eye level.

“Cotton-candy-pink. Your favorite color,” he said, wrapping the tape firmly over her mouth and across the back of her head. The tape stuck to itself, not to the skin, making it easy and painless to remove. But she likely wouldn’t know that yet. She could imagine it being pulled off her hair as she waited for the next thing to happen.

Lachlan picked up a flogger and let her see him holding it.

“Lift your fingers off the bar. The ropes will hold you securely.”

He saw the hesitation in her eyes, but she obeyed him. He waited until she’d had them off for about a minute. “Good. You can hold on again.”

He wanted her to feel safe, but he’d made her see that she could do it.

“If you want to call
, lift the fingers of your left hand only off the bar and hold them upright. If you need to call
, lift the fingers of both hands off. Do you understand, sub?”

She nodded.

“Good.” Now he began to tease her with the flogger. Sometimes he flogged her with it, laying harsh strokes on her shoulders, thighs, or ass. But mostly he trailed the strands over her skin, teasing her with them, letting them slide across her breasts, or dip over her belly and cunt. Around and around her he walked, always conscious of her stretched-out legs, her body open for him and Callum to see how red her pussy was growing as she became more and more aroused.

She was completely splayed out for them, her left leg raised high and her arms and right foot spread wide. Even her breasts seemed more visible, more arousing in this position.

Lachlan balanced himself, his weight equally spread on both feet, and flogged her ass steadily until it was bright pink, and then sent several strokes up over her cunt. Then he began pacing and teasing her again as he nodded to Callum.

Silently Callum kneeled behind her and covered his fingers with lube. Lachlan ensured Phoenix’s attention was on him as he smoothed the strands of the flogger along her right leg and over her toes. Her entire body leaped with shock when Callum began preparing her ass, but once again Lachlan distracted her, this time using the handle of the flogger as he ran it up and down her sternum and around her breasts.

Phoenix’s eyes were wide open, and they were sparkling with happiness or lust, or perhaps both. He was pleased she appreciated his scene. And hopefully she’d enjoy what came next as well.

Before long she was pushing back on Callum’s fingers, wanting more and more. He took a pinwheel out of the drawer and ran it up and down her leg, causing her to pay attention to him. Good. He didn’t want her to come until they arrived back at the farm and fucked her. This was to arouse her. In bed was where she’d receive fulfillment.

He put the pinwheel away and took a vibrating egg out of its packaging, sliding it inside her.

“Nod if you’d like me to turn the egg on.”

She nodded her head so vigorously it was amazing the frame didn’t shake.

“You will not get an orgasm until we’re home in bed.”

The middle finger of her right hand rose off the bar she was holding. He had to stop himself laughing at her persistent naughtiness. “No, little witch, not even if you are rude. I’m not going to spank you to orgasm right now either.”

When Callum inserted the butt plug inside her, they untied her. Having her muscles all aching was not part of the plan, although a hot ass might well be if she continued to answer back. Callum put the ropes away as Lachlan dressed her and then bound her wrists behind her back with the pink tape.

She raised her eyebrows at him, but he wanted to be able to buzz the egg inside her cunt without her screaming as they walked through the club.


* * * *


Phoenix was glad to be moving again. It’d been incredibly arousing to be tied up with her most intimate parts so widely exposed. She couldn’t ever remember having her legs in anything like that position before, far less while she was undressed. When Lachlan had left her there alone and tied up, she’d had time for a million different scenarios to run wildly through her mind, but underneath it all she’d always known she could trust these two men. That Lachlan would never design a scene that left her hurt or abused. However, that knowledge hadn’t prevented shivers of drama from racing up and down her spine.

Her ass was hot and a little sore, but that was good, too. It reminded her that a flogger had a different sensation on her skin from a whip and a paddle. That it could arouse and tease as well as pack a damn hard stroke.

They’d just left the elevator and were walking through the parking lot to Lachlan’s car when he buzzed the vibrating egg in her cunt. Phoenix gasped and stumbled, the blaze of arousal ripping through her body from her cunt to her nipples and her ass and everywhere else as well. She tried to open her mouth to drag more air into her lungs but the pink duct tape held her lips shut, not allowing her the extra oxygen she needed, so she had to force herself to breathe deeply through her nose.

Fucking hell.
Phoenix stood still, her legs wobbly and her entire body shaking.

“Hurry up, sub. Don’t keep me waiting,” ordered Lachlan.

“Fuck you.” Once again she tried to speak but her lips wouldn’t open and the noise that came out was scarcely more than a faint mumble. Of course the men heard her and likely guessed what she was saying, even though she hadn’t actually been able to speak properly.

When they reached the car, Lachlan opened the door to the backseat and sat down, drawing her in after him, but upside down.

What the fuck?

Her jeans were wrenched down and a hard palm landed right on the most tender section of her ass. At the same time, the vibrator in her cunt buzzed, turning her body to Jell-O. Six more hard slaps landed on her ass, before Lachlan pulled her jeans up again.

“You need to learn not to answer back to your Dom,” he said, staring hard at her.

Phoenix nodded and dropped her gaze to the floor of the car. Her ass was quite sore now, so she wouldn’t be deliberately teasing them anymore tonight, but she couldn’t necessarily help it if she spoke before thinking. People had been telling her to shut up all her life and they’d had no effect on her mouth. It was just the way she was.

Lachlan buckled her into her seatbelt and slid out of the car on the other side, settling himself in the front passenger seat. Phoenix was glad he’d put her seatbelt on. With her hands tied behind her back, likely the first time they traveled around a bend she’d fall over.

The journey passed in a daze, with Lachlan buzzing the egg every now and then, always when she was off guard. By the time they reached the house, she was a melted puddle of lust. When she stumbled into her bedroom, she was more than ready to be fucked and determined to be good and not jeopardize her chances. Although likely she’d be smart-mouthing the men again tomorrow.

She braced herself when Lachlan began to pull off the pink duct tape, but it didn’t hurt at all. She opened her mouth to ask what was the magic in it, then snapped her mouth shut in a hurry. Tomorrow. She’d ask tomorrow.

Callum laughed. “It’s special BDSM tape. It only sticks to itself.”

“The scene is over. You can talk now,” said Lachlan. She stared at him, wanting to be sure he was sincere. His eyes were full of amusement but she judged he wouldn’t mislead her.

“I like that tape. It’s amazing.”

“It also comes in red, but I felt certain you’d prefer the pink.”

“Hell, yes. Thank you.”

“Are you ready to go to bed with us now?” asked Lachlan.

“I’ve been ready for hours. Have you got any idea how arousing it is to sit on a hot aching ass with a butt plug inside your ass?” she asked.

“Not personally, no. But I can imagine it’d be an interesting experience.” Callum was laughing again. She undressed quickly and climbed onto the bed. She did love being with these men. They were so much fun. They could hold an intelligent conversation one minute, play unbelievably arousing BDSM games the next, and then make her laugh the third. There was no one else she’d rather spend her time with in the whole world than Callum and Lachlan.

Lachlan took the egg out of her cunt and slid in his condom-covered cock in its place. A cock was so much better than the egg. Oh, sure, the egg had driven her wild with lust, but Lachlan’s cock filled her completely, stretching her wide. He was hot and all man, the faintest scent of the grass and trees still on his skin from earlier today when they’d been outside.

He rolled them over so that now she was on top, and Callum removed the butt plug from her ass. He’d evidently coated his condom-covered cock with lube, because he slid inside her as fast and smoothly as Lachlan had done. Phoenix heaved a huge sigh. This was what she wanted. This was her happy place. Both her men inside her, held tight in her core. Their arms were wrapped around her and their bodies enveloped her like thick, hard blankets, shielding her from the world.

Now she waited. Would they fuck her in that see-saw motion or both together? She didn’t mind. Just as long as they started fucking her soon.

“What are you waiting for? I’m ready to rock here.”


* * * *


Callum wiggled his dick a little deeper inside her ass, just to tease her. The damn little witch was one hundred percent distracting and arousing. If he wasn’t careful, he’d explode like the Fourth of July before the party even got started. He had to concentrate and wait for Lachlan’s sign.

Even though he hadn’t been involved in the dungeon with Lachlan all that often, they’d quickly developed a series of minute eye, eyebrow, and finger movements, whereby Lachlan could let him know what he wanted. It worked perfectly here when they shared Phoenix as well as in the dungeon, because she was tucked between them and they were almost eyeball to eyeball.

He loved her so much it was almost a pain in his heart. He’d been overwhelmed with relief when she’d accepted their wolf forms and now all he was waiting for was for her to agree to mate them. Even if she only promised to live with them, that’d satisfy him for now.

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