Mogul (31 page)

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Authors: Ginger Voight

Tags: #triangle, #series romance, #rubenesque romance, #rocker romance

BOOK: Mogul
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What an
, Vanni thought to himself. Instead
of being her biggest fan, he was reiterating what people who didn’t
care at all about her would say. And he called that

He thought back to his own relationship with
Andy. Had she felt that way over the years, when he would openly
and publicly date people like Kat and Lourdes, while expecting her
to be happy being the one hidden in the shadows like a dirty

It had never really occurred to him until
that moment that she might have interpreted things that way. He
certainly had never meant them that way.

Had he?

He had always thought Andy
was sexy and exciting. If anything, he had been intimidated by how
good she was. He had never thought he could deserve someone so
kind, so decent, so loving and so true. He had trampled all over
her heart – and probably her self-esteem – by sabotaging everything
out of some misguided belief
wasn’t good enough for

Had he ever made her feel less-than?

If so, meeting Eddie was just a little
insight into just how much of an asshole he had been. He still
didn’t deserve her, but he vowed to himself he’d spend each and
every day for the rest of his life making it up to her. There’d
never be another Kat. There’d never be another Lourdes.

There’d never be another Holly.

He groaned inwardly as he realized that had
been what drove her into the arms of another man. Now he understood
why she’d been so angry, and why Graham – who had never made her
feel inadequate – would be the man she’d choose.

Through it all Vanni had been far more
willing to be publicly linked with Holly, who wasn’t anything to
him, than the woman who had been there for him from the

And now he was still trying to juggle them
both, as if Holly deserved the best of him simply because she was
having his baby. He still felt the need to protect her and take
care of her, when the woman who wore his ring carried the extra
baggage that clearly didn’t belong to her.

What was he thinking? He had been such an

He made the promise to himself that he would
take her feelings into consideration with every action from here on
out. If he couldn’t do something with her right there in the room
next to him looking on, he just wouldn’t do it.

Anything else cheated her and cheapened their
relationship. And she deserved more than that.

She deserved so much more.

Kelly brought Andy to the party, and Vanni’s
eyes lit up to see her. She looked lovelier than he could remember,
with her black, sequined maternity gown and her rosy complexion.
When their eyes locked, she smiled a warm intimate smile meant only
for him. In all the years they’d been together, she had been
faithful – even despite turning to Graham.

He had been her focus. Now it was time to
return the favor. He walked over to her and took her into his arms
for the whole room to see. She was his woman, and he was more than
proud to call her that.

Andy was pleased he wasn’t upset that she
ventured outside what she lovingly called The Fortress. They had
talked about her keeping a low profile until after the assailant
was caught, but this was his big night and she wanted to be

Truth was, he wanted her there, too, and he
didn’t know just how much until he saw her beautiful face. He
filled his arms with her embrace, and possessively kept an arm
around her or touched her stomach so that all could see that she
was his.

As they stood together next to Jake and
Shannon, Graham could no longer deny that Vanni had truly come full
circle. He wasn’t just using her for his own gain anymore. His face
brightened the minute he saw her across the room, and he looked
happier standing there with Andy than he had looked when being
applauded by a roomful of strangers.

Her dream had come true. She had truly won
his love.

Graham scanned the room for Maggie. She had
dressed up for the occasion. Her bright red hair stood out against
her pale skin and the wispy, yellow dress she wore. Her lovely face
was framed by the makeup she wore, no doubt tricks she had learned
from Jorge, and when their eyes met he saw that same look of
affection that Andy had worn for Vanni.

Only this time, that look belonged to

He smiled and walked to where she stood. He
could have asked her to dance; he could have toasted her with
champagne. But truth was he had had enough of the party. He was
through sharing.

He took Maggie by the hand and led her toward
the car so they could go home.

They shared a comfortable silence on the car
ride to Malibu. He was constantly amazed how they could be so close
and not say anything at all. It all fit like a glove. He didn’t
hesitate as he lifted her up and carried her through the door,
taking her by surprise. “What are you doing?” she giggled.

“Something I should have done a long time
ago,” he told her with a crooked grin. He kicked the door closed
behind them and carried her toward his bedroom.

“Graham,” she said softly, but he shut her up
with a kiss. She melted against him when his tongue parted her lips
and took possession of her mouth. There was no question, he asked
no permission. This was their night – he knew it the minute their
eyes locked at the party.

The past was put safely to pasture. Their
future was at hand.

He laid her gently on the bed. Her blue eyes
were wide as she watched him take off his jacket and unbutton his
white shirt. He shrugged it free before he joined her, taking her
into his arms. “You wanted to wait until I was sure you weren’t a
substitute,” he said as he looked down into her eyes. He touched
her hair, his fingers flowing through each coppery strand. “From
your red hair,” he whispered, before his finger traced her face,
“to your cute little freckles…” He touched her mouth with the tip
of his thumb, “Those full, honey lips,” he said as his hand
traveled toward her breast, “to your perfect breasts that fill my
hands as if they were made to,” he looked back into her eyes.
“You’re my Mags, through and through. You look like no one else.
You feel like no one else.” He bent closer and whispered against
her mouth, “I want you like no one else.”

With a groan her mouth parted and he kissed
her long and deep. She was breathless when he pulled away. “It took
me a while but I finally figured it out. Everyone else has been a
substitute for you.”

Tears sprang into those eyes that always
stared at him with wonder, with longing… with love. “Oh Graham,”
she said as she wrapped herself around him. He kissed her harder.
He loved the sound of his name on her lips. His hand ran up her
bare leg, under her dress, to cup her hip as he pulled her

She arched against him and his mouth found
the hardened peak of her breast through her dress. Her fingers
tangled in his hair as his tongue ran tiny, hot circles on the
fabric. She didn’t stop him as he pushed the material away for a
taste of her skin.

Instead her legs scissored behind his hips as
he sucked her breast into his mouth. Her fingers dug into his bare
back as he toyed with her and teased her with the tip of his
tongue. She had wanted him so badly for so long; she felt her whole
body ignite under him.

She, too, was tired of waiting.

He lifted her up to unzip her dress, sliding
it down over each milky shoulder. He made it a game to kiss his way
down her body, across each little freckle, until he had her bare
and beautiful underneath him. Her skin felt like silk to his touch,
and his body hardened and reached for her through his own
restrictive clothing.

Her fingers unfastened his slacks, pushing
them down over his hips, revealing his body to her at last. She had
seen him naked many times, but this was the first time she saw him
as a lover. He was all man as he strained for her, and her fingers
gently wrapped around him.

“Maggie,” he breathed into her mouth before
he kissed her again. He shuddered as she caressed him, cupping him
gently, stroking him decisively. Her hunger was tempered by her
innate tenderness, driving him crazy with his desire for her. Every
sensation was intense as the first time he had been touched by a
woman. “I need you,” he pleaded, delirious to be inside her at

She guided him between her legs. She felt so
warm and wet, and opened up to him like a new virgin as he sank
deep inside of her. At first he couldn’t even move. He luxuriated
in how she felt around him. It was like finding the missing piece
of a puzzle. He looked down into her eyes. The last barrier had
been crossed.

They shared hot, open-mouthed kisses as he
started to move inside of her. She met each stroke, her fingers
buried in each hip to guide him. Their passion grew more urgent, as
if they were afraid they’d completely go up in smoke before they
reached their destination.

He filled her completely, with each stroke
her eyes widened as he reached deeper within her. “Oh, Graham,” she
would whisper over and over, as she saw the reflection of her
desire in the depths of his darkened eyes.

He toyed with her full bottom lip between his
teeth as his hand slipped between them. The minute he touched her
she shot off like a rocket. Her body shuddered around him as she
moaned through the first intense orgasm, which he encouraged to
linger through the nimble manipulation of his delicate

She bucked against him and he met each
gyration with a forceful, possessive stroke. When he felt himself
start to lose control he buried himself deep within her with an
incoherent grunt. He felt her body spasm all around him, which only
served to make his climax more intense.

He was out of breath and couldn’t speak for
moments after the last shudder passed. It was the first true orgasm
he had felt since he was shot, but it felt almost like the first
time he’d ever come with anyone. She looked lovely and sated as she
traced his strong chin with her finger. “You are amazing,” he said
softly. “I can’t believe I almost missed this. I’m an idiot.”

She grinned as she wrapped her entire body
around his, keeping him deeply sheathed inside of her. There was no
way she’d ever let him go again. “But you’re my idiot,” she

He kissed her softly. “All yours, Mags,” he
said as he hugged her tight. “All yours.”




June 16, 2011

Rancho Palos Verdes, California



Candles illuminated the living room of Andy’s
and Vanni’s house, while soft music played from their sound system.
They danced around the living room, a fitting evening to their
date. Bubbly sparkling cider and the remnants of Chinese takeout
sat on the coffee table, where they had fed each other after a rare
day off from the studio. Their wedding was the very next day; there
was no way they could have concentrated on anything else.

With Kelly’s help, Andy had thrown together
an intimate backyard wedding. They had rented an archway due to be
delivered the next morning. It was painted white, covered with dark
green leaves and white roses. Under that archway they would pledge
their devotion, one to the other. Vanni couldn’t wait. There were
no cold feet, no second guesses. He didn’t want to wait another day
before Andy Foster became Andy Carnevale. He bought her a diamond
band to go with her engagement ring, and he was dying to put it on
her finger.

Their happily ever after was but a day away,
and the minutes were ticking by at a snail’s pace. It was way worse
than waiting to see what Santa left under the tree on Christmas
morning. He knew what his gift would be, and he couldn’t wait to
unwrap it. He hugged her close as they danced. “Just think.
Tomorrow we’ll dance together as husband and wife.”

She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his
neck. “I can’t wait,” she said. She could hardly believe it was

“I can’t wait for tomorrow night,” he growled
playfully into her ear as he cupped her hips in both hands. Her
big, pregnant belly prevented him from getting too close. “If
someone will let me get past the gate,” he said as he rubbed her
hard tummy. “I guess we can’t call her bean anymore.”

“More like basketball,” Andy groaned. Her
last doctor’s appointment showed that their little girl was a
healthy size, and she had entered her eighth month of pregnancy
with a clean bill of health. She was finding it more painful to
walk as their daughter slipped further down in her pelvis, and
teased Vanni that she’d be waddling down the aisle.

He responded, saying she’d be the sexiest
penguin he’d ever seen.

He led her by the hand to sit in their large
sectional sofa that faced the fireplace. “Maybe we should decide
what we will name her for real,” he suggested as he pulled her down
to cuddle her close. “Given it anymore thought?”

She shook her head. With the wedding and the
show, much thought of what would happen after their baby was born
was put on hold. She’d think about at night, after he’d leave their
house in Palos Verdes and return to Redondo Beach, but it didn’t
seem right to come up with a name without him. She figured they’d
come up with it together once they were married and could focus all
their attention on the baby.

They were in the home stretch now, with
nothing more to do but wait for the blessed arrival.

She had suggested they name the baby
Giovanna, after him, but he shook his head. He wanted their
daughter to have a clean slate, to be named something completely
unique to her. He wasn’t even sold that she should have an Italian
name, but Andy wanted to celebrate her daughter’s ethnic heritage.
He’d shake his head after every suggestion. “Antonia? Francesca?
Serafina? Madonna?” He gave her a pointed look. “How about

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