Modern Islamist Movements: History, Religion, and Politics (46 page)

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Mubarak, Hosni 64 assassination attempt on 68 and public Islam 182–3

Muhammad, the Prophet 3

battles fought by 13, 98, 109, 150

as life model 20–1, 50

night journey of 85–6, 103 and physical jihad 60–1

Muhammad Ali: destroys first Saudi state 129

mujahideen (Afghanistan) Bin Laden and 67, 140

control Jalalabad 195

Jama(at-i Islami support for 179 madrasahs and 192–3, 210 Pakistani support for 188

al-Qaida as offshoot of 188 recruited internationally 210 Saudi support for 153–4 Taliban as offshoot of 188, 193

United States and 29, 69, 141, 188,

196, 210

victory of 141–2

Zia ul-Haq’s support for 189–91

al-Mujamma (among the Palestinians) 102

Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt) 27, 48

agenda of 50–1, 76

and democracy 75

foundation of 49–50

growth of 51–2

leaders of 53

and Nazism 52

and political legitimacy 62 services provided by 50, 62–3 similarities to Jama(at-i Islami


suppression of, under Nasser 54, 62

violent methods of 52, 53, 54

see also Hamas; Palestinians Muslim League: opposed by Jama(at-i

Islami 171 Muslims

as rightful owners of Palestine 85–6 world population of 2–3

see also Shiite Muslims; Sunni Muslims

mutawwa(a (Saudi religious police) 131–2


Naguib, General Muhammad 53, 54 Najibullah, Muhammad: hanged by

Taliban 203

Nasir al-Din Shah: and tobacco concession to Britain 38

Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza: on Mawdudi’s understanding of Islam 166

al-Nasser, Gamal Abd 54

Muslim Brotherhood’s assassination attempt on 54, 57

Qutb’s critique of 58, 59 National Islamic Front (NIF, Sudan):

Bin Laden and 142, 143 nationalism: and Islam 40 Netherlands: as colonial power 37 Niblock, Tim: on government and

ulema in Saudi Arabia 133 Nicholas II (Russia): pogroms under 86 9/11 attacks see September 11 attacks 1967 Arab-Israeli War see June War Niyazi, Mawlana (Abdu)ssalam 165 Northern Alliance (United Islamic Front

for the Salvation of Afghanistan) 147

al-Nuqrashi Pasha, Mahmud Fahmi: assassination of 52

Nur al-Din Muhammad 73


Omar, Mullah (Mullah Mohammed Omar) 196–203, 208

on Bill Clinton 208 and Bin Laden 148

acclaimed “Commander of the Faithful” 201, 202, 203

early life of 196 and ISI 197

and Kandahar assembly 201–2 as Taliban leader 196–7

Oslo Peace Accords 105–8

Israeli dissatisfaction with 107–8 Palestinian dissatisfaction with


and status of West Bank and Gaza 106


Ottoman Empire 7

as caliphate 46



Afghan students in 191–2

and Afghanistan 26–7, 28, 179,

188–94, 203

and China 190

as Islamic state 170

and Islamism 26, 28, 191

Islamization of 178, 182

Jama(at-i Islami in politics of 172–3, 175–8

and nuclear capability 190 and public Islam 182–3 secular government in 20 and Taliban 27, 164, 211–12

and the United States 190, 211, 212 Pakistan People’s Party: opposed by

Jama(at-i Islami 177

Palestine 7

and Balfour Declaration 90–1 name of 85

Muslims as rightful owners of 85–6 under Ottoman rule 88, 91

see also Israel/Palestine

Palestine Liberation Organization see PLO Palestine Mandate 91

Palestinian National Authority 94, 106,


Palestinian National Charter 96–8 secular character of 97–8


and conditions in West Bank and Gaza 100–1, 107, 109, 110

and Islamism 26; see also Hamas and Israel 7, 8, 9, 27

martyrdom operations (suicide attacks) by 9–10

as microcosm of wider struggle against injustice 110–11, 113

and militancy 100; see also intifada Muslim Brotherhood and 102–3 become refugees 93

and resistance against Jewish settlement 92–3, 94

see also PLO

Pan-Arabism: and Egypt 76 Pashtuns 206

and Taliban 147, 193, 197, 198, 206

Pathankot, India 172

peace: in Muslim worldview 3

PFLP (People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine): 98–9

Pinsker, Leo: Auto-Emancipation 87 PLO (Palestine Liberation

Organization) 27, 94

disillusionment with 104, 106–7

foundation of 95

merger of, with Fatah 96 and Oslo Peace Accords 106

and Palestinian National Charter 96–7

Palestinian youth alienated from 100 prostitution: Islamic ban on 22



and attack on USS Cole 149

East African attacks (1998) by 69,

145, 146, 207–8

founding of 67, 140

identifies with Palestinian struggle 110

ideological roots of 4, 24

internationalization of 145

and jihad 14

and Islamism 2, 4

and mujahideen 188 and Saudi Arabia 138–9

and September 11 attacks 210

and Taliban 4, 188

United States’ missile attacks on training camps of 208

violence advocated by 19, 75–6

and Wahhabism 122

see also under Bin Laden Quran

as all-encompassing 20

and jihad 14

and liberal Islam 4 literal truth of 1 as revelation 3

as source of knowledge 12 Qutb, Muhammad 137, 140


Qutb, Sayyid 20, 27, 54–62

and Bin Laden 140, 152

execution of 62

on jahiliyya 58–60, 140

on jihad 60, 61, 140

Milestones 58, 61

and Muslim Brotherhood 57, 58

in prison 58, 61

rejects secularism 55

visits the United States 55–7 as writer 55


Rabbani, Burhanuddin 140 contacted by Mullah Omar 197 controls Kabul 194

Rabin, Yitzhak 105, 106

assassination of 108

Rahman, Fazlur 28

Reagan, Ronald: and Pakistan 190 religion: and political resistance 15–16 Rida, Muhammad Rashid 20, 27, 37,


on caliphate 46–7

and colonialism 44–5

legacy of 48

and Muslim decline 44, 45

on technology and Islam 45–6 on ulema’s role in law-making 46 on unity in Islam 46


and anti-Semitism 86–7

and the Arabian Peninsula 130 and Britain and the Zionist

movement 89, 90 as colonial power 7 and Pakistan 204

and al-Qaida 145

and the Taliban 203, 204, 205, 211


al-Sabah, Mubarak: signs secret treaty with Britain 130

Sadat, Anwar 54

assassination attempts on 63, 66,


Said, Edward: on Palestinian struggle 111

Saladin (Salah al-Din) 7, 73–4

Saudi Arabia

and Afghanistan 153–4, 195, 203

Bin Laden and 26, 67–8

and colonialism 130

Egyptian-Ottoman intervention in 129

foundation of modern state of 130–1 government of, as non-Islamic 20

in Gulf War 137–8 Islamic reforms in 137

and Islamists 136–7, 154–5, 212 mujahideen supported by 153–4 oil resources of 134–5, 155 origins of state of 128–9

and al-Qaida 26, 138–9

Sharia in 26

social welfare in 135–6

ulema critical of royal family in 135 ulema–government relations in 133 United States troops in 11–12, 138,

139, 146, 148

and Wahhabism 25, 28, 122, 133, 138 Sayyaf, Abdul Rasool 140

Scott, Sir Walter: The Talisman 6 secularism

fitnah and 70–1 rejected by Qutb 55

and religion in public life 40 targeted by Islamists 20, 70

September 11 attacks 2, 4, 25–7, 77,

112, 150–1

as acts of Islamic self-defense 5–12 and al-Awlaki 77

and Bin Laden’s perception of the United States 149

as jihad and Islamists’ justification for 14–15, 150–3

as martyrdom operations 150–3 and Muslims’ perceptions of Bin

Laden 147

and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) 210, 211

and parallels between United States and Israeli policies 112

United States’ response to 2, 210,


and Zawahiri 69


sexual relations: Islamic rules concerning 1, 21

Shahzad Faisal: Times Square attack by 77


applicability of 1, 21

and secularism 5

Sharon, Ariel: visits Temple Mount 10, 108

Shiite Muslims 3

considered heretical by Taliban 203, 206, 207

Shuqayri, Ahmad 95, 96, 97

al-Sindi, Muhammad Hayat 124 Sirriya, Salih 70

Six-Day War see June War (1967) Smith, Charles D.: on United States’

role in establishing state of Israel 93

SOCAL (Standard Oil of California): and Saudi oil 134

Society of the Muslims (Egypt) 62 Somalia

Bin Laden and 144–5

United States forces ousted from 144

Soviet Union

and Afghanistan 29, 188–90, 192,

195, 211

and Bin Laden 18, 68, 140–2, 144,


and Hamas 104

and India 26–7, 28

and the mujahideen 192–3, 194, 210 and Mullah Omar 196

and Pakistan 26–7, 28, 179, 188–9,


and al-Qaida 4, 141, 144

and the Taliban 198, 200, 203, 206,

210, 211

and Wahhabism 153, 154

and Zawahiri 67, 69

Spin Boldak: Taliban capture of 198 Standard Oil of California see SOCAL Stern Group 92, 93

suicide attacks see martyrdom operations

Sunni Muslims 3

Taliban as 203, 206, 207 Syria

and Israel 9

secular government in 20

as United States’ enemy 113


Tajiks 147 Taliban

Afghanistan taken over by 147, 200–1, 203–4, 208

and Afghanistan–Pakistan links 164, 197

Bin Laden and 147

and conference in Kandahar 201–2, 203

demonstrations against 209 international backlash against


and Iran 203, 207, 208 Islamic regime of 199 and Islamic history 200

kill Iranian diplomats 203, 207

madrasah students as 193, 198,


military defeats suffered by 205 military successes of 198, 200

and mujahideen 188, 193, 195–6

Pakistan and 191, 211

and Palestinian struggle 110 and al-Qaida 4

Shiites considered heretics by 203, 206, 207

United States’ action against 208, 210

and women 199, 200, 208


in the discourse of Ibn Abd

al-Wahhab 122–5, 126, 128

in the discourse of Mawdudi 165 Truman, Harry S.: favors establishment

of Jewish state 93

al-Turabi, Hassan 68, 142–3 Tutu, Bishop Desmond

and anti-apartheid struggle 16 on Israel’s treatment of the

Palestinians 8


Uighurs: welcomed by Pakistan 194 ulema

and (Abduh 41

and Afghani 38

and Ayub Khan 176

and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab 122, 127 and madrasahs in Afghanistan and

Pakistan 191–2

and Mawdudi 171–2, 173

and mujaddids 167

in Najd 129

in Rida’s discourse 46, 47 and the Saudi Arabian

government 133, 135 Umar ibn al-Khattab 11

as “Commander of the Faithful” 202 United Islamic Front for the Salvation

of Afghanistan see Northern Alliance

United Kingdom see Great Britain United National Leadership of the

Intifada (UNL) see intifada, United National Leadership of

United Nations

approves partition of Israel/ Palestine 93

approves sanctions against Taliban 209

United States

Afghanistan involvement of 208, 211–13

and attack on USS Cole 149 attacks al-Qaida leadership in

Afghanistan 208 and Bin Laden 208 drone attacks by 212

East African embassies of, attacked 69, 207–8

and Iran 10

and Iraq 10–11, 111–12

and Israel 7, 8, 93

Israeli policies/tactics adopted by 111–13

and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan) 210

and Operation Restore Hope (Somalia) 144

and Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm (Gulf War) 146

and Pakistan 190, 211, 212 and Saudi oil 134

and September 11 attacks 2, 151 supports governments in Muslim

world 71–2

supports mujahideen 29, 69 Urban II, Pope 6

USS Cole 149

USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) see Soviet Union

al-Utaybi, Juhayman: leads Islamist

seizure of Great Mosque (Mecca) 136–7

Uzbeks 147


Vassiliev, Alexei: on Saudi kingdom 132–3


as means of spreading Islam 14–15

al-Qaida and 4

religious, theorization of 18–19

see also September 11 attacks


al-Wahhab, Muhammad Ibn Abd see

Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, Muhammad Wahhabism 25, 28

anti-Saudi form of 153 defining events of 125 impact of 122

and religious police (mutawwa(a) 131–2

Saud family and 128–9, 131, 133 spread to Pakistan and

Afghanistan 195

Wakil, Mullah: on Taliban program to recreate the time of the Prophet 202–3

Weissbrod, Lilly: on religious emphasis of Hamas 104

Weizmann, Chaim: promotes Zionism in Britain 89–90


colonialism by see colonialism culture of, inimical to Islam 22

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