Mockingbird (56 page)

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Authors: Charles J. Shields

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Lee disavows

Mockingbird Players

Monroe County Bank

Monroe County Courthouse

Lett trial and

film and

Monroe County Heritage Museum

Lee lawsuit and

50th anniversary and

Monroe County High School

Monroe County Library

Monroe County schools

Monroe Journal

A.C. sells



A.C. and civic life in

Capote and

KKK and

Lee's childhood in

Lee's old age in

Lee visits

annual play in

50th anniversary and

film and

makes famous

publication and

Peck visits

Pakula visits

segregation and


Monroeville Bank Trust

Monroeville Chamber of Commerce

Monroeville Elementary School

Monroeville Kiwanis club

Monroeville Library


bus boycott

Lee book signing in

Whatley reassigned to

Montgomery Advertiser

Moon Is Down, The

Mount Holyoke College

Mount Muncie Cemetery

Mulligan, Robert

Mullins, Atticus

Munro, Irene

Murphy, Rosemary

Music Man, The

Nabokov, Vladimir

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Association of Wheat Growers

National Book Award

National Council of Teachers of English

National Council on the Arts

National Guard

National Public Radio

National Review

Nations, Mack


Neal, Patricia

Newquist, Roy

New South


New York Daily News

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Morning Telegraph

New York Times

bestseller list

New York World's Fair

New York World Telegram

Nichols, Marjorie

Night Fire

“Nightmare” (Lee story)

Norris, Helen

Northrup, Clyde McCall

Northrup, William Henderson

Nunn, Dr. Grady H.

Nunn, Torrey Hohoff

Nurnberg, Andrew

Nye, Harold

O'Connor, Flannery

Old Yeller

Oliver Twist


Once Is Not Enough

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

On the Road

Other Voices, Other Rooms

Idabel based on Lee

Lee on

Otis, Elizabeth

O'Toole, Peter


Overton, Frank

Oxford University

Pakula, Alan

Paley, Babe

Pannell, Anne Gary

Panhellenic Association

Parallax View, The

Parks, Rosa

Passani, Veronique

Paton, Alan

Patton, George S.

Paxton, Collin Wilcox

Peck, Gregory

Academy Award and

cast as Atticus Finch

Lee and

film shaped by

National Council for the Arts and

visits Monroeville

Peckinpah, Sam

Penguin Books

Penn, Arthur


Perkins, Anthony

Persons, Archulus Julius (Capote's father)

Persons, Truman Streckfus.
Capote, Truman

Peters, Brock

Phillips, Thomas Hal

Piersall, Jimmy

Pinkus, Leigh Ann Winnick

Pinkus, Samuel L.

Lee fires

Lee lawsuit vs.

Plimpton, George

Polk, Dr. L. Reed

Popular Library

Portnoy's Complaint

(Huntingdon literary magazine)

Preston, Robert

Pride and Prejudice

Prose, Francine

Pulitzer, Joseph

Pulitzer Prize

Pulitzer Prize Novels, The

Purdy, Mae

Pynchon, Thomas

Rabbits' Wedding, The

See also
blacks; segregation; white southerners


film and


Radley's Fountain Grille

Radney, Tom, Sr.

Rammer Jammer
(humor magazine)

Rand, Ayn

Random House

(TV series)

Reader's Digest, Condensed Books

Reed, Emily Wheelock

Renais, Alain

Republican Party

Reverend, The
(Lee's nonfiction book project)

Revue Studios

Richards, Robert P.

Richardson, Tony

Richmond News-Leader

Ride the High Country

Ritt, Martin

Robbins, Jerome

Robert Montgomery Presents
(TV show)

Roberts, Douglas

Roberts, Leo R.

Robinson, Earl

Rockefeller Family Portrait, A

“Roomful of Kibble, A” (Lee short story)

Rorem, Ned

Roth, Jerry

Rover Boys
series (Stratemeyer)

Rubinstein, Elizabeth Winick

Rudisill, Marie Faulk

Rupp, Bobby

Ryland, Cecil

Saint, Eva Marie

Salinger, J. D.

Sandoz, Mari

Sanford, Logan

Sanguinetti, Elise

Sarris, Andrew

Saturday Review

Sawyer, Sheriff

Schrader, M. C.

Schulkers, Robert F.

Schwerner, Michael

Scott, Randolph

Searcy Hospital for the Insane

Seckatary Hawkins series (Schulkers)

Seeley, Clinton

See also

Selznick, David O.

Sergel, Christopher

Shakespeare, William

Shawn, William

Sheridan, Ann

Shobe, Johnny

Shoot the Piano Player

Siegel, Stanley

Silverstone, Jonas

Sims, Louise

Sims, Zoot

Single Pebble, A


Smart, William

Smith, Harrison

Smith, Lillian

Smith, Margaret Chase

Smith, Perry

Capote and

Capote and Lee interviews of

Capote at hanging of

Smith, Sydney

“Snow-on-the-Mountain” (Lee short story)

Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI

“Some Writers of Our Times” (Lee parody)


Soul on Ice

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Southern Democrats

Southern Rhodesia missionary

Soviet Union

Spiral Road, The

Stallworth, Nicholas

Stanley Siegel Show, The

Stark, Dr.

Starkweather, Charles

State Department

Steinbeck, John

Steiner, George

Stevens, Connie

Stevens, George

Stevens, Roger

Stevenson, Robert Louis

Stewart, William

St. Mark's United Methodist Church (Montgomery)

stock market crash of 1929

Stoecklein, Alfred

Storm Fear

“Story Behind a Nonfiction Novel, The” (Plimpton)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher

Strange Fruit

Stratemeyer, Edward

Stringer, Polly

Strode, Hudson

Strode, Therese

Stuckey, W. J.

Studio One
(TV series)

“Stuff White People Do” (blog post)

Summer of '42

Susann, Jacqueline

(TV series)

Sweet Briar College

Tate, Roland

Taylor, A.J.P.

Tennessee Commercial Appeal

“Thanksgiving Visitor, The” (Capote)

“This Is Show Business” (Lee short story)

Till, Emmett


Todd, Alden

To Kill a Mockingbird

adapted as play

Atticus Finch modeled on A. C. Lee

autobiographical aspect

awarded Pulitzer Prize

awards and honors and

banned in Richmond

book clubs and

Boo Radley modeled on Son Boulware

Capote and

childhood in

civil rights and

Crain and revisions of

Depression South in

Dill modeled on Capote

early Lee story and

Ewell family in

Faulk house fire and

50th anniversary of

film rights sold

foreign sales and

Hohoff's editorial impact on

Jem modeled on Edwin Lee

Kansas state motto and

law vs. justice theme and

Lee on

Lee's mother as model for Aunt Alexandra in

missionary ladies in

Miss Maudie modeled on Gladys Watson

Monroeville and success of

mother in

Mrs. Dubose modeled on Mrs. Jones

narrators and point-of-view in

Pinkus sued on rights

popularity of

publication and early success of

rabid dog scenes

racism and

reassessment of, post-1990s

reviews of

sales of

Sam Levy modeled on Meyer Katz

schools and

success of

themes of

Tom Robinson character and

trial modeled on Lett and Ezell trials

renamed as


West Point lecture by Lee on

To Kill a Mockingbird

Academy Awards and

Atticus Productions and

Atticus role expanded in

Brentwood Productions and

casting of

income from

Lee in Hollywood during shooting

music and

premiere of

Peck and

Pinkus and

production and shooting of

responses to

rights sold

screenplay by Foote


social criticism in

title design

To Kill a Mockingbird
(Sergel play adaptation)

Torrence, Elon

Tracy, Spencer

Trevor-Roper, Hugh

Truffaut, François

Tucker, Mel

Tuscaloosa News

Tutwiler, Julia

20th Century-Fox

Twilight Zone
(TV show)

Union High School (Monroeville)

United Methodist Youth Fellowship

United Press International (UPI)

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army Air Corps

U.S. Congress

U.S. Information Agency

U.S. Supreme Court

Universal Studios

University of Alabama

awards Lee honorary degree

integration of

Lee drops out of

Lee studies law at

Lee writes for campus publications


Tonja Carter studies law at

University of Mississippi

integration of

University of Notre Dame

awards Lee honorary degree

Untidy Pilgrim, The

Up the Down Staircase

Valley of the Dolls

Van Meter, Marcia

Van Vleet, Gerald

Veritas Media

Vietnam War

“Viewer and the Viewed, The” (Lee story)

Village Voice


voting rights

Wagner, Robert

Wallace, George

Walter, Eugene

Warner Bros.

Washington Post

Watson, Doc

Watson-Burkett, Gladys

Wayne, John

Well of Loneliness, The

Wells, Floyd

Wells, Kay

Welty, Eudora

Wesley, John

West, Duane

West Point Military Academy

Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Whatley, Ray E.

“When Children Discover America” (Lee article)

When the Church Bell Rang Racist

White, E. B.

White Citizens' Council

white southerners

Wilde, Cornel

William Morris Agency

Williams, Annie Laurie

Alice and

background of

Capote and

Crain's illness and death and

Lee's relationship with

Lee's second novel and

Lee shows work to Crain and


film and

retirement of

Williams, Fern

Williams, Garth

Williams, R. B. “Dickie” (cousin)

Wilson, Argybell

Wilson, Merl

Wind Creek Casino

Windham, Donald

Windom, William

Winick, Eugene

Winick, Ina

Winick, Leigh Ann

“Wink at Justice, A” (Lee story)

Winsor, Kathleen

Wizard of Oz, The

Wolfe, Thomas

Women's College of Alabama (
Huntingdon College)

Women's Society of Christian Service

Wonderful World of Chemistry

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