Moby Clique (10 page)

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Authors: Cara Lockwood

Tags: #Body, #Characters in literature, #Ghost stories, #Illinois, #Action & Adventure, #Private schools, #High school students, #Juvenile Fiction, #English literature, #Characters and characteristics in literature, #Mysteries & Detective Stories, #General, #Mind & Spirit, #Supernatural, #Boarding schools, #Sisters, #Missing persons, #Ghosts, #Fiction, #School & Education

BOOK: Moby Clique
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“But what if we find her and bring her back? Before then?” Blade asks, suddenly stepping up from behind me.

Ms. P considers Blade and then the rest of us.

“You know I can’t sanction the lot of you going on an expedition,” Ms. P says.


“But nothing,” Ms. P says. “Let the faculty sort it out.”

“You can’t just give us a wink and say you won’t report us if we bring back Lindsay with no fuss?” Samir asks.

Ms. P gives him a severe look. “Do I seem like one of those teachers who doesn’t mind bending the rules?”

“Um, yeah?” Samir ventures.

“No,” Ms. P says. “Students shouldn’t explore the island unsupervised, and that includes you. At any time. For any reason.”

“We’re losing time,” Heathcliff says, breaking the silence suddenly. “If we don’t look for her now…”

“Let us handle it,” Ms. P says, more curt than usual, her eyes sharp as she cuts Heathcliff off in midsentence. “And I believe all of you have classes to go to.”

Once Ms. P has left, I turn to Heathcliff.

“What did you mean? About losing time?”

Heathcliff meets my gaze, his eyes guarded. “The forest isn’t safe for a girl alone,” he says.

“You mean the men we saw?”

Heathcliff shrugs. “Among other things,” he adds mysteriously, but doesn’t elaborate.

“Um, I’m not going to lie to you, you’re freaking us out a little,” Samir says to Heathcliff, but he just stares at him.

“Do you think you can lead us to her?” I ask Heathcliff.

Heathcliff nods. “I know where Whale Cove is,” he says.

“Wait a second, you can’t go after her,” Samir says. “Ms. P just said…”

“I’m in,” Hana says.

“And me,” Blade adds.

“Have you all gone crazy?” Samir looks at all of us as if we all just sprouted second heads. “I mean, didn’t you hear Heathcliff? There are
in the forest. Dangerous things, am I right?” Samir glances over at Heathcliff, who nods. “See? He’s even agreeing with me. It’s not

“All the more reason I have to find my sister,” I say, determined. “She doesn’t know about the island or about the school. She has no idea what she’s in for.”

“But Ms. P said the faculty was on top of things. They’ll find her. They’re ghosts. They know everything.”

“They don’t, actually,” Hana adds.

“Well, at least they’re already dead,” Samir points out.

“Come on—didn’t you want to find your buried treasure? Maybe this is your chance,” Blade tells Samir. He considers this for a moment and then relents.

“Well, I
it might be okay then. But only if I get eighty percent of what we find.”

“How soon do we leave?” I ask.

“Now,” Heathcliff says.


Heathcliff gives us
just enough time to grab a few supplies from our rooms (snacks, bottled water, and a blanket) and make our way out toward the woods. I also leave a note for Ms. W in my room. I figure if she comes looking for me, she’ll find it. I trust her, and am pretty sure she won’t call my parents unless she has to, and if we aren’t back by the time she comes looking for me tomorrow, then we might need her help.

That is, if we ever leave.

Getting to the woods is easier said than done, since the campus is crawling with Guardians and faculty and it happens to be broad daylight. You don’t just walk straight into the woods without attracting some attention. That is, unless you’re with the crew team, which practices by the river every afternoon. Hana decides that going separately and meeting up by the river is the best course of action, as one or two of us won’t attract as much attention as all five.

I’m supposed to make my way behind the library and into the woods, but before I even round the bend of the library I find myself staring at Parker and Ryan Kent, who are both sitting together on the library steps.

“Miranda,” Parker says, looking a little annoyed. I must be mucking up her one-on-one time with the campus’ hottest new singleton.

Still, seeing her just makes my blood boil. If it wasn’t for her manipulating Lindsay, none of this would’ve happened.

“I hope you’re happy,” I tell Parker, getting close enough to her to make her take a step back.

Ryan looks from Parker to me and back again.

“I don’t know what you mean,” Parker says, trying to look innocent.

“You sent my sister off into the woods,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Me? I didn’t send your sister anywhere,” Parker says, shrugging, as if she couldn’t care less about Lindsay. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“What’s wrong? Where’s your sister?” Ryan says, cutting into Parker’s denial and looking suddenly concerned. “I mean, is she okay?” Ryan looks at me now. He’s a little too interested in Lindsay. He sure isn’t acting like a guy who’s about to tell her he’s not looking to date. I glance at Parker, who seems peeved. Maybe Ryan
crushing on my sister. Great, that’s all I need.

“I think she’s gone to Whale Cove, but then Parker knows that already.”

Parker just sniffs and rolls her eyes. “Whatever,” she hisses under her breath.

“Whale Cove? On the other side of the island? But that’s far and…” Ryan pauses. “Probably dangerous.”

Again, the note of concern. And why do I find that so very annoying?

“I know. That’s why I’m going after her.” Instead of sounding brave and sisterly, my voice sounds peevish.

“You can’t go into the woods. That’s against the rules.” Parker smirks at me. I realize I’ve said too much. Now, Parker will head straight to Headmaster B and rat me out.

“I don’t care. She’s my sister and I have to help her,” I say.

“I’m going with you,” Ryan says, jumping up from the library steps. Again, he sure is eager to find my sister.

“That’s not necessary.”

“It is,” Ryan says, determined.

“You can’t!” Parker exclaims. Because if he goes, she can’t tell. She doesn’t want to get her golden boy in trouble.

Above my head, the clock tower tolls, signaling the end of free period. That’s my sign. I should be in the woods by now.

“You coming or not? I’m late,” I say, pulling up the straps of my backpack and heading off in the direction of the woods.

“I’m going,” Ryan says, slinging on his backpack.

Parker looks from Ryan to me and back again. “Then I’m going, too.”

“You can’t go,” I say.

“Why not?” Parker says.

“Because this is all your fault,” I hiss.

Ryan frowns at Parker.

“She’s crazy,” Parker tells Ryan. “I have no idea what she’s talking about, but Lindsay was my…uh, friend.” Parker says the word as if it leaves a bad taste in her mouth. “The least I can do is help look for her.”

I know Parker is lying. She would rather chew off her own arm than help me or Lindsay. There’s only one reason on earth she would be willing to go on this little expedition and that’s to keep a close eye on Ryan.

“Look, I’ve got to go,” I say, turning.

“Then we’re both going with you,” Ryan says as he and Parker follow me.

After narrowly avoiding being caught by two Guardians on patrol, the three of us manage to meet up with the others by the river. As I could’ve predicted, no one is happy to see Parker.

“What is
doing here?” Hana exclaims when I show up with Parker and Ryan in tow.

Heathcliff just looks at Ryan and then at Parker and scowls. His feelings are written all over his face. I feel a pang of guilt. I hadn’t thought about how this might hurt Heathcliff. The last person he’d want to deal with is my ex. Not that I had a choice in the matter, but still. Honestly, the last person
want to deal with right now is my ex. Especially since he seems to have a thing for my sister.

“Did you also invite the entire marching band?” Samir asks.

“As if I’d be caught dead in the marching band,” Parker sniffs.

“It’s a long story. Parker and Ryan say they want to help,” I say.

“Since when does Parker care about anything but Parker?” Blade asks me, not even bothering to lower her voice.

“I’m right here, you know. I can hear you,” Parker says.

“Oh really?” Blade says in mock surprise. “Because I don’t care.”

The two give each other hostile stares.

Samir takes the opportunity to lean over and whisper in my ear. “Just so you know, I’m still hanging on to my eighty percent of the treasure,” he says, face serious. “I’m not splitting it with either of them.”

“Um, Miranda? Can I talk to you a minute?” Hana asks me, a worried look on her face. She tugs me aside, out of earshot near a large tree, and whispers, “You know you can’t trust Parker. What is she

“If I’d left her behind she probably would’ve told on us. At least this way she’s an accomplice.”

“Yeah, or maybe she just wants to come along so she can kill you and not have to worry about disposing of the body.”

“Hana, there are six of us and one of her. I doubt she can kill all of us.”

“I’m just saying that we ought to keep an eye on her.”

When we return to the group, Heathcliff and Ryan are eyeing each other warily. Heathcliff is slightly taller and definitely broader, but Ryan looks determined not to blink first.

This is so not good. I feel tiny pricks in my stomach, and I realize they’re nerves. I don’t know what to do—stick close to Heathcliff? Ignore Ryan? My stomach is a tangle of knots. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, that Heathcliff was the one for me, suddenly I’m not so sure. Which one do I like more? I haven’t felt this confused since the first day of trig.

After the two boys have their little stare-down contest, Ryan talks first.

“Do you have a problem?” he says to Heathcliff, his voice tight.

Oh no. Don’t provoke him, I think. Heathcliff is strong, really strong, and knows how to fight.

Hana sends me a knowing look, as if to say,
see the mess you’ve made

Heathcliff scowls at Ryan, a look that should’ve scared him, but Ryan holds his ground and doesn’t look away. Everyone, even Parker, seems to be holding their breath, waiting for what happens next. Heathcliff is anything but predictable.

I must look worried because Heathcliff glances over at me and holds my gaze for a long second. Then, as if deciding to take the peaceful way out, Heathcliff scoffs at Ryan, as if my ex acting like a tough guy is really funny, and shakes his head. I exhale, relieved. The last thing I want is a fight. But I don’t know whether it’s because I want to protect Ryan or because I don’t want Heathcliff to be the kind of guy who can’t control his temper, the kind of bad guy that Ms. W is always warning me about.

Heathcliff meets my eye and then nods toward the forest. I take the cue and follow him.

“Uh, wait, we’re going? Already?” Samir asks, fumbling to get his backpack on.

“Come on, slow poke,” Blade says, nudging him as she passes by.

“Hang on one second,” Ryan says, running up by my side and grabbing me by the elbow. “Heathcliff is leading us?”

“Yeah, why?” I ask Ryan, trying not to get sucked into his blue, blue eyes.

“I mean, you
him? I thought he was a thug,” Ryan says, his voice little more than a whisper. I don’t know if Heathcliff can hear him or not.

“He’s the only one who really knows his way around the forest. We have to trust him.”

“But, Miranda…” Ryan starts.

Heathcliff, realizing I’m not right behind him, slows and turns and sees that Ryan is holding me up. He doesn’t like that one bit. He glares at Ryan. And I’m starting to get annoyed with Ryan, too. I know he doesn’t like Heathcliff, but picking a fight with a guy twice his size isn’t going to do anyone any good. Is he just suicidal or what?

“I’m following Heathcliff,” I say. “If you have a problem with that, then turn back now.”

Ryan’s face falls a little and, out of the corner of my eye, I see Heathcliff smile smugly. Score one for Heathcliff.

“I’m not going back,” Ryan says, clearly not happy about it, but stubbornly keeping to his promise.

Heathcliff leans back and grabs my hand, pulling me forward. I let him, and Ryan doesn’t like that too much, either, but he doesn’t say anything. He just follows a few steps behind.

Behind us, the bell tolls in rapid succession.

“Um, does that mean what I think it means?” Samir asks us. It sounds like the runaway bell. And that means Guardians will be headed into the woods after us.

“Parker!” Blade shouts. “
did this.”

“How did I do this?” Parker cries. “I’m
aren’t I? Why would I turn myself in?”

Seconds after the bell tolls, I hear dogs in the distance. They’re the search dogs and the Guardians won’t be far behind.

“Run!” Heathcliff shouts to us, even as the frantic sound of dogs barking grows louder in our ears.


Branches whip at my face,
even as I’m sure the dogs are getting closer.

“I hate dogs! Did I mention I hate dogs?” Samir pants behind me.

“Shut up and run!” Blade says, pushing on Samir’s back.

“What do you think I’m doing? This
me running!” Samir shouts.

“Would you two love birds shut up!” Hana shouts, running past both of them.

Parker and Ryan veer off to the right, just as Heathcliff goes left. He’s still holding my hand and I can barely keep up with him. My chest burns and I’m out of breath from running, and it feels like I might throw up. Heathcliff lets go of my hand as the forest gets thicker, and he tries to use both his arms to clear a path for us through the brush.

But pretty soon he’s pulling away from me. First a few steps, and then a few yards. I can’t even catch my breath enough to tell him to slow down, and before I know it, my foot snags on a branch lying on the ground, and I fall, headfirst, into the forest floor of leaves.

“Miranda!” cries Blade, the closest to me. Hana and Samir, already ahead of us, didn’t see me fall.

Blade helps me up. My elbows and knees are throbbing. I’m sure I’ve done some damage. I don’t have time to think about that because suddenly, poking its head out into the clearing, is one of the search dogs. It’s huge, and snarling, and it’s got drool dripping off its front fangs.

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